HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1977-01-31crlY 0F SPRTNGFTILD, oREG( Bulldlng DepartmenE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE fhir corctf(er EhaE the butldtng .nd propcrty,locared aE ' 5633 Thurston hd has b een lnapected and ound to comply vlth the ordlnancea of the Cltyof Sprlngfleld, Oregon. Ownera Name Alorlz tuith Addreea Same Cicy SprlncfLelcl, CR 17477 Januaqir 31, L977 DaEā‚¬'Building Inspector ' Itema of epeclal conslderatlon are:__- i-a t-17 t I DEPARTMENT OF PURI.IC WORK.j ()I'-i-''")f, ()}i' tGjPFtIhTGF'IlilTJD SPRINGI-IELD. OREGON 97 477 January 25, L9-17 346 MAIN STREET 7 4'1 -4221 Mr. Alr>nzo Smith 5633 Thurston Road Springfielal, OR 9'1477 De.rr l4r. Smith: At your rcquest, the Br.rj-1d:'-ng Dcpartrnent of the City of Sprinfielcl made a housing inspection on January 24, L977, at 5533 Thurston Road, Springfieltl, Oregon.. The follorving: iteins \,rerc founrl to be in need of ::epair or repl.aceuent to conform to t-he Unifor:rn Housing Code as adople<1 by {:he City of Springfield: 1.The electrical boxes in the family room off the kitchen must be flush with the face of the Paneling. 2 l.he door betv;een the family room and garage shall have an automatic closer- / 3. A pipe will be rr:quired between range hooil and vent in roof. A11 work must be completed according to applicabls codes and inspected before a Certi.ficate of Cornpliance is issued. Should you have any further o.uestions, please feel free to conl-act the Spring- field Building Departrnent at 726-3753. Sinc Y, Dan Smith Building fnspector DS: Sm A*