HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorrh sth streff?L;cAlr,tt /PERttrr Sgdngiield' Ctegon 37477 Duiliing Dir:isian 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEIS ,iob Locccicn: #,lssescors .1rap # Subd;-:.t:- sLcn: o;ne!: ..1d4-ess.'Phone >^^^;-- ! Ik dpq Ccn Desct+be l,lork: lace o1' .lppll.a, t--l oo,) L',"rr# t ))-' t.' ^- RentoieL General DE1IOLTTI1U 0R :.:CWi Final - il4ten abcue ite-s ate cc:::oletei and ahen dertcljtion is cont-oleze c! s!:-ic- ture naved od. tre:riees cleaaed up. f!caes tsLocking otd. Sat-up Plwtbiflq conneci'ictts -- sa)ev al, uatet El-ectr.)ccl Ccmnection - Blcckir,4t set-r, and. plwnbing connections r;st be apprcted. before requesting e! ec'-rical insc ec )iot: .4ccessc,,; 9uiliin4 Eina.L - .!,fter :crc|.es, skirring, iecl-s, etc. @e ccrrole-.ad. ?:1e i of 2 Pltnbing !,!eclwlc-L Cons*.rc*.icr_kie!_ 12 ie the responsibilitg of tla pefitit hotder to see tlut aL! inspecCans dre r,ade at '-he ?"ope! tine, t,r.et eaeh ;d&ess is rea;a41-e :'Jronr the st?eet, anl;hct the per+it cd is Lccaled at the ftw-nt of th,e progerty.iZuildt.4 )i:ticl-ot ap=rw-eci ptin s|=Zi remain on th.z luli(ilng Site ax aLL'tines.- !!Q:ZDAP| ?0R ItEPrflIgl!_tsEgUlSlrCALL726-3769(recorCet) stdte Aou" Ci\ Cesigfa.ted iob nza,ber, iob aiitess, type o! izspec=icn @eeiyforir,speccicn,Cot,.tractcrsirantel.s-ra,te-ald,phonenwbcr,Pequestsreceiaedbefcre7:0CalzlLL be tmde the sone Ccy, requests ncd.e aft* 7:00 aa viLL be no.Ce'"he nezt wrking day. YaE Ci4 Desigra,ted Job lhazbet fs:KLK)gb Pea"iro,l rtsnoalicrq 71 u:Dlacl:u:D l:t':.er:;c, s1'ttz, t.t:!1. i. .tl .','l6i: 1o be caJe priar =o i'-i-lir4 trer.ckee. SI:! ::ts?::?:::t: io be rn<ie afler*cffia":fr prtcr tc se! up of fcrms. U:135?SL;3 ?'L':.!3lIG. ?L|C?PIC,\L 1 i23i:.).;liC)i: io ce r.ccie beiote cn'g - Lb?K L3 CCrCvee. ?CC!:]C , iCU:tDA!:C:t: lo be ttie ;F;; -r"-".les are xcanateti ard fcrma cre etectei, but priat to pou-4rg csnciei€. U:I)EP?'-CCP ?ii;:s IlG t .'4!Ci]A]II CA1 : @off,oor "!neui^c.-"ion or 4ecking. ?9€! rljlP 3EA:l: To be r.cCe p"'.o" la lGrilTEid{of floor irsuLa,'-ict, ot, deeking. i.ct-c:: ?lar:_o :::c, i:z::2rc:L 1'.EC:-t- ut:lil ;'eese '.ysoec:icrs 'ncue bo-er !IiIAL PT.U:.!BI:iG F:IAL .',AC:!AXICAL ::.tAL Aiae--1:iAp |NSLLATION /VAPAP ts!.RRIER IT\SFIC?IC|I : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn eti req;rired oqor berie?s @e in olaee but before aty Lath, Wpszo,r bcdrC or unLL eooering is cpplied, cnd. befote ag insulation is concealed. DRYilALL illSPlC?fill: To be naCe -.. aitez, aLL ctyua!,L is in olace, but prior io aq tapittg. ilASCllP!: Stee! Location, boad. ffiilgzoutin4 or uertiecls in accot',iotce,,rLth U. A, C, Seetion ffire***After ittstallatlon is CUP9 & APPPCACH .A.?PON: *e ereeteC but pr')or A|'tet fornsto pow.Jng conc/,ete. ;IDl'il.LK I DRI'.E|A!: ?or al.L cc-n- c"ece ?ffi-G;E; street rtght- of-,,;ca, tc be nade a;'tez' aLL erec- udtinq cattolete & iorn ,,;ork 'tr sub- inse r,aterial in place. naie cr-C :c:rc:;e!. -i | .t--.ifPl;:?.' Pr.Jor '.o p'tcctr4 ;':c.-ngI I nc-.,-""hi cd. beiore'iradr4 tnspe"- tion. -1 !?-.,t!::tc: !tust be tectesteC cfler''J d??roLul cl :ctigh pittr-iing, e-Lectr)-cal I necianicai.. ALI rcoilr4 br:cirg 3 chitncys, ete. r;st be ccnoLetcC. .'lo .;3t< is to 'sz ccn- - cec'Led uiiil lhis it:soecicn ias'been naie cni cporctei. I !!lfC!: 'nrhen conplaxe -- ?rotiie fiiZi or nottable secticns thncugh D lt i ALL 9y6;2a7 ca.iitions, suci cs the "j.ns'callaxicn cf slleec i?ees, ac\leiior,. cf t,te required Landscqirg, etc. , ntat be satisiieC beicz,e the 3UiLDIiiG FMAL ecn be reqestei. iiltAL ilILDI:lC: lhe Final Butldlng Inspeetion :ast ba- recuestei zfter the ?iral p1*r5L* \_/ llecytieal, cnC ]leci"anicc! fnscecr-cns 4anc been raCe az :.o?cuz.. .ALL !.lAt:liCLiS AltD Ci,il.ltculs:tUS? 2E.|CCES1!tstt, .4DiU57:S::! ?O 3i )!',iE,tl !10:'lS! IC Ci?y LDccC SVorFq- t-l Sazdtul seset capped =t prcper4l Lir.e Septic totk p'"iryed ad filled uith gratelT r tr T ?':e !, iJ OB NO .^* a- ?.-4e r\<. . a. 7 cf lct lauerage ! of Sior|es lcgogrqhg C+^-^ lotal Cl,arges I?::4 ?Lunbtng Penrit eal Pet::rii Stcte Swcilctce Perri-. lssuanee Mecinn:-cel ?ez,rt t soLAR>{CCESS REQ.-L-CO G* c2/Ccnst 3ea?aons aed..- LCCE Building V<ltue & Permit Th,is cern'Jt is granted qn the et l"ess eoruiiiion that the said conatytc=ionslall, in til yeseeets, eanform to the.lr&inance eCaoteC |ly the C-i.t7 cfSprtngi')eli, :-ncluiing ;he Zor"ing Crdinar.ce, regulctit:g the eaas;-.ti;--cn cni.use oi cuildings, cnd n:y b: ;uacc-t-cieC ot, re,tckei at cr! tlne :i.:cn ytc- Lat:.cn ,tl lly t"ortsicns cf seiC Crdrtances. * t#: Plumbing Permit llo- perscn siu.ll constntct, instal!, altet or change cn! neu cr existingplwnbirq ct dtainage sy*e! in uhole or in patt, unlesi sueh perscn is the Lega.L.possessor of a ualid plwtberts Lieense, 4.ce?t that a pZtson nay dophnbing xork to pyopelt! uhich is aumed, Leased or aDerated by tire appli..-ccnt. Electricol Permit were s'"ate Lan requires tlnt the electr;"cal aork be done bg an Electr"Jcdlcontz*tctcr, the electrlcal pottion, of this peznit shall not be ualic uztilthe label ias been signed by the Electt"tcal- Contrdcto?. Mechqnicol Permit A:ezss,: 1a'. ?tcz,s - iest in -- lzes --I:Z:I se. .i3,:(t,'-7.. - Gz.cz :1C32SS r?t r--,1J .?.-U: S. D.C. 1.5 c Check FZZ LUiUA ?L:it:,es Resi.letttic.L ( i bath.) Scziitanu Seuer : \'i >Ci:io. Res. So. fta i'l au / Ect ed. C irs.ti t s ?arooroy Sertice ,-i: l ava,:.,,: i:,tsaa- 24ttrC ?-Lm,e+ t^^) tledt lan Tcocisto:;e I lsao /.<. ao ,b0 / 5. lcL) -- alc?.cAci;:i:t: -- i !,lobiie ilone I HAW CA-REIULLY 1LAllIllED :i.e eonpleteC c=pLieaticn for peznii, ani iaiereby eertify tlct aLL tnfo:tlatton heyeon' is tzae a)1. cZtrecc-, ard. I fur'-ker cettify that ang crl. aLL aork :eriozned shall be do:te it acect- ddnce lrith th.e ArCincnces of the Cittl of Springfield, anl. thc 7a;s oi the State cf Ctegcn pettainino to tl^-e L)ork CescribeC here:-n, a.C :)c.t t0 )CCA- ?!.XCZ ,iL| ba ra.de oi Gny st?uciure ui;hout petn")ssion oi the 3ut-ia.-nE 7)-Uision. i f,:tth* :ettii! t'nct o:tly ecnitdcict,s old e:olcgees ui.c ctz tn canDi:.cnca urth CRS ?07.055 r,till be used on ihis prcject -4 t>-/> z/ d t-, Sec-tr.)tu De.csii Storaoe i,trtintqtar-:e ?elirit iZeccrrcel Lcbei- -vJ-1r tu.:UU.lf DUt;/5,b 0 A-<-_./ ?ner'irt SoLnacs lra 2 ilartn iaoastote LCi ?'!?5 ia+ -aq' a- - conn", _ Pcniutd.le _ Cul-<ie-sec