HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 225 itorth sxh s;treeAP?L:cAlr0ll /PEFJ*! Spr,)ngiieli, C"a-gan 37477 EILLCANA 'L,LSLON? 26-37 5i SPFiINGFIEL.D LL+/),lob loec:icn: Assesso"3 :lao ,l ipt # SubCJtis'r.cn: (a j-zer: .'i.C&ess.' Desez,t be htorl<: tz-71-8Licte of Applicatt cn n :14) AOn"Lr# .lCCiticn Ra;oieL Date: k d&,q Ccn -{ t General P'!.mcitw \ gtect ].!ecls"JccL IOR Scnitcil seaer eq;ped :t prcpertg Line Septic totk g'"i.ped ard. fiLled uiih gratel linal - ilhen abctte itens ate ectalerei a.d xhen ieqcllior: is ccntlele Zr s;-t:- tuye naueC qrl =reises elearcd :ti. nait2s tsLocking od Ser-ttg ?Lumbing conneciic-ns -- sa,)e? el, uczer Eleci;r)cal Cmtzection - Blockit4, set-u. cnd pltnbing connections r;st be aVprcxed. before requesting electrical insaeeiio; .4.cceseo,g 1uililr4 :crev.es, skirting, iecl-s,?itLel - .!,fter ^$^ !a:2: of J ConsrPtcticn_lgde! _ It ia lhe resaotcibilitg of tlc permi) ioder lo see fhat aLL ,Jnspecttons are aatie at )he proper tLne, ihet ecch adbesa is vsa;alol-2 !'roar gi. stteet, an-d =hac the cetwit eail, ia l,ccated at the lrcnt of tle ttooertu. 'ZuilCi:4 V!:ticl.otz e=ru*e(i ptcn s7=L! reeain cn the itiZd.lng S'-te az eLL'tines.' Pi?1crDUP|-?0R. I;lSPa*lCi| ,e:leUlS?:CALL 726-3769 (recordey) state youl City Cesigr,ated job nur,bet, job aiiress, type of ircoee=icn re.questeci ar.i u:':en iicu uiLL be teciy 1'or i*paccicn, Contrdctcrs or A;nets rane arC plnte nztnber. Pequescs "eceited befcte 7:0C s:t'-itl be nade the sa:,e &g, requests nad.e aft* 7:00 ott triLl be naCe the neit'Jorkirli dni'. you! Cifu Desigra.ted Job ltuttrber Is:8L301 | 12d1..fod Faf o^+. ana c:-F '!1C,.^A'.r,a;ffi;;-r".?o be rz.d.e ailerpriar tc set up of forns. ltrtac2er t 2 )f ttrc ltta ?f =-aata I 7 t )9Ci'!.iliCAL: io oe ncde belare cny unrk is caterei. PCCT:IC 1 ?CL':|DA!:C!: ?o be t:a.ie C r:' : ir zi"-nciii- at e -ez c sl ct e ti ard. fcrns cte erectei, but giat tc pourir,g ccnc:et;. ?Cgi AilD 3ZAi,!: 7s '.s r.cCe tr)ot lo inscalla;'"cn cf !1-oor LrsuaTi1.Ct, Ot Ceck:.ry. ?91:C:1 1,4!er:tc, ?:tC:PIC!i , !!7C.7-;.,!:i;.:: .;o ';r"2 is =c :e cc';elec zo:til ;\ese :-r;ceczict:g h,;se leer naie znC :qt:c:t'e1. i ;:suLA.!I j,v /tt.Pc P ?.4RRM it!s?!c?Jci| : ?o be naCe after aLL ins-ulaticn el. requ'lred uqor bavie?s @e in olace but befare oty 'Lo.th, Wps/tn bcerC cr wLL couering is dpplied, and. before d,y .:nsulciion is concealed, DRI'IALL i:lSPlClICll: Ic be taCe after aLL ieluall is in alace, bui prior io any taping, },!ASC!]!?!: Stee! Locatioa, bond beans, grouling or uerticcls in aecor.fuee ,.ttth U.ts.C, Sectaon -1 a:tliRc?a,t:ti ?aL1.e_!E;i:l?:)_:JEJJ-Lirq trer.ckee. i-l l:r:s.q-".-.:cp ?iis ilc i,.Ei:tA.trc;:, :i I lr be nsie =r.Jcr :o :,nsxcli.tlton or' f,oor inaui,cxian ot *eckit.g,I or T a lffi tncosrc,n: l\-,,pEa. Aftet ittstallation is CUPS & .APPPCACH A?1ON: ae ereexed zui praor After fornsto pcan )n4 L' --1:!:-;',.:?m.ar 2o p'tectr4 jcc'Jng ar"C befte frarir4 inscec- cofic?ete. SnlilLLK 4 )RI'.TIA!: For aLL ec-n- c".t;-i6-ng aiYhrn st?eet right- of-?ic!, tc be made af*a-z' a'!.L etcc- Lratinc canole;e ,1 fotn ,,pr,k 3 cub- base ncter|al in place. I ] :l tion. l?-a-'l!l|C: !.itst be rectesxeC cfier cpcrou;L cf r*igh Tiut-iirq, eLecttt-cal I neci.cnieei. ALI rcoiir4 brcir4 I ci,.irt2ys, etc. 5-tss be . ccrnpleze<i. :lo .;o",<. ie ,o 'oe ccx- - cecled ltniil ihis ir.soecicn iaa'been node cni aporcu*e'C. :ltaAl, iLtr-r:5t.tL, P-tl.r tr?^!.rrfa.. ::ttAL JJJv--a:-^- ?!lrC!: 'athen conplaxe -- Prott'ld.e @es- or nottable' aectians through DIIJ ALL cro;eei: eor.ii;ioas, suci cs the ').nstailcticn of slreel iraea, zca?Lei;cn ci cie requireci Latascaizg, ctc. , tutst be satlsi'ied be;'cre tke StliaDI:lG ?IliAL :cn be requestei. I:|AL BUfaDI:tC: The Final BuiLdtng lnsgecticn:-tsx be recuested zfler th.e ?ira,L ?Ltcbin4 llecttical, od )leehazlecl ir.specticns itauc been naie cil ,.o"cu2.. 'ALL|lAitiicass A:tD c:,il.ilcur,:tt)s? 38.:c:ES,:?i,Z,.{r"ri,si..5.',:T !0 3i:.,-ltE l?:t0:35: ic c!:y UJccd SYorFq--, t l T ?-ce 2 JOB NO lcze: ?^+ <^ ?r-ee )\1. 14. 7 cf lct Ccuerage ! of Stoi.es a---1 ! -.' -rr fopogrytl Pet;it issuance Mechcnictl ?ernit soLAR--ACCEss REQ.- 'ti,tr: LCr !:!?9 _ Intericn _ Corme: Pariuntile Cul-cie-sac Mechqnicol Permit L-CO G* lectcons Reeerpt #: Zcx leces -Soutces !eei 2^., -^ ;iaoos to r e- A,icesa. -- !2es TaLue 44fr4r .r...'? cha1a- Building V<llue & Permit This pen:rJt is granted on the eq?ess cond.ilion tlat the said-eonstz-tc:ion s|wLL, in c.il tescecrs, confcy".n lo the 1rdinance adooted by th.e Ci'"y cj Spr')ngi')eld., ')nclui.Jng ;he ior.it.g Crdinarce, regulcting the cctstttet'.;n cr<i use oi buildings, cnd m=y be ;ucoencieC or reuckei at cr.'g t'-lra )i,i.1i,l.c- 1,at:-cn of .my prcuisions of saiC Crdivnnces. )uildrng Perait !o+-al Ch,araes a2 La? ?i:a;tes Resid,ztti-a.L ( 1 bcth) Setser Plumbing Permit No ?e?eon sltall constzttct, instal!, altet or cltan4e cng teu) cr e:isting plunbir,4 cr drainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless such petson is lhe Legal possesson of a talid plunbez,'s License, o-.cept tl"at a person na7 do plwbi.ng aork to ptopert'g uhich is otmed, Leased or apercted bg the q?Li- cdni. Plunbtng Pettit CillGE lleu/Extend. Circuils Electricql Permi t l{here Stcte tan reqtites tha.t the electrical uork be done by an gleatrical Contractar, the electrical por'-ion of thie penit sto.Ll not be ualiC uttil the Label has been signed by the Eleetz"tcal Contraclo?. L Pet*i'" Stcte :-fi.',I ,,;. bh.c.:st llcoC tlent ?az vcodstoie a -- :lcicAc!-:.:a:!! -- Seea-ltu De:oei: Storcoe i,!a')nt enzr-: e Hobile llcne )14 .-6. n^n Ltace f EAW CA-REIULLY ILLUfilED ti.e eornoleteC ccpLicaciot- for pernit., *ui do hereby cettify that aLL irfototJZn hetecn'is t?ue a)1. cbrrecx', arl. I fr"'-he" cefiiy'y thet any crd. eLL xoz.k periortred. ahall be dote it accot- dance ',rith the 1rd.intnces of the City of SgmngfielC, anC ehe Lans oi tte State of Cregcn perta"inina to tke uo"k Cescy,.JbcC herein, s-d. :)u= lO OCC!)- ?/.!lCI vili be ra.ie oi ary srructule aithout penrrJssiol oi the 3uilCinE Dt-vision. i furzh* ,:etri,''i chst o:tly .cnitcctcrs atd *.rplcgees akc atZ in cc;oi,{ance u1,:h CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on r-his project -1r, L :AT.:,! ;|:AU:E DUE:'/5,b o dt. ,')L\t I