HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-06-26!&.. RESID {TIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 BuiLdtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Cons?usllon_Lende!- F.OO -t Cl o-4 t..?a /e.-6./6 /s.n.60 --/el 62.74 SPTINGFIELI> F<- F-7 7+/% P.7'f/fu 87.rr% Date -2 \,'7 o .\ L rt ie the rcsponaibi-Lilu .of-tte penrtt ltold* to aee tlnt alt inspectiotts ee nad,e at tle ptope? time, that each addtess is teacqbief.y.-tly at\eet' and that the pdrntt catd ie Located. at thi froni o7 the prope*y.*Building Nuiciot apy,o"*ed pLan shcll rewain on tltz n":,latr"lg'V'ile at aLL times. ?.R)cgDUP\Fon rysPEnroV REqwsrrCALLT26-3769(z'ecotder) state gouz, city desigtnted. job nttnbet,, job aciress, type of inspeeti.cr, i-1*'i:"1-fo*",1":11" aiLL be ?eady for inspection' cotTt?aet"i, on atters nane and pTnne nunber. Requests receixed. befcre z:00 an'evLLL be made the eane dag' ?equests nade aft* ?:00 qn rttll be nad.e the ""rt i"i1ig ioy. Reauinerl fnsoc-cticns Iatr City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs: ?r to -32 -eGioE-e--LJob Location: Assessore Map #Taa lpt # QoLe G3o o r.J2- L Otmer: Addtess: ci () r' ' 1zL .qil ?2.+-z ! /-?s cour / r6s, od*/ ff*b-i'p'r-x -to f,:l_. " .&irLy D*r.r(Lr.,., 1 Sy Ia-n--hlt roN i t ^. p tro N a. ilq 1 - 2G -s-Date of Additian RemoCeL o\Value oNt 'fer.+s,ft r,.l AddOnre- dLo,^re.r-, GeneraL SruE INSPECTION: ezcaoation, but ?o be nade after pt ior tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL &tacyttlrcnt:@ny _uoz,k ie eottered. FO2TING & F?UNDATICN: ?o be rmCeal'ter trenches aye eeccuated and. fotns ate erected, but ptior topou"'tng ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLLIMEING. SEIIEP.'I.ATER, D.RIIIIAGE: Io be naCe priot, to fil-Lirq trenehee. AIDERFL9OR PLUTETNG & MECilANTCAL: offloor ineulction oz, decking. POS? AND IEAM: To be made prLor toGtaaffin of floor irauT)tion oy decking. ROUCH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MEC!-ANTcAL:@until these inspections haue been nad.e ud. appz.oued.. rNStiLATr)N/vApoR BARRTER ntSpEC?rON : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn e,d. required oapoz, beriera @e in place bat before ory laih, Wpslon bcanC or m.LL cooering is applied, and. beforeay insulation is concealed. Sanitoty seuer eapped at pz,operty Lire Septic tank purped artd. filled trith gra;sei Final - hlzen abcoe itens ate cclnpleted and uhen Canolition is eonplete bt stttic- tuz,e noued and. pt'ewlaes cleaneC up. DEI.IOLTTIO!] OR Piral - Afteretc. are eonp pcrekes, Leted. skirting, decks, fonns. FTREPLACE: materials Pm)or to placirg and before frailng fi4 DRY\|ALL INSPZ1?I)N: Tc be made l*l after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, - but prior to any tapirq.-r WSONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gzouting or oerticals in aceotd.otce uith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. llo0DSTOI,/E: cclnpmA. After install,ation is Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aaie? otd. uater Electrical Catnection - Bloekittg, eet-ua ard. plunbing eonnecti,ons nust bb apprcxiibefore requesting electytcal inspeelion Accessory- Bui.lding lacingT.nspee- CURB & APPR)ACH APP,1N: After fontsee ez,ecteC but prior to pour"ing eoncrete. SfDEWALK & DRfWilAI: Eoy all eon- et,ete paoittg tithin stteet right-of-txA, to be made aften all ecca-oating conplete & forn r"ptk & sub- base nater.tal in place. PENCE: h4'ten conplete -- fuouiCegates or nouable sectians through P. U.E. tion. FRA-1.,!rNG:, titust be requested aftetapproual of rough pl*r,ting, electyi-caL & mec?nnieal. ALL roofirq fu,aeing &- ehitnneys, etc. mtst be . eompLeted. llo Dcrk is to be con_._cealed unti,L this inspection ttas'been nade anC appz,otted. FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL AWHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL p?oieet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of tietequi?ed Lartdsceping, etc.' m$t be satisfied before-tie BUILDTNG FfNAL ean be tequested. \4,/ Electrical, otc. Mectunical rnspeciio"o 'wn ii"i-ii.'ira'oppno,u"i.. - E_l *ALL I4AttHcLES AND cLEANours lrusr BE AIIESSTBLE, ADJUSTITEII lo BE I.L4DE AT rlo ccsr ro cny Page 7 of 2 a Subdioision: u c ta JOB NO.soLAR 4\CCESS REQ.- t: L-CO Bedtoons Access. t P. L.House Lot Faces - % of Lot Ccoaage_ # of Stories LO? ?WE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhandle C'ul-de-sac Iat Sq. ?tg. ?otal Eeight Topogrcphy -- Fees -- rTEM SQ. F?C x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pezmLt is granted on the ecpress condition ttat the said-consttaction slnll-, in all rbspects, conform to the crdirwnce edopted t)y the City of Sptingfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance' regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildi.ngs, and nay be suspended or reookeC at cnV tine upon oic- Lation of dL! prcoisions of said Ordir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Pernrrt z e .#-State Total Clnrges 2 .fr Sigted: NO.CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No pevson slnll conshuct, instal!, alter or change anA neu cr esisting _plttnbing or drainage sAstar in uhole or in paz't, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwrbet's Lt)cense, escePt tlnt a pelson r*A 4o^plttntL.ig aork to property uhich is oaned, leased or opez'ated by the qpPli.- @flt. Fi,ztutes *O Resid.enti,al (1 bath) Sam)Sa'ter Pltnbing Penrtt d- State *Iotal Neu/Eoterd Circuits Sertsice .ra.e ,60 NC FgE CIIARCE * Mechcr nicol Permit E hanst HooC llcodstoite Vent Fot Petmtt Issuanee Mechtanicel Permit -- ENCROACEMENT -. Sec"rLtu Deposit Storage Maintenarrce Penr|t Cu?bcut Sida,talk ?enoe EZeetrieal Label Mobile Home Reeeipt #: ,ne? 1-4'ff W ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXA\IINED the eompleted application for penntt, and do hereby cettify that aLL inforTnation hereoi ia tt'ue and eorrect, anC I futtk-er certify that any ard aLL uork perfomred slnl-L be done in accor- 'dance ,,tith the- yrdinanebs of the City of Sprlngfield, artd. the La,;s of the* State of 1r,egon pe?taining to the w?k Ceseribed herein, and tlat N0 jCCU- PANcy trtll be nade of any strwctttle vithout pennission of the Suildi.ng DL- uision. f further cettifg that only contractots and arrplcyees uho are in conpliance oith ORS 707.055 uiLL be uaed on thie proieet ( -z 6 .-9.r-A*' ?OTAL AI4OUN? DUE:'d;2.?6 Signed Date Ras - ,9n- ff.o - ebrd-itr2a Electricql Permit It?ere State La,t reEtires tl"a.t the electrlcal uork be doae by cn Eleetrieal Contractor, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit slnlL not be ualil until the Lobel las been signed by the ElectrLcal Contracto!. .. RESIE, .!TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI,IIT 225 Noy,th 5th Street Spningfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIEL.D Value o\ fftu F.'.-ooll oa,4 l-et-?. /(o /e.'b ./b /.',o.& fer 62.71 ?eceict I t Date: AF 7<- i7-77f% PA'f/fu 87. additicn RemoCeL Genetal c.r' y rg5 , od\/ ';;*btii'r-x -to f,rrv1t,e. {nnrtLy D*r.q(L..1 Sy la-n-*ttroN! f-. ?Lror{ a.L!s oNq 'fe-r.rs rrt Lt Add \ onre_ S(o./e.p $r \,1 o {z L C o n s t mtg ti on__L ende!_ rt ia the responsibilily .oi-tle penrtt hotd* to eee t?nt alt inspeeti.otts ee nade at lhe ptope! tin., thdt sseh arl;-sss is v2a)n7--.iy,"k_r":?.1t,. o.d that the-p;nttt eatl, ie Located at the fratt of the prcperfu.scuLld.ing D.Juiciot approxed plan slcll remain on tve Bunlding site'at aLL' tlmes.' P:'lcEDtlP\F1n rysPEc :CALL726-3769 (record.er) state aou! City Cesigntted job nwaber, iob aCiress, tape:3:*"i:"1^1:o-li":rl uiLL be leadv fot ir,spection, contraetcrs or asners nane cnd. phone rurnber. nequests receitedt&|LLL be nade the sone dcg' ?equests ncde aft* ?:00 on vtLL be nade the "ert iri;r,"j'do!. of inspec=icn befcte 7:00 c: SflE INSPEC?fON: Io be nade afterezcauation, but priar tc set up of forne, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL &wcylrcnr@ny uork ie cooered. FCOTIN} & E)UNDATfCN: To be naCe - alxet t?enches are escaated and fotms are erected, but priot, topourtng ccnerete. u_NDSGpouuD pLuMzINc. SEWR, W.4IER, D.1AIilAGE: To be maCe prLor to fi1-Lirg trenches. :ro be ma.d.e prio! to installation of floor insul,ation or decking. P1Sf AND BEA!4: To be nade prLot tofrstiTTatlan o7 floor ircut)tion oz, decking. ROUGH PLUEII]G, ELECTRTCAL & ITECH-LAtCtt:@ ut:til these inspeetions lnnse been nade and. approued. TNSULATT)N/VAp)R BARRTER I\SpECTT)N :Io be made after aLL insuLaticn ed. required uapor borie?s @e in pZace but before ang lath, Wpstln baatC ortnLL coztering is cpplied, otd befoteoty ittsulation is concealed. \IAS0NRI: Steel Loeation, bond. beans, grouting or uerticals in accotdance LrLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO],IE:enpdA.Aftet, instalLation is DEI,\OLI?IO!,] OR Saritaty saser capped at ptopartg Lir:e Septic totk V.r,ped r,d fnlled utith gza::e ?inal - h,hert abcoe ilens ate ecncletedqrid uhen dertclitior is conplete'ot sttu:- tuz.e noted and. pnenrises cleanei up. fr] DRY\|ALL IilSPEC?ION: Ic be made lAl after aLL CtyuaLL is in place, - but pnior to any taping.- Ir SfDEWALK & DRr,,EVAy: For all eon-crete pauing uithin st?eet r.ight-of-teA, to be naCe after aLL ezca- oating conplete & forn tsotk & sub- base natet ial i,n pZaee. Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aar)e? otd. uater Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, eet-ua and plwnbing eonnections nr-st bb apptct'ecbefore requesting electrical inspeb:iot: Acceasory BuilCittg Pital - After pctches, skirting, decl<s,etc. ate conrpleied. cuRB & A"PROACH APPO!:ee eyecteC but prior cortcz,ete. Aftet fornsto pouring FIPEPL,.AC_E: Prtor to placirq faeing,materials and befote fratring inepee- x1,On. FRA.IIING:, ttust be requested aftetapp-toual lf rough plwnbing, e-LectrL-caL & mechanical. AL! toofingbraetng E- chinmcya, ete. mtst be . conpLeted. Ilo uctk is to be con-. cealed until this inspection ltae'been nade anC approted. IENCE: When eonplete -- proo.iCe gates o" norsable sectians through P.a.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the "i.nstallat-ion of stteet trees, co::pletion of thetequired l,andsecpitg' cte. ' rmtst be satisfied before the BUrL;i;tc FrilAL can be t,equested.. ?rNAL BUTLDTN|: The ,i\1l r::tdltl rnsqeeti2n nruet be requeated. after the pinal ptwnbinsElectrical, otC ilechanical Inspectlons ltqne U.n" iaan- ii-irlr"i"a. xr Z:l c PTilAL PLUMBITIG FTNAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL cl- Job Loeaticn:;L Aaaessore uap # f ()L, ??cs Ipt # Subdioision: o Le nr LJAsnet: ''7LL6sd l-7:Addtess zip: ()r' tl ql IL-Ci *ALL I'tAltHcLES AND cLEANouTS lrus? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUSTTE|\! ro BE LIADE !.T ro c9s? To crry Page 1 of 2 Date of Appliootio, b - 2G - 6 d Iout, City Desigr,ated. Job Nunbet, 1", efu f,A/ tr JoB No.ffiS'o SOLAR A- -ESS REQ.- Plunbing Pemrtt State Swehange ieat Date Paid: !. Plumbing Permit No pe"son shall construct, install, alter or c?nnge anA neo cr esisting plwnbing or drainage systan in ulole or in patt, unless sueh person ts the Legal possessoz, of a oalid plwnbet's License, eseept tlnt a pe"son nag do pltonbing uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the qppli- cd7tt. Electricol Permit Were State La't requires tlnt the electrieal uork be done by an Eleett'ieal Contractor,, the electrLcal portion of this pennit slwll not be oali.C until the label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?acto!. L-co d BeCroons - TotaL Per'mLt Issuantce Meclwnicel Permit Cl,ttbcut Mobile Hane * Mechqnicol Permit 1-Z-4^ Date I HAW CAREFIILLy \XAMLNED the conrpleted cpplication for pernit' a'nd do hereby cettify that aLL infonnation hereon is true an'd. eonrect, otC f furthet, eettify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be done it accot'- dance tlth the 2r.dinances of the City of Spt'i-ngfield' and the La;s of the* stata,.of-&gon pertainina to the uot'k Ceseribed herein, old llat N0 2ccu- PANCI vill be tmde of any st?uetute u'ithout permission of the Building N' vision. I further certif'g tlat o:tly eont?aetors cnd enplcyees uho are in. eonpliance Dith 1RS 701.05s ui,LL be used on this ptojeet ( -26-9r-A*' Lot Faees -Enerou So'ut cds Setbaeks Df House Ca?aoe Aecess. North East South WoocictoDe Lat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cawage # of Stories Iotal Eeight ,. . Iopography llest -- ?ees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pentnt is granted on the erpress condition tlut the sai.d.-consttaction sltaLl, in all respeets, conform to the Crdinance adopted 6iy the City of Sptingfield, includ.ing the Zoning Crdincree, regulating the ccnsttaeticn otd. use of buildings, ord mty be suspend.ed or reookeC at cny tine upon uic- T.ation of d1y prooisions of said 1rdir.ances. Value TOTAL VALUE Cheek Fee: Sigr.ed: ITEM FTG x &z 2 ITEM NO F'F CHARGE on^1<- .?1 ,% Bui.Lding Penrit ?otal Clanges State Fi.ch*es 1 tOrru tD-a Resil.enti.a,L (1 bath) I S&titetlt Seder llctey 1F-*,fu :ta.FEE Res. So. fta. "tVd74 Neu/ktend Circuits Zc /91 faipc"@A Seroiee .rc rT!M NC FEE .60 hsnace PTUTS bh.a/st Hood Yent Fot llcodstotse -- ENCROACEMEXT -. Sec.*itu Deposit Storage Maintenanee Penrit ?otal Sida,talk Fence ELeet?Lcd.L LabeL ?OTAL A},|OUTIT DUE:*diz.?6 Signed Date LCT TWE _ fnterict _ Co"ne? _ Panhanl.Le _ CUl-de-sac I /e. yeTctal Clnroes .6a Toln1. Choroes State