HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1968-08-12\ August L2, f96B IYIr. Lynn Moore 134 N. 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 971+77 Subject: Sevrer Connection Agreement Dear Mr. Moore: Enclosed is a copy of the fu1ly executed *greement coverl"ng the instrllatlon of o seT|rer st your new home l-ocated at L2A7 Sunset DrLve. Pleaseadviseusofthetotal.costofthisllneafterconstruct- ion ls completed, and lf you have eny further questtons, pleare feel free to contact us. Yours very tru1Y, Arms trong Ctty Engineer JJA : vm J A ec: Joe Reeves w/encL , / ! \ ,i I t \ r)q\ c I I t. I rs\9 u , \ d a ;-, N $ r)v, 4t 4\ \q 6o r) ur ry'a-.7 eli/e/o{ froPer &.ruJ o u\ ..l \ o$\ $ \ \ia \ \ \\ "l /"= /@t Exl;Jr / V' lynn /4oorc So,ri/or7 -leuser l7r.rmeny' Parce/ A /r?' /4, /?68 J'Y. r*roc/ I &rtc/ C {g8LL11 ![I lVhcreas, LYNN MOORI ancl I{ARY I*{OORE, husband and wife, hcreinaf ter referrerl to as First I)arties, oun property not served bv a sanitary sewer and desire an agreement whereby a sanitary sewer lateral may be constructed at their expense to serve the propcrty as shown on Irxhibi t ''A" attached to this agreement, and a portion o1-thc costs thereof may be recovered by the First Parties. lVhereas, TI{E CITY OF SPRINGFIITLD, hereinaf ter referred to as Second Party, owns, operates and maintains a public sewage disposal systern within the limits of the City of Springfield. Now Therefore, the First Parties and the Second Party, each in consideration of the agreenent of the other, agree as fo1 lows : 1. I'he First Parties will construct a sanitary sewer lateral and appurtenances in accordance with the City of Springfield General Conditions and Standard Specifications to serve the property shown on Exhibit "A", and connect same to the Second Partyts sanitary sewer in Prescott Lane, and the Second Party after the complete<l work has satisfactorily passed the City requirements, accept said lateral for ownership, control, operation and maintenance. 2. the First Parties, will furnish the Second Party with accurate cost figures incurred in the construction of this sewer lateral and the Second Party will cletermine an equitable charge per lot for allowing others to use said lateral. This charge sha11 not exceed the total project cost divided by three for Parcels Il and C and Parcel D shall be allowed one connection free of charge as compensation for the land used as public utility easement. 3, I'he Second Party agrees that it will allow no other party within the area served by this lateral to connect sewer service to said lateral unless and until such party pays to the I)ag e I Ag reement l;irst I'}arties a sum of money not to exceed the charge as outlined in item 2 above and the First I'}arties have notified the Second Party in writing that such payment has been made. 4. The Second Party also reserves the right to connect any sewer line from outside the above determined area and no payment therefore will be made to the First Parties. 5. It shal1 be understood by all that any users of this sewer will upon the start of such usage commence and thereafter continue to pay to the City of .Springfield the regular sewer user charge as is called for by the City of Springfield Ordinance. IN WITNESS WHERE0F, the parties have placed their hands and seals this g day of August, 1968. ry re First Parties CITY OF NGFI ELI) il <--..-- (. By yor Second Party STATE OF ORIiGON County of Lane August B, 1968. Person ) ) ) ss. ally app eared the above named LYNN M0ORE and I'{ARY MOORE, htt sband ancl wife, and acknowledged the foregoing instru- ment to be the ir voluntary act and deed.Be fore me: ( o arY c r regon ily Commi sion expires: 1-5-70 I'age-)-Agreement f.' DE?AR$4ENT 0F PUBLI'C I^IORKS CitY of SPringfleLd' oregorr InEer'0ffice l'lemo Accord shall ing to be the surn of connec the cons truc tion of the 0 foot Ra inbow !{ater Eer 2 1 68 rh. B ased oo a a 10tt wa line ewer serv ice could DaEe t foot P 3.40 P For irnmediate action -!.or your lnformationJo r r';i ; I ^:.""?:" i:" i. -Note & re, ix|ieu},["i,i;",'r*",,t Director ;""*Ji11.*Sa'*r=ri?,,"-Remarks CitY Co deZ -10-3 (2) eT fron the sewer lus 2 cot1tl ection charge cents Per square fronta ge of tion foot charge amo for area L25 feeE beYond dep 150 fee th of E in deP feet t the sewer$ 187 .61 and a unts to$519.00. called for ![e unde rstand vrithin th e Present contains rhe P lan 1 no istrict e t be ins an est asernen imated talled t. L2" over in Lhis This easemen flow line' easemen thaE P t araL eet aP ince Ehe The s art ho er and 0regon sewer unless lines sewer s ervice SEate D ES tallYandIel wat rLzott San should be the line itarY A is cast uthoriEY located iron and at leas states could be secured adjoining ossiblY an add tr'laEer itiooalDist rict easemen easement rh e Rainbow 18t' be low ttre water lines. t J.A ering cttenL P JJA: vm ,t' I AGREEI\{ENT whereas, LYNN MooRE and IvrARy MooRE, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as First parties, own property not served by a sanitary sewer and desire an agreement whereby a sanitary sewer lateral nay be constructed. at their expense to serve the property as shown on Exhibit rlAtr attached to this agreement, and a portion of the costs thereof may be recovered by the First parties. WhCTCAS, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIETD, hCrEiNAftEr rcfcrrcd to as second party, owns, operates and maintains a public sewage Itsposal system within the limits of the city of springfield. Now Therefore, the First Parties and the Second party, each in consideration of the agreenent of the other, agree as follows: 1' The First Parties will construct a sanitary sewer lateral and appurtenances in accordance with the city of springfield General Conditions and Standard Specifications to serve the property shown on Exhibit "A", and connoct samo to the second, party,s sanitary sewer in Prescott Lane, and the Second Party after the completed work has satisfactorily passed the City requirements, accept said lateral for ownership, control, operation and naintenance. 2. The First Parties will furnish the Second party with accurate cost figures incurred in the construction of this sewer lateral and the Second Parti,will determine an equitable charge per lot for all'owing others to use said lateral. This charge shall not exceed the total project cost divided by three for parcels B and C and Parcel D shall be allowed one connection free of charge as compensation for the land used as public utility easement. 3. The Second Party agrees that it will allow no other party u i thin the area served by this lateral to connect sewer service to said lateral unless and until such party pays to the Page 1 - Agreement i re First Parties CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Mayor Second Party peared the above named LYNN M00RE andwife, and acknowledged the foregoing instru-ary act and deed. B re me: o aty c r My Comni s ion expires gon :1-5-70 First Parties a sum of money not to exceed the charge as outlined in item 2 above and the First Parties have notified the Second Party in writing that such payment has been made. 4. The Second Party al.so reserves the right to connect any sewer line from outside the above determined area and no payment therefore will be made to the First parties. 5. It shall be understood by all that any users of this sewer will upon the start of such usage conmence and thereafter continue to pay to the City of Springfield the regular sewer user charge as is called for by the city of springfield ordinance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have placed their hands and seals this * day of August, 196g. ry STATE OF OREGoN )) ss. County of Lane ) August 8, 1968. Personally ap MARY MOORE, husband and ment to be their volunt Page 2 - Agreement $\s $ Y) ) \ tJ a.i ot t t)4 ")TJ "1\ I I I I L- I \e\ o/ c/ N \ \ o \)t) $ \ (--l Parcel o txl;l/l /-ynn ly'oorc -<b,7, 'lo ,7 Jeae r 17r.. lhen y' I I I I I I I I I \ q \ \ N\ ") !0 /"'/oo/ v fh \ Parce/ A t*ro" / B s 83.2' Parte/ a /r? /4, t?68 --/.,/. Bourrda r 7 be ne {,'/e/ \ U a) N \ ') I PUBLIC UTILIIY EASE},IENT THIS INDET{TLJRE MADE and entered :nto this '4 day of Ju1 t9_-Q9_, by and betweerr LYNN M00RE and_$dR!_IQ0RE _hUSlaA{ 4nal_wifehereinafter referred to as the Grantors, and TIIE CI?Y OF SPRINGI'IELD, municipal- corporation, Ln Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Gra.ltee. a lr r ruE-8,!.EIE That the Grantors, for and in consideratLon of one doLlar to then in hand paid, do hereby grant bargin, se1l and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement t 15 feet in wtdth, together wLth the rtghtto go rrpon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing, reconstrucEing, naintaining and using public utillties whicn may hereafter be lnstalled on the following deserlbed property, to-wl-t: A perpetual easement 15 feet wide, the South line ofsaid easement being the south line of Block 4, of Sunny Side Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 4 ofplats, page 31, records of Lane County, Oregon, andrunning from the east line of Summit Boulevard in theplat of Emerald Heights, according to the ptat thereof recorded in volume 4 of plats, page L4, records of Lane County, Oregon, to the west line of said Block 4of sunny side Addition to springfield, Lane county, Oregon. TO IiA'JE p.I{D TO HOLD the above easement to the sald Grantee, i-ts heirs and assigns forever. ff WIMIUSS WHEREOF, hands and seals this the Grantors above named have hereunto set thelr 3 r_, day of .Iu1y , 19__6.9_. (sEAr)(SEAL) (SEAL)(sBAr) STATE OF OREGON County of L3ne_ ss ) ) ) BE LT REMEIEERED, that on this before me, the undersigned, aState, personally appeared the M00RE-, husband aha dife kn to68 Notary Pub1lc in and for said County and , within n"*ud LYNN MOORE ."nd MARY ,or.rr to me to be the identical indivtduals 3,' d,ay of Ju1 descrlbed in and vrho executed the within instrument and acknowledged m me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily. Il{ TESTIMONY t{HEy.trOF, I have hererrnto set my hand and affixed my officialseal the day and year last above written. oCommlssl.res Notary Pub egon t 4 1' THI Oregon. Sub south line o Rainbow Water *&,S INDENTURE MADE and entered into this day of PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 196 by and between MARVI XIUS RAYMOND L. REXIUS andan, ARLENE US, husband and wife, and LI , L IIAN F. REXIUS, a widow, here i r referred to as the Grantors , and THE CITY 0F SPRINGF LD, a municipaL corPoration, i n Lane CountY, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. A perpetual easementof said easement beinof Sunny Side Additio Oregon, according to Volume 4 of Plats, Pf, 8, ndusba and wife to the pid bl.ockstrict in r ene eet wide, the south line e south line of Block 5, Springfield, Lane CoultY,plit thereof recorded in 1, Records of Lane CountY, ipeline easement along the fbrrnerly granted to the Lane County, Oregon. UIIIE!.9.EIE That the Grantors, for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, do heieby grant, bargain, s-el1 and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual ealenent -i{ feet in width, ilig"ttlii ;iah-ah; i;.'gt,t'to g-o upon said-EEErn--t area hereinafter J"!..iUua for the pui:pose oi coirstructing, reconstructing,-nain-- .i"ini"g ana usin! iuUiic utilities which-nay hereafter be installed on the-following-dLscribed property, to-wit: lsfgthnto thege3j f ect sa Di her os TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to t'he said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. naned haveyof a ex us aro ex us IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors aloveet their hands "and seals this kLU da , 1968. n -</(-<-<2- {sEAL) (sEAL) (sEAL) (sEAL) (SEAL) CI 4 x u us )ru;., ,,i4 an ex us srATE 0F OREGON )) ss. County of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this ,?' a^ 1968, before me, the underiigned, a NotarflffiSTic Couniy and State, personaLly appeared the within n REXIUS and CAROLYN A. REXIUS, husband and wife, kn the identicaL individuals clescribed in and who exe instrument and acknowledged to me that they executfreely and vol.untarily. or //.t<qn anYTorffid med MARVW L. vi a , own to me to be cuted the within ed the same I I I I It I I Page 1 - Public Utility Easement IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hav affixed ny official seal the day an ./n' STATE,0F OREGON ss. County of Lane BE IT REMEMBERED, that on 1968, before me, the undersigned, a County and State, personal_ly -appearREXIUS and ARLENE REXIUS, husband a identical individuals described in instrument and acknowledged to me t freely and voluntarilY. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have affixed my officiaL seal the day and hereunto set nY hand and ar last above written. r eg ission expires: an ors dRA a C ) ) )/2-rthis ( day of.NotarfFfr-lic in ed the within name nd wife, known to me to be the and who executed the within hat they executed the same hereunto set mY hand and ar last above written. L. or egission expire STATE; OF OREGON County of Lane BE IT 1968, before me County and Stat REXIUS, a widow REMEMBERED, that on this day of 1C ln an or ) ) ) ss. , the undersigned , a Nota n named LILLI F.e, personaLlY aPPe ared th known to me to b e the identical individual scribed in and who execu ted the within in strument and acknowledged to me that she execute d the same freely and foLuntarily. I have hereunto set mY hand and and year last above written. egon i ,ft|, ry tftrS'T e withi , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, affixed my official seal the day a C o My L, Page 2 Public Utility Easement ion expires: