HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RE5IDENTIAL.. 22s irorzh stit s; treeAPPL;cA! r0ll /PEF'Mrr Spfingiield, Cregon 37477 EULLCInLA DLt1.3LOn 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIEI..D *pq Ccn Date .lob Locacicn:) #Asseslorc :!ap ll Stid.i:;4sicn: j->ter: Pl"ane O Desci-be h'ork -?i1* t--t oo Va ,r#Ecte of .lpP ?moieL CeneraL |'!ecl.,ctzccL tsI-,IILD:;:CS Saitul saser capVed =t Prc?et4i Lhce Septic totk yt7ed aL f:-LLeC u'tth gtaie! Pinal - i,rhen cbcue iie::s ote ecnolecei a,.d xhen la.tcli:iott is cortolele c" s+::ic- ttse naueC 64 zv2:ises cleanei up. icin2s tsLocking od 1at-ug ?Lutabitq conneeti.cna -- satev od, uater EXectri-ccl Ccinectaon - Blcckittg' 6et-u, atd. plutnbing contections tr;st te cpptcced. beJ'ore requesting eleclrical insaec liott .4cce€sa.! Suiliirg :)rches, skitzitq, Cec?s,iin-zl - .4fter ?:ie 1 oi 2 CoasJrrctTc-n_!g4g!_ I! ia 1he responcibility of tla perni! holden 'a see thnt aLL inspecCons @e rad.e at )he propet ttn t t|.at 23611 :iit2es is z'eaiabl-e jroal g;n st?eet, azC tiuc the petwtt cc;,d. ie Lccated at the frpnt of tle propeti4.-t3ui!i:.:q tzti:lo- zpToxed ptin s7=Ll reaain on the Euildrng site at eLL- aiea.- ??OCipA$ ?0R I:tsPZgrcil ?91U?ST..CALL726-3769(recor4et) state lots City Cesigr-tted job nunber, iob oiiress, lA*-9f ir-spec!'i_cn @ecayfcrir,specticn,Coniractclso.-yan,ets.,a,,ea,dplonett;;rlber.P.eques'sreceitedbefcre7:00G7tiLL be trade',he sa::e Ccy, tequeets nd.e aft* ?:00 an vtLL be raCe the rc.rtlnrkin-i da;;. You" CiQ'Desigr,ated Job lhnbet Ie :?z3c1b Silg f.'jsP:i::ifl.' io be ta<ie ai!zrpicr to aei u? oi fcrns, UJ3!?SL;.3 ?LU:.,!3!:IG, ZLEC:I1C,1' T ::?:1::i!ii: io ce nccie ce;ote cny - tltOlK t S CCrCleC. ?CCT:IC , !OU:|DA!:C:I: ?o be rol.e ai)er ;renc'nes are ard fcrna cte ereclei, .ut prtor io POU-rq canc:ei€. floor insui.c.cion o: 4eeking. ?05? AitD 3EA:,t: lo be ncCe Pr)or to Gilfficf Jloor irsuia=iai or Ceck:.n6. ?at.c:: ?:']t-o:::c. ::z::9lC:L I :.!!.::l- ;:!::;'-: .::o 'rtl ts Jc ae co':e!o-G '47:rtL i/.es2 '.;'traeca'-c7:,s 4.7Je i2e7i ns:e t|. 7=:tie!. F]?l?LACZ: Prtor 'o piz.etr4 lzrJngmcteiai-s cr-d. befare ;ro:ring iaecec- tiot. ?P' ':i:lc: itust be tec'tecteC cf)en cVprov;L c1' ra,igh tZwrbing, eLect"':- cal I necl,anieai. ALI rcoiixg brcc:.rq ! chinaeys, etc. tast be ccnpLete<i. )lo ';cr< is to 'ca cor cecied 'tntii il",is insoecicn 'raa lssa nede cni cpprcteC. af tl I f =f r...o f .ta L'-..AL ..12-;^-l/L^b j?tlrf ?f=Mof-.? I,,ISULAT:ON /YN.POF tsARRIIR I!]S?!C?IC:I : ib be nade after aLL insulcticn ed. teqta"ed ttqor bmie?s @e in Place but before oq Lath, WPsnT bcazC or unLL eovering is applied, crd, beibre ay insulation is coacealed, r--l u.yrtr6?cu::i ?aL'!J_!;9;iEL ?tr:3)J Lir4 ;rzr-ci"ce. I-l z,:l:g.q-":.c? ?t-i;:s rtG MirlAticA!:rt@cf DRI'iA-LL iltS?ZC?l1lt: Tc be raCe after aLL argual,L is in place' but priorbo ang '"aVin4. IIASCIIRY: Steel- Location, bond ffijglvuting or le"ticcls in a,ccoyiotce ,.nth U,ts.C. Section 2415. lNs7l',tcoos:c,n: Afte? it?talTation is /A;",pa. CtlP.S E A.{PqCACE .a.PPlN: Af'tet forns ee ereereC but pr)or to pour)t'g ,grrerete. SIDETiLLX & DRI',TiAY: ?or aLL cc-n- creci iauirq aixhin stteet mght- oi-t"c"g, +-o be nade aftet aL'!- ezea- vatinq cqnole--e I fotn ";ot'k I sub- base ncterial in PLa:e. I lI)tAL BAIiDi:lC: (r.e Final }u:.Ldrt'q lnspection ntst be recuestei =fler the !ir-t'L ?LurbinS L-/ ileccrical, otC :!eci^ar.tcc! inspeccicns -;tauc ceen taie ,ri ==croue=' 'ALL i.lA:tECirS A:tD Ct1|.ttCUTS :IUS? 3E .lCCESl:?ti, .{Da'!'5i.'5,'.'! :O 3Z :'!1rE 't! !10 ::S: ?2 Cfy t LDccd Si-o\Fq-- tr I-] :4.'rs.. 'Jhen corolace -- *oviie l)iG or nouabLe'sectians tlttough n - b.u.e. I I t_J _.: ALL atoiect ea.ii--icns, ;uck as the ins--allaxtcn cf slreet i?ee-s.,-:c:ilecicn-cf t;14 n"q^:lr"iri ilcscqir4, 2t"., ,*"t be sctlsiied beicre the SA|1DI::C iIiiAL :cn be teqaeszed'. JOB NO Z ,1b SoLAtr.xccESS REQ.-L-CO G+ 1uilding ?et*r t Stcte !o'.al Cl,angea Plunbing Perrit Perzrtt Stcte Pet,rit fssuance l,lecianiczl ?efifrit irat= _ inxeticr _ Cor,ne? _ ?crtitanz.le CUL-<ie-sac 3eclaans F.-teo Lcce Building Vqlue & Permit This petn")t is granted on the e-lress eoruiiiicn tlat the said conacrtc:ion shaT-L, in til:.esoec=s, :onf:zn :o =he )rdir,ance zcioate.T by the 3.J;y cfSpr^.r:gj'-eic, '-nc!iir.g =he Soning C:.dinct.ce, y,eoulct-.na 2ke ccna:-.rc:-.cncrti.uce oi builiiings, cnti ncy ca ;uccez,ieC or rbuckei at "ry tine :i:cn otc-Lctlcn ;f zt".y crcuisicns cf sati Cyd.irances. Rece't ct #: StgreC: Plumbing Permit ll9 ?et.son siull constt"tct, inslal!, al,ter ot el,ange an7 neu cr ezisting ql,tn2t"q cr dtainage sysl? in :,tiole or in part, inlesi such person is th.eLe-gal.possessor of a ua|.id plwtbet,s License, o:cept tl"at a pZx.son nay d.oplwbing ';ork to p"ope?t! ahich is or,med, Leased ot opercted by the qpii- Electricol Permit l{here stcte la't te_quires tlzt the electr-Jcal uork be done bg ot glectrical conttactot, tlte electrical porlior of this ?eznit sIu.LL not be ualil untilthe Label ita.s been signeC ly the Electrical'Contrcctor. Mechqnicol Permit .:,,ieess)r lat leces - in -- laes --r:i:t .(teLue G=:ce lccesslrL ?OIAL "ry.a1',9 S.D.C. I.5,= ?t}+-,;tes Resid.antic.L (1 bcth) Se,itary Seuet 'rlcte! :io Res. So. f!c. tleu/Extend, Circuils lar,ocray Sey,tice - :.,ir- ^- a47t t ? E=ha.:st llcoC. Yerrt ?at I /sao / <.00 , b() 15. loL) __ 7.lr=^,ra!t.:tra , :,tobiln ilcn" 1 !>-/> z/ d t-. Sectz.itu Petn i.t :OT.AL J:CU:IT DUS:'/5,b o -/vz Date - PLc-n i;*tit.e TdiV-- r HAW cAiEiuLLy lxAltrit|D !!"e con-oleted cpclicaxion fcr peznit, ai ic|tereby cer=iig ;iut aLL i,fo:nat-Jon heyecn' is tzae ,)L "Zrr".=i on! ffu"',k* .cerllIi thet ary crl. eLL aork periotne<i alalZ, be dote i, .""r"_ddnee 'ich ;he ArCinzncZs oi' the City of bpmagfield, and. ;he La;s of zhe* State of 1rcgan pertainino -ro tke uolrk Cescr"JbLC h"nZ.r, -ra :ir-:O' OLil:-?A:lc'l'nil: be ra.ie cf cn! atruccitre uilh.out petn\ssion of the Surtiino gi-uisi2n. i f,trther :eriii.g tkat otly .cn;tc"'tc.s o.d. et-e'Lcgee" ;r;-;"" ;"cr.ciiance yi;h CR.S ?07.055 ,iLL be- used oe this ptcjecx bt Sq. FtE. 7 cf Lc: Ccu*age_ ! of Stcrles naaa-*'-t,.vJvr. -r'.t Vccisxo>.e Sto".ae lld.antavcr-2e ilec--r--cal Lciel