HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs ltorth stit s; treeA??L;cA?r0, /PEF'l4r! Spr.rgfi.eld., Creaon 37 -.177 EULLclrLCt t1-iL3lon 726-s7 52 SPFIINGFIELD !li4 V-tti::-or- eg=ru^ed P the stteet, anC titct the tin sVcLL renain on thz Building Site at teail ie l,ccated at the fzrat of tl,.e nor,ber, job oi&ess' tyPe of insoec=icn n;,nbet. P.eque sts receiued befcne 7:00 ;^ { tu I d..p Ccn q Cenetal F7 -^+-'^-7 i.!ecloniccL Constt rcticn l-e$gt- I! ie ahe reegotibi Lity of tlc peotr,, t@Lde, b see tla! aLL inspec'dofli due :-atie at lhe propet time' thet ecch cddzess is reaiabl'e :r@l L _?T2?e"tyL iLmes. Cesigra.ted iob r,ane ad ploneP!?OCZDIJPg lOR f"oor or 4ecking. ALL 726-376 9 (recorCer) state yout City Cor.tractars ot 2t-nersycu vL "eac'!fcr i*gecticn, L'oe raCe the sa;te Ccy,requests ncie aftx 7:00 oa urLLL be nade the nest 'arkinS day your Ci\'Desigr,ated iob llwtbet !s: T Si?9 ::ts?a:::jlt: To be trcie ailer xeffic"-A"t priar tc se! u.o oi for.ms. U:I1S?SL;.z ?LJ:.'!3::IG, ZL7C:3 IC.IL ) ;'gC';-:-:i;C;;,: io ce naie be;'ote cnY6ii'li-i.s"rei. FCCT:IC t: ?CU:1DA!:C:1, 76 i2 tal.e d:er '-r"-,"cG; a-- ,.cctated ard fcrms are ereclei, but Pria" io pou-Jrq canc:eta. . U:tDlRG?Ct,t:t, ?,--;".,.e1:;G., SIF?, 2.1!i1. l. I DPA:::).G1: io be Eaie ?r.a! lo j;'u- Lir4 ;rzr-ci"-ee . !o after reqdred oqor e?s @e in oLace I DRYIs.LL iilSPZC!!7!: 72 i22 raCe @ts.inplz.ce,but priot to dry td?Lv4' WSA!il: Steel Location, boad ffijgroutin4 or ue?ticdls in o."orl&"" ,ith u.a.c. section ffire*, but before otY la.th, tall, eouez'ing is cpp ay i*ula.tion is concea Led, Aftet ittstalTntton is gVpfln bca4 cr Lied, od bei'ore 'rlhen eonolaYe .-- ?rclide. ot notlabLe sect''t-ans ihra/gn ?OS? AitD 3EA!'!: lo be ncle Pior lo #iZ' Tcf floot' irsul'a''-icri ot Ceckrn6. CUPS n APPPCACIT t?iiY: Afte: .forasde ereeved eut P?':or to Pal?'vq concfete. SIJgW.Lit t DRIW4I: .For all cc-n- ;A 2dulrrq aiYh:.n st"eet rtght- of-'x!'' w be ncle -aJ'izt c7'!' e*cc- ,:Lti"c- canoleze I iotn ";ork t cub' base ic;:erial in Place'- uri--'- L i -- u^ v-e3e lrszec:'Jcta 'ac;se leett na:e crd. zc:lcte!. il r:.:::r;':zi Prior '-o p|ccirq izr'ng| | Ar-"ia'ts ct'-d befcre frxtr4 inscec' t: ^- :7 ?P-t::lC: lr:tst 'ce :ectesxeC cf)en i I a"rwr-L cl' tctigh >Lut-birg, elecztt- - eal 7 tecT:nicz't. AL! noi)r4 b?cc'-rg 2 chirneYs, etc. rtsc be . ccn-clezcd. :to tct.< ia :o 'ce ccn- - cecl,eci until zhis irscec-cn '"as , 'been rade cni c2onr;eC' I aates Dil? !IiIAL ?!,U:.!BI:iG F:IAL :,!E::];:IICAL af.r, ? ?t=4o7-.'--:,44P --uv-..--de -.-ALL croiecx coziiticns, ;uci' cs che ins"all.acicn cf Itt'zet tae-es.' :c-pf,e;icn c|' cie ;;;o;:l;i;;"".2t"i,'Lt.-.-, i"t be sccisiiZc- a'i'rn- tn" la:iDr:;G ?!:iAL :cn be reqttescec' tI:iAL ilILDI:tC: fne Final Buildir.g lnscecticn *tst ba fe?est::.jie" th2 iir'al ?lurbirui / ) ';"": -.--1-- ,Z :L"rorl:"ci. ir.spectl*ns'nr::uc been taie ,ti c=crcuz=' \_/ aLectt4cat' a ^4 lfin'oJob bccticn \IDA3\4\,WAssesso?c :!dc I SubCi::.)sicn: Jerhvr C-, Llte-"L.O;ner: o .id4-ess Ptane: Desertbe k'ork: :1,4-icze oi )pglica n ll qs ao,"rr#o/..- llobil.a Sone RenoieL sc. # Sanila1 seter eq7ed :t PrcPet* Lite Septie totk y.,4ed ad' filled t"ith graiei F'JnaL - i;hten abctte iiens ate ec::alexei a.d uhen d*tcli:-tott is cor'ole=e ct st?;e- tute noueC ad' gte:;')ses cleanei ut' Ecnes tsLocking o'd Szt''"tp ?Luttbin7 connec=icns " sa)e? aC uc=zt Electr)ccl Cotzection' BLccHng' set-u= -Zri rl*a;"i coflTiections rzr;st be c2ptcued ti, " f oi " r e qu'e s t'Jng e ! e e tri c aL ;'ns ? e c = i az .Accesso,g Suililrg :orches, aiirt"Jng, deci''s, 1'-!^) Finel _ .t,ftcr etc. @e ccnD ?:7e 1 oi 2 ,l .ALL ilAiII;C LZS AtlD CizAi'lcurs yUSi 3E;cCtS3:3L2, ADj.,S?:9::l:o 33:!|,,8 !1.1 llo::S: T1 CI?y LDccd Sr\crR-- tr T JO8 NO 1:te: "^+ c- l.-se Ja. - a. 7 cf lct :"r.""g"- ! of Stoies ?otcl ileigh-- ?ogoq _*hy ?uilding ?ey,t;.Jt Stc-.e ?otal Cl,a:gea Plunbing perrit State Peyni'. lssuctce Mecizniccl ?errr-t SOLAR:TCCESS REQ.- ,r?t3: _ Inxeticr _ Cormet _ ?cnitcwile Ctl-de-sec ,-l;1=r= L-CO G+ e/Co/3v 2ectcons: lea: Receipt fi: LCC2 Building Vqlue & Permit This pettr|t is granted on the es?"ess coruiiiion that the said consxrtc-.ion s',talL, in -!L reseec=s, eonlcrn:o ihe )rdinance zdocted by the Ci;1 tjSprtngj'-eli, tncluc.ing :he Jot.ing CtC:ncnce, regl,tlcting the ccrs;:-.t:t-)ctcti lse oi cu.tld.tngs, cnd rcl be succerieC or yeuckei at o:,! t.-;le ,2.n ,J-_c- la.ttan c7' my prcotsions of saiC ,3rdira,nces. Plumbing permit ilg perecn shall constt'uct, instal!, alter or change cng neu cr ecistinqplwtbir4 cn drainaae syste'n in ttoie or in- patt, 'u*7-""'" iiZd- p"i."" ii' tr,Legal cossessor af t uot-id. pt-.rini;i li""""L, e.-eepx th.at a pz:son nat coOH|O", aork to ?ropert! uhich is orr"d, i)os"d or opercrei tg t;r" d?pli_ Electricol Permi t khete Stcte !'a.t reonines tta.t the elecd.al uork be done by a,t llectz,icalcontz'aetar, tite electz-icat.ii":ir"-.iJiil"*p"r-r.t srnll rot be uazic untilthe tabel iras been signed ly ii- iil*;iZl(contractor. Mechqnicol permit P Ldli iaalLne? I I I I I E;e-- r HAW CA,RS?ULL:I ix.wfln ihe cotnoletec c=pl)cexion ;bn pezni:, cnd iolzereby cerifs tirct aLL ":";.ir-"ti>"-12;r;;ri, ;tae a.r-c. ec.rect, anc rfur-.het celtii! :het any cr-C. aLL ,oni- ?;;:;o;ed stwll be doyte in eeccr_dcnce vi;)z ;he arCinzneL,s oi; in1 iiti Zi: sr*ngi.ield, anl. ;hc _,c-:s or- zh.est,zte cf creccn oer*inino :o :1"-e,,n-r.kzesbribec herein, sd. :)lc='rzt o"iir-?!.ICl viLi be na.iz or- dny ec?uctl.re aithout pelinasz_on Lf tin- iritatng g._vision. i ft;nrhe*L"r:,..s--ril--;-:ra';;;;cxors o:d, e.:n..cgees x7-o e:,e incx.oltance tith CRS tot.bss *Ll be'usZi'Zi'rnr" prcjecc L i :,tobile ilcne ,1 ,I ,>-1>-z-lat ?A:czs6 an -- le r:a:t ,(Vaiue .lccesscyt 7C!.11 "4.t0',9 S.D.C. I.5 s ( - ?iztt^tee Resi.dzntia.L (1 bcth) Seuet ,,;o.;tl c:il-2l- ileu/Eztend, Citqails Sertice Le!t?. *|w:st ltcoC Tent ?at vcodsxo:e I /-N / <.00 -- i:tc?.cAC:r. Secty|tu Sida,*zlk :CT.:,L A:.!CIJ:IT DAE :'/5,b 0 'p<Lz /t t-