HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-06-05a POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS. 879 Tanarack Eugene, Oregon TRS, TL: L7-O3-27.3"3 * 74OO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + w-1547-79 Subdivision; Menlo Park, lst add, Lot 7 Block 5 This permit tor the referenced property is hereby aPPloved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of [.ane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + Frank, C. Green, 4355 Elllton Drlve, Eugene, Oregon Ed Earstman a@e aa appllcaat2387L Total Construction Value: $8068.00 97402 Telephone: 589-9842*** Telephone: I Telephone: I + Bedrooms: oa + Plumbing Fixtures:na * Employees na Construction approved by this permit: Changlng garage to famlly rooo G 492 eq ft3 Strtrcturea oou on property! dwelll.ng rter Supply: ftrbltc PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: na Partitioning + na Parcel +r Da Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special lnstructions: 1111 not enteod beyoud existlng formdattoa. For information call 687-4394, I1onnslee Parcel Size ; centerline of road, 61xL5O:c 120 s WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection +* na lnstallation specif ications: Da lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions: none na gal. min. septic tank capacity; nsa Setbacks I nterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Rrrilding foundation llls, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainf ield--10- 10' 10' 100'For information call 687-3961between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., tdarsha iltller CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N Group: lnstructions. See reverse for requlred R-3 Fire Zone: 3called lnepectloue. Use Classification Remodel For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jll Larb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: (hrt centental Loop, croaa I-5 left oa Aoderaon, rlght on cottonrood, left oo Tamaraeko Date lssued. 06-05-79 Bv: Kara Adans/ly DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTc5s.,3 "r?'ff$o'!rt=l'7l-tff3,ilYl.t=l3HLt3$n *, lane county6l!'.- v,,/v DEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I1ANAGI PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE - EUGENE, OREGON 9740I NT , iftIulti ii hereby certify that this information is true and accurate for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Phone Phone f,q_/l-rr1 aB Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the If this ap/lication is for Lane County Code ChaPter l0 of record; i$,ffir+ri:t*ji /-t :iliI.OAiK:, orher--Vaay ' an agr cu tura ding it wi'l I be used (zoning) and for no other purpose. I ha ve the following legal interest in the property contract purchaser;holder of an exclusive option to purchase; authorized to act the owner, who is of this appli 0n. 21 'less.ee knowl edgeabl e Te1 ep ti fy Appl i cant ,/_/ Owner /]/ Contractor !y: /-/ nail z1 PI ng by Si gnature/Address I'lhen p Owner Co n trac to r Contractor's 0SR# ti ready d If Commercial Residential: # of employees _#.i:iij,f :lirllilf t$iri j. :ii:i::::r:r:lr:j:::::l-'1i-'="'-- r,$U$i1i1' 75r Exi sti ns , BP # /] Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready ::!:,::::::,:i: ,:,f.Ee,i,*il$$$ri:P*i* l![l Valuation Fee $ $ Total Va,luation $$ $ t $ $ $ $ at at each $_ each $_ s73.?2 t_t /_t Received by Water Supply - (=rts<,e-rr -flrj{,LExisting _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancyz Su btotal TOTAL Proposed _ Year instal led PERMIT PROCESSING 7o Minimum setbacks Part. # ,front N 4 ; t, siae Parcel vze 6/ k / <o vzAtParcel # 'int. Use Classification oau *17-7q rear Comments To be typed on permi t CP& I rype 5 ..N erou p--R:3-Fire Zone By To be typed on permit For plans in Directions to si /_/ srFo Pl ans to Facility Permit /_/ E i ronmental Heal th ,ft.cear fi(wec'/ 1 llanning /-/ Public l,Jorks , E'l evation /_/ n/a , Address Date Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted By il area I ctor) CP&I _ set(s) t^lPC _ set(s) Da te Date to PCC I s1^ FOR INF0Rt'lATI0N about progress of your application call C74.L7L It?O.ut permit Control Center 687-HELp (687-4357) Affidavit: I, .) I LANE COUNTY DEF,T E}.IV H$T RECEIFT * t54?'7? DATE S5I5O7? ...'..] ]:nrrtrcAxT 6REEN, FFTANK ADDR 4gs6 HILInN DFrvE EUGENE oREcCIN :li! . :r"r"* t ?o3??3s3?46$ SUBDIV L$T ttLH , ::.; :j :-;NEI,' BLD6 TYFE USE ft NT} BDRflS OO NCI UHITS OOt NO.$TOf{IES NO TTLDCS OO1 ;'. I ],ConE--AFr,r- nn Acrrot't DEscnrprroru se FT uxrr rosr vALUATIoN FEE D*vs- ' RET,ISDEL EXIST 6AHA6E INTfl FAHILY RU0ll 493 1&..4$806fi t-c t 54??9 h:EPH N$. F'IXTURES: EO6S 4E.OO NCI.$ONNECTCIES: I.lE{:I{ANICAL F'EE ST'A'fE SURtIHAR,;E F,LAN fiHEf,H F'HE HLEV ADDft FF' COI'IPLETfrS SY -;- 4 ^ 0$ HAC}{ ,r iiil. u : "_ . ,f IFo crlr t'eKEl'l BY IlLl,i UFT I-'LAN 4N sox ENVH TOTftL F'HE:i** r "9:!14.00 '73 . e3 SK 5"N H -":1, , t\fr\e \ -.'r|)'rt1 (u "r1 1,i. '-,'.li ii,.1 U - 4 - -11 u (, f.r q q o b t, ./ ,0 url Appl ication { DEPARTI1ENT 0F ENV I RONI4ENTAL IIANAGEl'rrNT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I TownshiP, Range , Section, Tax Subd iv i s'ion Appl ication for Structures now on the Proposed use of rty:l-l Residentia'l Affidavi t: I, If this aPPl ication is for an agr p i Commerc i a I t wil1 be used for /J industria] herebY certifY , puutic that this informa llowed by the Sta Assigned Numbers tion is true and accurate. te Building Code and Lot Bl ock purposes a the fol lowiLane CountY Code Chapter 10 (zoning ) and for no purpose,I have thorized to ac the owner, who is rnowTEZgeab see; ho 1e of-TEil-alp]onf record;contract Pu rchaser.'les ding i o ther ng legal interest in the property: I der of an exclusive option to Purchase;owner o-----du1y au S i gna tu re/Addres s Tel e Hhen t i s readY ti fy Owner Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR# If Conrnercia'l: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes readY Descri pti on 0wner l7 Contractor !Y: /-/ mail z1 Phon Phone or te Pl 'ing by )- # of employees - # of units SDS: /l Existing, BP # /-/ Proposed, SI # Fee Code Sq Ft. si or Val uati on Fee $ $ Total Valuation: $- $ GttE'\ Plumbing fixtures at -------- Sewer/water conn' at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccuPancY By $..--- each $-..._...--- each Surbtota l TOTAL $Cl casn L-l Cnecr Rece i ved l^la ter Suppl y Proposed _ Year Instal I ed ING Exi sting _ $ ($ $_ $--- PERI"lIT #Size int Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches: Mi n imum To be on permit I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation sPeci fications : , front /vA To be typed on Permit ;t , Si ga1. tank ephone Directions to s ,( Lt stro Pl ans to: CP&l =-- set( s )llPC set (s ) r.-/ CP&I l-/ ti'PC Itl Planning t_/ VuOlic llorks , Elevation /-/ n/a 7l Address /-/ Faci I i ty Permi t /-/ Lnvironnental Health Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to P(]C te Comp) eted Date to PCC I I \ \t; r\Ct-rr\Ctrr FOR iNFORIIATION about progress of your appiication call: Permit Control Centen 687-HELP rc87-4357) ci tv -- ,iob Address Unit Cos,t b $ By Da te --.- -) ! ^(J g- 4 F C-\r @ rl ,I oi r.-0 2+-6 /f xr .r,:' 1 r J l-. C ?tr- t :'r:' .J)t I V€ t^-,lt' I I I I I i Io\-\ \t 0 PLor- trurr^; o -.\9 I Ij t POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + Subdivision: I. JOB ADDRESS: TRS, TL: This permit for the relerenced property is hereby , S€tbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation o, this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other remedies allowed by law. $,P Violation can Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit "Vater Supply Total Construction Value Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: + Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures:+ Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning +r parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: Special lnstructions: ; interior property lines:;rear property line: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, For information call 687 -4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches gal. min. septic tank capacity; Special lnstructions Setbacks nterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation :lls, other water sources Septic Tank Drainf ield 10' 10' 5', 50' -T0,-- 10' 10' 100'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DrvrsloN Type of Construction lnstructions: Soc rr Group:Fire Zone:Use Classification For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4005 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 By p.m. lane countyDirections to Site Date lssued: [ "uu-,, 6l!' - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 w m., SITE INSPECTION App Rov r o Rruanxs D t sappnovEo Dare I HseecroR FOUNDATION INSPECTION AppRovro D Drsaepnove o Fl Drre I ruspecton Re tla nx s -z FRAMING INSPECT Ap pnov e o RE uanx s Drsappnoveo 7.G-17 I NsPEcroRDrte ( LATH OR SHEET Ap peov r o RExrnx s I NSPECT I ON Dr sappnovEo D oa,ful_p?I_I xspEcton I( FINAL INSPECTION AP PRov E o Reuanx s CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ReaoY To lssuE Reuanx s D Nor Rraov ro lssuE D Dore-I NSPEcToR E/ Dtsrppnoveo D omt f-Za'7? r**r*o^-fu{ erwc^\ --r O11 {yq*"+<k CORRECTION NOTICE IANE COUNIY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENIAT MANAGEMENT Construclion permits & lnspections Division EUGENE, OREGON li:.*lte"or srructure does nor conform to Lone Counry building regulotions, ordinonces or codes css-73 RE-|NSPECT|ON REQUTRED FOR APPROVAT I nspector Building Permit # ,""7,b'11 x I 3/ r i I I I I I I I I I I I ! 4J c. i- o-\r @ o -\9 n I o \0 t -1 I I ar A\ O r-f1r. *r t Y ,2(.- i t- \ i 2+ -6 Fxr --:- r' j (.- C 2rr-t :--f1. -J-.q;'.,'c 11,.r',/- o, ( iI -l I4 t_i;/ -.---l