HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RE5IDENTIAL.. 22 s itor-,h s tlt s; treeAP?L;cAlr1N /PEF'\Lff Spr)ngii.eLd, Cregon 37477 tr,ULLCITN DLILSLON nnn un n-a/ .o-o / Do SPF]INGFIEI rr ?cee:{ q *p CLn Date Job Locctica: Tc,E lat #Aeseseorc )bg I SucCi'isicn: ?-zer: Pl"ane:.{aEess.' Descz-Jbe llork: oo Va ,rfit7T1_KLicre of .|pglt ca ?aoieL ACC')ticn CeneraL P i.!ech.cz,iccL OR Sanilary seser eapped:t Prc?etQ Lize Septic totk ptrqed ad filled ttth Staial Pinal - i'lhen abcue i;e:::s ate ea:o|etei ard uhet Tmcli,tiort is cornglele c! st?;e- bse naueC cl. cter:,aes cleanei u2. i!crnes tsLocking o.d, Set-tP Pluntbinq connecaacla -- earet d' ua=er Electr.)cal Ccnneet)ott - Blcekittg' set-u, od. plmbing conTlections r;st be cVptc"'ei bei'oie requeet')ng eleczieal "!ns: eciio- Accesso,S BuiElttg :c?ekes, skirting, deci'-s,?insl - Aftcr ete. @e ccn? ?=ia 1 of 2 CorcjESin_lgdE!_ I! ia 2he rcsponcibiLity of tha penti! hoZder to see it@t aL! inagectiorte @e r,ade at lhe ptopet tLne, that 346fi -'1'1t233 is reaiaitie :'roat trt stteet, anC thax the penrit ed ie Localed at the frcdt of tle ?ro?ertA.-t1uilii:q V):ticl-otz a-o;ru^eci prin s|cLL renain on the Buildnng Site ax aLL- tines.- ?:?OC1DUP, ?0R I;tsPinrcil R1SU1S|:CALL 726-3769(recorCey) state yolt? City Cesigr,z-ted iob nzo;bet, iob aiiress, lVee- of incpec=ictt @eciyforitlspection,Coninactarso|a;,,ers-raneb,'d'phonewnbcr.Pequestsreceitedbetcro.7:00antiLL be nade the aane Ccy, tequests ncie after ?:00 an vLLL be raCe the neet.,nrkittg dag. your Citl' Desigr.ated Job Nwtber Is:?z3o ZZ - u lDiRcPc u:!, ? a1"lt2j92_Eflil4: 3),J lir4 *zr.cice. l-l r'.v:r.q-" :cc ?. ? LU:.s rt G I :.'!ic!l A lt r C A3 :ttffiof f'oor insukcion or decking, V pcst ti!!t z:l,ttt ts'22 rcie pdor lot I GlEiVcf J-ioor ir.su';.a.ziat or Ceek:.n6. l-] si:g -Lv5?ir::irY..I I eecact;,on, ':ut JCt r79. I II l io be rmrie ailerpricr tc se! up of |\'ISULA!:AN /VAPAP ilRRI:R IIIS?!C!fi iI : fb be rud.e after aLL instlcticn ed req.tired uqor bet'iels @e in place but before otg lath, Wpslon bcdYC cr rnLL eouering is cpplied, o'd, before ary insul,ation is cotcealed. uJ29PSt!;,2 -?al',:'.lS !:t G. 7 LiC?? I!; ! r i!Z:i;.:liCi-: ?o ce r.cae ce;ote cn7 - lro:'( is ectcrzc. lCCi:lG 1 !OL':1DA!:C:I: To be ::oie ciler :rencnes are ezcanated ard fcrma cre erectei, but prior to pou:-)rg ccncleie. .1C t-:C::. ? !!.:il -o : : :c. 1 :!::9 I C.: a I ;.!l c:'!- ;:f ::;.:: llo :crt< t; io te co':erec....._-.'D1i':L )aC32 "-tSaeeaaaraA 4.rte 2e€'ti naie d. 47tcie!. i---if?l.li3: ?t-Jor '.o p'Lcezrq icc,.ngnc.-arials cd befcre froir4 inscec- !ian. ?P- !!llC: !tus! ':e :ec'testeC cflen qcz,o"*,zl cf rnigh plurbinq, electr')- cal I nechz,xieai. AL! moilrq btcairg 7 ch,irmcys, etc. ttsc be ecnple'-ed. )lo ';cr'< is to 'ce con- cecled tntii :h,is insoeeicn |zs l6sn tade cni apomr:eC. crtr_tf 2f t,..ar.ta I -.,4L .r:2-i^.1/Cdu -':JAl, trai---a:'-^- DRYIALL iilSP3C?l?il: Tc be naCe iffi-itf,@is in pla.ce, but priot co azg '"aVing. tIASClli?l: Steel Location, botd 6{grou*ing or uettiecl-s in accorioee ,.nth U,A.C. Sectlan 2415. \gl ,,icaosrc,n: /\-.,-"a2. After installatton is C.JP.9 ,n A?PRCACH .a.?P?tt: After ,formsae iteeved but prior to pow')ng @n2?ete. SIDYIALX ,! DRI'.BIAI: ?or aLL cc'n-c""J;@ffiffi street right- of-t&'1, r-c be naCe a;'tzr all. escc- Lratinq catolete & forn "nrk & eub- base ,rctet'tal in Ptace. ?ilfC?: Fhen conPZate -- houlCe @ or nooable aectioas through Dil2 ALL gvej2sy conii;ions, suci as ,.he inszal\aa_ton cf 1'.teet t?ee-s.,^:o:ple;ior'.-ci aiu ,rq"inL|-ii"cqirq, Zto., ,*"t be saxisi'ied, beicre the 3UiiDI::C ?!!lAL :cn be reqttescei' iIltAL WftDi:tC: Tt.e Final Bu'r.Ldirq lnsoection .:rst be recuested ziler the !:lu,L ?Lurbinq llectrical, od, |.techariccl inspecticns '14!c been neCe ai t=ptouzc' 'ALL:.lA:tECaiS AltD CLEA\\CUIS:tUS? 3i.:CiES3:31i,.{r"'i'S;.'5.:'1 !0 3Z:.',1'0s,1-! il1::s:79 ci:y I n LDocd SYorFq- )--- ^ iJ OB NO I - i-2 r^+ a- =+-*- ).1. .vl,. Z cf Lc: lcoerage ! of S'-or-es .!cua..cba.Lb Topogrcihy ?uilding ?ezrr-t !o+.al Chataes Platnbing Perrit Penrit fssu.zwe l,leci:anictl ?efr-t. SOLAR-z<CCESS REQ.- LCi :y?! 7-, -n: ^- - conn", _ Pcttitard.Le _ C;tl-cie-sac L-CO G* 2ear)ons !ea'- Receipt #: Building Vqlue & Permit This cerrit is granted on lhe e:Dress eoruii:icn tl@t the said ccnsxtte=ion s7a,7.L, -i.n--!!.res.pe-e.zs, ion!:tn -:o th.e ).r,dinance zdopted.'cy the CiiT .ti Spr-ryj'-e:i, '-nc!d:)ng =he Zcntng CtCizaree, tegtlct-.t"tg 2i.e :cns=-_tca".ct: cni.use oi builriings, cr.ti n=u be sucperuieC or re,tckei it "ry t.-ne .ir.t rac-lctian cl .zty crcoisions cf aaii Jtdinc;tces. Plumbing Permit Ng ?erscn siull constz"tct, ins'.al!, alter ot chan4e any rleu cr eristinqqiwngirq cr dt'ainage aysten tn uioze cr in pott, unlesi such person is- th.eLegal.possessor of t ua1-id glrunber,s LicensZ, 4-scept that a pZtson na\ ioplunbing xork to p"ope?b! uhich is ouned, Leased ot ooerctea by the "ppti-cant. Mechonicol Permit ,_ a4 -- lzes --::::r .(l'aLue 70!AL "'A.aU? ciA?.G3 Resi.d,ential (J bcth) Seaet ]jrr ilil/Ertend. Circui:s Sertice l{here stcte La,t requires tl.a.t the electrJcal uotk be done by an lleetmjcalcontrue;o"' the electz,ical portion of this pernit slla.Ll not be ualic untilthe l,abel itas been ai4ned bi the ELecA-tcaL'Contrcctot. Stcte lotal Electricol Permit *lw:st llcoC llent !a1 7co<iseoie , Secty)ut De I i yobile llcne I HAW CAaE?ULLY ?L!,LII.:|E1 !_!e corryieted:tpltcaxicn ior pernit, cnti d.ahereby ceriii'1 tizct aLL infot:at-Jon h.eyecn'as t?ua ,i "i""oiii na tfut:her.c€!t"-J"! that any crd aLL.;ork Vet,iotned. slall be d.ote'ir-o""or_dance idt ;he apCincncL: o;' the Ct:i1 bl spmngfneZ, i"A ;a" ia;'s oi ;i.es_tate of cregcn pettainino to tr".e oor.k ces'c:"i.b-cc heritn, od. :i" ro ccc!.)-?LJC.! '&l'-_ e-e pgce cf cnU 6tructur2 aithou-. petnission of the ji:.tiira j)_uLsion. i ;'uriher :etvii.g thct o:tiy ecn;rcctcps o"td etolcgees xhc arZ incc;:.pi'-cnee iih CRS ?07.055 uil1. be used oe lhis prcjecc t>- -- :'la?^.r a!tt-\td SLaA),2 L< :oT.4,L x.:au:t? ,uE:./5,b 0 '-4.(/-rak //,,d tz' ',,/Ci:en l oa-st i^^ - 5ot;th iaoa;io!e iest I /{ao Storzoe ,',la'Jn',evznie lenee t- Lcft