HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-07-11Dlvlslon of Stote Londs 775 Summer Street NE Solem, OR 97310a 37&3805 Corps Rrbllc Notlce No.: N/A Applicstlon involves: {structure E CoostolZone DIVISION OF STATE LAND.A Woterwoy Project Permit Review Dqte:Julv I I . 199] Stqte Permlt No.: FP 6303 CorpcCoordincrton N/A nppncont Sorinofield Country Club Pleose refurn comments to the Dlvlslon of Stote Londs by: August I - I99I DSlCoordincrtoe Bill Porks(378-3805) E ntprop E wettonds fl LwRn,lP E Scenic woteruvoy &u, E Removbt E wltlomette Greenwoy Noflce of Permll Appllcotlon Ihe ottoched proposol hos been recelved for work wlthln the w<rlerr of the Stote of Oregon. lf you wlsh to moke wrltlen commenl on th€ proporbd iyoJect, pleose use thls form q qttoch commentr qnd refum tt ?o us. Thls form ls o self{dclressed moller for your convenlence. Pleose oftlx the prop€r postoge. A publlc heorlng moy be requested wtthln 25 doys from lhe dole of lhls notlce. lf o publlc heorlng b requested, lhe cllreclor of the Dlvlslon of Slote Lond! wlll declcle \r,hether q publlc heorlng wl[ b€ held bosed on the medt! of lhe request ond th€ level of publlc lnterest. IHIS NOTICE S l,lOT A PERtvllt lhove revlewed the ottoched lnformoflon ond offerthe followlng comments: A permlt ls requlred by thls ogency. We do not belleve the proJect would hove on odverse effect. .We belleve the effects of the proJect, olthough meosuroble, would be occeptoble. We belleve the proJect would be occeptoble lf methods of construction or deslgn were oltered os llsted below. E We would ottend o conference wlth the oppllcont.to seek proJect oltenotlves. ErThe proJect ls unocceptoble os proposed. (Pleose exploln below.) W w" hove no comment. tl u tr tr COMMENTS: l\ -C a "l< i/t-t Prnu* orii.lloN Jw ?/ u/,!! ,c 0q 0g 0r.S lr7 4 s,1 Fon nl(oa &l 'g/U S Army Corps of Enoineers Porilan? District Txs epptrclrrcn wru MEEr TF€ n€oulREMENrs oF BorH AGENCTEs r,l, t Corps of Engineers Number Dote Received Oregon Division of Stote Londs Number trP bAob Dote Received O lpplicont Nome ond Address District Engineer ATTN: CENPP.PT-RE P O Box 2946 Portlond. OR 97nhn4b 503/32ffi995 Springfield Country Club 90333 Sunderman Road Springfield, 0R'97478 Stote of Oregon Division of Stote Londs 775 9.rmmer Sheet NE Solem OR 97310 5O3/378-38Os bxsinessphone# (503) 747-9811 homephone# btrsiness phone * ( 503) 683-6090 horne phqp * neers N/A nng lub nsu 244 Country C Road Eugene, 0R 97401 O A,rthorized Agent O C >nhoctor Nomg ond Address Prop,;rty Owner (if dif ferent thon opplicont) Nome ond Address bxsiness phone # horne phone # @ PnoJrcr tocanou Leool Descriotion Towrship 175 Ronge 2W Quorter Section Nl.l 3 Sheet. Rood or other descriptive locolion Sunderman Road (County Road No. 1948, MP 0.30+) h or Neor (CiV or Tovrm) Sorinofie'ld- 0reoon Tor Mop # I 7-02-03 Tor Lot # 300 Lane County Woterwoy Mohnwk River River Mile 5i3 b consent lo enter property gronted toihe Corps ond the Division of Stote Lon&? Q Ves O No O Ppoposeo Pco*cr luronuenox Activity Type: O nfr O Er".rotion (removol)' O tn-Woter Structure O Uoir,totr,/Repoir on Existing Structure &ief Description: Replace existinq qolf cart/oedestrian bridoe Filtwill involve 0 cubic yords onnuolly ond/or 55 ctdcic yords for the FiltwillUe O Rrprop ORoct Oerovd @(sona O ct.y O orgoni"s O otter FilllmpoctAeob OO? Acres;451 Removol will irvotue 0 Removotwillbe O niprop O Roct< 0Removqllrnpoctfueo b 0stt lenglh:widtfu I 65r Avg depth cubic yorcls onnuolly ond/or 0 cubic yords for the totol project , O crcn et O sona O srt O ct.7 O orgonics O otner Acres:0 length;0 n 2At totolproject commonfil'l Eslimoted Stort Dote q-3-q'l Estimoled Completion Dote a-30-al Willony moteriol. corutruction debris. runoff. etc. enter owetlond orwoterwq/? O V.. Q tto lf yes. describe the type of d'schorge ond show tlre dischorge locotion on the site plon. depth I I widfu,.\' @ Roject furpose ond Need: onoposso Pnotscr punposr & Descnrpnc The purpolg oI th.e proposed_project js to replace an existing deteriorated, namow,structurally inadequate golf cart/pedestrian bridge for use 6n a semiprivate golf iourse. ProjectDescriplion: The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new two-spanglued laminated-bridge. Th9 prgposed new structure has three nEw bents consisting'ofdriven steel piles and steel pile caps. No concrete will be used in the new struiture. The bridge replacement is necessary because the existing bridge is inadequate and becomi ng unsafe. How mony project drcnring sheets ore included with this opplicotion?2 NoTE: A complete opplicolion must include drowings ond o locotion mop zubmitted on seporote 8t/2X 'll sheets. o Pno*sr lupecrs eNo AtrrnNArrvEs Describe olternotive sites ond project designs thot were corsidered to ovoid impocts to the woterwoy or weflond. No alternative locations were considered. The proposed new bridge wi'll be built bes'ide the existing bridge. Traffic f'low on the golf course dictates that the bridge be at the proposed location. The proposed design minimizes impacts to the wateruay and no wetlands will be impacted. Describe whot meostrres you will use @efore ond ofler construction) to minimize impocts to the woterwoy or weflond. No pollutants of any kind will be allowed to enter the wateruay. The proposed newstructure will have only one bent in the river channeli two fewer than'thl existingstructure' and will provide 2 feet + additional hi.gh water clearance than the exiii.ingstructure. The site wi'll be gradedl finished, and-seeded following .onitrr.iion. NOTE: lf necessory. use odditionol sheets. @ Msceururous lnronuanox A{oining Property Owners All of the adjoining property is owned by springfield country club. Ljst oll other opprovols or certificotes received. opplied for, or denied thot ore reloted lo this opplicolion. lssuing Agency Type of Approvol ldentificotion Number Dotes of opplicotion / Approvol / Deniol Lane County q]dg. Dept. Building Permit pending Lane County Floodplain Floodplain Permit . Management @ Ctw lCouNrv Pur'r'rrrue DEplnruem Arrroevtr (to be compleled by locolplonning officiol) Ofnir project's not reguloted by the locol comprehensive plon ond zoning ordinonce ' Ofnis project hos been reviewed ond is consblent with the locol comprehensive plon ond zoning ordinonce. Omil proiect hos been reviewed ond b nol consistentwith the locolcomprehersive plon ond zoning ordinonce. @Corsistency of this project with lhe locolplonning ordinonce connot be determined untilthe following locol opprovol(s) ore obtoined: @conditionolUse Approvol fuotP<a,) ODevelopment Permit OAo.tAmendment OZon" Chonge @otn"' RtP*aul 'sE a$c* !A&*acc' An opplicotion E nos O hos not been mode for locol opprovols checked obove r-*A-/,,tu Ast o ct4 rt-6-/,-?l Sign"t"t" (ot dcof plonning officiol)Iitle Dote @ Coasrru. Zoue CenmncAlroN lf the proposed octivity described in your permit opplicotion 's within the Oregon coostol zone, the following certificotion is required before your opplicotion con be processed. A public notice will be issued with the certificotion stotement vrhich will be forworded to the Oregon Deportment of Lond Conservotion ond Development for its concurence or objection. For odditionolinformotion on the Oregon CoostolZone Monogement Progrom, contoct the deportment ot I.l75 Court Sheet NE. Solem. Oregon 97310 or coll 503/373S50. Cerlifi cstlon Stolemenl I certity thot. to the best of my knowledge ond belief, the proposed octivity described in this opplicotion complies with the opproved Oregon CoostolZone Monogement Progrom ond will be completed in o monner consistent with the progrom. Applicont Signoture Dote @ Srcuerune roR JorNr Appt rcanox (REOUIRED) fuplicotion is hereby mode for the octivities described herein. lcerlify thot I om fomilior with the informotion contoined in theopplicotion.ond.tothebestofmyknowtedgeondbelief.lhisinformotionishue.complete.ondoccurote. lfurthercertity thot lpossess the outhority to undertoke the proposed oclivities. lunderstond thot the gronting of other permits by locol. county, stote or federol ogencies does not releose me from the requirement of obioining the permits requested before conrnencing the proiect. I understond thot locol permils mov be required before the stote removol-fill permit is bsued. I understond thot poyment of the required stole processing fee does not guorontee permit issuonce. Applicont Signoture lcertify thot I moy oct os the duly oulhorized ogent of the opplicont Dote ent Signofure Dote / -/ 7-?/ I I I I I I I : Sugruu:nrer $m,uro haplcr lxronu.molr'' Gonwiillro Fru Or.Lv) Sile Conditions ol imPocl oreo lmpoct oreo is O Oceon O Estuory O River O toxe O Streom O Freshwoter Wetlond Nole: Esfuorion Resource Replocement is reguired by stote low for projects invoMng intertidol or tidol morsh olterotions. A seporote Wetlonds Resource Compensotion Plon moy be oppended to the opplicotion. Hos o wetlond delineotion been completed forthis site? lf yes, bywhom: Oves ONo Describe the existing Phpicolond biologicolchorocter of the wetlond/woterwoy site by oreo ond type of resource (use seporote sheets ond photos, if necesory) Resource Replocement Mitigolion Describe meosures to be token to reploce unovoidobly impocted wetlond resources ' Becorss this informotion is not necessory for o complete opplicotion. you moy submit this sheet ond other envirorr' menlol informotion ofl er submitting y.c "', opplic otion. 9t llrtlt ilt rlitlrratt atttrl ngf lcld I . a.l, A Crccwcll $rlryrlls . (1 I d I nco n tI^t0r0 f -1,* Lol. 44' 7' 19" Long.122'55' O" SITE CT tttt ll taa* VlClNl TY tvlAP 0 5 r0 1520 SCALE IN MILES VICINITY MAP FROlvl IHE OFFICIAL OREGON STATE HIGHWAY MAP, LOCATION MAP FROM CHAN/PION MAP OF EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SEC. 3 T. 175.R.2W., w.M.t 0 LOCATION MAP SCALE IN MILES 2 NOTES: PROPOSED SPFLD. COUNTRY CLUB BRIDGE OVER MARCft;A€RIEK MDHAWK RI veR RIVER MILE 4.5 NEAR SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY, OREGON APPLICATION BY: SPFLD. COUNTRY CLUB05/31/91 SHEET 1 0F 2 ADJACEN T PROP.R T Y OWNERS., @ Sprngfield Counlry Club il Yat (,,l f,s I E t Ot .l Ot rl 6l o,rl € rclh -Hole r t_-.--l --J its l3O'-O'Oul-Ou/ Exisling Bridge DArUM NGVD (rBM) PURPOSF Bridge Replocemenl For Privole Use TololRemovol:OCY BelowOHl,l/=OCY* To/ol Fi// -- 55 CY , Below OHllt = 15 CYr OHl,t/ = El 475.0 * Below Top Of Bonk fl. 4 ru.Of il Embonkment 8y Power Shovel = 15 CY Below O.H.L|1 ( 5 CYr) il lt ll ELEVAT o 0r02030 F/. 4 7s IOHW)4 PROPOSED SPFLD. COUNTRY CLUB BRIDGE OVER MARCOLA CREEK RIVER MILE 4.5 AT SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY, OREGON APPLICATION BY: SPFLD, COUNTRY CLUB 05/31/91 SHEET 2 0F 2 SCALE IN FEET )