HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RE5IDENTIAL.. 22s ltor=h stit s;treeAP?L;cA?ro, /PERlor Spr)ngf")eld, Aregon 97477 Euiliing Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEI..D I pb, q Ccn Date Ceneral Plwnbino L CorctFrcCln_lgEs!_ I) ie lhe resgoasibility of ths pentri! ;oZd,er b see tlrat aL7, ,Lns?ectionl @e nade at 2he proper tlne, thet acch cldtess is rea4niie ;':nont the st"eet, anl. tiec the pentrit cd ie located at the frczt of tl,e ptoperty.r1uiUi-g tui=zot c.oirw^ed ptan sicll retain on the Building Site at aLL- tines. P?OCigAPg i1R lilsPinrcil PIQLESI:CALL726-3769(recorder) state Aou? City lesigr"ated job nrmber, job oiiress, type of insoec=icn reqtesced ci ur-en giu trLLL be :ecig far inspccxicn, Contraetcrs ot A,ne:s r,ane ,td pltcne ranber. P.equescs receited befcro- 7:00 aiLL be rade the aane Ccy, tequests ncie aftx ?:00 an ttill be mCe tlze ne*t'.nrking dag. Iour Ci@'Desigra.ted Job llwnbet Is:8z-3 V4 I-] Sr:9 :JS?!j::)I: ?o be nade ailer | | ffi;;.", FrLcr tc se= up oi - fortts. UID!?SLAZ ?L:i!'EIlG, z'LlCi?IC,lL I ECE).;liilL: io ce nccie belote cny - lro:.( f,s carstec. ?cc!:lG , ?aL,:tDA!:c:t: 70 be t,rie; r# | " enc6 ar e -r= can at e d ard. fcrns cte erec1ei, but pior to pou-n-rg ccnc:ete. u :! Di? c 2a tt :! D ? a u-.!? I :; c, s 3'E 2, ?.tiT I 3. D.o*1.i)!AGE: 7o be r.a:.e pr|ar =o jil- lir4 crzr.cice. uitstP!:caP ?aii:.s ltc I :4!a3.4vcAi :ffioi floor insukcian or decking. ?CS? AIID 3EA!,!:To be neCe Vr)ot to floor irsula'-iot, otit.stcllcttcn cf Ceck:-nE. F.Ct.:C:; ?!",:i:9:::C, !:!APIC.:a r,'.!ZCi- ;:l:':;:: :io |:cr)- :.s ac ce coie?eG util :'cese ')rscec:'Jote 'n;,,te beet nzce =:zC .4g:cied. .t-iPa;i:.. fu.or jo .clcc:.rq lac-Jngnctertai,s ad, before ;'rarirq .)necec- 3F-L'li!lC: !,htst le rectesteC cfletqorovcl cf rcugh 7lu:binq, electi- cal I neciznieai. AL! rcofir4 brce-rq ! chitncys, etc. :rtsc be . ecrmle:cd. )lo .;crk is ,o be con- - cecied unati ihis insoeeicn ias'66s4 tnde *ri cporcteC. !I;!AL ?!.U:.!31:iC F?ttrf .6-!..rfa.? --:,t^L laie-.1: -^u IIISWATTON/YAPOR tsARRTER IIISFICIICI]:lo be nade afier aLL ir,-stkticn cd required tqor bariera @e in pLa,ce btt before ary I,ath, Wpsuir bcatC ot tnLL cooen'tng is cpplied, ad befor"- ag insulation is concealed. DRfiIALL illSPl1ll?!'1: Tc be naCe -.. af'.er aLL azyuall is in pla,ce, bux prior in dty taVittg. I'|AS0!?,1: Steel Location, bond ffijrcutin4 or uertieals in aecor4anee,,bth A, A. C. Sectionrl T I _lI ffirexr,After instcllation as CUPB ,T .IPPRCACII !.P.C.ON: a,e ereei;el aut pnor a ,gtarete. SIDE|#.LX d ,RI'.EiA'!: Fol" aLL car eiete padng aivhtn st?eet rtght- of-ticU, tc be naCe a|'ta- aLL etca- uatinq canoler.e ,l i'orn ,,nrk I aub- base rcte*ial in pl,ace. Ai'ter .forns PO,/?.t14 ?!NC!: ttlhet: conplate -- Prouiie gaxei cr eouable sections through D t, = ALL oro;ect eottii.zicns, suck cs the installacicn cf ItteeD i?ees, :cqletion-ci *e required Laniscqirg, ctc., tntst be satisJieC beicne tte tsUitDI::G iIliAL :cn le reqtescei- IINAL SUILDI:I7: Tne Fincl Bu1-Ld!,'q lnspection ,:r.ir.t be reanstei cfter the ?ira'L ?Lwtbir'i ileetrieaT-, orc ]teehar.iecl inspect'.ans |eoe ceen naCe ,ti ztotcved. Asseseor: )!ao ll # Subdiu-)sicn: Plone: j-tter: Descrtbe Hork: iate o1' .lpplicaticn. :14) ooLT_,"rr# RarcCeL DilIOLNIO:! OR Sani2az.l aaner cepped =t grcpetty Lix,e Septic totk p''qed ad fiLLeC oith gratel Pinal - i,lhen cbcue itens ate caraleyei ar,C uhen 7a*.tcL'.tior. is eonclele Zr s:-;c- hse naueC d. =rznlses eleanei uc. tsLocking od Sec-:tp Plznbini conneciicns -- sa)e! d. uazet EZeetri-ccl Ccztection - Blceking, aet-ut and. pltnbing corurections r*st be cpprcu-ed before requestin4 eleelrical insi;ec=io:: Aceesso.y Buililnq :crc|.es, skirling, iecT-s'?iu.L - .4fter ?:ia 1 oi 2'ALL itAiti;cLis AltD cazAiictJrs:MSl 3E.1ccls,:ts1i, ;.0,;t-'s7:!i::!:0 3i:.tDS l! !l0 iis? lc r!:y iobbcctisn, Ll08g SnuJht)fttt. /nno .{d&ass.. (O1ln U (A/r€-P-c\. CIn Fnr'ln 0n; LDocd SYc\t-q--, tr )--. a JOB NO jU I soLAR-(CCESS REQ.-r--co ct e/Ccnst 2ear2oPs ?^- a- =.-e- J.t. . .t. 7 cf Lc2 lcuerage I of Storles r-.-1 !^: -'-- fcoootahu l,cc ass:t't Sottees ir-xeticr Con.et ?athadle LUL-Ae-SCC Receipt 4: SigteC: Electricql Permit llhere stcte La't requires tl'at the electrlcal uotk be done by an llectr,JcalContre.ctor, the electz-ical porlion of this penit slnll not be ualiC untilthe l,abel ita.s been signed bg the Eleca"tcal- Cont"acto". Mechq nicol Permit 1 Stcte Pet,rit fssuance Meci"aniecl ?erfr.t ,,L'cess): a4 -- lzes --,::r ,(Building Vqlue & Permit This terit is gtanted on the er?"ess coruii:ion thdt the said_conscrtc:ionshail, in :iL tZseee=s, eonf:tn -:o ihe )r,iinaree zdooteC by the ity .tj Sprtngjleii, '-nc!fr.|ng :he 3oning Crdinetce, teatlct:.t:g lhe ccns::.te:lctcti use oi builiings, cnci nt1 ce ;usperieC oz, reockei at cr.y tine t:cn tic- lct:.cn cf zny trcrtisioz;s cf said Crd.ircrees. ?c!AL '.';.aL',S S.D.C. 1.5 s >,,-'1)-'-- .^*'- !o'-al Cla:gea ?,3;;,ites Plumbing Permit ll9 ?erecn sha.ll ca.stmtct, inetal!, al,ter ot chaage cnu nea cr ecistit.g y'i.utn2ir,g cr dtainage aystez in .aiole oz, in part, uless sueh person is- ti"e Lega.L posseasor of z ual;id plwtber's License, a=ce?t tlnt a pe:soa ra:1 Coplunbing xork to proper't! uhieh ia ouned, Leased or ogercted bg the ajpli.- cant. Resi.dential (1 bcth) Seuet Pltnbing Perrit ;i0. ?es. So. ftc. tl azt /Ezt erd. Cireti t s latrocrey Serlice 3)! :.tnia^^ )ltt, C *ha:st lcoC Vent ?at vcctisxo:;e I lf a') /.:. ao ,b0 15.100 -- ::lc:0Ac::.:::t? -- PLqz J:ctir..et f EAW Cti.iiULLy |X.L,"E:|ED !i.e coraleteC ctpl-icayicn ior pernit, t,i iolereby certify thct aLL infotu.tion heyecn' is ;rae arC elrrecxi an,y'. i for-.her 9erttf! lhat ang crd. aLL xork po-yie7l1ed shall be done i, acecr-dazee 'ich xhe Atd.incnees of the Cittl of -Springiield, anl =he 7c;a of t'neStJte cf Creccn peri:ainina to tke Do".k Cescr-lbeC heretn, crL :i1c. lO CCCU-?/.lcl ,-il) be ,naie oI' dt'! scz,uczur2 uilhout petmissiott of the 3uilainq y-- vision. i l',l.ther :et=i,.3 chct o:rly c"nt c":cr.s o.;d enplcgees xho ctZ incxpi,:lence uith CRS 707.055 uiLL be used cn this crojecc !,{obi!a llcne t>-1>'z/ d t-' Sectz-)tu 9a=csii i,ta)n'.ercr.: a- SLCA)aL,t ICTA! A."!AUI? DAE:' s /5,b o Date TA;i-- ! .iet:io.ti.s Taxtn ?on-"n Test Sto?.oe