HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-11-04..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttonth sth s;treeAPPLicAr r,N /PERIur Sprtr,qfield, 2regon 97477 Bu1- Lc.tna DLrl-SLOn 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIEI-D Siqied tu^t 9'lo g-0-"-r" 4"'lo cl r- 5.O O ,zo 5.oo ,zo /o.2/o Date: ,l -.{ - k"-- Job Loeaticn:r{6^)k-'J-*^9 Aases*o'.e ]!dD tt \ q h'1?Y4 14 ?c,zbtru4f,) S'abd.iu'J s;.cn: );ner: -l jq i\l*,1 Phone: ?qb-q? G 0;dbess c;rv, \.-LL J 7 t4tt Describe Hork: 3 *t*^- R".-6\"-1'., to'C" (t-t* u 3i---6,t^LoJ-'6-^' ll 8Z e cp0:oo {--l Vaiue RanoeeL laxe of Appl eLj-4-2 9tz-5257 GeneraL PL'lnb 3 LeC ],!echat:iccL 6ard"-a,y seaez, capDed :t prcpett:ri Line Septie totk p'"i:Ved end. flLled ,,tith gta:;ei linc.L - i.lhen abcue itens ate ecnolexei and ahen 7,e-ncltr.ior:. is ccnalele bt strt:- tuye noueC otC =re:r)ses clecnei ul. iicnes tsLocking o.d. Set-ug Plwnbin4 connecticne -- sa,)e? od. ualet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u3 and,- pltonbing eonteetions m;st bb apprcuZibefore requeating electrtcal inscei:ior: Aecessarg tsuiHirq Pttal - After :crekes, sk--rting, d,eci-s,ete. @e canolelad. Consfiictb-n_lgntk!_ t.! ia lhe respottsibi-Li;y of -tto pentit ,@td,e?_to see- tltat_alZ ,Jnspectioft, @e nacie at :he ptoper tt-ne, that each .-,44ress is reaiaiiei:y.-c-iy srree.t' anl, :itct the pet*rit cad, ia r,ccated. at -fu froi of th.e p"operta. '3uiai-4 T|ti:ior. a:ru-ed tlZn sfuLL remain on th.i ii:.iai"Q-!:ile et all iines.. ?ROCIDIJPS ?OR I:ISP1MI ?i,ijl#s12yI:",:i:;!".i:x:""!:h?,:,*Z,ffi,;f,!"Z,ffi23:'',.!*?#"",Z'""iy,,:oZ'iiZo7.,;',"L.-.t, ILILLL oe tade the sane dcg, requests naie aftet 7:00 on vi.LL be nad.e theiut i"i,i"E'aoE. lout City'Desigra,ted. Job Ntnber Is: g 22rr Si?! !Js?lf:tt!: lo be tmie after eacauation, but prtar to aet up of qlD-,PSL;ts ?LJIBIrG, ZL1C??nAL I ,:.!ECiL:iiC;L: To be rarie befoz,"- cny .ttork is ecuerei. !CC!:;c t iCL,)!DA!iC|t: lo be ::aCeai)er =renches are ezcanated atti fctns cte ereclei, but cytar topourirg ccnc;,ete.I I UIIDEP!'CO? ?LU:.giIG 1 }4\CqA\ITCAL:;'t ce ncce pr.-cr co instali.aviott of f,oor ineu.ixian or Cecking. I p.lst 4_i!o $*t: lo be naie prior to; t tnstclkt'"cn ci' !1.oor ir,.sui,a,aacn o? CeektnE. tr2nc12€ liJr.:f . iNSALATION /VAPOR BARRIER TTISP\C?fi II : ?o be naCe aftez, aLL izsulcticn d requ'ired oqor borie?s @e in place but befot,e ou1 lath, Wpsln bcayC cr. unl'|, coueying is cpplied, crd. befareay ,Jtasulation is concealed. DRYHA.LI |IISPZCAI)I: Tc be naCe -.- x,fte" aLL crluall is in cLaee, but priot to cny taping. l4AS0!lR!: Steel beo,ts, gzoulina acco rbtce ,,tith 2415 . 'i0ODS.!C,/8.: Aftet ir67a7lat:-on lsectaLete<i. CURB & A?PRCACI. APP.2N: Ay'ter forns*e erecyei but pt-:or to pourJng' eoncrete. SfDEIIA.LK d DRfIETIAY: Foz, all eatt-c"ete pauirq aichin stteet rtght- of-ung, tc be naCe after aLL e*cq-uatina carolete ,l forn wrk .3 cub- base ncterial in pZace. io Location, botd -ot uertteals in U,ts.C, Sectton to:til ;kese -.r.soectiot:s nede a"d. cpprcied. ncteiai.s tion. FNUL ?LU:ISI:iO FIIIAL :ACAAYCAL ?ilAL ZLZC!?ICAL H,or :o pZcctrq fcctng ar.d befcre ,+oAr.S in"p".- 4.7Je seer i-1 ?ar-,!r:tc:- }tust ie tec.uesteC eflent_) d??rox;L cf rcugh pl,rrbt"4, electn-J_cal I necinnica!. lL! rcbiir4btacttlg l_ chitmcus, etc. .zysg- 5sccnoLeaed.. llO .;crk is to be con_--cealed unril ,his inspecicn la,a'been nede cni aporc,-eZ !!flCg: tlhen conplate -- prouiCe gates o? nouable sections through P. A. E. ALL p?oject eondi:ions, suci cs the installaxion ef slreet i?ees, -.c:Eletion cf .iherequired LanLscqing, etc., nt'Ltat be satisJ'iec before the auilii.l'c EriiL tan be requested. ilstAL BaILDIttc, ,h" ,.:::l |::y^:y, ::"9eeti1n tast be requested zllet the iiral phr,binsElectrieaL, qd, l,lechantccL /napect-.cns neuc been nad,e ad acoroued. 'ALL t4AtlHcLES AI|D cLEANours llus? tsE AccESo:BLE, ADdr:sr:!i:;t ?o zE:.!,,0s,j.? lto::sr rc cr?y I ]_l ?:'ie 1 cf 2 ..U-^"- [J ^-.^^; tr ll 2--. ' JOB NO. "325 SOLAR A\'CESS REQ.- lat Sq. Ftg. I cf Lct Cweraga_ ! of Stories ?otal- Height ?ogography tsuilding Pennt Staie To+-aL Cha:,gea Pl'unbing Pemit L-COG+- Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis pemnt is granted on the eq?ess eondition tlta.t the said-constnLction sLtaLL, in all z.escects, confcrn to the h,dinance adopteC by the C'Jt7 ci Spningfield, tnclui"Jng :he ionir.g Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnstntei:.cn ani tse of butldings, and nay be ;uspez,ieC or reuckei at cn! tlae :i2crt oic- Zatian ,:1' ,zry prcoisions of sarC Criincnces. LCr ?v?s _ Interior _ Corner _ Patitantile CUL-de-sac Date Paid: F.eceipt #: Stgred 3 Tc Pernrit issu,ance Mechanicel ?etrit Plumbing Permit No pe?eon sltall constt"tct, insta.L!' al,tez' ot c\cnge _6n! TteD _cr eristing -ph,inbirq cn dtainage s1ste'n in ulole or in pant, unless such pet'son is th.e iegal piosses"on of , uot-id pl*rbnrrs Lieense, '*-ce?t t|".at e ?e?soy na'1 Qo-ptlnblitg uork to propettg uhich is orsrted, Leased ot' opercted bg the 6ppli- @rlt. Elee tricol Permit -!i^i---Were State La,t requires tlst the electrtcal uotk be done by_an lleetz,ieal Contlvctor, the electr.tcal portion of thia permit sltall rot be oalil. untiL the Label has beett signed by the Electz"ical Contraclor. Mechq nicql Permit:?3:4 lEpe/Cor-sx:lcze:Cccucanct Crouc:3eircons: J.eat Accegsaf Lot laces - -- Fees -- M:.t :(Value !.tatn C,Zzce ACC2SSO!' ?0!.1L V,r.LUl S.D.C. I.5 c S oc) ,20 5 zo LTATiUL Ftb;tes Resilenti.al ( 1 bath) Scnitar,l Seuet ile!ey 5, cl C) 2-o C1IIGE 5 Z.a Pes. Sa. ftc. Na,t/Extetd Cireuits !4cran1 Semtice ;tc.F:3 F.trr.aee ?TUtS E l@lst llood Yent ?ar ',lcodstoie -- ilc?cAc!::.9:!? -- gectri-t't Decosit Sto?cge ihantenanze Penn:t SiCa,talk ?ence ?1TAL itt!1tl!l? DUE:'4 \o..lo Cutbqt! PLcn Z:aninez'UaDe I HAW CA-REFULL( gXAlLI:tED i1'2 ecnoleted capLicaxion fo-r permit, ani ia i|ilui Liirilfy- tii ali- irfonat'Jon hereci-:.s ttue an1 cattect, and r f*rl"", ""rtl"ir- thdt dnV crl aLL ;ork =eriotmed shz.Ll be dote in eccot- 'danee vLth xh'e- Atd,inane"es of the City 'cf SprLngfield., .atd. lhe !a;s o1' ;ne SatL )f 0"egcn ger.iaining'to tke ,aik CescribeC herein, crl. :i1ct yo 1CCU- i).tCl uiti bZ ,m'de oi *ry" ,tn "t*t e Dithoilt permissi-on of the 3uilding 2t- vtsion. i furti",er =ertir'g t'r'at otly 2cntractcPs o;d a:tplcyees 1iao ;r2 Ln cmpliance uith CRS 701 .055 r,till be used cn this ptoject ft--/ tlobile llcne Stdte Surchaee tral,nl- (hoqes ?otal Cncnzes iZecxnl cal L<:beL t- September 28, 1982 Mr. Dan Mendell Sun Solutions 158q0 SW Upper Lake Oswego, 0R Boonesf erry Rd. 97o3tl Good Horning Dan! I have enclosed some preliminary sketches showing various sieps of the integrated mounting of Colt Collectors. At 350 degrees Fahrenheit, we have 90 degrees F. on the backside of our collector with a 70.37 degree F. amblent temperature reading. NaLurally, wlth a change 1n ambient temperature, you wilI recetve a fluctuatlon i.n plate vs. backslde temperature. If f can be of further service, please do not hesltate to call. Si reIy, Reid Lundstrom Engi neer RLlKb E o ^_a r3.rtlco E I I ffiililmffi"(((((r( f^ltrmikidoll IAPMO Approval No. 5-1968 :.', Los Angeles City Approval No. RR4050 .. - OF SOUTHEFIN CALIFOtrINIA .ENEFIGY SYSTEMS OIVISION COPPEFI c-141 e,-14e.GO CTGIFI 35!e' I 97a.__-_::.-_=l-- Colt, lnc. of Southern California, a recognized leader in systems and solar engineering, has developed a high perlormance solar collector with many unique fea- tures. Colt's collector was designed primarily lor the user who desires the collector to be a part o, the build- ing, blending into the architecturo, and not an appurte:nance' 'i,,*, i,..,.'l j The C-141 & 142 collectors incorporate a copper ab- sorber providing a highly wetted surlace exposed to the incident solar radiation. Superior performance ol the C-141 & 142 Solar collectors is a result of years of engineering by Colt, lnc. of Southem Calilomia and technical coordination with Los Alamos Scientific LabOratories and NASA, Marshall Space Flight Cen- ter.j"l,Thetabsorber surface can be coated with either selective paint or black chrome. Materials have been iudicicf'usly,selected to negate all possibilities of out- gassing, which results in fogging the glass surface. The glass is of a low-iron content, high-transmissivity, wateqwhite grade. The architecturalbronze lrame and non-glare glass contribute to the overall outstanding appearance of the Colt collector. Architects are finding the Colt,collector to be the answer to many design ploblpgts,where building aesthetics are paramount. '{E_A 4k. i . ij: n Dimensions: &ifffrer',,i," ..,,i'l rq. , "' I The Colt C-141 & 142 collectors may be used with any. solar heating system application, such as hot water , , heating, space heating, heat pumps;boost heatforairrl conditioning systems, swimming pool and spas. The "", C-14i & 142 may be used in open o5gt9s9O systems: I . i r. r . ,r: : ,: :itcu;.iL'.d ,"11.6g1;r . .tlt li';i :.::ii rnereoy becomingapartof the building rool ano servlng as a walerproof portion of the roof , or installed on lruss mounls where roofs are flat or have a For collectors mounted integrally to the roof, a llashing adapter, provided by Colt, seals the collectors to I ! Frame exterion 9TA" x 351h" x 3la" Fluid connections:t/s" O.D. (41 create a waterlight roofing membrane.lA unique de- :sign feature is provided lor mechanical separation bej 96lbs. tween the flashing adapter and thepapthat seals the.9V/a" x 4V/a",x3Ya"mllector glass, permittingr glass without disturbing the rool flashing. .,,& of the "connections: t/e" O.D. 14) WeighB,148lbsII ,Grr-r il\E. Drawing No. 020980 r {h I ;'- 'c_oLl lNc. oF sourHERN caLrFoBNrA rs Nor coNNECrED orREcrLyoR lNorREcrLy wrrH aNy oixtR rHrrry usrNG THE NAME ..coLT... G ,California 93446t (805) 238:9400 a. The lenestratlon shall be tempered water white glass having a transmlsslvity greatdr than 90.0olo. The lenestration shall be sealed to the frame with doublE'', Dow Corning #732 Silicone seals. The fenestrailon shallbe secured tothecollectorlrame using a mechan.-i ically attached cap capable of removal for glass rei" placement. b. The absorber shall be copper. The absorber coat- ' ing stall be a semi.selective paint or black chrome. c. The insulation shall be R-14 wilh Thermax sheath- ing (lsocyanurate roam) and spun glass with less then lVzo/obinder and no lubricants; and shall include collec- ' tor side wall insulation. d. The lrame shatlbe 6063-T5 aluminum, "nod'i#-with a dark architectural bronze finish. The frame shail* have the capqbility ol being directionaily vented to the*i atmosphere. The frame shall not contain any exterior {; holes that will result in housing leakage. ' " - *-: e. The collector backing shail be high strength liberglass sheet. .,,, , ,..6.,* t i' ai''-1: ,. ' " '"*-'rliountlng '.is"fi'"' .;l.;f.t-i :r#' ' .' ., The collector shall accomodate the use of eilher the Colt roof integraled or truss mount systems. . . * Operatlonal Data: c-141" C-142 150 psir. 150 psi .48 gal, .99 gal. Supplied Upon Bequest volume Thermal rating. Colt Collector Etficiency 'Catttomla T.I.P.S.E procsdurc L750 Commerce COLT, INC. OF SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA lvtodel C-142 (Black Chrorne) 89145 9-1980 Gross Collector Area 3f .83 tt2 Second order ellrciency equalon is: Errrc = 0 758. o*7 Fn:ra :-I'gt! e*fo{ 80 ozu, 0l!lrul 0 1() 30 20 'I 0.20 q.25 ., i: 0.30 O 3s O 40 0.45 0.50 0.55 r{run c-112 ), nZ F I,r 12 FLOW RATE (GPM) 1. Pre-Erposuro ASHRAE 9&77 Tesi2 30 Day Erposure To$ i I & Thermal Shoddwalor Sprey Tod i, 5, Overpressure and Loak Test ,r"''; 6. Post.Exposure ASHRAE 93-77Tesi I FtNe €NeR.GY CturtR :-vsrEkl A5 /NSTALL1D By -t-HAt ttoFFplAN DgA ?ASrt4€ guruoe(s # Z643A BRAINBAGK SYSTEIUI Sar_areCour CI,lPka Fttc #s- tl ba P*xteus42 ' 4'x1t Dlt?{cTw/ 6ecx C o LL Ec7Oi. coMBh6T,B Co oF Drrrrrb..lt rr€Dls las 6 2Iot1 €lc(.i.r !. p SExa 5oa4A7*aq lA?wto fLe 4t s-ztqo H*^ J, uin-*r,<- D tr tG Jti -Scet*, r PF, Vat< ' D cu BLE t^JA LLH€Ar EX6HAAIC€R- . P,)< frs,.lrflc.r' {e 6e(f,xl<'rb,) - Na sp..ia*rlr - l fiLttq,(i- z t-,t P)c-(fu k i < t ) - 7a, ljp.k o t 7 e, uocl 1 "Jo/arfluid ' 61r/( $< ais$illq,l ar 4< ioa,2-2d atq kr- . All Solar loa,a Et,.:J jto35.€€ unri le 6.- L-pf./, 6^rt' o. c&',q (,'s "J.'o/.. S., lor L=p 6le,oc J Pyts:qr<. Oa/1 R<lr<'T y<tr.r,. < 75p.SL Cnorl. o7t,'hu1Px rs<rr<- of DvoltU..L A*L it T3-Psz) - htl zt.<$i.J cor-po..,^-/: l- 6.. r4t L,\{*4 t . Ht1\ r-.,^r6r..fr.rc lrLrS fu* fhrrs aFC Po'*tpaf lLo'€. ,te1lq;d atl.*,'i -6*.; o L* k-l- crc.L t 6rcuJcl tp./ Pt*1 tr Thetwon<ter 1l- ,-I(..i Flaa7<- {lF ll^,o^ 6v fkr Cc.to.n{c,v -P+ qo*, or Bo(/ l/<lo< + B.,ile. Ot*.]. Ir H€ATED SPACCt 7<a2<rt'u7 Ual,t<' J lo bd, Lt\ t 6vr^.d F"r 55. Prsr.bv/ raa-C6-ro ot Ta<e r^irth erar12 , OR MYbN ro/ uxroN 5 ^1._^They a.re.Simpter in Design than othersystems, el i m i n atin g com pon en ts-anO incri;; greliability. ?. No Maintenance is Required. Ail anti-t 1e.e .29 chem icats are elimi n at&-it-on l y 1 O0o/odrinking water is used in tne'Sofai Loop of thesystem. 3.. Freeze Prctection is extremely reliable.Water in the colectors ;il ;;il;;'pipirg iIdrained each time tne pump ijil;;d dn o'y inecontroller. ,^, FI:I:T,?!S^rI i9 n l: yqrv s i m p I e ( S ee d i as ram ) :wnen Sunttoht is available, the heat sensor on thbcollector oriilet signars 1nt oitreientlar controilerto activate the cird.utating pump. ih'; pump thenpushes the wdter throug-h tne biping, up to theroof and through the co-llectors whdre it is heat_ed. The water tFen returns to the neit exchangerin the bottom of the storageian.( n"iting the wa_ter for use. This continuei a,l;g; the coilec. lgf alg a.t a higher temperature tian tne storitetank. At the end of the day the pump is shut offand the water in the collettors'"r,0 Erpo.ed pip-ing drains back into the water r".".oir. l o ELIEotEEltEEELEVATED TRUSS OR PARALLEL PITCH I nl ${Slandoff ls applicable where building codes requlre a minlmum collec- flrbof epaclng, and is shown with Colfs new Adjust-a-Level Bolt pend.) whlch overcomes the helght lrreguladtles of shake I I ALUMINUM.COLUMN COLLECTOB IiISTALI.ATIoI{ TILTAMITES / ANGLE A B 45 69Yr 6$i/r .t0 61*t 71Vt 35 56!n 807r 30 493h 851h 25 41!t 89t/t 20 33%g29| ,5 ZYt 96tr/t ILLUSTRATION 1 D:OFF MOUNT I/ iASSEMBLYII POP BIVET ILLUSTRANON 2 1750 Commerce Way/Paso Roblbd, California g3ffi6l (805) 2 BOLT PENOTNG) F s ..COLI INC. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" IS NOT CONNECTED OIRECTLYOR INOIRECTLY WITH ANY OTHER ENTITY USING THE NAME ..COLT." ^ e to t t SfANuAPD l4ouNnNC D€rltt- S I] )N GLE s orl ne lrrBRAr.rE: RooF StteatltNg MouNTtN Cr Br?Acref) BoLr-, AND P€^lErRertclN SEALED LorTH tRemCo ttro^!Z-- oR. SILICONE S, z- lbd rurtls S7A,N L€S S WAS+I€R., .. T I WA Eil6 Rt TYPICAL ?si a"n o orrBLE NqTS I RarreRs i4ourr"TlNG I\ARDtlAR,e B y Cotrt /NC, OL - LEV€LEG CO, I I --_J I I \I zx4 BLocF-ri \r 3 t- ; Z - I tRusg ,o/L A."^ StnND ofitr(tn faa6'4 E- bur c-t4L +8 Ix Cott-Ecr-r:R S exte4t I o& WA LC Zx4 RaFrsRs@ z4 ,rO,C, .SffiPso^l A3+ Qto *) tttreRtoR ar4Rtxtlr- ?aRrrtoN I i I I I I 'I --l- lb d xatr. TIPI CI Lli I I I I 1 i I I I ! I zx+ 6 fuaeEs $ i ; I I I I i\ xt I':t!-i.;. - _-- L-- f ijl![in- ::'ij ":r'r lhr ! i I I ?o I .1 A l-IrJ tn f 4 rl I 03 3+I o .' Bt l SU I iOz(J I I Nrt I ELt)VD' )PRS Nt I1|? t i d /7 /Uo I /o I fo3 A -.J oa LrIt ol. socl;L/e reu/- /ol cceTkC / N )AseueNr J \.n SOUR PANELS N78" E QercoY) / f6' I I I I I I I I I I I t i + I I I r' I