HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-29# .. RESID--lTlAL" APPLICATION /PERMIT SPHINGFIEI.D 225 North Sth Stteet Sp"l"ngYi,nta, Oregon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 Itll56\ '1,rt CC Date: GenetaL l,lechan:ical It ia the responaibility of the penrit hoZder to see that aLX inspections ate nade at the prope! tine, that eaeh address is t'eaCabi-e frat the at?eet, ard tlat the permtt catd i,s Located at the fuottt of tle propez,fu.*guilding Nuiciot appro"*ed plan sVnLL remain on tle Building Site at aLL times. PPoctDUpE FoR INspEcTIotv RE?UEST..CALL726-3769(recoy'den) state yout, City desigrnted job ntonbet,, job aCdtess, tgpe of inspec=i,cn requested and ahen gou uiLL be ready for irzspection, Contracta?s o? Anne?s rntne cnd piane nwnber. Requests z.eceixed befcre 7:00 ct t"iLL be made the sane dcy, "equests made after'?:00 on vLLL be nade the neet aorking dag, Job Loeaticn: TcE Lot # C)Assessore MaP # Subdittision: Anter: Phone:O7Addzess x fiezompozz €'F n6'btu*.J7fe,zZrfro.n7 /az- r=rry.,? Describe l,loY'k: //Date of App Licaticn #4 L 76- *? value Addition Page 1 of 2 q Tq? T^tcDnamf Ait , "-.Aaio", but Io be made after pz.iot, tc set up of fotms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHT-\:IICAL: To be made before any t'lotk is cotset,ed.!. i, ?OOTTNG & EOUffDATI1N: ?o be naCeAfiiffies a"e eacaoated and foz'ms ate erected, but prior to t4,'//7FD trenchee. Desi.gnated Number fs:g2oa BARRIER IIISPEC?ION: ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn required oapor batrie?s @e in place bat before any l.a.th, Wpswn boa.rC oy' tnLL eottering is applied, and. before oty ir*uLation i,s concealed. DEMOLITTO!] OR I,IOWD BUTLDTilCS Sonitary seuer eapped at properfui Line Septic tutk p';ittped and ft LT,ed urith gz,a;;el linal - hlzen abctse itens are ecnpleted and uhen d.qnclition is cotnplete or stz,ue- ture noued and prernises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eortttect'Lons -- saie! ad, uatet Electtical Connection - Bloekirq, set-up and plunbing connections tn;st be apprct;ed befone requesting eleelr,Lcal inspeetiol Accessory Building Pirnl - After pctches, sktrting, decks, etc. ane eornpleted. Iout' IENCE: gates P.U.E. It r--a DRYWALL fNSPIC?I0N: Ic be nade I A;fte"-m&wifrs in place, - but prior to any tapin4. tr UIIDERFLOOR PLUTlBING & MECI|ANICAL :Io be ma.de prior to installation of floor insulation ot decking. P)ST AND BEAA: ?o be nade pri-ot, toffitiTTilGTof floor itaulation or deeking, ROUCH PLUMBTilG, ELE?TRTCAL & MECH= ANICAL: No aork is to be co"-et,edffiiL these irospeetions lnoe been made atrd approueC. EfPEPLACE: Pt ior to plccirg facingmatetials and before franing inspee- tion. lEAlgNC: l,lust be requested after approual of rough plutnbing, electti-cal & mecltanical. ALL roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be . eornpleted. tto ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lws'been made anC apptooed. ".- ) FTilAL PLUUAING ,rro, ,rrrorrro, FINAL ELECTRICAL n MAS1NRU Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oerticals in accondorce ?,tith U,B.C. Section WW A.fter inetallatilon is L1 CURB & APPROACH APPON: After formsee erecteC but prior to pour.[ng concyete. SIDEWALK & DRf'"EWAI: Eor aLL con-c"etenalr@Atffi s treet right- of-txA, to be male after aLL eaea- oating conplete & fonn wz,k & sub- base natet*ial in pLace. toTo a h4ten conplate -- ProuiCe or mooable sections through ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co:pletion of the required Landscaping, atc,, rntst be satisfied before the BAILDING FillAL can be requested. IINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested aftet, the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Meclnnical fnspecti.ons haue been made and. approueC. w a *ALL IiANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIETII TO BE I,L4DE I.? NO COST TO CTY tr tr L JOB NO.SOLAR A^CESS REQ.- G*L-CO Bedrooms:ht Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooez,age - # of Stories - Total Height - lopography Aecess. SQ. F?G eat th ITEM X Value Df IIouse LCT ?WE Lot Faces - fntet icr Come? Panhandle CUL-de-sac l"lain J^4,/o Tdaea qeaqe Cuport Accessot tl ?OTAL VALUE 2@.o' S.D.C. 1.5 s ?. /?3.- o Date u.ZA ,t Building PennLt ?otal l'h.tges State Building Vqlue & permir Signed: N0.ILL CHARGE * -\ Resil.ential bath) Plumbing erm it ITEM Firhtree Sa,set Plurnbing PenrLt ?otal Electricql Permit Wh.ez,e State Lan requires tlwt the eleetri.cal uotk be done by an Eleetz"Leal Contraetor,, the electrical portion of this perrnit shall not be oalil until the label has been signed by the Electri,cal Contracto?, Ul<4e, a 11 Iotal Na,t/Eotend. Cireuits Setwice ITEM NC,FEE A'J?e. t, *o Mechqnicol Permit -Ao/ CIIARCE z>b tuhanet HooC Hcodstotse Vent ?ot a? ?o PermLt fssuanee Meclnnicel Pennit -- ENCROACEI4ENT -. Sec,u'itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cutbant - Sida,talk Pense ,Electtical roUtfr-h-.za Mobile Hone fuurEeps,y,&uza l€I /z -2- a7 - I HAW CAREEULLI EXAMTNED the eornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certifg that aLL information hez,eon is tnue and. eorrect, cmC f furtker certify that ang ard. aLL aork perforned slnll be done in aecor- dance tith the Otdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon pet,taining to the uotk Cescribed het,ein, end tlat N0 )CCU- PANCy ?,/tLL be nad.e of any stzuetuya uithout permiseion of the Building Di.-oision. f fw,then eertifs- that only eontractors oid entplcyees uho ate in conpliance uith 1RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project -iq c T?TAL AM)UNI DUE:*/ z?s. sa Date -)q-, /y.4.*rc/{ ilatet /.# 3q.33 State Suteh,atge N9 person shall consttuct, inslalL, alter ot clunge cnA ned cr eri.sting glutnb-ing or drainage sAltal in ulnle or in patt, inlesl sueh person is" the legal.possessot, of a oalid plunbet,'s Licensb, escept that a pZt,son mag doplunbing uork to propertA uhich is ortned, Leased or operated ty the oppli.- eant. Futnace PTll'S / Ic.s Iot il Aeeeeeors llaP f lt " RESID' 'lTlAL" APPLICAfi'"/PERI'ET 225 North |th Street Sprtngfield, 7regon 97477 BuiLdi,ng DLttisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD O.mer: Job Locaticn: Stbdivision: Ad.dvess: Additicn 1 Phone: zip: Describe lttorl<: rlll4qo r \r'flffZ* fu.zvqe rQaairAfrxrzrrn-- 5Z.7€D/V€- ,>-,/6 t--l Le Eone Ddte: Date of App Licaticn .7a62 Value Vz>42, a>1/ GeneraL Meclto:iccl t Constntctton Lendet:-+ It i., the respotrs,ibilitg of tte pexzrit holda tD aee tlat al.L inopeeti.ons oe nade at the ptoper tine , th,at ecch .frteas ie rea'1'ab:''' fran tle atteet, atd that the petzrtt car<i ie located at the front of the Prcpe?tyizritding Diuisiott alprw^ed pl^ot sltcll temain on tie Bunlding Sitc at cLL- tines. PI?OCSDU1E FOI? INS?rfrIOtt RIOUZST:CALL 726-3769(reeorder) stdte !]our City Cesignated job nto;zber, iob aiitess, type-of -inspe_ci1:c-neatiyfot,ir,spcction,Contvacto?sota,mels-tlc,neLndpizonerulnbct.Pequesxsreceixedbefcre7:00g, ',viLL be nacie the sane dcy, tequesta matie after 7:00 an vtLL be nade the nc.ct:nrking d.c.y. loto City Desig".ated Job Nunber Io:B8 Rom,q' ao,4 Tt ca aaft' aa o cTae Tttartrailfn^t. 4;a!;;;;; b"t ?o be nacie aftet' prtar tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLL:ilBrNlL ELICIPICAL & II\SULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER I]ISP|CTIO|I : ?o be na<je after aLL insulexi.cn ed requlred uapor ba,rie?a @e in place bttt before oty l.a.th, Wpsuat bcari ot, tnLL couering is applied, otd before ory insulation is concealed. DRYI.IALL INSP?IION: lc be made after aLL iryuall is in place, but prior to cny tapirg. I4ASONPI: SteeL Zocation, bond beans, otouting or te"ticdls in accorriance Lrith U,E.C. Section 24 15, wooDSTOtlE: nnpTetea. After installation ie CUPB e APPRCACIT APPON: Aftet formsae ereeteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEHALK E DRfIEWAY: For aLL eon- crete pauing uitilin st?eet right- of-tcA, to be maCe after aLL eeca- oatinq conplete & forn t'tork & sub- base naterLal in plaee. lEllCE: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gaxe6 o? mouable sectians through P. U. E. nct,1? tfrfArt nc t.atE' =t,ir n:"ae Sani:oy sersez, eapped at p?operti Lit e Septic totk p,r,ped ann fi.Lled ttth gra;te: Pinal - t{hen obcte i,tazs are cc,npleted and uhen Cezclt-tior is eonolete or sttue- ture moued ati przrrtses cleaneC up. Blocking otd. Set-;,tp Plunbing connectiona -- aaie? anl. uatet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-ut ani plttnbino connections m;st be qpprctec beforc pequest-i.ng elec:ical inspec:ior: Aecessory Build'-ng Fittal - Aftcr ocrckes, akirting, decl<-s, etc. are eornpleled. I _l I l t9CM.|liCAL: 7o be nacie before any ttotk is eottered. Pj)TII|G 4 FOUND,l?rcil: Io be naCe aftet xrencites a?e escaoated at"d forms ote enected, but prior xo Potr-.ng ccnctete, UNDSRGPCU:]D PLUI.IEII;C, SI?EP, hI.4?EP, DRAIIIAGI: To be naie prior xo fil-Lir4 xrenciec. flllnFDaf ^h, D?trtmf^t? o ,t=FuA^'f aar. lo be naoe prior to installaxion of floor insulction or deckina. cal 6 mecitanical. ALl- roofirq brasino C chinmcys, ete, rrust be : completcd. llo ucrk ia to be con- ....ce7led until thia inspeetion lue'been natie anC approved. a posy at:o eut:: To be nadc prior to ) i""t"";;io" of iloor insul,azion or deckitg, --l R0,-,c:1 PLA:91:l?, ELEa?!?ICAa 4 IttC:"-le,ffi - ,urtil these ir-speeiiors haue becn nade ard cporoue!. 1 rnrpLtcti pri.or to olceirn facinc) ;;;;;la"; ard. bcfore'ira,ting iisoe'.-tion. L.--. Q] fnn:t::c: l4ust be neouested af.-er/\J dpp"orrrl oi rough plwnbinq, elecxni- ll l l FTilAL PLUI.{BII:G FII]AL I{ECIIANICAL FINAL ELIC?PICAL \q AIL projeet eonditions, such ae the i.nstallaxion of s!"eet trees, conolction of tie required LanCsccping, ctc., trust be eatisfied before the BUILDIilG PMAL can be requested. f^ FINAL BUILDIN|: The Fina| Building Inspeetion mtst be requesteC cften the Fittat Plunbing Y.,/ Electrical, otC Neclutcical Inspecti-ons i14vs been made arui aporooeC. .ALL I.'A!]!]iiTS AI,]D CLEAIIOUTS TIU9T BE ACCESSIE|,E, ADJUST:!Z:]? TO 9E TADT /.T I]O ClS? TO EIIY Page 2 of 2 JOB NO.soLAR A' -ESS REQ._ Lot Facee - P. L.House Aceess. Lot Sq. Fti. z of lot Ccverage Interior Co*aer Paniundle CUL-de-sac ll of Storiea ?otal tetght ?opogryhy TCT TWE x Va ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. f.S :r I 4Builiino p?hrtt Total Cit*ges State L-Co c+ Becro*.s: ;1eat Date Paid Reeeiot #: Sigete<i: Building Volue & permit This pentit ia aranted on th_e e+ttess eondition ttrzrt the sai.d. eonstntetionehal|, in all nzsoects, confom to the oriirarcn adoatec by the city ofsp.ingfield' inc!'udrnq- th.e zlning- cy:;:";'.;, regulcting tJe ccnsttucticn?9.1". of buildins.s,.'ord m^ay b."-'";;;;;.;1 or revokeC at d:y time upon vic_la.tlon of @ly pncvisione of iaid orcij.ir,ances. I ;> t i TT?!.! Fzinrres PL'anHng Perrit State NailEstend Circuits TalDc"@lt Settsice eal Permit Stcte Total Chorces No pepcon shall constraet, instal!, pltznbing or drainaae 6yst€-n in a'rotLegal possessor of a valid plunbertpltnbing aork to p"ope"ty uhich is FF:-Ci;E3: al.ter on cicnge cny neu cr e:istittg.e on in par;, unless such person is- trre's License, e.rcept th.dt a oe-son nn! do ot;ned., Leased on operated by the oppli- Electricol Permit l{here State tas reouiyes tiut the electr.ical uork be done by an Electri,cal Contractar, the electriccl oorxion of ;itis pernix shall rac be oalii wttilthe label has been signed by xhe Electrtcal Cont"actor. Resilienti-a.L (1 bcth) Soiitart Seuer tlcte? ,.s Mechonicql Permit t*lanat Hooi Vent Fdt ilcoCsto:tc Sectitu Sto?aoe !4tin Pern'it Cltrbctt Si.da.blk Pemit'Issuotee Me=haniccl Perntt -- T,':CRCACHI':i:,'T -- I f HAW CAR,FULLy 9r/LUINED the cotnoleted aoolication for oernit, and do hereby certify that aLL itfotnation hereon ie xrue anl coruect, anC f further certify that any ard aLL uork perforttei siall be ciote in accor- dance trLth the ord.intnces of the City of sDrtryfieta, anl th: Lan:s of theState of Oregcn pcrtainino to the uork Cescnibcd hcre)n, ct.C tltat NO CCCI- Pr'.ilCy wt,LL be nade of any sttucturz uitho:tt permission of the Building Di-vision. I further c-e"ti'f! tttat otly contrac'to's ard. etplcyees uho ore in catpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project !'lobile Hav :STAL AIaUii? DUI:'/2.>'a No"th 9ast f L?CD - lb.in Goace C@ert Aecegsoru <b34 Plumbing Permit i.j I 'l ,'l