HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1980-08-06Tr^ g<DEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEME PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property t_7i$mptsnr:iii /_-/iiIadtlgi*$lulirii, /_/ritHHir.iisiiii: hereby certify that this information is true and accurateAffidavi t: I , If this application is for an a cu ra lding it will be used for Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have purposes a the followi llowed by the State Building Code and ng legal interest in the prope rty: rchase;der of an exclusive option to pu cati on { owner of record; contract pu-T dulv authorized t-o-act for the owner s i s *,r.. tni a, " r, %i#edyo- rchaser; , who is 'I essss; hol knowl edgejbl e of thi s a.pp1j//ru,lr trrrr+t-€- Ore Qiil %+Ol, lv n Te'l ephonU ,-o, ^<€( -T---v i#W When permit is ready notify JZ Aooltcant l/ ortner l7 Contractor Owner Con trac tor tractor's 0SR# If Commercial Res idential : Plumbing by # of employees _ z1 z1 ,it:iilf iit{ii:il,**;.:'ii :;$S*l:ii e-t Existins, BP # I Proposed, SI # Phone Phone 7zt SI test holes ready Fee :;:EBSii] sEd,* ffi.l.:':.:;f't:l::l::,o*r. iffitrt.i ,#,,.,,q ir,i,$:l:th$.,, ,i$q , Va l uati on $ Total Va.l uation: $ /:/ Received by Water Supply Propos ed Existing _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy at , $- each $- at $ each $ Su btotal $ $ $ $ Year Instal led PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks t, #Parce I TOTAL Parcel Size t a; t, side int rea r Comments To be typed on permit By Da te CP&l Type To be typed Group.Fire Zone -.>Use Classification on perm t By Date Phone10nI (area inspec / / stF1-,,,K CP& I WPC ct sto Pl ans to I^IPc Pl anni ng Publ ic l,lorks /] Elevation /:/ n/a 17 Address /-/ Facil ity Permit Environmental Health set set Da te Requ i red Hold Slipto PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC /_t /_/ For c74-L7 I t %-zo..ll4Ha?qer $ t6'@ INSPECTION RECORD Approved Disapproved Date rOC) { o = l. Site Inspection Z. Foundat'ion InsPecti on 3. Fram'ing Inspecti on 4. Lath or Sheetrock InsPection 5. F'inal Inspection 6. 7. B. o 10. ll. Slab Floor, Plumbing Groundwork Gas Piping Groundwork Rough Plumbing Rough Gas Pip'ing F'inal P1 umbi ng Final Gas Piping Remarks: 324-lrlJ ErrlF =-{ + 12. Certificate of 0ccupancy: ready to issue; _ not ready;date;i ns pector. Lane Countg Date: O8-Jan-L990 TERENCE HOEGER OR OCCUPANT 5].1. SPRINGDALE SPRINGFIELD, OR AVENUE 97 477 -7573 SUBJECT: WOOD BURNING APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION NO' BP 2L49-8O your perrnit application for a wood burning appliance has expired' Each p"r*it issued'Ly the building official,_under the provisions of the Building Code l6regon State frechanical Specialty Cofe) -shal] expire by Iimitation and'bec6rne nul1 and void if the work authorized by such, ;;;ia is not commenced within L80 days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at i"y-ii*" after the work is Lorunenced for a period of L80 days' No p"i*it shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303 (d) oSMc] Section 305(d) OSMC states: rrlt shall be the duty of the person doing the work authbrized by a permit to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection'rr In addition, Section 303(c) OSMC, says: rrThe issuance of a permit or ipproval or prin=, speciiications and computations shall not be construed to;;;'p"'t*it for, or an approval of, any violation of any ;;--th;-piovision= Lr this code or of other ordinance of the jurisdiction. rr Recently, dD agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of rrg"rr" i"a spiinqfield resulting in the creation of an 'Urban Transition Area' where the resp6ctive city.codes apply as weII as.the state or orego" g"iraing code. since tne -cities and-l,ane county utilize the same state of oregon Mechanical specialty code, the section ."i"r".""= listed above apply in all jurisdictions. If your address is within a city urban Transition Area or within the city limits, you must make appl]'cation.for any anticipated permit activity ror i-wooa rurning 'abpriance (or other activity) with your city'building dePartment'. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions or feel you need "iiiiti"ation, please teel free to caII me at 687-4466' Roger McGuckin euitaing Official, Lane CountY LAND MANAGEMENT DIV/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE' OREGON 97401 I (503) 687-4061 I FAX # (503) 687'3947 hne co,r.tv tANE COUNl T BUILDING I ERMIT t POSI THTS PERI{IT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT #LC 2149-80 JOB ADDRESS: 1696 Springdale, Eugene, 0regon TRS, TL: 17-3-??"4.2, 5000 SUBDIVISI0N: Second addit'ion to Fanndale, lot 12, lot 5 C0NSIRUCTI0N APPROVtD BY THIS PERMIT: hloodstove 'installatjon; Fisher tsaby Bear CONDITI()NS 0F A,PPRCVAL: NfA PE RMI TTIL- : T. !'1. l-ioeger DATE ISSUED: August 19, 1980 BY: T. Momis/Candi Hart DIRECTIOIIS r0 sITE: southwest corner of Pleasant and springdaie l^IP 28305-5E-2 ***************** **** SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMiT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAl^l. I^IHEN READY FOR INSPECTI0N (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the following informat'ion ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any spec'ial directions to site.t OTHER QUESTIONS? Call 687-4394. f NVIH()tllvlLN T/rl. MANA(iI MEN I DEPARTMENT 125 EAST fi I }t AVhNUT ,, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ! UCF /,21/ Y{4 >ru POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT #LC 2149.80 JOB ADDRESS: 1696 springdal ",ffi,0regon TRS, TL: 17-3-22.4.2, 5000 SUBDIVISI0N: Second addftion to Farmdale, Iot 12, lot 5 CONSTRUCTI0N APPROVED BY THIS PERMIT: Woodstove installation; Fisher Baby Bear C0NDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: N/n PERMITTEE: T. W. Hoeger DATE ISSUED: August 19, 1980 BY: T. Morris/Candi Hart DIRECTIONS T0 SITE: Southwest corner of Pleasant and Springdale l^lP 28305-5E-2 r' DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I4ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ci Appl i cati on * 4Job Address Townshi p, Range,Section Tax Lot Assigned Numbers 1,Subdivision Appl ication for WaN <farp Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: ! Residentiai /J Commercial /_l Industrial /-/ Public hereby certify that this information is true and accurateAffidavj t: I, ease pr ntIf this application is for an agri cul tura l bu lding it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose, I have the following legal interest in the property owner of record con trac t pu rc ha ser ;I es see holder of an exclusive o ption to purcha_- duly authorized to-acE-Tor tire owner, who is knowl edgea bie of-ThiG appt i cation. p and S i gn a tu relAddress z1 Te1 ephone 0r l.lhen permit is ready notify: t Applicant / / 0wner /7 Contractor Da te Owner Con trac to r Phone (zip)Phone tractor's OSR# If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Fee Code # of employees -- # of units Plumbing by SDS: /_/ Exi sti ng , BP # 17 Proposed, SI # ^Unit Cos tDescri10n Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Val uati on Fee at $ $ Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at each $_ each $_ $$ $ /-/ Cash /_/Check # Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year instal I ed Existing _ $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy Su btota'l TOTAL ${.- PERMIT PROCESSING 7o Minimum setbacks rt. #Parcel #Parcel Size q.€t t, side i nt.rea r Comments To be typed on permit By Da te Di rections to si te / t SlfO Plans to: CP&l h,PC /- / CP&I /-/ v,PC / / Plannrng / / Putlic !^lorks / / Elevation /-/ n/a /l Aadress /_/ Fac;1 i ty Permi t /-/ Environmental Heal th I € / ,.*l >1 Hold Sl ip to PCC set ( set ( s S Da te Requ i red Da te Conpl eted Date to PCC Lot Bl ock UU NUI l,lR]IL BTLUW IHIS LINt, $ $ 4541 CONDITIONS PERMITTEE: DICTATION FORMAT a JOB ADDRESA @TRS, TL: QJ A SUBDIVISI0N: (4) CONSTRUCTION AYP ROVED BY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT BY:@ IHIS PERMIT' @@vAPPROVAL: DATE ISSUED: t^lP 28305-sE-2************************************* ********* ********************* ****************** ********** Thi s i s 24-08-25, Pbuilding perm t or u n ermi ts on !,lord These are final copi ES es ng e-spaced. mornj ng, afternoon. I wi 1 1 pi ck them u p i PI Note:Pl ease e all numbers in numer cal Variable @: Capital (- Capital C Space Vari ab I e Vari ab I e Vari abl e Vari abl e Vari ab I e Vari abl e Vari ab I e Vari abl e names are necessary, see notes P Directions to site , col on End of Permi t. New permit. Start over. NOTES: Variable 5: rogram 011 , extension _, dictating a Processing form y2g3gEEE:Zlith 4 copies.I w'il I need them by ease leave message when readf - unless otherw'ise noted. @o @ @ @o @ @ See app]tcatiol or rural addressing sheet t J2-nlpr,", ---}- hyphen LLperiod Speriod 2- comma space 5>oO (If none, just say NA) S ft fU rq ft*7rI See applicati.on or notes See apq]jglion or notes S..3pfl i.utign (Day after dictation date) Pl an Checker/Sani tarian/Cl erk hyphen B0 (Al1 caps MH or TMH) You must say "slash" between names; and not all h4 <-i+I Variable 6: Text:Btd Paragraph Text: (Perm. Proc. ) Paragraph Text: (Sani tati on ) Paragraph : SDS i nstal I ati on speci fi cati ons col on ga11on tank semi-colon feet of drainfield semi-colon maximum depth of trenchEs semi-colon period. Keep drainfield at least l0' from all foundations and property lines comrna and T00- from all water sources period.- Keep septic tank at least 5' from bu'ilding foundation comma l0'from all property lines comma 50' from all water sources comma and l0' from edge of right-of-way period. See back for setback requirements if required. ( ) Paragraph Min i-colon (side exterior comma from centerline of road comma imum structural setbacks colon from centerline of road comma front comma )sEmJ-coTon sf comma d e interior property lines comma I semi-col on rear property 1 i ne,peri od. Variable 7: Variable 8: Variable 9: Paragraph: l9 Directions to site colon End of permi t. NOTES AND SUGGESTI ONS: Variable 2: Variable 5: Variable 6: Variable 7: Variable 9: Dial 4 a soft hear a unl ess If i nterru ted: nect I ng.I,Jhen To 1ep1ay: To correct: de ete ange If on a new SFD please look at address'ing' copy of new address. If on a septicinstallation on)y, there usually is not in aoitiess, just a road name. spellout unusual road names. 0n sDS you must say "A'l'l caps S as in sam D as in dog, S as in Sam.Sometimes there is not room on the permit for the construction descriptionto write down SDS installation or Cbrt. of Adequacy; the clerks will writeit down by the fees so be sure to look to see-ii tile p..rii ii'io. septic also.A1wayshyphenandputthesquarefootageotitrestructuresbe.ingbuiii:- Prepare before dictation. Spel 1 unusual names. These names will differ due to who is involved with permit. If building andsanitation are on permit, put both.the.names nlus thb clerk who took application.Spe11 unusual names (McGuckin, cruickshank, wliderhoTd,.tl.) - suggestions: speak clearly. Always say comma or period or parenthesis.if you make an error see Dictation Instructions below.BE PREPARED. Have al1 applicable sheets in orJer. 0n this form just writesA for "see application" instead of writing oui-everything. 541. If the connection is made, you will hear a shcrt tone followed bycontinuous dictation standby tone. If the system is busy, you wilibusy t9!., (This is a voice activated system--the tape ii "not runningyou ta'lk.) Y --r- GENERAL DICTATING IN STRUCT I ONS Touch tl l. This wil I hold for three niinutes before discon-ready to restart, touch tll again. c Touch t3l for l5 word review. Touch 171 to rewinl tg beginning (can stop by touching [21, then t3])t4l will take you back to-where-you stopped otctating. Dictate the correctjon by prefacing with ,,speciajist, please acld/beg'inning with the wordi. . .,, Don't touch 12) unless you want to reco"d ou..'lLverythThe first word must have no more syliables than the woor it will wipe out the last word you wanted to keep. ing from that point on.rd you di c/tated previ ous 1y , -/Don't touch t5l. Automatic disconnect. For assistan ce f9qumo rliatr+ina Touch tOl. l,Jait for the supervisor to answer. Touch t3l to