HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-03-02!.. RESIDL JTIAL.. ' APPLICATION/PERTtIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 0regon 97477 Bu1, LdLng DLU1 slon 7 26-37 53 Desa,ibe llonk: SPTIINGFIELD tttlq)7' , +'1v addi,tion RenoCel s oGTAra- 4t--a42-^l Date of App Lieation t),- r7 Value t7fSigred: L l/ GenetaL Job Locaticn: A,esessors Map # 1 20 ) Qb /rJ 16 ro;OqlO Subditsision: -4 Zr,,^!4t V A4zu/A,mer: 413 ad 1q tr?vPhone:Addtess:IoCity:zip: Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Pluttzbing connections -- aalu)e? otd. ualer Electtical Connection - B\ockittg, set-up and plwnbing connecttons nust be qprcxed before requeeti,ng eleclrtcal inspection Aeeessory Buiding Piral - Aftet pcrel,:es" skitting, decks,etc. are cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 Electrical I Mecharical ,lM 10 Conajrucbion_Lendg! SI?E INSPECTION: ezcaoatl;;;6, To be nade afterpriar tc set up of Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nuntber fs: INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION: ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ad required oapor bez,ie?e @e i.n place but before org Lath, ggpeltn baarC oz, rnLL couering is applied, and. before oty irnulation is concealed. DRIWALL fNSPEtrf)N: Ic be made @ez.-dT@ts in place, but prior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or ueyticals in trtth U.B.C. Section VOODST)W: Aftet installation is arnpleted. ,/ CURB & APPR0ACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to potu-Lng @nc?ete. SfDEIIALK & DRfT,WAY: Fot aLL con- crete paoirq trtthin st?eet right-qf-txA, to be nad.e aftet aLL ecca- oating conplete & fonn uotk & sub- base naterLal in place. A!!l: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or nouable sectians through P, A. E. I-t is the responeibility of tle penrtt ltold* to aee tlut all inapectiot'ts oe nade at the p?ope? tine, that eceh ailtess 'is vsa.1,a"nigfln the at?eet, and tlat the pawrtt cad. ie Located at the ftottt of the woDqtu.*BuiUing Diuiciot approt:ed plan shcll remain on the Building Site bt aLL' t!nes.- PP)C9DUP\ FO\ INSPECTI)N .E1.1UEST;CALL 726-3769 (yeeoy,det,) state yout City Lesignated job reQuested atd uhen you uiLL be ready fot inspection, Contraetors or Otmers nctne and pTnne ',uilL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nade af{x ?:00 on urtll be nnde tlte nest wrki$ d.ay.6t, tb ntmber, job aCitess, type of inspee=icn nunber. P,equests reeeixed befcte 7:00 an DEtl2LrrIAll OR :.!)Wt BUILDTilCS Sanilaty seoet capped at ptopetfu Lir:e Septic tank ptonped and fi,Lled ttith gratel Final - I{hen abcue itens aye ccmoleted and uhen dq.olition is canpletebo "tuo"-ture noued od. ptenn ses cleaneC up. fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRTCAL & WCHA-\|fCAL: ?o be made before ang unrk i.s eooeyed. F0/TING & FOUNDA?TCN: ?o be ntaCe Tfte?-A t"ffi;;-are qcatsated and for,ms ate erected, but pr.ior to pottt tng ccnerete. aNDSRGRCA!]D pLtlMBrNG, SEWR, W.ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prioz, to fil-f.irq trenchee. altpEP,FL)oR pLUt4BrNG & MECTTANTCAL : FMAL PLUAOIilG PINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRTCAL ( lobei@of floor ineul,ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: Io be made pr.tor toinstallation of floor ittsulation or deckittg. ROUGH PLI]IIBII,IG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be coaeted -.- mtil these inspections hanse been made and approoed. EIP.EP\AC!: Pz-iot, to plaeirq facingnaterials and. befote froning inspec-tion. FRA,I.IINC: I,lust be requested aftez, approual of rough plwrbing, electti-eal & nechanical. AL! roofing btactng E, chilrmeys, etc. tntst be . eonrpleted. tlo ucy,k ie to be con- 'cealed unttl thie inspeetion lne'been nod.e anC approted. ALL pnoiect conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conpletion of tierequired Landscapit"g, etc., rntst be satisfi,edbefot,e the BUTLDLNC FINAL canbe requested. ?INAL BUTLDING: Ihe Final Building Inepection mtst be tequested aftet, the Pinat Plunbi.lgElectrical, and. Meclnnical fnspections hlue been nade ard'approoed. *ALL \4ANI\CLES AND CLEANOT|TS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJaSTUETU rO BE t44DE AT NO CCST TO Cr?y 7 ,rororn ro,n T l Zf soLAR Ar'Ess REQ.-JOB N ^*(,?0 L-CO Bedtooms: Lot Faees -Ene?qu Soutees Tuoe Setbacks lleat Df House Cotage Access.Waten lleater Nol,th Range Eost FirepLace South Woodstoxe West Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage_ LOl ?WE _ Intetiot _ Cor,flel, _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac # of Stories Total Hei,ght ?opogrqhy -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the eEp?ess condition tlnt the said_eonstmtction slnll-, in all lbspeets, eonform to the }r'di,ttance adopted tiy the City o.f Springfield, including the Zoning Cndinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn od. use of buildtngs, antd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of anA prcoisione of said otdinqrces. TOTAL VALUE FTG x Va S.D.C. L.5 c rTEM l,lain PLan Check Fee Signed: Date Pa't d: Receipt # Buildi.ng Pendt Iotal Clnrgea State Plumbing Perrnit No person slwll constract, instaLl,, altet or change _ang nev-ct' eristing -ph,inbi.ng or drainage syets'n i-n uhole ot in patt, unless such person is the iegal pbsses"or oia t:alid plwnbx's Lieense' eocept tlat a Pe"son naa 42plint[ng uork to p"opertu uhich is olmed' Leased or operated by the appli' cant. FEE CHARGEITEM Ei.chtres Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pertrit State Sutel",arge L Electricq I Permit Whet'e State Lan requires tlwt the eleetrical uotk be done by an Eleetu'ieal cont?aeto", the elect?ical portion of this permit sltall not be oalil until the Label ?ns been sigred by the Eleetrical Contractor. Total Neu/Estetd Circuits Set uiee >lo s.bo CIIARCENC.FEE ( N{LE lta,tst HooC I{codstoise Vent Fot PermLt fssucnce Mechanical Pernrit Mecho nicol Permit { tE'no -- ENCROACHI4ENT -- Sectrltu Deposit Storage Mdinterarzee Permit Ctttbcut Sida'taLk lence Electrieal Iabel Mobile Home r HAW CAREFULLy EXA],LINED the contpleted appli-cation for pennit, atd do leieby certify tlnt aLL information het'eon is true an'd eoz, ect" aruC f further eertify that any ard aLL work perforned altal-L be done in aceor- "dance tLth tie- OydinaneZs of the City of SprLngfield, and the La;,;s of the * state of oregcn pertaining to the uot'k cesctibed here;-n' ctld. t?nt N0 0ccu- pANCy uill bL nw'de of any" stzuetuye uithout permission of the Building Di- oision. f fiuther "l*tt|g that only cont?actors ad arplcyees uho ate in conpliance ilth ons 701.055 ui.LL be used on this pnoject TotaL *t-.r - 87 TO?AL AMOUNT DUE:*6,Uo Date Zontz:OceuDaneu Gl,ottil T[mt Econiner #.. RES[. ENTIAL.. 22s Notth stl, it nffPLrcArr,N/PERItrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Di.tsision 7 26- 37 53 SPHIhlGFTELD you? CitA Desigr,ated Job llutnber fs:. /1u6b aq) A1 v CZ Date: CeneraL Construct'ion Le?1de? Remti-rai Tn <n aa-f-i.nn q It ie the reepaao'ibility of the permit holder to aee that all inapectiotts ate nade at the ptope? tine, that each addrees is reaCahle ftan the at?eet, atd that the pewit catd i.s Located at the ftottt of the Wopetty.*SuiUing Diuiciott appro"*ed plar shall remain on tVp Bunlding Site at aLL- times. PROCIDUPE FOR IIISPECTI2N R91WST.'CALL 726-3769 (reeondet,) state your City desigl,ated job nttiibet,, job aCi.z.ess, type of inspecli-cn tequested and. ahen gou uiLL be neady fot inspection, Contraeta?s or Anne"s nc,ne and pinne nunb*. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 an ;.'iLL be nade the eane dcg, "equests made aftet ?:00 @n ttill be nade the neat l,nrking day.gl o t75 (Job Locaticn: oAasessone Map #Tos lot # 4 d/--Svbdioision: Asnet: Address: ,/fS -/F?Phone: City: Deseribe llotkt-t Na) t-t Value I&s -Pe'r u,) a/-{Date of Additi.cn RemoCeL # ELectrical Meclwnical tffi-, V awenrr,ooR pLLtr,ErNG & MEC;IANTGAL:ttof floor ineul,ation or deeking. ?g;rr ANL QEAM: ?o be nade pr.tor toffiid|Glf,6Tof ftoor iwul)tion or decking. ROUCH PLA-IBIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork ie to be cooered .util these inspections hnue been nade ard apptotseC. FfREPLACE: Prtor to plaeit"g faeingmatertals atd. before franing inepee- tion. FRAIIING: lttust be requested after apptoual of rough plutrbi.ng, electyi-a,l & neclwnical. ALL roofittg bracLng & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . atnpLeted. llo uotk is to be can-. eealed until thi.s inspectton ltae'been nad.e anC approoed. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WCHT.IIICAL: To be made before ang wz,k is eoueted. P0mINc & F)aNDATICN: Io be rnaCe afre" t"ffia"e *catated and forns are erected, but prior to pourtng ccncrete. ANDERGRCUIID PLUMBING, SEWER. IN,4?ER, DRAIilAGE: ?o be made pz,iot, to fil- @-66n"hee. FilIAL PLUABIUG FINAL UTCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee ev,ecteC but ptiot, SI?E INSPEC?I)N: Io be nwde aftet,e-.d;i;n,Tt pz"tor tc set ip of forne. INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : lo be made aftet, aLL insulaticn ed tequired tqor buriers @e in plaee but before otg Lath, Wpsun boatC ot, rnLL couering is applied, and befote aty irnulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPEC?I)N: Tc be made after aLL dtguall is in place, but ptior to any taping. Steel Location, bond gouting or oerticals in DLth U,B.C. Section installation is Sanitoty saser capped at propettpi lire Septic totk p;.orped ann filled tith gz,atel linal - lt4ten abctse itens ate eonpleted ond uhen Canclttion is eomplete o! strac- ture motsed and ptenn ses cleaneC up. After fornsto pouz"tng co?tcrete. STD9HALK & DRfVWAI: Fot, aLL con- crete patsing uithin st?eet right-of-te|, to be made after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & forn uotk & snb- base nwterLal in pl,ace. PENCE: l{hen complete -- tuotstde gates or motsable sections through P.a.E. X Pnr- 0,^^--,tly\* )t ALL project conditione, suck as the i.nstallation of stt,eet tnees, co,:pletion of tie required Landsccpirq, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUTLDLNG FINAL can be z,equested. PINAL BULLDING: The Final Build.in4 fnspeetion mtst be requested aftet, the Final Plwnbing \-./ Electrical, anC Meclnnical fnspections llque been made and approoeC. Hcmes Electrical Cannection - Blocking, set-uD and plurnbing connections mist be apprct;ed before requesting eleelrtcal inspeetion Accessory BuilCing Einal - After pcrehes, skLtting, decks, etc. ane cornpleted. Pege 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI\E\D rO BE M4DE LT N0 CCST r0 CEv Blocking otd Set-up Pltuabing connectians -- sa)e! otC. uater l I tr r u ,t c*1,JOB NO.SOLAR ACCE REQ.-L-CO Bedtoons AccessDfHouse tpt Faees -bt Sq. Ptg. Z of Lot Casetage_ # of StorLes ?otal Eei,ght Iopogrcphy LOT TWE _ fnteriot Cornet' Panltand.Le CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis pemnt is gtanted on the erpress condition tlut the said-consttaction slnll', in all rZspects, confonnio the 7rdirnnee adoptedS:y the City of Spz,ingfield, inc?.uding the Zoning CYdinance, regulcting the ccnstracticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or retsokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of @tA prcoisione of said }rdirnnces. TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTG x Va *S.D.C. 7.5 s Building Pertnit Total Clntgee State Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall eonshuet, inetall, alter or change arLA ned cr existing plwnbing or dtainage sAstqlt in uhole or in pott, unless such person is tlp legal pbssessor of a oalid plutnber"s Li,cense, eccept tlnt a pe"son nail d9 pltnbiig uork to property uhich is olmed' Leased on operated by the appli- cant. I LL .A A D'D Prbtures Resid.zntia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Perrrit Total Electricol Permit whe?e State Lau requires th.at the eleettLcal uork be done bg an Eleetrieal Contraetor, the eleetrical portion of this pernit sha.Ll not be oaliC until the lobel \as been signed by the Electtical Cont?acto?. NO.FEE ?otal Nas/Ertend Circuits Sentice FEE CIIARCE I v o Jt Mechqnicol Permit 5, oo Erha,Bt Hood Vent ?dt Meehanicel Penrit Pemit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,*itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Penrit Cvrbcut Sidatalk lence Electrical Iabel Mobi.Le Hc,nre PWEaattinet'uate ?otaL I HAW CARE\ULLY EXAMINED t?e contpleted application for perrnit' and do hereby cettify that aLL infotmation hereon is true and. eoruect, and f furtket, certify that any ard all aork perforned slwll be done in accot' dance tith the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and, the Lats of the State of Oregon pertaining to the uot'k described herein, and tVnt N0 occu- PANCY LIL|L be nla.d.e of dnA structure uithout permisaion of the Building DL' oision. f further eertify thet only contractors ad. anplcyees uho are in conpliarrce uith CRS 70L.05s ui.LL be used on thie project aJ-4 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*S.oa Signed Date TTEM NO. l,letcr State Su.tch,an ge