HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s itorth sth s treeAP?L;cA! r0ll /PEF't'Et Sgrlngfleld, 1regon 97477 Puiliing Dit;iston 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFTEIS --{ln0l1 L I *pq Date: .lob ioccticn: tl IAssesco,,2 )!d? I Subdit4s;.cn: Dlno.Ati&ess: Descrtbe llork: Dare of ApgL t.-l ao,"rr#T_ sc. # I c7 -^+-'^-7 General P'Lwbino ilech^aric:L tsUILDi;;CSOR Scnila2.J seaer capVed:t prcpetqi Line Septic totk y,c-2ed ad fiLLeC "ith gralei Pinal - il4ten abcue 'Jtens are ccntolexei ari ahen lezrcL)zian ie con=Lele br s!:-;e- ture naued a,L pra,tt)ses cleaned up. Bloeking od Sec-:tg Plunbin4 coaneciicns -- sater d. ud--zt Electd.ccl Canection - Blcckin4, set-u: attd. pltnbing connections m;st be cpprcxed. b ey'or e requestJng el ec:rical insg ee2io;: .4ccesso,y Builizrg ?iral - Aftcr, :crckes, skiriing, iecka, etc. @e ccraoleled. -r1r2: of -.: coBtne1z_!.de!_ oamti-ro,1'n*ra.l:.',da 12 is lhe respowibili.-y of ths petfti, itoZder to see that aLL ,Jnspections, @e =a<ie at 1he p;ropet tlne , i!.at acch cddtese is teaiabl-e :'ron til* atteet, atl iitct the petmit cd ie Lccated at the fzent of the Topertg.'t2ui!i:.rq V-ticio- e7w-ed ptcn si=LL renain on the Builtitng Site at zLL- tines. ?:?OCZDU.S ?OR IttSPiJlICit P.rcEST:CALL726-3769(recorCer) state you? City Cesigne-ted iob ntr,bet, iob aiiress, typlof it'-speclicn @eciyforir,spection,contldcta"so.-ranzets.raaeer'dpLanen,ilr,,tber.Pequesisteceit2dbefcle7:00c.'l'.iLL be nade the eqr:e Cq, requests ncie after 7:00 an vLLL be rmCe the nert:.)orkitu? dnA. You Cit! Desigra,ted Job Nmbet Is 8 Ll I-] Si:9 -1.'JSPit:li,Y.' io be ncde ai'-er 1 1 *couccrii, :"t F)rLoruc se= u? oJ ) r. .te. |NSULATiAN /VA.POP 3ARRIIR !!!SP!C!IC\I": ?o be nad.e after aLL insulaticn el "eq/i"ed uqo? bd'"iels @e in olcee but before otg Lath, Wpann bcavC cr unLL couering is cpplied, and. beforo- ay insulation is concealeC. U:I::?SL;? ?'L':.3lJG, ?LiC:?!C,I' t i9C'i.:.iil*'-: io ce ncie cejote cn,1 rroI( ,s Screrec. ?CC!:iC ?: !ALt;!DA!:D:I: lo be rale c;'-er -.rencnes are ezcasated ard fcrns oe ereclei, but prta! io po,t-*Jrq ccnc:e;e. DRYYALL illSPIClICll: Tc be naCe after aLL cr1ual,L is in plaee, but prior to cng taping. I4ASC!|R!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticcls in accoyiorce ,,tLth U.ts,C. Seetion- u :t E.ac?c'J :t3 ? !l:c_!1g2_i!:EA_ r!! :!)J Ltr4 crer-ckee. f-l ,:r:g.q-"a.:cp ?:Jsr:G I .\!!ClAtrcAr:tt@oi f.oor insuia,;ian oy decking. ?0ST lilD 3EA:l: To be ncCe ?"aor 'nTGlilGlZicf floor irsul*icrz or Ceck:.ng. :at.:c:; ?::::3:;:c. 1:r::PIC.:! t \!!.::i- un:il ;'tese trsoee:icr,s 'ncso- 3ee"n neie :n4 zpltcie!.T ffire:;*,After instclla.tion is CUPS & APPRCACH AP9!N:a'" e""ctAA;; pAA After fotnsto poaz-)ng P?.:or io ;'tcctr4 i=c'-ngcrl. befte fra:rir4 .Jns?ec- conc?ete. SIDStil.LK & DRf',TnAl: 7or all carcr.exeiAfr-;l;ffi s treet mg ht- oi'-rrc'!, tc be maCe afier aL! ezca- lating conolexe t forn ,,:ork d sub- base ncterial in plaee, tiot. !?.4:l]!2: !tust be :ectecxeC cflen c:cro,;;L cl :ngh =Lut-iir4, eleczrt-cal I zeci'anica!. ALI rcojir4 brcclrg 3 chirteys, ete. :ntsc becctnle:ed. :lo ;3t< is to be ccm- - ceai.ed ur.:il :his ir.soecicn i,as'been r,ade cni tporctei. ?!IlC!: 'nrhett conplete -- Pyotsiie gaxas ct nouable ;ectians '-hrough Dil? ALL proiect conii;;)ons, suci cs the i.nszallacicn cf slteet wees, 3a:ele;iorr cf z*e rcquired. |-ariscaizg, atc. , ntst be saxisJ'ieC beicre the SAiiDf:iG ?IilAL =cn be raqtescei. IINAL SUILDIYC: Tne Fincl Bul,Lding lr.scecticn rust bo- reqtestei :itzr th2 linal ?Lrnbirtg Slecxrical, au! :lecharaiccl inspecttcns datc been tcie ard :zotcvzc. 'ALL .\!;::ECaaS A:tD C:3;:;C7-:S :IUS: -"i ..tCiESi:-"::, .it;:S:.'.T.';! :0 3: :!-",ii 1? ::0 ::S: TC ,!:! III e7lt l r af t:rtof .!a F : :iA L. :.!T' ilA :I I CA L :.,tAL SLLe-.1:-;u Uuccd SIorN=-, trr ?=:e 2 SOLAR'r{CCESS REQ.-L-CO G* lat Sq. 1.4. iZ cf !c2 lc,teraqe ! of Stor|es Tote! ileighc Tcpogrcphg Pe*Lt lssuance Mechan':.cal ?ernit ici :y?s _ inter!.cr _ Corme: _ Paniunile CUL-ie-sac 3ec-r2ons: fd'-d. + !, Sig*ei: Mechqnicql Permit ) in ,('iaiue Cit:ce .4C32552!' aAfr.r.rrrttd s.r.c. t.5 : ( Building Volue & permit Tkis tetit is gratted on the ezD?esa eond.,Jiion ttat the said eonscntc=ion "-;oll, -l".1il .rLspe.e.rs, 7onfcry'to the )rdinance ,io"tnl ei- tnr- iq "fi?2..'-r.g'1e1,i., )nc!:cing :he Zontng CtClnar,.ce, teoulcti,tg the ecrs;elc:.)cncni use oi builtiings, cnd n:u ba suaoeniec ot reuckec Lt cru tine :t:cn ,tic-kticn c1' my crcuisions cf iaiC Crdirances. . - - 4^+^7 nr---^^^ llo_ potecn shall conshact, instal'!., aLter or elurqe dtu rled cr eaistin_eqlun2ing ct dtainage sgs_l? in uiale ot in pott, unlesL sueh. person is" theLegaL _possessor of t ualid glratnbel ,s Licens'e, .acept that a p'etson;r,ay d.opl:.nbing xork to p?ope?t! uhich is ou,ned, Leased cr operatei ty the alpli_cant. ?i:=;..tes Resid,ential (1 bcth.) Seaet Plunbirg Perr:tt Plumbing Permit Electricql Permit I'rhere State La,t requires tlu.t the electz,i.eal uork be done by an lleetz",JcdlC9fltry.cra", tie electr"tcal porlion of thia pernit sluLl not be valiC untiltire Label has been signed bg the Eleetz.ical- Contracto?. ?ez*it ;io Stcte il a,t /Eztend, Circui ! s Sertice i?:.'1, ?:,*aa^ ailt, c *h.ast lcoC Vent ?at Tccd.stoie I /{ao /<.ao ,|ao /5.1o0 -- :.iv;.-AL.r..::.t- -- di 4 a--. j^n L',At2 ilec:r'JeaL i yobila ilcae f HAIE CA-RE?ULLY SKL+liXtD:i"e coroleteC:ltlicaxion ior peznit, ai ia hereby cerxify tlat aLL itfosratJon heyecn- ia true arl. e'crtecz', aruC. f f,u:het, certiJi that ang crl. aLL uork:eriortted shall be done in lccot- dance vich ;he 1rd.instces of the Cit,g of Spr"ingfiel.C, and ;he Lc;s of ch.e St-ate cf Cregan pertainino to tke oor.k Cescy.)beC herein, cnC :i.tc.t y0 ?CC!.)- ?/.!lC'! trili be tu,ie oi cn! st"ucttar2 uilhott petmissiot of the 3uili,ir.g L\-tision. i f,tyther :ertif'g th:,t o:tiy ecnitecicrs a;i e;plcgees ai".c arz in cc;tpiicnce ui;h CRS 701.055 ,,tiLL be used cn ihia crcject \t)-1>z/ t tz Sectr,Ltu 9e:csi: Sto?2ce l,td,antevcn:e 5LCA)a !.K naf1 f . t t^t t\ta ^t t?. a /5,b 0 k*:+l-</ JO8 NO.