HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27)^a^-'t- I 7..RE5IDENTIAL.. 22 s itorr.h sttt s; treeAPPL;cA? r0ll /PERI4TY Sodngfield, ?regon 97477 Euiliing Division 726-37 53 SPFlINGFIEL.D I It ! *p CLn q Date: L 1 -ipp tessti,", 4cq1 ;Di'frjDOtJ Lt])co \1 DAJ\4 1WAssessorc !.!ao ( Subdilisicn --\eA vr (- , [-l n+-" L.*;ner Pl.one o .lddyess # Descrtbe Work: n--1a-gL ao,r#iaxe of App ACCitt cn RenoCeL :!obi General ConsJn c*icn-L"dg!- 12 ia ahe ;'roat the 2 holder b kee tl@t aLL inapec?ions @e r,ade at lhe propet tLne' i?3t 332fu -'litass is reaiabl'e reexonsibili'.y of ttu ?en"i stte'ei' and tivt the -Pet+it)ivi='.o- cPiroted PtZn slcl the frcat of tl,e ?,to?ertALtiirlo SLte at aLL tines.cad ie Lccated at L renain on the Bua 26-3769 (reeor4et) s+.ate yortt City Cesigrs.ted job ruz;ber" Lnspeetzcn,Contractats ot A;ners r,ane crd. p hcne nanber? !? o c i D u P e - ? o R, M S P, Ct rc it .l 9- I rF. s T|_C a L !-?_requesced a-i u!.en licu '"J,LL ce "eac'! ;o.r 'riit ite nade the sane Ccy, tequests ncie iob oiitess, tYPe P,equests receLted of insoee=icn befcre 7:0C c, si?t :J9P!!::2t!: ro be natie aftzr escductian, lut Prict tc sei uP oI Ceckirtg after 7:00 an utLLL be raCe the ne*t';orkinq You! CitE'Desigrz,ted Job Nwtbet !c: req,tired uqor bor.Jers ee in plz.ce g L3OKT utptRsL;.z ?LU!.Bt:tc, 7LFC??r!,\t "Ec'i:.:iic;L: ?o be tr,acie be;'ote cnY ffiTircrei. .}cc!:lc , ?OU;lDAl:Cx; 76 i2 t:o,ie Fae.. i"-"cies ir-- ,.cs'tated ard fZxos ee eto-clei, but Priar to pounrg canc?ete. I u:t"'zaczc,t:tc =:t':'e r:;c,, sEF:, t-tri?. I I DpA:::).Ci: io be r.a.ze ?r-a" .o ;'.b- - 7TA Y;rcv.*. - antpv:cop. tzisnc 1 :t:ci4:t:c;:'' .l) @iicliatrcnoi f'oor insui.c.xion or Ceeking' n Posi AitD 3zA:,!: 76 i2 ncie PrJor' lo ,J *;;ll-l;of Jloor ir'auia=l'c-r' cr bui belore oly b uaLL couering is ay insulation is DRYIALL i:tS?ZC!I::l: 76 fi2 raie if,*r dT@uatTis jn pla'ce, buc prior to crry taPtng. WSCltRl: SteeL Location, bond frffijgoutin4 or te?iiccls in accor1&"e uLth U.ts.C, Section 241s. th, ggpan baatC ct cpplied, ad befote concealeC. ffirex*,After irctalZation is af :c be co';erec lrso ee:1cts',t;P e': e et CUPB ,t A?PPU-C\I t?i1v: Aftet .fornsae ereccei trt Pt-:o? to ?d"tz"'vg eonc?ete. SI3|W.LK , )RI',V41: ?ot ell cctt- ;;A;ffinnEn si"eet risht- or'-,,aL'. b be naie aiter aL1- exca- iLrl,"a' eqrolexe a iotn "nrk I :ub- base lrcterial in Pi^tce' af fat I l. rr:,et ?LU:.teI:ic l. tur :,!Ea::A:trcAL mie =r.1 .qV:c:te!. Fi?i?LACi: Prior '.o Plcctr4 lcing ,tctriAi ad before f*tir4 insPec- !iot. ?2.ljlIltC: !tus! 'ce tectesxeC cfler ffi,t cf rmqh plttrbir-g, electri- ial t necianieai,. ALt tcoilr4 bncirq ! ci"itneys, etc. rts= be ecnole=ed. )lo lcr< is to 'ce ccn- . cei;.ed ur.;il '-his ir.soecicn |ae '662n nade cnC apgrcteC. lflllCl: 'rthen cotPl;te -- ?roulie ffi on nooable sectians through DII? -.-ALLproieetconiitions,;rcics"he:'nstailactanoi'sireeclln-T.::cryleticncfihe reqtired Lanascqirq, etc., tr-st be saxis.'iZC- it"icloe- tne SA1LDI::G !!!lAL :cn be teqtestea' TINAL BAILDI:(C: Tr.e Flnal Building Ins-aection ntst be Pe?est::.j:er th'e ?it''al ?L;nbiry (-) i:;;;"i:;i",-'Jz :Li,orl:"ct' inspecticns'hate been ttie ti :=orcvec' )tl Scnila1 settet ec;tVed .t P?cp'!-4^ LiL2 Septic tank p';ryed crd. fillad trith Tate! linal - i'lhen abctte itens are ectpleiei dnd. uhen !.ertclitioz is cor'ale=e ct strae- ir,ee ^oueC q,l. ote.-,ises cleane4 ut' tsLocking od Set-up ?hnbitt4 connectictrg -' sa'et ol oalet Electrical Cdnectaan - Blockitt4' set-u: --itr- "1r ii"o coflrlections r;st be apprcxed i"l'", " requL st'-rtg electrical insceciio:t .4cceesa,V Buililn4 Pinal - Aftcr ictehes, sk'Jrting, tiecks' etc. @e caPleled' ?:ie 1 of 2 a.f - rt.ttc^r:<A,ltD CLZ,..ilCUrl :ruS\ 3E .[CCESSi1L;, '{'il'S?''5i"t lO 3i :i4tE :1l i:0 ::S: il Ci:y i1 D LDCcd Sa!-{-, 'are JOB NO. ! oi Storles n,.-7 ,^: -i- fcpogrop'ni Plunbing Perrit SOLA,HCESS REQ.- Ctct _ intericr _ Cormer _ Pc.niurrtile CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ 3ecloons e Receipt #: Sig*ed: Plumbing permit llo perecn slull cqr'-stzact, ins!al!, alter or ehazge cna nea cr eristincpltnb"r'g cr dr:a'Jnaoe systez in uhoie on' in'part, -unlesi ,r.n- v"nrolr'ii' ,i*Legcl .possesso, o7- " ,Lua ptr i"";; 1;.;;"i, eseept that a pe"son aat coog:o"n aork to p?ope?t! uhich is o,.wed, iiased. ii, op,.iir)a'rr-l;""';ip7;- L Electricol Permit i,lhez'e Stcte Lai teouire.s tha.t the elecdcal uork be done by att llectz.iealcontru'eta", the erectrtc"t jo"tii"-oi--"iil"*i"*;t shall not be ua.!-ic unti]the label ius been signed ry tni- it"L*i"Zltcontractor. Mechq nicql permit Cnances Penit fssu.crce l-'l e c iz.nic e L ?etn:. t, ...1,-.cass. S a4 :ea.a Sourees Building Vqlue & Permit This ?errnt is granted on the e*?ESs =ond,iiion ttlat the saiC ccnsutc=lons)tcll, -i.n-=.i.L.tZs-pe-c.:s, ionlcrn -:o the )rd.inance zCoojed. by the C.-t7 tf:p".'-t:g:'-e:,c, :;ncluc"JnE ;i".e Jontng 3tC-Jnczce, :egalctrir:a ihe =cns;-tit-.ctcrui.use oi ituiltiirqs, cnd nty be suspeniec or rZvckei it ny tlne .i:cn ytc- lc.;:.cn ,:f .my crcuisions of saii Crdiroaces. -Afrrf ./..,tF Lu -At ./.-Ua .(Ta ,!t C|APGI S.D.c. l.S,'u"t" !:z:t Zui/-d:.ng ?err:it lolal Cl.,atges Stcte liztures Rest.dznttal (i bath) Seuet ,,io at:ciilce tleu/Ettend. Ciratits !ryct@y Setviee Le3tr. *lta;st llooC 'lent lct vco<isco;e I a tu De:csit Curtcu: tLc.e,t2Lk )t * Jtcl:es f HAW CA-RX?ULLY |XAHI:\ED :j.e conaleteC c;;pl.;caxicn io-r pernic, a<i iciereby eer',ify thct eLL .:";-o.r*ir:2"'iZ|rJtr"r" t?ue ed. ect_ec=, end, rfur=her cettii'E :hct cny JL oit ioni'2"1",;,or="a shaLl be d,ore in zc?o?_dcnce .ith =he crcin:nc?: "i;:: itti.>:: triylru, ;d*r;Z l*js oi t;."sf'ate 2f ireccn certeintno :o ,-ke wik cesc:-ibcc heretn, ac :hc,= :to tcc:)-?/'!rcr 'ir: ce +aie cf' dn! siructullz uitkoat petmis316' Lr ,ii SriuinE 2i-visicn. i ;'ur=v.e*L"r.-i.g--ri.i"-;"it';;;;;e:cps a.;c.e...:tclcgees x,,c ,_z incc:-.ti:.cnce .-t-J;h CRS lol .'l\s "it| :re' "sei'".1' ,nr, .?cJe.r llobile itcne 1 !>-/>z/ d t-:c?.tt A:.!AU:I? D|JE :./5,b o :< ,L<--/ Date