HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27?.cee'- Date: t'1 ffi -d ..RESIDENTIA SPFIINGFIEI.D AF?L;CA:IATI /PERILIT L.' 225 ilor=h |zh Street llo--;-7';nro' crlo-gcn 37 177 iuilinng DLvia't'on ? 26-37 53 I fpq Ctrt Iiob Locaxicn: TdE Lpt #Asseseore )'!aP I Stbii:.s4s:.cn 1-tter: ,ldd:"ess.' Dl.n. DescrJbe llork: icte of ooo/--T1-,"rr:# narcc--ols ueneleL Plzunbin4 ilechaniecL Consirtctict1 Letier P e eair e d lr. st a c li cr.s I! is the responsibil-Jlg of tttz penrtt iolder to eee tha! aL! ,Jnapecflora @e ::,ade at ,he propet tln€, ;hat aach edltess is rel;nii .i'rca. gi, stree.t,. and that the.pernit-ead ie- lccated qt.t-h-e- frynt of tl'e-progerty.'r3ui!Ca14 Vlgi:l-ot c??roxed F!.crt st=LL remain cn th.e Euiliir'4 Sttc at aLL tines- ?t?OCSDUpg ?oR I:tsp?q!!!)it !9q1!!:CALL726-3769 (recorCey) state you? City desigvs.ted iob ntmbet, iob aiitess' t-yp1 of inspee=lcn @eci.g|orinspecticn,contldcta"soia;,,ers-,a,,end.ploneru;lnber.Pequ'6s"isreceiuedbefcre7:0C;:'-ILL be ra.de the sa:te Ccy, "equcsts ncie aftet ?:00 an nLLL be tade the ncst znrking dai' ro1t" cita.Desi-grated. Job ltwber ,r. '' 8z3o1qri?! i.?5P55lfJu.' To be nade ai--et*caucna":rC prian tc se: up of UJ?!PSL;2 ?!J':.31:IG, ZI.TC:?IC,I! 1 i93i;.;1iC)L: ?o be nade bejote cng wt k is cc,terei. ?cc:::ic , ?cr-,:tDA!:c,t: ?o be noia a\'<ltl 1TT,atl /llADnO )ipOT=> r\l<=tfdlall , /]l'UL4..,Jll/ reqaited uqor baz,ie?s @e in ob.ce but befoz.e otg Lath, Wpsutn bcavC or unLL coueting is cpplied, ard, beicreag insul,aiion is concealed, DRflALL illSPlCiloll: ?c be naCe 4-"e2.-itr@TT;s in p\a,ce, bui prior to a,y tapirq, !4ASC!li?!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouling or uerticcls in aceor.iotce ,,nth A.ts,C, Section Sanitary seeer eqped ct prcpetfu Lire Septic tank p',ryeC ad. filled ;tth g'raiz linal - i'then cbcue itens ee ca:oletei end. uh.en lettcl)tion is eatale=e bv, s::.;.: tuye noueC ari =ret-);es eleatted u=. tsLocking od Set-ug ?Lunbing connec=icns -- sa)e! el. aa=et Eleet*.)ccl Ccnneetion - Blccking, set-u7otd pltonbing connections nr;st be d???cxa before "eques t'-ng electrical .i,nst ee:io:z .4cce€rc,V Suiliirg ?inal - lfter:crckes, skirring, ieci.-s, etc. @e cc,rolz:zd. I I $:;n-;;e"cGs axe ,.cr,tate<i arl ic:lts cre ero-c=ei, but a"iap io POUrlTq CCnC?et€. a:lDrRC2aU:t' ?a1".!3 I:;G. S3'ri?. "1.1Ti?,D?Ai)l).Gi: io be r.a:e pr.ar zo jrl- Lir4:rzr.cie,e. uvrEPPaCc P ?1!E!1 G I ;.!!C1A!r c;! :lcbeni@of f.oor insulccion or 4ecking. ?CST AilD 3ZA:,!: ?o be ncCe pr-or toinscclla;rcn cf fioor irsuLT.tlcn or Ceekt ng, After instalZatioa "Js CAPB E APPPCAC\| .t?P.)N: Aftet fotnsa,e etectez-fr;i7o" tu ponr,:tq con2?ete. SIDgil[LX & DRI'.EIA'I: For all. eoz-erel; pcu@-;Cffi s*,eet right- of-,,aA, tc be nale afta-2, al1- e*ca- uating cqnolete & font ,,:otk & sub- basa ncterial in pkce. ?!llC!: llhen conplate -- Prouiie gaDes at aouable secticns through Xrc-*. o"a! '):"se e c:ict:s h.;.se 3 e ernane :r,C ec::cted.,il l-] -'r*, ?tu:.Br:ic l. r:ur ,wci;rrc;L 1 :tur, iLZC:pr;L ..:-?t?{;ii.. Prtor lo pkcirq fcr-ngmc=erials ard. befcre iratir4 l:n"c"l.- ticr:. F?-4jlIllC:- iets! 'ce :ec.testeC cflercpptcr;;L cl :cugh piw-iir.g, electr-j_cal I neci,=nica!. ALZ *^;j-- ti".i"q- 1,i;;; ",^ ;;"'.- "i" j *canrDLeici. :lo ,:o"< is :o be con_cecied untii lhis insoeeicn \as bee.n ratie cni aporcte'i. ALL ev6;2a2 ca.ii;ions' ;uch cs che inseallaclcn cf slreec t?ees, ::-plei.on c;' cierequineci ianisccting, etc, ' ntust be satisiied. beicre the eAiaDI:;b iIliAL :cn ':e req;esiei. ililAL SaIaDI:lc: The FinaZ Bu:-ldirq lnscecticn nust be recuested ;ftet tke iinal py* UO,! i e c rri c e L, ari i t e c i^a::i c c J i n s o e c tic io iii-, " " n- ;.a-"' -i l=;;; r;. 'ALL:'lAriEcLES AttD cLiAitca?s:tus? 3i.:ccESJ:Bai, .rDj,,,s?::z::! lo JijaDE r.r ilo:js? ?c c!:v ?:ie 1 oi 2, LDccA S\-orl{-- I T l )--^ o JOB NO soLAix-ccESS REe.- r- -co c* 2ecitcons: St gteci: Electricol Permi t Were State La't tequites tl"at the electrtcal uot'k be done by cn E|eetr.ical Contractaz,, the elec+.rLcal pottior, of lhb pe*zit shall not be va|.iC until the label has been signed by the Electrtcal Cont?aclo?, Mechq nicol Permit 7 cf lct Ccuerage_ ! of Stoties ?otc! ileighc loooorethu L ?e:t:rit Pent:Ll fssu.ctce Meciunicel ?eznit inxetict, Cor.net Panhcnd.Ze Cul-d.e-sac ;ceess.)r ,{TaLue t J. tt :L-u: J.U,i. l. J : This -pemit ls granted ott ttte e*?ess cordriion thai the sairi. ccnstrtc;ionshall, in zil :esoec=s, eon!:nt -:o the ltdinance tiorr"i ."r"'inZ"'ilit:, ,f i^\.iii:1id,,. ,11iniino ;he ':oning Ci;;";;;;, pes,tlcritls tte ccns;i,1e:icn*'-r.arc o: rulLaLngs, 3nd. n=y o.e. susperiei or yeuckec at cn,! i-:,1e u:cn Lic_Latcn ,:f zny trcui;ions cf ieiC ,:rz)jrcnces. Suilding ?etrtt lolal Cl",atges Stcte Building Volue & permit Ir::4 liztures Resiiztzti-a.L (1 bcth) Scni Seuet Plumbing permit Ilo person siull constntct, instal!, altet ot, claruge 6n! reu cr ecistinq 4l*2;ry cr dtainage sys-l? in ahole or in paz,t, "nlesi s".n p""ro)-ii"tl.,Le_gaL.?ossessor of e ual-id qlwtber,s LLcense, aacept tl"at a pZ:son nay doplrnbing xork to p"ope?t! uhich ie ouned, Laased or opercted'bg tir" ippli-cdnt. Plunbing Perrit ;io i'l eD / Ezt end. Cire"d t s Sertice :!:;.! Vent ?ut Vcccistote a o -- :.iVi',4L.1.':l.i- -_ Sectz-itu Dztcsi2 Storcce llA:-rr,terCn:e Curbq"t Sida,talk !!obi!e i{one UAte I HAW CAI.EiULLI ILAaINED :i'e eotaleteC cttllcaYior' ic-t peznit' cz'ti ic irilAi certify thct aLL o)ttfornatzZn heveci-ls ttue ar'c catrect, an'd r i*rl"", ""rtti, that any c,C aLL ;o.rk per;bnzd shall be done :'n aczar- 'dazce .ixh =h.'e- CrCincre'es oi the City 'cf 'Spr'.ngiielC, .anl ;h.e lc;s oi tV= i)li )f Cregcn pertainino 'ro ike uoik CesctibeC here--n, el. :;,c.t vo 1CCU- ?/.nCI ,nil't be ,ra.ce oi *a' ,t"""tute uithout ?etmlas!-ati oi the 3uililng 9i-- ttsion. i;\r-.i:er':et=til vi"s! on1 y 2cn1tcctcrs a;C et-clcyees'i''c;:2 Ln ccnpi:.ance u'Jth Cg.S 701.-CSS ',tiLL be used cn this 2rcjecx Oa+al r;asaza L -1r, -^r.f rt.Art\tfr \llc. a ^JL.-t *|UU.,t Uuu./5,b 0 d 1.. l {.