HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-271..RESIDENTIAL.. 2 2 s |torth s th s; treeAF?L; cA! r,N /PEF'Mrr Sprl,ngfield, Cregan 97477 EuL Lclrn Uu)1-oi.On 7 26-37 5'3 SP'IINGF'EL.D t *p An q Ddte Z ,lob ioccticn: AssescoI,2 :!a? I S,abCiv)s'.cz: j-ter: Plane:.{d&ess.' zip: Descrtbe Work: Dcte of AppL n oo,r#LT1- CeneraL P lLectp)ccL DitlcLru)!! aR Sanita1 seser ecpped =t Prc?atw Lir:e Septic totk p:;ryed al. fiLLeC vtth g:raiei Pinal - i',4ten abcue ite::'s ee caoletei arC uhen leqclitioz: is comclele bt sa:-;t- hse noueC d. =rar)ses elear.ei up. tlobiLe tsLockirq od Set-:,tg ?Lurbing connectic-ne -- sate? ol. ualar Eleetr)ccl Ccnnection - Blockittg, set-'tp and. pltnbing cotnections rr;st be cpprc"*ed. be;'ote request'Jng eT.eetrtcal')nsoeeiio- Accessa^! Suililrq ?itt-zl - After :crehes, skir-ing' ciec?-s' etc. de canpleled. ?qe1of2 Constrteticn Letd.er t2 ia lhe respot'tcibilitg of the pertrh 'noldar to sea tla.t aL! inapectiorLs dre nade at lhe proper tine, ihat acch adltesa is eea;niie J'roat gir. stteer, anl tiac the ?endt cad ia L.aated at the frcat of the ?ro-Derty.-t1urlCi.-€ V):ti:'-o- cpproted plZn s7=Li renain cn thz Eaikirrq Sitc at zLL'tines.- P:?OC31L:PS ?On illSPirTICi! PS?WST:CALL726-3769(tecorCer) state lout Citg de;igTsted iob nu;ber, job aiitess, type_of insgec'.icnrequ@.ceieciy1.orirspecxio4'cont|dctarsoranpls-rartead,plnnew;nbct.Pequescstecei"*edbefcre7:0Ca::tiLL be raCe the sae &y, reqaesta ncie aftx 7:00 cl r,tilL be rud.e the nect'*rkini day. Sil9 f.'J5?5i:lirY: ?o be tnde afler escaocticn, ;ut p*icr to sea u? of forms. UI?!?.SL;.3 ?LJ:,!3 !JG. ?LEC??IC,\L I iECii:iiCA'-: io te rccie ce;ote cng - lro:.( :,s eararec. ?ecT:lc ,, ?0L,JDA!:c:t: ?o be naieTr6lrertcG-a' e Ecqlated and fcrns cte etec'-ei, iut pricr io por*irq ccnc:ete. F.at.'c:; ?:'j!3:::c, z:!f;Pl::a I :.ttc1- ;.:!::;.:: ::o to"r 'Js :c :e co';e!€c ffiT-=i-ese ;:"soec=!ars it :se 3o-et: nd.e td =o;rc:ie!.. Iout Citg Desigra.ted Job llunber !s: |IISULA?TON /VAPOP ZA.RRI9R IIISPICIIC1I : lo be truCe aftet, aLL insalaticn ed. req4ted uqo? b@r.ie?s @e in place but before ary Lath, Wp&.n bca4 cr tnLL couering is applied, atd. ber'ore oty ittsulatioa .Js concealeC. DRYIIA.LL illSPlCtfill: ?c be naCeV1terTlt@iiTis in ptz,ce, but prior co ang '"aVin4. \IASC\LF,!: Steel Location, bond ffij$a,rtin4 or ue"ticcls in a,=corb'rcs ,,)ath U.A.C. Section 2415 . Bzsc to - u::rilcPcry:tl ? !1".!2 r::g)ji;tl rr.,t!:3J Lt rq cter.ci,:ee . i-l L'..1:s.qs:.io? ?ii;:sflG I :49c:tA:trC;i:I I Ic ae d.e n.)cr to '-nstcl"al:.ott oi f"oor ineuic:"ion or lecking. I ms: ,t;to zt7:1: lo be rcCe pior lo J G;;r"u" "f 11oor irsu'a.='-ai or CeckinE. Prtot "o Pi.cctrq icc:-ng czd befote frrrirg instec- After brstalT.ation is encrete. SIDltltLK t DRI',T{AY: lor all ear ffi@;Cffi st"eet rtght- of-ury, tc be na,Ce a;-!er aL! etca- vatinc canolete ,t for.:t ',:ork 3 sub- base mcterial in Pi.ace. ffirex*' CAfi & APPRCACIT A?.c.)N: Aftat fornsee etecxeC but pr)or to po"on)n4 I ,] ,] tian. i?-l':!!lc: i.ttst iie :ec..tesxeC af'.en qcro"*;L c1' :ct;gh 7hrbir4, elee!r.)- eal I necianiea!. AL! rcof'Jr4 brcc:.rg 5 chlrncus, etc. r,tac be . ccaqle'-cd. llo ;crk is to be ccm- - ceci.ed untii :his insoecicn ia,s 'been node ani zponu'eC. !I;IAL ?!,U:.:31:;O P::|AL :,!E':!A:ITC;L ::,tAL a-iv--a: -^u ?EllC!: 'rlhan cololete -- Protiie fiG or nouable' sectians tht'ough D tt ? ALL aroiect ea.ii=ions, suci as the ins'callacicn cf street itees, :cry!.ezion-c;'ie requ'ireiri **""62itg, ctc., aatlt be satlsfied. beicre tl,.e AAiaDf::C ?!!iAL :cn be reqested.. iItAL BAfLDiyC: fne Final BuildJrg lnspection *tst be re"L.ested :iter the ?'lnal ?!;nbing llectrical, d,ul :!echa,-.i.ccl inspect'-cns 4avc been naie ari c=orouec- 'ALL:.!A::tiCLiS AJD C:S;;tCtirS:tUS? 3i.:C:ES':sii,.{t"-iS:.'5.)T:0 3::.'.-"?s,1!:t0::5: ?1 C!?'.! 7 ,,ou-r,-n ro , tDccC SIo\F{-, ?=:e 2 i JOB NO - i-e: Lot Sq. atg. 2 cf lct Ccoetage ! of Sior-es ?otc! leiEhc Tcpogrqhg Stcte Surciut;e fotal Cha.lces Peni! fssuctcz l,leciznlccl pe-rtJt soLAR-{CCESS REQ.- _ ir-teticr _ Corttet _ Pcniunile CUL-cie-sec L-CO G+ 3ear2o,t1s PLan Rece-r.pt # Sigted: Plumbing Permit t\g ?erscn sha-lL constrttct, instal!, altet or charqe cnA neu cr e:is;ingqlm2irq cr dtainage systel in ulole or in patt, unlesi sueh person is- tl.e Le_gal.posseasot of a oa|-id pl,wtber,s Lieense, e.ee9t that a p'e:son nay doplrnbixg r;otk to ?ropert! uhieh is ouned, Leased or opercied by the *pli.-cant. Electricol Permif llhere s"cte Lan tequires tlnt the electical aork be done by an gleetr)cal Conttactor, the electricel potlior. of this perait shall rat- be ualiC unti!the Label has been signed by the Electrical'Contrd.clo?. Mechqnicol Permit L ?eni'" ): I c-,-i lr ;looa3--or-r- iiest lt Building Vqlue & Permif Th.,)s ?et*)t is grar.ted on the e+"ess eonditicn thlt the said_ccnst*rc=Jonshc.il, '-n =!L :eseec:s, eon!:ttt -:o =he )rditunce ad.oo:ed'cy tLe :it7 c;-Sprttgileii, incliing ti.e Sontng CrClrcttce, teatl.:+-ing :ke ecns:-.rl;lcn cvti.use oi irtii,iings, cnd n=y be susoerieC or re,tckei at cr! t--ee iu.ri !.i.c- La.;tcn cf my u,cuisicns cf saiC Crdtr,ances. r:i:t ?OIAL "L:U! i?c ,( ,1 :?!:.t J.!.v. l.D,= Suilding ?ertt:.t !o+.al Clc:ges Stcie Resr.dentia.L (1 bcth.) Scr,itarl Seuet ilc!e! s Plunbing Penit t;io Res- So. ftc llau/Ecterd. Circuits latocrag Sertice t-!: 1=a?,,;.. *ha:st llcol. Teat lan Tccd,sxote I /tao /.<. ao , la() /5.1a0 -- ::,tcicAc:;.::1..,1 -_ SLCa)d14. i ttobil" it"o" f HAW CteE?ULLy rX.+ttI;tED ii"z eonoleteC c=plicaxicn iot, petnit, cni ioh.ereby certify thz.t aLL irfoxnatibn heteon- is tnte "71. "Z"r""ri ont t fur'.l".er .ce*iJi :hat any cr.C. eLL xork periozne<i siull be d.one i, ,""or-dance 'ich ;he Crd.inczees o,, the City cf Soz4ngfiaid., urz =he ;c;3 oi i-heState of C"€gcn pert;inino )o ike uork CescyibZC herein, ,!d. :;t. yO 1CC!-?/.xc'l :til'- b_e ru.ie cr' dr! sEruca.Lle uilh.out petmission of the 3uiliino v)-uisio_n. i I'trther :ercir..9 c'nct o:ziy ".r*".tor" c;i *plcgees a.n-c- a-b incc::pi:.ance ui;h CRS 707.ASS uiLL be used an ihis prcjecc 7-a t>-/>z/ f, t. Sec"oi De:csit Pe?lx.:, ileccr-cal Lcbel :CT:,! A,\!CU:I? DUE:'/5,b 0 J1. ,a-<-./ :-rz?4u Sarlrae3 Va1r2n !o4-2r ilcrtn Stoa2oe !,rdinteraa-a ?enee