HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-2711 ..RESIDENTIAL" 2zs itorth sth streff?L;cAlrott /PEF'I,rr Sgr4ngfield, Ategon 97477 Euildin4 Dixision 726-37 53 SPFtINGFIEl.D q *& CcnC,u, Date: iob Loccticn: t#Assesaorc .'.!ao I :-6d.Juisrcn: *-zer: ..ld&ess.' a Z Descrtbe Work: Dcte oJ' Applt ca r-l t-l ooL,rrr# RanoieL n GeneraL L tsLocking ad Sex-tp Pltnbin7 ccnnecticns -- sdie? eL ac=er Electr")ccl Ccxr-ectiott - Blcekira, set-u; and. plunbing eonnections nr;st ie apprcued be7'are requestlttg electz,ical instec=ior: Acceesotg Suilijrg :crckes, skirting, iecT;,Firnl - AJ'ter ^+- Consi@ct_Lenis!_ ?zan'no) tnono^+-'^to 9Dna?nf rad =hD 7\teD=frtart )entFct.l^ A @ecig'-iLL be raie the ;ane iag, tequests I! ia :he resgoncibility of tlo peodt iud* to see tl@t aL! ,Jnspeettan!, @e r,ad.e at ihe propet tine, tLet acch .d,lness is rea;ai^ie :'roa tiB s:"eet, and:hct the perntt ceil, ie Lccated at the fratt o7 tl,e p7ooerfi1. '2ui1i:,:4 V-tticl-ol cpVm^ed ptitt si=Li remain on th.e 3uiititng Jite ax aLL'rines-' LL 726-3769 (yecorCey) state your City Cesigra.ted job nw;ber, ,:ot, inspection,Contrdctars or Oumers r,ane cr"d phoae nurtbcr. nc,ie aft* ?:00 oa tiLL be rru.Ce the neet 'atkinE dcE iob aiiress, type Pequests receited of insteet'icn befcre 7:00 a:t your CitV Desigra.ted Job lhszber Is:B?-*s{ ci-c,rrc:r^a7.rr. *cdrrcci-;;: bu! ' ?o be nnd.e ai'.erpriar to sei u? of forms. U:19!?.SL;.3 ?LUi,BIIG, ZLIC??TA' 1 ECi';:!iC;L: ?o be rcde be;'ote cny wtK ts ealztec. ?CC!:]C 1 ?}U;tDA!:Cx: lo be tnie det rt"rnci;;1re Zcqtated ard. fczne cte erectei, but priar to po,t--Jrq cane?et€. !iLiB!-?2!;!D ?!L't e r:;G, s!'EP, "t:1r!3,DPAi::/.Gi: ]o be r,aie przor to jii- Ltr4 trezches. tj:lrtPt:.jc? ?i;j:$ flG 1 :4tc3 A:t: c;L :Ic be nuce pr"-cr ;o insccli^zc:-on of fLoor insuk;ian or 4ecking. ?OS? AilD 3EA!,!: ?o be ncCe pr-or lo instclla='-cn cf iioor irsul.o,=rcn on C.eckin6. )at:4.! 2f ,n,a,.'a ?r ?4Ara! t 2 t.E-t:- )..!-i).1: lio ';crt 1s tc ac coietec uztil :'t:ese tn;aec:icrs 'rt:se )o-erna;e qt.l. tgVtc:iel. .t:.:f?I;i3.' Pr.Jor -.o tlccira -'=c-Jna nct;i;G cnd befcre|rnir) ii"rnl-!ion. ?P-,-'l!!lC: itust 'ce :ectesceC cflerc2prot;L ci rcugh =iur:bir4, electz*J-cal I necTcnica!. AL! tzoiir4brcirg 7 chir,neys, et.:. w13c. lg ccrnole=ed. .'to xcrk is to bz ccn- eecied un;il this insoec:icn 'ra,e been nad.e cnC cppm,-eC. !TiIAL ?T.U:.!31:iG E:JAL :.IEiilAlTC;L -' :,t Atr 3 ti e -.1.!, - ^ - ]S1 ,'ooaslc're, Aftez, installation is ,Acc,zazeted- |NSULATJCN /ZI.PCP zARRIi? I]S?IC:IC\I : ?o be nnCe after aLL ins-ulcticn cd. required oqo" b@".:e!s @e in pla,ce btt before ary Lath, Wpan? bceC ct tnll couering is coplied, crd, before ay insulation is concealed. DRY|IA-LL illSPlC!fill: Tc be naCe2fi6-iff@7,:s in pla.ce, but prior to cny tapin4. bea*, grouting or uerticcls in accor.ioee ,iLth U.ts.C, Section CUPB e AEPCACI! .tPP.CM: Ai'ter fornsa'e et*tAffi@o" to pour.:na cofl,2z,ete. SLDSTIS.LK d DRI',TIA'I: For alL cc-tt-;Ai;@ uGm st"eet rt ght- oi'-,ncA, tc be nade ai'ter aL!. ezcc- uatinq carole;.e ,3 forn ,,nrk & sub- fu,se natetqJal in p7^zce. ilr I I ?!!fC!: Llhen eorylete -- Prouiie fiiii or nooable sectians thra,tgh Dtt= ALL croiect cor.ii;icns, such cs the installacicn cf slreet :rees, -.o-Vle;ior". cf cre requined T.atasccpir.g, ctc., nn6, be saxisJ'ieC be;'cre the SUiiDIliG !I!\AL ccn be reqtres-.ed. ?I;IAL ilIiDI:lC: Tne Ftnal Eu"JLdirq lnsoection r,lst bo- recuestei .zitet, ti':e liral ?lur.bingilectrical, ad l.lechanicci inspecticns r,cDc been naCe ,zr.ti c2grcvzd. 'ALL tlAfi;CLtS AilD CLZ/.\|CU?S :tUS? 3i ACCESS:31;, Jria,Sl..E'..,'t iO 3: :.!!,iX t? :tO ::5: T9 Ci:y Sardlay se..ter ec;sped .t p?cp."i! Lite Septic totk pt,7ed crd fiLLeC tith gratel P:inal - i',4ten abcoe itens ate caraletei ar,.d. uhen TencLition is eomolele by stt-t.:- tuye noueC ti cret::'Jses eleanei up. ?::e 1 of 2 'l PVane: f1 ,,oo',r, ,o,, UJccd Sr\crlq- T I )--^ t JOB NO. r^+ C- t+- 7 cf lct lcueragz_ ! of Stcr-es foroornhi Plwnbtng Perrit Pettri; Stcte soLAR-FCCESS REQ- _ It".terict _ Cor.ne? _ Pcttitcnrile Cul-cie-sac L-CO G+ ?eatcons: N-+- 2-: S. Reezict #: Plumbing Permit No perscn sInLL constzuct, instal!, alter or char.ge 67tg lea cr ettstingplwrbtrq cr drainage sAste'n in uloLe or in pa.rt, unless sueh person is t|"c Legal tossessor of a ualid plwtber's LLcense, .seept that a person aaV do pltnbing xork to prope/,t'! uhich is orm.ed, Leased or apetated by the ,xp?Li- cant. Electricol Permit Were Stcte Lan requires tlnt the electtical uork be done by an lleetz*ieal Contz,aetor, the eleetrical port{ott of thia petnit slull not be ual.iC until the Label ius been signed by the Electrical Contractot. tt/t iiest ). aai la.ces - iiaoaato!e I:Z:I K VaLue C=:ce ]ecess st.t AAfr4f ..r-.'E cna , (- ciaP.c! Building Vqlue & Permit This penit is granted on the e*?eas coruiiiion tlat the said eonsctwc:-ion s7w7-i, i.n:lL:escec=s, confcz-t:o the )rdinaree z:ioc2eC ty the -:7 cfSpttngf'Jeli, -ncliing the Saning CrCinance, reouLcting ihe ecne;-tltlcn ct<i tse oi 3uiiiirqs, cnd n=y be suspez,.d,eC oz, revckei at cry tlne u:cn uic- Lattcn cf .zt'ty pt'cuisions cf seiC Criirances. >,,-'1 S.' -- a-*' . ?o+-al Cl'a:aes Stcte ?l-:.;.;tes Resid.etttial (1 bcth) Senitarl Seuer 'llc!ey :"-I)a7 1es- So. fta ilau/Eztend, Circuits latocrey Sentice :::.\! ?tr.ve.ce 2TUtS i=h.e:st 'tcoC Vent lzt 'arcod.stoie I lgoo /.<. 00 , b() tt' t -/)/ >, (1)t -/ Mechq nicql Permit Pp-trtt fss-uanca Mecian:.csl ?eoit PLat iraniner I HAW CAAE?ULLY gY.a,,"lfilED ti.e eom-oleted ctpLiecvion icr pernit, ani ic iereby cetiify tlat aLL itfotnat'Jon heteon'is t?ue ar-C ebrt,ec=, ar"d, f f-o:her cettify ',het ang crd eLL xot'k =p-riortteci slwll be done in aceor- danee vic)t th.e ard.intnees of the Cittl o7' Spz,ingfield, and. --he ic;s oi che State of Cregcn perta"inina to tke uotk CescyibeC hez,ein, sl. :;1ct :lO )CCA- PAllCy !nil1. be ra.de of alA s:-?ucture uithout permissior of the Suiiding 2t- vision. i furzher :etxif'g thet only ecniractors c;C e:tplcgees av.c ctz tn cczDi:.cnce ui;h CRS 701.ASS ,,tiLL be used cn this croject llobila flcnc, -- a:!C?.CAC:r:.::::! - - e^n,-' t. n^-^--'L i,taintenc-n:e -aJ.1J tu1UU.l] LU3;/5,b 0 >'7/t u