HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-03-03117,0 .. RESIDENTIAL.. c )MBINAII 0N APPLr CAr r)N /PEPilrr 225 North ith Stneet Sprin4fi.elC, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELD ?a Lot # iob Locaticttt 5b Suisdiuision: Aaceaoors l.ldp ,4 ndbaes: $(p Asnet:L Photte: ctq' Sp,lpC Ft <-t-D zip: Q Z4Z Z Dsqibe Oork: sts74y. 5o cla-?€J HIAQ.-6 T*IZ._'L. nKT $.a.11 ilo, UM* l-k 4r-*- Date or' Aooli,aciotr Mdirion Value 5. )O Date: ry U7,r*f", I SE 500 4?o ,dO Genetal 33-t'- l.techoiezl Constdtction Lendzt It ia the respotcibitity of tlr permit lloLd.o to Eee tlut aLL ittspectionn (De nad.e at :he prqe" tilne, tLdt acch ':ilresa i8 "ed)^\iefrott tlw street, dd, t|rat the pdltit cad, ia Leated et th: frcnt of tlu propettg.-tguilli.V bluiciot- aVTta:ed, pTbt alcll \ry\or,tP h/adbq sita at aLL ?inee. PnOEDtnE POR S?ECLfON REQWilI: CaLL'H tn*ord*) Etate yout City ,1.eeigazted, job mtxber, iob ,i,l-eae, type of inspecticn @eaavfolitopcccol.'Contvactoteilainzre-naneold.ptlorcrulbe.Peqp8tsleceicedbefcle7:00n '"tiLL fu ilode thc aane d4, r.equ.ats nada afta 7:00 an tiLL be nado the n*t:,ntkitq day. Peainci Tamee*ias g,zl)^tw Ciq Deaigrutd, Job tWe Is: DE|'OLm2N 0R v1":t -a-,JrL:::ics S@ritdg ea;et cqgei :t prroga-?; Lir.e Septic totk VrrEed az filZad ith gzasel liul - ,t,lhetz cbcue ittns ee *ttrpleted cd, uherl Canciitr.on ie corolexe ot st:n&' ape noueti oi pr*Laea cLeorei ug. ll l Wbile ilcnes BLockittg od. Sat-'tp Plunbitq cotuwcticns -- ea';or ad ualer Electm)cal Cofiection - Blcck'bg' set-uo od. plunbing cottneetione F,;st Za qprcxed befote reqtuatitq electrtcal )r.epec;iot Acceasory fuiHittg liral - After ntehes, sk'-miry, Cecks, etc. @e cenolatad. lll l l F:ge 1 of 2 S g INS?12I1N: ?o be de aft**uttaticn, but prio,. b sat tq of fottrd. UilDERSUB PLUI,IBIf,G. 1LE*RICAL & MCHAil|CAL: lo be nade bafote etq ffiierd,. FColnG t F1UNDAT|Cil: lo be no.ds @ezcoatedotd fano ee etected, but prior to pouring ccncreta. UNDZRGP.OUIID PLAME,IXC, SS"'IER. II,1!8 . Lttq *enzhee. UIIDEPFUOR ?LUI,IBIIIG E IECPANTCAL : @offloor inau|ction or decking. POgl AND SeAlt: lo be na.da etior to ffiof fLoor iwt:latiott ot dzckittg. lOUCfl PlAErrQ. _ILECiR!?A| & XECHJ ANTCA-L: ilo to"k as ;o oe cou'ar?d, ffithose ittspec;tots hante been flwd.e a1d qrorteC. INSTTUTION /VAPOR SARRIIR IIS?lCiIOil : lo bo nadt aftet aLL i,rist ktbn od rquitd oqot b*llri.erc oe in place ttt befote ory la,th, ggpsut boal or taLL ao*ittg ie qplied,, od befote otg insul,ation ie conceald. DRlllNL I\ISPECA!1f,: lc be nade aftq aLL dry,nll ia in Pla,ca,but p?io" to any tqing. tlAS2ilOI: Stael Loeatiotr, bond, Wgrauting ot oertiala in accotdrqae vlth u.E.c. Section 2415. ?ooDS?qtE: anpLetezi. C'tlRB & APPRCACfl tiP.$N: Aftet lornesa ee'eiieC itt prJot b pouring ,Xi'rlete. SIDE\IALK E DRT,EIIAI: Pol, aLL cot- c?ete pffing d,thin streat rtght- of-rry, to be rwCe aftet aLL ezca- oatittg carplete & fonr wk & cttb- ix,ee tcterial in Plae. Aftar irctalTation ie u PZ^AELACE:ffii;*ion to plccirq od. befote ftuning fceiry inapec- lion. tPilEllG: l,frist b. reattestd. aft* appnooal of rough phttrhing' electrl- al & r,ecltoi,eal. ALt toofittg bnacitq t chi:mcad, etc. nli,st be ccryLeted. llo tprk i.s to be eon- cecLed. tntil thia inegeaticn laa been nade d, qpzwed,. Mt/J-t frNCE: ;"thett mOlete -- fuoviie @ * notabie Eectiana Yittottgit DIIF ?tu n Stph ALT. goject eondittoae, orch o8 tlu installation of s*eet frees, cc.,nol;ian_of ;ie *atired landscqirq, atc., musx be satisfied beiore tl,a tsUILDI:C F!|IAL :qt ie reouesced'. ?IN,AL BAILDINC: the Final Btil.ding Inoectiotr mtst be requeoted af)et :7a F4naL ?lubing \-i gZactrical, oE lleehdtical inspecx:-ono -hanta been nade ad qptoved.tl ?TIIAL PLUABTilG IINAL \4ECEA|:IICAL FIffAL EI,EE|RICAL .ALL IANECLES AND CLEANOWS IIUS? BE ACCESSItsLE, ADJUSTIIENI ?O 9E !!4DE !;? NO CCST lO :TY 7 ,rourr" ro " r D lr T tru l l , Jcb Nwtber: bt Sq. FW. % cf Lct Cove?aga # of Storles Total Eeight iopogwqltg Puilding PettrLt State ?otal Clunaee LOT ?YPE _ fntertcr _ Cotqe" _ Potlwdle Clll-de-eac Reference lluabets: -.- Fees -- L-C06 #: Bedrooms: Building Vqlue & Permit lhis pernnt is granted an the etP"esa eodition tlat tlle sadd, constTaction sltall, in aLL respects, eonfotn to the fudinotce cdopted by the cnty gf Sprtnqfield, includtng the Zoning Cvdittoue, regzlating the ccns*"mtcticn otd, use of buildings, and nay be suspetded ot retsol<eC at any time upon oio- Ta,tLon of ang prcuisione of said ordiflances. * !!eat AceessDEouse Lot Faces - ValueI!EI,I sQ. EtG x &a,dce e@Dot,t Accesao"u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid Receipt ll: Plurnbing Permit No petson slnll conatvuct, inetal|., altet ot cho'qe dry r1.eD cr eristlng phnnbittg or dtaino4e sVotsil in ulole ot in pot, unlesa euch petaon is the Legal posaesaor of a oalid plunbet's Li.cense, acePt tltat a pe"sorl nwg do plmbing uork to prope"t! ulrtch is oaned, Leaaed or opetated by the 6ppli' wtt. N0. *5 ITEM Fi.sAEes Reei.detttiaL (1 bath) Seuet CEARGEfLL Plunbtng Pelrrit State .,.'- I the be done ELeetrLcalalStatel,lhere Lat tlut Lectricale uotk by ConLvactor.Labethe hasL been thesignedby lla,t/Ectezd, Semsice Elec[ifgl Permit i!9M Mechonicol Permit Ezluast HooC Wcodstooe Vent Eot Pendt fssu.otce lilechanical Pendt Sec.rLty Deposit llgoqg" l4qtntenqtce Penlrtt Cu.tbeut Si.da,taLk Eleettical htbel Itobile Hone 5.e<)T1EAL AI"IOUN! DaE: * I HAVO CAREFULLY |XAAINED t?a cotryLeted application for pentrtt, a1d do heteby certify that a.LL t)nfornation hereon ie Ltu,e and. caweet, otd, I further eertify that ory ard aLL wrk perfonted slall be fute in accor- dance rrith the 2rd&tstcee of the City of Springfield, otd. the Las of the State of 0negon pertaining to the utork Ceec?ibed kerein, end. that N0 1CCU- PANCy tlill be nade of any structure tttlwut penn'ission of the Building Di-Diaion. f ft*ther eefiify tlnt cnly cortt"acto"s od, eqlcgeee aho ee in canpliatce u'r.th CRS 7a1.055 tyill be used on this projeet PLaTi Etatlne?u4xe 3 t?*eu/'cz Date ,i t :,Qr7'-n (DeLue) PTnn Chcck Fca: Signed: i'lc.ItrF ?en.e