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Permit Building 2009-07-08
I(P Engineering, P.C. 4222 Comuerce St., Suitc E5 Eugene, Orcgon 97402 6411393-0782 t fex (54t) 393-0783 kevin@kpcaginccrin g. biz at-4"rqr* ),2u a,J I .=[+ SHEET NO 5 0r Lo CATCULATEO BY J08 r oen 1-cc-91 Eraall -J ilarr'{(g) lVq*1'/r" t1, vrcf',r-LH L-rure oK k) P7* r ll4" l+e t4v?cLulvl L-rL'6 6t-1" 4*a nn,J. *l FTJLL HEITHT r--l r- E -ES== 4nu + Fu,u bgA8til4 HllI |.4b 4*b,lrrl.ol F,ru- {Cl.d{r ==l I = --l=: =.1-, I -1 I =l=I It.o {a" *42\lz" cr,**.gerl, taml (rr) *4 rr*r arcr{ rJry ArD SrHfsoA c64, ft^-r VE rl q Ke p.rrr i.l.tg. Aon r,lrn *lzt' aotaf E{t fafr u6 l,Jrfil (B) +4aag. EAA uLl A.HE) StHls,rl CS4{, Posf bAC€ b46?tc3_ Ll,r.r+s o 9?t o C ? LL G N -7o3 I IHE CONTENTS HERE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ,,ALTERATIONS INDICATED OT,I COLORED PENCIL. CHANGES"oR .a.rrrRanoNs MADE To rHE nppRovrb DRAwINGs oRTRgJECT AFTER THE DATE BELOW SHALL eE lppRovgo eyTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL. ctTY oF SPR|NGF|ELD, OREGON 0 'J nliTl 'nil rrl 9rttra^lr9ra du 1 tMAA.r.r - ,/ HOIICE: IHIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIBE IF THE WORKAUTHORIZED UNDFB rHrs prntr,tii,J,io, 9.9.yIE_NcED oR li nenNooNil,io;,' ANY 1B() DAY PERIOD StlA/SEf KP EruCINEERING, PC 4222 CoMMERGE STREET, Surre E5 EucEr.lE, Oneoon 974c.2 (541) 39307A2 FAr((54t)3930749 kevin@kperginoering.biz Vertical,.9alculations for Prcnosed Remodel: Client:Kimball Constuirction Creorge Kimball 1236 Janus Su,est Springfcld,OR 97477 Job Location:bdsting Residsilce 764 Srmset Drive Springfietd, OR DesipCrireria: Roof: rN 6I OREGON b E)(PIRES: 12-31- tc Dead Load : 15 psf (mmp roof) Live Load = ZS psf Dead Load: 8 psf (wood framing) Dead Load = l0 psf (house) 60 psf (garage) Live Load = 40 psf (house) 50 psf or 200M tire load (gamge) Job #kp90al Date716109 Page I of6 Y'/" 1 Wall: Floor: 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Co& Soil Bearing: 1500 psf (assumed) a The following calculations arc to add a beaur to support the existing elevated gilage. The existing exterior wall bows out ftfow thc garage floor system. A new beam is to be installod in the room bclow thc garXge ncar the exterior urall to support thc garage floor systern so the compromised exis$g enterior walt can be rerroved and reframed. The beam slrould rcmsin after the new balloon frarn€d exterior wall is installed. ['d 0!er '0N cd Buileat]rBue dl [^lvt0:/ 600[ 'L'lnl .l( ' naBaLL CrA>T.KP Engineering, P.C. 4222 Commerce Sr., Suire E5 Eugcnc, Oregon 97402 (54r) 3934782 I {ax (S4t) 393-0783 kcvin@kpcngineering. biz SHEET NO,Z OF bgb4 1.tr-o{ JOB CALCULATED BY 1.5' r, lf rlrr.t <uff+f 6ELrl lrlefirrfD l' t,s'rto€ o7 lodef.- WveL !J\uu (u*rt'Ara) f,- Lfktr4[aJ+ r.f , 64 L.rr= Sr+oP = tlo FLF t4+r{ A++ ' ( uu, 7'Pn1 Q o.ru1) 1," ur|r zJz'- toa 1,'7 Ko = ttt{ } )' z*L r-J ?OIo R t P,1 K ( n rb'fB t)z l.' 5 + ( nre 1.rrr r-ro) 1r Ig t14b lz-- /*e (1,r* ,^,..",) Ra = la^- B,- -- 2e tL ,IL L L l,b' I l.' |q, eil $uf[ol$ brlr,'l (r) rilfEFr.A sr.rffoPft> ( uprF-sH cfc.BAGE pz"o+. rpa.g) i445 Q,LbI b,t1' r P.- I hl I K!o R1= Ra' .t5lo3 laq rlB Go.zoF ,f-l@1b' e1lE-" &1 R Ir+rI anu R1 & h 1- A,t -- [rt' n-- orL= t-1 = -"lo! "ri- \ = o.td--+ \/a.+ ( z - lt/a7''11'/"u-tt) *-R,. =35:t a5't1 la6E5 6ozloe - roaaf Y o.l?" ur L/*u (z- \tt+r-ll'/q" v.,v't) 3 l,I b-*'Fu g D? t d o!il'0N Ir- |t.74 e r9 rd Bullaet]rBu0 dl |/!vto:t 600e 'L'lnl oo',, 6'L1-.o1 KP Engineering, PC. 4222 C*mmercc Sr., Suitc E5 Eugcnc, Arcgon 97402 (54t) 393-0782 t Ee,.(54r) 393-0783 kevin@kpcnginccr in g. b iz oy t4{E Ll6* Prt F r5 Pt* oj E^J, E'4' (, = l44brlo = 1455 Fl V 8 bourot 11= lzoq.oa*, ..Krr&a.ur- C-psr. SltEEt CALTULATED 8Y CUENT, lO0 r OF (, l*E(r. -l ,c, - ot o o c-r.rtFou t+ P*rroril(.r y{ev1cFr1. fFo6}e[uffir-J (.) l(* tt Y1" t-7E prr{o.u-Ar,{ LvL'b (ur,,F-ru &!.raarr€, .-DGAp L.AD tt/ \?e F,,.f r--Aos) ,t4.1b5' lgEA Q=-t= 551a c Ln- s.'t2t'"-+e/4b, CiLl o.zi'-1 lb.l 61) f.{= g5Sra E6 oTL= o-Zatt n t/ fiq (z - 1"4-tt ( ".-,-,e) b-7 55:E F*' Ur7' ttzrzc 4.*.,.5* --ltab?f s,.61'--+ Y1711 h- l)-1li' L-',r) f,rg= Orz,c+> o1L " o-zl" -+ e/+at b' 14 * [t4";-''r) , 'l-b-t1 I E,1' r::' yl' 6TL= tr r4 lu b,ra r F (F l' 6R, t-tlrgP 5 tu, &rg'! rr4 8.!b'T &u ,11.-" 6'tl8n t7*b*rr \sp R,l ' 4-- 1 IP 3' vl-- tcP r F"r )tr{ I D u.sdb.aht 8,1= R.-.. w: Yl= 5ua1* l{5apbr r r1a! '\0,*-,ar Ra= Aa,o? a,.,-, o-lz" (z-lr/1*ll4" uwu,s)(,,LT AufEa$trG ls (a) 174*l/," t,'lr y'l1cp^ur.r.r{ L*r-'5 rd BurraaurBua d1 nvt0:l 600r 'L'lnltd0Ee t '0N 3 KP Engineering, P.C. 4222 Commercc St., Suie E5 Eugene, Ocegoa 97402 (54r) 393-0782 t fzx (541) 393-0783 kcvin@kpengineerin g. biz - F,o1,Uq" (urp Er.ro tupBroF) R"n . -- L11EF. *r= #-- s.- Fr, ( r*per.& p*lrlcrs) R.v,^r -- 145 36 ts {r= {P - tz-l Fr- .l Qz"*.{?-"*.1?-" 4,ylc. 7tt+ u/ (,.)*1 B,p, s.r.J- (ercut E{D Ex1rtzr4. ) Rt"ox " 4f|15 * 4-=ffi = 4.z7ro CLI€NT SHEET NO.4 OF Q &v. -1.t .61 CALCULAYED 8Y JOB * ol.. i $TD. FF.fl*tr AJv SIEHLTAH- Ao€ar)\TE ( iiiu)f '7) - 1.1rtt (pu,oev) R,r .r"'lzba"-E AR'lZ,obZ -= VF lo.w?,1- .'. 4o"*4o"^ lL" ula. Vr,. d/ fa\ 4ol,rg^, E.rJ. qD. FeTrHcr Al.rp s[Er.lrJAur- 6p6411Af6 ?^rr ?r,.*- l*Sao€ n l4Ba--,t., = A1.zS = ls+,6 yav QrS,eqE 5orsTs (a^,otiuq 2*12,9..$, @. 741".t. fa6 c^uffuf"F) HAr( Lo>es fgtal- lo Rfp.t6- Vr{^x ' ZAb# l'1,.^r . 11q+ of M\r<. LoApb r-.rrtl fJer.t BFrr,J bll.4 ( ,g.r-ttt cexfrr.nr6A) LoAot l+e F^.,."T aLo+&. Tc oprqa!+aL/ f,ols1$ s*-rJl-o 3t1uu' 69 AD?AUATE E d 0E[t '0t,{ a cd BuraaurBue dl NVi0:l 600r 'L 'tnl KP Engineering, P.C. 4222 Commerce Sr., Suite E5 Eugene, Oregon 97402 (54r) 193-0782 1 fax (541) 393-0783 kevinEkpenginccring, biz t i.lr*r,l BL4 ''raex. y'nu y,J =1.= grq. * 1t4." t1? wwfuu\H L-'Lte 4 (i l?+r ll\'t l-1e Ml6FcLtAir'l L'zL's SHEET CALCULAYE9 BY OF b JO8 ' [p qJr (c) I 6'-1" 4ra '.r,J. +l puuu flerqxf l--1 r- ,-4t,rl 4*o rt,J. ol Fqu- rlEt rHT. I = =l=I It,o 1 I =l:=I -{ 4nu + Fu'-' bgAFltldr Hr{E*- * l_ _{---- - -t-- -- I 12" *42";.12" urzp,er1 foTru6 tamlfr.) *4 u*r arsd drY ,*sqe .frr1f$aA cb4-a furt$frat Llr.tLs 10," *4't .1 17t' s*1(eff lgrf wa tJrtl CB) +4ga.g. EAz.li r^Iaf Ar.ts' Stl.ll<E-l C64{, forr bA6€ ft^l VE r-r q Repo.rr- rJ.f g. 9'd oErt'0N rd BurraaurBue dl t/1vt0:/ 600t 'L'lnl V-uaar.r , I R Lp o*, -7- a. g1 I \!/ CI.IENI l4 ,* €,EL-,KP Engineering, PC, 4222 Commerce Sr., Suire E5 Eugene, Qreg3;l. 97402 $41) 3e1-o782 I fex (541) n3-o783 kevi a@kpengineeri n g.biz SHEEI NO.G OF b CALCUTATED BY JOB r F.tEu.t u1.",- !rlr-.or"J FF\HIDO-- fl o7 a,l,re.FJ F Sa"1pq .; arnrtla Proap tr'"tsTS Er"tSrfi.lk fou>rorl-l+l ir'rfil fsF prr.l -zlCtl le:<rrrrscr c*tcftff Ft+ Lt-rzfi$q fu4 -qrnt'q' BxrsTtuq lt-{ le,c1,, ,Srq7*rl Hltte 6 gstAsd,s( ( IufEa*rft erc€r op B6.r,r) G)14*1h" l-1e rtrapou-rq !-,L's A.ilAcl+ED T.crsfl{68 r.lrn.l (r.) Q'vtse? IOJ -XXo* xAlug € lZ'lo.a : (oc (z) l!4rllvi'Lle Htc(qr-At4 LrLb)' $,qF*t 44 Ox r,rf erc.r{ ac( ap rEEl.,t ( ucT s*oHx) Laut?F lgiev (uel Oe*9*tQ 4*U' l rr'l (Fuuu ltErft{f/ a"r.rf- fftrrr pr-e) Sr'rgs,J cb+<t fEI oAsf Concg,q9 foef [t6 fuA fb]]r Vt Er.l *4oog9 ftf, fr..rr.l .-,rrul t?)' uJDrsrLrPJ{o *r1rv6 *tt ' rJrrJ ue*i aFP frt'r c^rt BE C{llFfED Ux,F- fo hx'Ef l*cf fiau'.loa1t-r.| 3tlarP I x IU rl l.4A.)( az I 'd oEr t '0N U.T9, rd BlJl]eeurBuo dl NVt0:t 600e L'lnl I q,.g*re a /l\ Secaovl e Fnpl.re\u ae'** J I .a