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Permit Mechanical 1982-12-27
?.cee:-c: t ..RESIDENTIAL"SPEINGFTEI.D 22s itorth stn s treli?L;c*-roN /PERI,rv iin"e:;"Ld, Cregon 37477 Euildin4 Di-t:ision 7 26-37 53 tu t *b, Un ?-(r Job Locaticn: Asses6or2 :!aD ( SubC.):sisicz: *aet: Phone:..ld&ess a Descfibe llork: late oJ' .lpglt caticn. t-l aon"rr#L1:t- Ra.toceL ueneldL P'!;ncitw 2 rlci?t2s tsLocking ad Set-:,tp Plunbing eonneccicns -- aaie? sd. ua=et Electr)ccl Ccnnectaon - Blceking, aet-ri and piznbing connectiotts nr;st 'ae d???cuee befor e request.ng electz,icaL ")nst ec;io;t ,4ccesto,5 Suiliira :creVes, skir=ing, iec),a,?inal - !,fteretc. @e ccn? !1:2 : Ar Z Cons jtucjiclt_!gd2!_ I-t i8 :he respottcibi-Lity of-ths perTit hotdet b see tlu! aL|. inapectiorls @e na<ie at )he pz,oper ttbte, t,L.at ecch a,CCtesa is vsnini"i2:|ut siu srteec, anc iilcx the pemrtt ed. t,a kcated at the fztai of tl,.e =rooettu.'7uiAi:4 V.;ticro:t eggrot;e<i plin sTcti renain on th.e ir:ta::"lc- Sti"-Lr-"1t'ti^i".'- ?ioeDa.z9. ?04 IitsPtnrcit,liCrFsT:CALL726-3769(tecorCer) stdte lol* Citg C,esigra,ted job nuaber, job ol,iress, type of insoeclicn 13.Y":_"rO ar:i.u.\en yau nLLL be reciy ,'o-r ir'spacxion, cor,,t?actcr" oi a;ner"-rrorr" b,.d ploie tr.;rtber.' ,z"qr""r" reLeilZa befcre'7:0C ;,L'LLL be naae the sane ccy, ?eo.uests nd.e aftar ?:00 on vtLL be np.ie the nest tnnkini'dcE. Si:! :JSPa:?:t:t: io be t*ie ai1er escauctian, but priat tc set up oi forns. U:I:.PSL;3 ?:L':.!3::IC, !L|C:PIC,\L I,\93:;.:;iC;;: io be nccie be.'ote cnu6i7iaZ,terei. E99!:tC 1 |CL':1DA!:C:I: ?o be :p.ie - a;-!er =tenches are escr.tcte<i arl. fcnns ate erec2ei, but prior to wut !7€ ccnc:ete. You, CiQ Desigr.aied Job lhnbet fs: |IISULA.T:CN /\APCP ?ARRI'R ITS?!C?I'i| : lo be nade after aLL ins.alaticn el. required ooot ba,r-iela @e in pla,ce but before ary Lath, Wpsun bcatC cr rnLL coueying ts cppLied, crd. beforea! ,j,.sulation is concealeC. DR'!'/|A-LL iilsPlclnll: 7c be naCe after aLL crluall is in place, but prior co any taVing. :4A50!lP! Steel Location, botd beans, grouting or ue?ticcLs in aeeoyiotee ,ntth U,ts,C. Sectionll I o7 uJl r5??"ca? ?aij:.S fl G, :.!ir:1A:tc;t :lc ce ncz.e priar co insxcli-ac:,on fLoor insui.c.cion or. Cecking. ?CS? AilD 3AAl,t: To be rcCe pr)or toTGiiTitf,ffcf f1.oor irsul)ficn ot Ceektrrq. =at:f_! )"ta.o,'.^ =f.aof.71 1 .,Lcl_[]ji).l: )io .:cri.- -.s =c ce co.-e?ecutil :Zeae -):^;ceeaiars ',t;ue ':eer nace ztd. :cvrc:ie!,. i--:PI; l:.' Pt-tor .-o plccir4 T.cr|ngnccariai.s ctd. befcre jranrq .Jnscei- !ion. DPA!)!itGi:Tlio "rr-a trzrcchns. lrilAL ?LU:.!BI:IA F::IAL :,!E:IAJIC;L =?vtf ?f=40ta.? Xry*r After in-stallation is Q!fi e W|CACH !?F9N: Aftet fornsa,; etA;A-;nnfr; to po"m:ta ca/r,2?ete. SIDEVTLK 2J DRIT,TJA!: 7or aLL cott- erete pauitq aivhtn st?eet right- of-,'zg, tc be maCe a;'!er aLL esca- uatinq canolete 'l fotn ,,;ork d sub- base nct,erJal in pl-ace, -1 Fp-e-,:::;C: !fust be tec.,esxeC cfta_ni) d?r";L,;L ci r*gh piw-iir.g, e-Lectr-J-cal I nechanieaT-. - sL! rcbiirgbrceirg I chinneys, etc. ttst becornpletei. .,lo xcr< is to be ccn- - cec'ied unrii thas insoecicn i"a.s'been nod,e utC aporcteZ. : !!;L'!: ){hen COflD Lete -- r7O'JLC.e gaxes o" nooable sectians througi,:, o tt , ALL croiect ca.ii;ions, suci as the i.nstallat.-cn cf si?eec ttees, :c:.r!e;ion cf zLe teqtired Lancsccpirg, ctc., tftLtst be satisiied. cefcre tl"e tsUiaDI:]G lIliAL :cn be reqtested.. ?IliAL ilfLDI:tC: Tne Fincl ?u;-ldiry Insteetion ntst be recuestea zfter tke iir.al PlateinEZleetrieal, ad iteciuticcl inscecticns 'tauc been aade attd cicrcuzc.I 'ALL !.rA:tf;cL1s AilD ciiAilcu?s:tus? 3E Acczs,:?i.t,.{rii,si...g.::?:o 3::.,j7s,1.! ilo:i5: ?c cr! aR :.:cvzt Sanitary seser cqped ct ptcperty Lite Septic totk p''.ped e;d. i'!,Lled uith gratei Final - il4ten cbcue itens ate cctc'i.eced ard uhen leqcl'.tior: is carple=e Zr st:te-ttse rauei o'i ct,e:nises clZened uc. q WccC Sr\-c>rttq- gT.'oK< u )--- " tot Sq. Ftg. 7, cf lct Ccueraga I of Stoiee n..a-7 !-.'-'-- rooosrovni Perli! fssuance Mechan:.ctl ?etd.t SOL.ARXCCESS REQ.- L -CO G* Sed.rcot:s: Mecho nicql Permit Cret::: inxeyicr Cornet FcttiunaiLe CUL-d,e-sac leat tlaoas )r :'^ itl ,(TaLue ;.hin AC22SSt", ?c!.41 iry.:u! S.D.C. 7.5 , ''"t" This-_petr-t ic granteri on the ezc?ess coruiiiion ttut the said. ccnscyac=:-onshall, ln :!L teseee=s, conf:rn':o :he )rdinance "ao"r"l ii- tZ"- ii:l ,:3pr--ngj')e1 c, ).nc-!.i!".g t7.e 'Jot".it-g :rC--..,;nie, :,zg:tlct-;.na :","e ccr,s:-.re;)cnzre.'ice o-; cutld.ing.s,. :nci n=y cz susper.d.eC cr re,Lckei zt cry t).:te ,i.n )LC_LcJLan ): znu ,ri.tlsacns ci saiC j,rdtrcnces. * Building Volue & Permif ?o+-al Cl'a;,gea Plumbing Permit llo person sitall constz:'uct, instal!, altet' o't chzin4e dn! v.eu cr e:istir.g plwtbtrq cr drainage sAste'n in uhole oz, in part, ;,tnless such person is th.e Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, e.eept th.at a pez'son r,a'7 do pl;nbing xork to pvope?t! ahieh is ouned, Leased or opercied by the appli- cant. CAPGI !i.z;utes Resi.d.ential ( 1 bc*"h.) Seuer Plwnbing Pen:it Electricol Permit Were S'"cte ta,t requires that the electr:"cal uork be done by an llectrical Conttr.ctar, the electrical porlion of !hi6 pernit shall rot be ualiC until the Label iras beett aigned by the Electrtcal Cont"ccto?. :-'- ) tCi,:io ileu/E:tend Circuits Sertice :?3)!',;c,,-ri 1aa7 ?.ttrtce 2?U I S E:ha)st ilcoC 'i/ent !a2 'tlcc<isto "*e I /{ao /.<. ao , /t() rt- t-/)1 :>. I At) -- J,.VJvAU.1.::.; - -' e^-,; *, ^^-^^.'. Storaae l,tainterc:nce -t * a-8. t^i I HAW CA-RliULLy lKWfiltD lhz eorn.oleteC ccpLr.caxicn for pernit, cni ic |tereby certify thct aLL,Jlfo:natton heveon is trae arl. ccrrect, d. f f'"o=her celtiJi lhat ang crd. aLL xork :eriortted shall be done ir aceor- dance uith th.e )rCinsr.ces oi' the City of Sprtngfield, and. =he ic:,;a oi the Sr-ate cf Cregcn pertainina to tke ao"k Cescr"JbcC hez,ein, sd. :i1c. :10 )CC!:- ?AJlCl wili be ra.ee oI' dtl! at"uct'are ailhott petnission of the 3uili,JrE J'r.- vision. i furiher 2ertai3 tirt o:tly ccni?ac+.cps a;C enplcgees xkc ctz in ccepiience tlth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used cn this prcjecc lobile ilcne 1 -/, -^4a7 .tt^trrrfr ^t1l. a /5,b 0 '7.ttz JO8 NO. ?enee siEdld. -/Tt Pr-uil-