HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-06-15Recei #.. RESID-NTIAL... APPLICATrcN/PERI,IIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELD k x 4ou |,(t( ./l t./ 4 Date: L- -) 7 -s-r<- CenetaL ELectrical Meehanieal Conajruetton Ledet rt i8 the teepone'ibi-lilv of -ttc pe?rnit t1ot4a' to aee tlat at?, inspeef,iotts oe nade at the p?opet tine, that sssft aiir2s6 is reaCehieIy:-t!p etreet, at'td tlat the -p*trit -catd. i,e Located at the frcni of the property*Buiuing biuicion appro"*ed plbt shc.Ll remain on the s"llai"g- iile at aLL times. ALL 7 26-37 69 ( recordep ) state yout, City desigrnted job ntmber, job aCiyess,type of inspecli,cnready fot inspeeti on, Cont?aetc?s ox Atne?s ncrne cnrL plone nunber. Requests teceixed befcre 7:00 Gti,.i be nade the eane dcy,?equests made aftet ?:OO on ttill be nade the nest aorkirg day Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs SIYE INSPECTION: To be nade after e.rca'uation, but pr"tor tc set up of JOrm8. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL &tacyttrcnt@ny ttotk is eooeted. POO?IN} & IIOUNDATTCN: To be nnCe - alte" t"enches a?e eccauated and fornts are erected, but prior to pout"tng ccncreta. UNDERGPOUIID PLUMDINC. SEWEP. H.ttTER, DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe ytLor to fil-Lirq trenchee. UTIDER?LOOR PLUT,ETNG & MECHANTCAL :robe@ of TNSPECTTOT] uhen you floot, insu1,ation ot, decking ?TilAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL AECNANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : To be made after aLL insulaticn ald. t,equired oapor bmrie?s @e in place but before oty lath, Wps?tn bcarC oz, tmLL cooering is applied, and. befoz,eory irculation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPEC?f)N: Tc be madeafter aLL &"guall is in pl.a.ce, but prior to any taping. DFttar T4fnil ^D BUILDI;IGS Sanitaty saser capped at propercg- Lite Septic tutk prr,Ved cnd filled vith gra;sel Final - l{hen abcue itans ate carpleted and uhen d.qnolition ie canrplete oy sttac-tute moued and. prerrises cLearteC up. MAS1NRU Steel beans, grouting accondorce uyi,th 2415. Location, bond or oerticals in U.B.C. Seetion IiOODSTO',/E: ettple-m. eoncrete. SfDEWAL{ & DRIVWAY: Eot, aLL eon- u,ete pauing uytthia at?eet right-of-txA, to be mo"d.e after aLL e*ca- oating catrplete & forn wrk & sttb- base materLal in place. Mobi e Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plunbing connectione -- ear)e? otd. aatet Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing conneetions m;st be apprct;ed before requeating eleclrical inspecliol Aceessory Buiding Pirnl - After pcrekes, ski.?ting, decks,etc. a"e conpleted. After installation is I P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade prLor toffia|Tatlan oi ftoot, insulZtion or deckittg. R)UGH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No oork is to be cotez:edw:til these inspections haue been nod,e and, approoeC. FIPWIA@j PyLor to placirg facingnaterLals and before franing inspeL-tion. FRAIIINC:_ lhust be requested afterapproual of rough plwrbing, eiectri_cal & mecTnnical. - ALt robfing bractttg 6 ehinmeys, etc. rrust- be . eotnpleted. lto uct k ie to be eon-. cealed until this inspection lue'been nnd.e anC approued. CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON: ee erecteC but prior After fornsto pourirq A!!l: Vhen conplate -- Prouide gates on mooable sections throughP.a.E. gl ALL p-toject conditiorn, such as tle i-nstallation of street trees, eo:rpletion of therequined LanCseaping, etc. ' rmtst be eatisfied befoye the BUILDIN| FIfAL ean be requested.. FINAL BIJTLDING: Tlp Final Building. rnepection mtet be requested after the Final plwnbingElecttical, qd Meelnnieal fnspectiors 'taun Aeen nad,L- ind'"pp"oi"d. Job Locaticn: Aesesaors Map # l7 C.r 4 aC)Tcz Lot #ll Svbdizsision: A,met: Address:Phone: City: Date of Applicaticn_ Describe htonk: %CI x)-- Value v:-<--a-- d Additicn RemoCel *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MU?I BE ACCESSLBLE, ADJUST!{E\\| TO BE ,L4DE /1.? lt7 CCST tO Cyy Page 1 of 2 _o< u tr I uonx?acto?s Addyess Lisc. Pcge 2 JOB NO TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedroons: PLan Eroniner Tafi- I HAW CAREFULLY EXAILfNED tle cottpleted application for pennit, cnd' do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is true and. eortect, auC f furtkbr certily that any ard. aLL dotk perfo?ned slnll be done in aceor-'dance vi.th th-e- Ovdinancbs of the City of SprLngfield' anl the Laas of the State of oregon pet'taining to the uot'k Ceseribed herein' cnd. tlnt No occu- PANcy ?itLL bZ ,mZe of any strwctute uithout peYmission of the Building N- oision. f further "l*tl.n that otly cont?acto"s ad' enplcyees aho are in eonpliance uith ORS ?01,055 uiLL be used on thta pt'ojeet \t Access Lace th t P. L.House Lot Faces - Ileat Souteesbt Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cooerage # of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy LOT ?WE _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panhandle Cvl-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penmt is granted on the eip"ess condition tlwt the said-eonstntction shalL', in all r"espeets, conform to the 0rdirnnce adopted by the City of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning Crdincnce, regulating the ccnstructicn orl use of buildings, ord may be suspend.ed on reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of qttA ptcuisions of said 1tdinances. TOTAL VALUE Building Perwit PLan Cheek Fee: Iotal Clwges F?G Win State S.D.C. 7.5 r Plumbing Perrnit Itlo person slnll constraet, inetaLl-, alter ot chan4e anA net cr ezisting plutnbing or drainage syste,n in utale or in part, unlees such person is the legal pbssessor of a ualid plwrber's Li.cense, eseept that a pe?son n y 40plwnbing uork to p?ope?tA uhieh is ooned, Leased or operated by the cppli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGEI?EM ?isttxes Resid.entiaL (1 bath) Saser Plunbing Pennit State 1 Total bhant Hood -- ENCROACEMEN? -. ITlM NC PtrN CHARCE * Mechonicol Permit be zsali.C untilNa,t/Extend Circuits Seroice Vent Fot llcodstooe Permtt fssuolce Mechanicel Perqdt Electricql Permit 'vfhere Sii.ce Luu i,e<lultes LitztLle elec';'t"ic,:?. tor1: b; i:':a T,y Contraetor, the eleetri.cal portion of this pernit slnlL not the Label has been signed by the Electrical contracto?. Seeurttu Deposit Storage l,laintenance Perwtt Cltrbcu! Si.da,talk !ense 5-e Electrical Iabel Mobile Hone Date Paid: Reeeipt #: TO?AL Alut)UN? DUE: *6z'c>o1 - Date l,laten