HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-17Ga q--3D RfCK-30 Lau htv t za,t,on fort FOR OFFICE USE ONLYonn"""i'yzru*l/{ rlcwlrsHrP / 7 FANGE 2 3,ITION LAT/ PRCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY FGesidential I lndustrral ZTP BLOCK Cc,mmercial Public SUPPLY ,6aa Proposedxisting NUI.lBERBAND ADDRESS ce rti of 55an CHECKED DATE , arrd do ty }IAVEI EXAMINED THECAREFULLY re tthehaveintelegalfollowing f:rther that andcertifyany hereon and correct, and that I APPLICATION of the State of Oregon if exempt the basis for exemptj, pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO oCCUPANcy this project. I HAVE READ AND tfle Building Division, I fur- ther certify that registration with the Buj-Iderrs Board is is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild employees READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY I puxNruc,zZoNrNG: Minimum Setbacks:cL cot[\lENTS "t \)cP.ION:9c.-- SANITAT r. # COM.[lENTS d(PLANS E TION: rype ORI ZATION qAS N BASED ON (t- ""Tfirs; coNDrrroNs : Parcef # (3.<eS Parcel size b rear Date: Installation Record Issued? Partition # C , si interior B. P. # '\-]flY"= flN" Installati-on I Ca11on specifications: - Tank Lineal Eeet of t)r'ai.nfield llaximum D€pth of Trenches Date: G Use Date : /o -/7-* BY BUILDING E COUNTY DEPARTMENT 125 EAST oRS 456 DATE OF UBLIC AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, COMI'IENTS: SEE REVERSE FOR I.NSPECTION INI'ORMATION cL4-25 R* I I ( ; SETB|ICKS AND OT:ILR CCIiDITIO}iS OF APPROI./AL.IIUST BE STRIC?LY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C,i?ION OF TIIIS P[R!11T, CITATIO:i UNDSR PROVISIONS OF LAN-E aOUNTy'.'; INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED 8I LAW. WHEN RE.\Dy FOR lNSPDCTION, CALI 687-.1065. A liIN-IllU:,l OF AT L'AS? 2{ IiOURS ADVAi.:CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- TLN-imarsTS-LISf r! uVs:*.- advE--Ene tol.Iowing j.nf o.nat-ion ready: permit number, job address, typeof inspection, when it urII be ready, your nane and phoic nunber, and any speciat Circctions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: RgQUIAED I:iSPDCTIONS : L. FoundaLion ]n.pect]s, To be made after trenches are excavated and forns erected and when aIInaterj.al.s for the foundatj,on are delivered on t.he job. l{here concrete from a centraL mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixedr') is to be used, materi.als need not be on the job. 2. concrete Slab or Under-lIoor Inspection: To be nade after aII in-slab or under-floor buildingiEIvTre-eqlilrpmot, conIitrt, plflitflEZEEssories, and other ancillaly equipmenL irems are inpl.ace but before any concrete j.s poured or floor sheathing install-ed, including the subfLoor. Franing & Insulation Impections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, andb=reffif are-In-lTre and-l-I-pi-pes, f ireplaces, chimneys, ani vents are iomplete anct aIi'roughelectrical and plunbing are apProved. AII waLl j-nsulation and vapor barrier are in place. Lach and/or cypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all IaLhing and c,ypsum board, i.nterioranilexuforf-IE-in-pTade-ElE-SEToie any plastering is applied ana netoii-gypsu board joinrsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspeclion: To be made a the building is conpleEe and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work on any par! firstlnindicated in each succe Suc,}I approval shalt in the consLruc 1y UI t bond n of the building or Slructure beyond the pointobtaining the approval of the building officialshall have been naCe of each successive steptions required.st tnsDec for the work authorized, such as buC not Iimited tor in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisI the plunbinqThere uiIl be no approval unti approved . f applicable) and when installation isapproved, nationalLy recognized lesLj.ng is connected to an approved Sooting connection, tiedouns, for mobile homes or as required by a flood- and NOTE; Al1 buiLding Block l^Ial1: ts e Iec tr ica I S tove : for rel ryIl bes ins ta skirting, Foo to th State by Mobile home minimum finish fLoor elevati,on sha be ce ,r:& 1. 2. plain management letter. $obile home tiedowns, uhen required, and skirting shaIl,Lj.on within at Least 30 days afte! occupancy. Tiedownsper enclosure. and ready for inspec- shall be installed Swiming PooI: Below grade when steel is in place and before;fren p@I-TE-instaLled.is poured. Above grade APPROVED PLANS )IUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT TIILL EXPTREIE WORK DOES NOT BEGIN VIITHIN ].80 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR IIORE THAN 180 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I4AY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT !.IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIIT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATM SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS! l. Permits shall be effective for one year fron t'he CaCe of issuance. 2. Upon conpleting the construction for which a iermit has been issued, the permit holder shal,lnotify the Lane county Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development bi subnitting theinstal"l'aLi.on record form. The Department shaII inspect the construction Lo determin; if itcomplies with the rules contained i.n this divisj.on, If the construct.ion does comply with suchrules, the Departmen! shaLl j.ssue a certificate of satj.sfactory completion to the'parni,ti holderrf the constructlon does not comply uj.th such ruLes, the Depar-tlent-shall noti.fy the pernitholder and shall require satisfactory complebion before issuing the certifi,cat;. FaiLure toneet the requirenents for satisfactory completion within a reasonable tj.me constj,tutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 to 45{.'745 and rhis rule. Setbicks - Subsurficc Sewage Disposal Septic Tank - Drainfield From: Interior properti, Iines IO, I0,Edge of road rlght-of-uay LO' lO'Buildinq foundation LO'hells. other uater soulces 50' foq' 3 4 B. c. D. hne cornty ACTI .,TY INFORMATION CHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^JILL BE REJECTED! 6lI' -t Rove€ oSBoRtrE' PERSON MAKING REQUEST @ r_A? S,oAitrc0Ar€ fruE MAILING ADDRESS SPr\i ryCr !'E!o o l< CITY STATE ZIP CODE 7zo-?2c c 3 rvrae B PAneEL NUMBEFI ( REQUIRED I NFORI,IATION) MAILING ADDRESS Srl rnt- PROPERTY OWNER sfi1*f, VzYzz 7zc-33Y/ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS -_( IF DIFFERENT FRO HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxat'ion or from tax statement) t7 TowNSl{rP C3 2,4 Z MNGE SEENTN T TMN.SHTP- RNNGE SEETI-ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISION (if app licable) FAAUOAtE EST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do) L T P EL ZON I NG TOI^J-NSFTP RN-NGE SEETMN TIX-r-or(S) OR PIRC-E-L #ZON I NG ffi ZON I NG LOT /O BLOCK .f 5 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: No. oPs HAA t,e Rb oN PlEAitl,vT [3tVo, u) a.v gPAi*oo 4*e AuE. ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : - DATE:- TIME I N:- 0UT:- NUMBER DATE --.|nt/, I LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISI0N / 1?5 E. Bth AVE., tuGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 C ITY STATE ZIP CODE ACRES t3 TRS# 17-03-22-4-2 5200 DATE ISSUED:1 0117 / B5 PERMIT#273O -8s- Ol^JN ER'S NAME NE NUMBER /zo-o041 IRE FRONT C1 PH # 926-9766 IN FI TUR SIDE INTERIOR 5 'REAR 7 I PI]E THOR P C ITE SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED ON PHEASANT BLVD. ON SPR TNGDALE. E E AVENUE SPRTNGFTELD, 0R 97477 BIL Correcti on Date NS VC I n spector PLUMB-TNG GROUNDI^JORR NSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspector UNDE RS LAB PLBG. f] /UNDE RFLR PLBG. D I NSPECTI ON App roved Date Correction Date I nspector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date I n s pector HP P Approved Date proved Date UApproved Date ULA RB Approved Date LA GYPSApproved IDate Correcti on Date (In Correcti on Correcti on Date ECTI ON Correcti on Date In Correcti on Date ECTION I NSPECTI O Inspe ctor spec FINAL ME CHANICALD /HOO D STOVE DApproved Date Correcti on Da te Inspector FINAL PL UI4B I N G INSPECTiApproved lDa te Correcti on Da te ins pector MOB PLA Date ENteCorrecti on Inspector M74-Ig7 CYN Insp. T p ro ved Date Ins p. CERTIFI Approve CATE OF OCCUPd Date PORARY CENTTF ICATE OF-OEEUPANCY E I ADDRESS NAME (PLEASE PRI APPLTCANT( )owNER ( ) REASON FOR CANCELLTNG PERMIT(OR APPLTCATTON) CANCELLATION'REFUND AUTHORIZATI^\ PERMIT#- TRSffL#- ooNTRACTOR( ) SIGNATURE FEES PAID FOR WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (StrE TNSPECTTONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO TNSTAL!_ THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANNING, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. FEES PAID % REFUND o/o % % oh % o/o % Flood Plain Fee Building Permit Fee Mobile Home Fee Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Fee Septic Disposal Fee Site lnspection Fee DEQ Surcharge Land Use Application Planning Director Recording Fees Partitions Copies & Ordinances Surveyors Minus $25. for Processing Fee $ TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED $ o/o % oh % o/o % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SIGNATURE TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANGE: Building Permit Refund $ State Surcharge Refund $ Septic Disposal Refund $ Site lnspection Refund $ Land Use Applications $ Planning Director $ Recording Fees $Partitions $ Copies & Ordinances $Surveyors $ TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ NA 7-88/Acct. 42'1201 Prog. 060 Recei 1 7-88/Acct. 421 241 P r og. 060 Recei pt 1 7-88/Acct. 421331 P rog. 060 Recei 1 7-88/Acct. 42134lProg. 060 Receipt 1 7-88/Acct. 42'l 501 Prog. 060 Recei pt #- 1 7-88/Acct. 462021 Prog. 060 Rece i pt#- 1 7-88/Acct. 4621 O/Prog. 060 Receipt 1 7-88/Acct. 4847 4lProg. 060 Recei 1 7-88/Acct. 444191 Pr og. 060 Recei 41 .rA 4' it NA 25-06-74/Acct. 44451 lP rog. 01 0 Recei pt PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / Public Works Department I '125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 687-4061 //-tz-€ls //to ULIryL /Z-s€r ryF o5Bc5F^r6 t s frlrq tr FPa' /q4/ tmT (4ucL