HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-06-20.. RESID. ,ITIAL.. zz5 Not th sth s;trelPPLrcATr,N/PERIITY SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 ButLding Ditsision d6i -6F-tl ZO-O / D,) Job lacaticn:so Aeeeesots Map #o33 svbdioision: D:oO - /z'.oo A.mer: SPFINGFIELI> \ Address: *lg O ci NaJ Additicn RenoCel Phone I,lork: Qc 'l- ql oa-/,/-r,- ,otun# rs,Date Date of Acc Licaticn b-z O -R /,-, GeneraL Aotitess riona d ?c..r Lot #cq Plwnbin-c t1 ^^+-i ^^7 l.!ecicnic.zL Conslrteticn Leruier lt ie th€ respotrsibility of the perftit holler to see that aL! inspeetions ane nade at lhe prope? tine, that ecch cddress is 1'2n;n;'-, ;'ron the atreet, an-C tlldt the permLt eard is Loeated at the front of tl,e ptopertytguildiq Diuiciovt acpro"*eci plan sicll remain on the Euilciing Siri at eLL xines. ?:OC:!')?9 FOn i:lS?aC?IClt P1?UEST.'CALL726-3769(reeorder) state you? City designaxed job nu:zber,, iob aifuess, t';7e of irsoee=i,,cn teaues;ei ar.a u::en gbu uiLL be rea<iy for itspection, Contrdctc?s c" A)ne"s ncne cni piane n;,;nbcr. Pequeszs recei';ed befcte 7:C0 ci :til be nad.e the sanie dcy, ?equests made cfter 7:00 on ti.LL be mad.e xhe nc.ct'sorking c;:;. &ao'lZAIour Ci.ty Desiara.ted Job Number fs: TeouireT fns:ec:i.cr.s -l S::i -f.';-.-r:l:--:.','.' To ce nccie cfter , 1 diGiiil ,ut pz.Lor Ec set up oJ - fctms. -I A:]D!.?SL.:3 ?:I-':BI:;C. Z'ZC:Prc:L & | ;.rLE.i-/.ra^-: .o be maAe beJore Cny L}ork Ls coDat,ed.. a rocr.r:;G I F3u:tD.1TrcN: To be rmCe-r-I aite:- trenches are etcatsateci antd. U!]DZRGPCU:,ID ?LU!4ZINC, 5'I,ITP, I'!.|.TER. D.e,AillAGi: 1'o be naie prior xo fil-Lir4 trenehes. i::tL'L4!r lt1!4!0!, E{!!f,E| Ii:s?Ee! i:: :; :-' L;? :C ::,-.? .r.',iI:--- ; -', I ;D : :; -.SIo be maCe after aLL insulaxicn a:d rcquired oapot, borie?s are in plaee but befcre oty Lath, Wpsun bcati ot' rnLL coueting is applieri, cnd before oty insulation is eoncealed. DRYHALL IilSPlC?f0N: Tc be nade after aLL ctyuall is in place, but ptiot, to cny tapittg. l"lAS)llRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot, oerticals in aecordotce LtLth U,B.C. Section 241 S. l l l deckittg. o^trafl DrfD.Df,r^ Drea6Dfair c rEra- I - uztil these inspeetiors hatse beer made and aoprooed.. 1 rrptptlcii poto, to plceirq faeing) ^ctAils arui befone'fronini Zn"pnZ- tiort. 7 pnuluc: I'lust be requesxeil af*en ) "pp""r"L of rough pltnbing, eieetri- cal & neclanical. ALL roofing btactng E chinmeys, etc. trust be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cecled until this inspeetton las- " been nad,e anC apptorled. forms are ez,ected., but prion to pouttrq ccneret€. UI|DERFLOCF PLUlgfi|G 8 I4qCI|AIJICAL of floor insulction or decking. POST AtlD BEAI4: To be nade priot, to installaticn of floor insulatior' ot' FIT|AL PLU(;BIIIC FIIIAL MECHAIIICAL FITIAL ETEtrRICAL G ttooDSTO:,E: E) ccnpT;;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: AfteI foTns are ereeteC but prior to pourLng conc?ete. STD\WALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL con- c?eteffiAid; street right- of-tny, to be maCe after. aLL esca- oating conplete & for-n wtk & sub- base ncterLal in place. IENCE: When eonPlete -- ProtsiCe gates or mooable sectians tht'ough P.U.E.a 1,*l;zo-8a AIL project condi.tions, such ae the i.nstallation of st"eet trees, conoletion-of tie required Landsccpirg, etc., ,mtat be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FIIIAL can be tequested. FINAL BllfLDfNC: The Final Buildittg Inepection mtst be nequested cftee the Pinal Plw-.bing Electrical, ad Mectunical fnspections haoc been nade atd approueC. l lI I Sani:at7 seuer cqoei, ct property Lite Septic totk p'"qed and. fnlled t^tLth gra:e" Fincl - tt4ten cbctse itezs are ccncleced a.-.ti uhen aetncl':.tion is eo=clete or st:-;c- xute nouei anc orerrLses cleanei u?. Le ficnes pcrehes, skirting, decks, Le'-ed. Firnl - After etc. are canp Pcce 7 of 2;ALL \TANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS rtUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI.E\E T0 BE r.',lADE /.? tt1 cSsT r0 ctv { n T Blocking otd Set-;,tp Plunbing connections -- aa)e? d, ualer Eleetriccl Cotnection - Blocking, set-u= arui plunbing eonnections tast be eptcu^ei befor c requeeting eT,ec2rLcal inspee =iot Aecessory- Builciry , JOB *o.g60 ,IZJ"SoLARAC/ SS REQ.- occuDancu Grou): -8ec-?oons bt Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Cottetaga t of Stories iotal Eeight ?opography LC? TWE _ Intericr _ Cor.ne? _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sac LACC Building Volue & Permit rhis--permtt is gz,anted on the erppess conlition tlwt the said. eonstntetionslall' in all reepects, confcrm to the ordinance adopted yiy the ci.ty ofspt'ingfiel-d, ine-luding the Zoning cvdnnaiie, regulctittg il.rL ccnstr,tcticn 7tl .use of building.s,. otd nty be-- suspended or r,-euokec Lt "ry tine upon uic-Latlon of my prcuisions of said Ordinances. ?OTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1-5 - Euilding Petmit State ?otal Changes - I ii.: .Tesiiential (1 bath) Seuer Sta';e Strci':etae Date Patd Signed: Plumbing Permit Ilq peteon shaZl consttttet, .tnstall,, alter or eitange anA neD cr e:istinaqlm2itu ct' tirainaqe sy2ler in ,hole or in pat,t, inles"s sue;, pe"sii- i.i' tt "Le-gal possessor of a ualid plunbet,,s Lieense, esceot tl"a.t a Deison nav doplurbing uork to p?ope"tu uhicit is otsned. Leised. on opnia.);t -t;;Ai;_ cant. Lot Faces - lieat Sounees Setbacks Df Ilouse Can aoe Access. l,lotth East South West x VaLue Check Fee: - a! 1 :,^ -, I i e.:.a -. J - ';e;/i:tetd. Circuits eaL Stcte ?otal Electricol Permit we?e stdte Las reouires ti.a.t the electrical uork be done bu an Elect'.icalcont?actc?' the electrical cor,=iox, of this pernit sv,c.LL ncx be valii untiltize Label itas been signec by the Elebttical' Contycctor. f :a ft4echonicol Permit9TU'S /hast HooC '€nt F@t 'codsto;se to?aoe 'tbeu! ideualk -ee PernrLt Issumee Meeinnical Penmtt -- LiICRCACHI.!E!,]? .- ?atal Charaes 7 ."bile Hane /\2--(.4; .@ )!AL A}.lOUltT DUE:.(5.^Signed L-CO G+ * #: PLant EEanlne? r HAW 1AREFULLy ExLaly1q lle eornpleted aopltcation for permit, cnd d.olereby eertify that aLL irfo:nation hereoi' is ii" "7a- .Z"iii", ore tfu,tkez'-certify that any ard aLL uork perforned. srnll be d.o::- in accor-dance tttth the opdinane:e.s of the cita of bpningfieid., ;rrd-li; L,,;s of the- 2l?t-? of -o-regcn pertainins to the uoik Ces'eriblla'i""L;.i, "ii"ti-t No occu_PANCy t^ritl be nad. of ang- strueture_ uvtthout permission of the 3uit<ii.ng Di-,ision. I fut ther eertify that only cont?actot,s ar;d enpicuees uho ate ineonpliance ui.th ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this proie"i -"--' ay'-' Date