HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2 z s it o r-,h s tit s; tr e eAF? L : cAT r 0ll /PEF'I4,I Sgfingfield' Cregan 37477 Euiliing Dir;ision 7 26-37 53 SPFI'NGFIEL.D Job Loeeticn: Iot #Assessots :!a? I Subditts'.cn: C;ner: .{dd-ess Phone & Date: *pq ()n t7L, Tece'-t= t U Descm)be h'ork: ?.anoieL tti-l oo,r#ILT1_,gLDate of .|pg ac. I Cer,eraL iicn2s tsLocking ad Set-up ?knbing connecticns -- sarer sl. aa=et Electr,)cal Ccniectaon - Blcckitn4, aet-u. and. plztnbing connections rr;st be apprcued. b eJ'or e requesting elec:rical insg ec ;io;t .4,e.eslo,! Suili'Jng :crc|.es, skirting, iecT-s, ?:':e 1 of 2 PLuno.i.n4 ttD^L*.'^-1 CoNjry)iz_!an&!_ I) is lhe resgo*ibiLity of tlo penrL! hoZder to see tha! aL! inspectians dre ::,acie at )he proper tLn., thet each clCtess is reaiabie ;'roat tiu stteet, ad, titct the pernit ca:d ia Located at.th,e frcnt of t7'e,pro-perty.'r1uiliLrq V)tti=?or- qVrot;eci ptin s7,cLL renain on th.e 3uJiti:.ng :ite it aLL- tines. ?:?OcigtJpg il? Ittspif,lI)il PSql.tlST;CALL 726-3769 (tecorCey) state lout, City iesigrated job nurbet, iob aiiress, laie- 9f ir'.spe^e2:icn @eciyfol.ir,spection,cont"actc"so|ra,r,.ls-,,.,ecndphcnet,l,nber.Peques.i3z.eceitetibefcz,e7:00,=ltlLL be naCe the sane Ccy, tequests ncie aft* ?:00 oa aLLL be ruie the nest:nz'king dag. you! Cibl'Desigra.ted Job Nunber ls ot3 Peeaired ln.scecticzssi:!::1s?::::i!!: escct)cticr,., but io be ncrie ai|er prian tc ,et u? of fcrns. U:I'S?SL;? ?LL':..9r:IG, ?L!C?PT,\L 1 ]Eiii|t-: ?o ce r.crie ceJ-ote cn'7 - rro:"( ,s ecuarec. PCCT:IC , iALt:tDA!:Cl; 76 'es rv.ie ailer =renci:es az'e esce:tateci ard. fcxns cre ereelei, but piar to POuZaTq CSn'reie. U:lDiAC?aU:lD ?:L'l!3 I:;C, S9'/T?,'J.1!!R. U-'lA-;li.t:t! -o oe ra:e ?r-4" tO ;L.- E$-cr+.chee . UI:EP|'CC? ?!J:Bi:]G' )!'C:1A:IIC;!: 7c be tzce pir,-ot to instaliat:.on of f,oor ineui.c.tion or 4ecktng. ?CS? AilD 3EA:4: lo be ncCe ?r:or toTGiiEldTcf fi.oor irsulatiar cr decktnq. .=.Ct.:C:: ?:']I9::;C. i:!2".I!i1 l lEL-|..11L1: )io ':crt ')s tc :e ;:o:;e?ec u:ttl :Zese irssee'-iar.s 'rt:ve 3r-er naze ctd. :pVrcie!. t --1a!Lar.: :'l-.Ol iO ?Li3ari '.=Cand ^ct;Ad; crd. befcre frarir4'.:nr9nl-tion. ??-4-'li:lC: i4tst be tectesteC cfler cVct,cv;L ti tnigh plw-iit:g, electr-J-cal 1 neeitnieai,. ALI moiirq brccttg 3 ch,i,natgs, ete. r"tsc be . conple:ed. )lo ';cr< is to be con- - cecied ttntil this insoecicn 'ra.s 'been r.ad.e cni cporctei. !I;!AL P!,U:,!3T:iG F:JAL .'4EC1A:IICAL ::.tAtr 3a.Le-.1:i;- |NSIJLATION /YN.PA F tsARRIER IIISPIC?IC|I.: io be naie after aLL ins"tlaticn ei req"dred uqor bau"Je?a &e in glaee bttt before oty lath, W?tun bceC cr tnLL eoueving is cppli-ed, ad. before @2! iTLsula;ion is concealeC. DRtvLLL IISPZCIIOY: To a.iier a,LL crludLL Ls Ln but prior to czy taPittg be r.aCe pLace, il .l il il I i,!ASC!lP,!: Steel Location, bond Effijgtcuting or ue?ticcls in accorbtce ,nlth U,ts.C, Seetion ffire-*,After irntallatian is CURB & 4?P?CjC,t! }?:Pllt: After fotnsa'e "tecxeAT"tVi;i to paz.:na eo1,a?ete. SIDE|#-LK 4 5Rf1TlA7: For aZL ccn- crete pauing uiYhtn stz,eet right- of-,':cg, tc be nade a1'ta-t aLL escc- uatiilc canolete ,3 fozn ,,:ork & sub- base ncterJal in pkce. I II :l ALL croiect. coniitions, suei cs "i',e i.nsra!.lavicn of Itreet.?ees, -'a-?!eiion cf tite rcquired Lantisccping, etc., atust be sac:.siied befcre the SU|aDI:;C |I!|AL ccn :e requeseei. ilNAL ilIiDI:tC: Tne Eincl Eutldlrg lr.saection:ust bo- recuested;i:et'the liral Plulbing llectrieal, qrc )!eci:ar'.icc! inscecttcns itate been reCe ard :tcroue:. 'ALL:.!A::ECLZS AilD C:|tircA?S:tuj? 3EJCCtS,:?1i,.{til,S:.'.f.:'? !0 3i:.!"iE:l:t0::S: ?2 CI?y t7nil no t.^tE^ Sotilar,1 seter eqwed .t ??cP€?r! Linz Septi,c tank p''r2ed ard fiLLeC ,,rith graiei Final - i',4ten abcoe i'iens ee ecnzleaei o;d uhen lalclJ;io7r is eomole=e cv sl:-"it- ttse noueC aC, creti,)ses cleazzei uV. LDccd Sqr-q-- il tr ?!,rtC!: 'arher conplate -- ?rotslde fiG or nouable- secxions d*ougi^' I--lP.U,E. I I ?:ce 2 JOB NO i:ze: Int Sq. Ftg. 7 cf !c? Ccuerage ! of Storles ?cpogqirtl 1 soLAR-dccEss REQ.- icr :2! _ iztetict _ Cormet _ PanhartiLe CUL-de-sec L-CO G+ Building Vqlue & Permit This cerdt is granted on the eq?ess :otdiiion that the said-consc-tc=lon siall, in zll tesoee=s, eonfczm :o the )'rdiraree edovreC bll th-e CizT cfSprtngfieti, tncld.ing ;he Zoning Crdincr,.ee, reoalctirtg the ccr-e;rte:'.cn eni use oi 3u:-lii.ings, cnd nc,1 be sucoerieC or re,tckei at ctJ t')ne u:cn uic- Lct:.an cf .try prcuisions cf sciC Cr;ir,anees. 2ed.rcons {. Sigxei Electricol Permit tlhere Sfz.te la,t tequires tha.t the elecdcal uork be done by qn lleetrleal Contm.etor, the electrtcal portiott of thie per-ltit sltall not be oaliC untilthe label ira.s bem aigted. by the Electrtcal Cont"acto?. 2uilding ?ert*t ?otal C|',az,ged ?o+-al Pexi'. lssuanca Me:ianicsl ?enrit Mechq nicol Permit aoi2 iot ?tces - K 'iaLue :ban a^daf .trltt? tucS.D.C. 1.5 ; ( ?ee: Plumbing Permit llo ?e?son slull cor-stt-.uct, instal!, altet ot el,antge 6ary peil cr e:istir-qplmbirq cr drainage syste.n in viole or in pant, uniass such person is tice LegaL cossessor of a ualid plwnber's license, osce?t that a petsoa naX do plunbing xork to ptope"t! uhich is owted, Leasad or apercied bg the qpli- cot7t. Ii::4 ?tj;;;tes Resi,l.enti.a.L ( I bcth) Sa,i Seuet Plwnbing Perrit 1 :io i:i.t:GE Res- So. ftc, tlat/Ezietd, Circuils latDctay Sertice :\,nia^^ )ryll,Q *}.,.a;st 'lcoC lent ?an Ivccistoie ltao /<.ao , /rro /5. /o0 -- i:!c?.cAC::;.:::!! -- Tctc! lhc.?zes ileecrteaL I i lobile lene P LCn JzEnLr,.e? I EAW CLRE?ULLY ZXA.lEileD !i,e eotn-oleteC ccolicaxion ior pernit, crui io Itereby cerLify tlc.t aLL it;,fo:m,ation hereon is trae at"-C, eortec'-, ar,,C. I fur:ker cettiJ'r- lhat any crd aLL uork Terjotned slall be dovte in accot- dance tich th.e arCinqtees oJ- the Cily of Spr.ngfie7,C, anC. ;he Jc:; of che Sr-ate cf Cregcn pertainina to tke wrk Cesc:ibcC herein, el. :)Et l0 0CC9- ?/.!tC'I ',r1,Li ba oa.ie of cry sx"uctl4la ui:hout petmissiox of the 3uilCir.g f-- uision. I further:ertii'g t'rct otlg ecntrecrcts a;d enplcgees xr-c,ra2 in capilence u:,th CRS ?01..055 riLL be used cn thie prciecx 1fu"-, e-^,; *. ^^-^-.'. Storzge Faantevc:v:e 5Lc.A,td !.K -v/-1r tu':AUttl DUa./5,b o :<'R--/>-7 dt. :-if.I