HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-03-01SPRINGFIELD CITT OF SPBINGFIELD Department of Public Works I 885- 1 985 S pringlield Centennial year March 1, 1985 INSPECTION OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY FOR MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIR INSPECTOP"S: Don Moore, Denny Bordeaux, Jim Matteson PROPERTY L0CATED AT: 4206 Smith Way, Springfield, 0regon 0bservations were nade of the condition of the structure with regard to the potential lease, rent or sale of the property. The fotlowing Housing Code violations were found and must be corrected before disposi- tion of the property: 1. The bedroom windows must be openable for emergency egress. The existing metal double-hung windows stick and the tracks need cleaning and lubrication. 2. Ttre hole in the bathroom floor between the tub and water closet must be repaired to prevent moisture damage to the wood floor structure. 3. The waste piping under the kitchen sink has deteriorated and nust be replaced. 4. Replace the pressure relief discharge piping with properly sized naterial to within 6rt above the bottom of the drain pan. 6. Renove or replace the short section of nrbber hose connecting the water piping for the clothes washer with approved pipe material and fittings. e following corrections are reconmended to prevent potential deterioration, infes-,tation or safety problems, but are not required by the Springfield Housing Code: 1. Paint is peeling from the ceilings of some roons and nildew has stained the walls and wood work. These surfaces need repair, cleaning and/or repainting/repapering. 2. Heavy noss has developed on the roof. It should be removed and the roof treated to retard future growth. Close inspection of the attic for possible leaks is also advisable. 3 4 A screened crawl space access cover should be installed using decay resistant material. I'here is no fire separation between the dwelling and the attached garage. The wal1 framing should be extended to the roof, with 5/8rr type rrxrr gfpsum waI1 board applied to the garage side. A 22" x 30'r self-closing access door to the attic area should also be installed in the garage. 225 North sth Street o Sprins{ield, Oreson9'1477 o 503/726-3753 5 6 7 8 Inspection of City Owned Property 4206 Smith Way March 1, 1985 Page 2. The drainage downspouts should be reattached to the gutters where they have separated, The Loose ceramic wa1l tile between the tub and water closet should be re- paired. The unsealed joints around the bath tub at the wal1s and floor should be caulked to prevent potential noisture danage to the structure. The baseboard heater in the bathroom shows signs of corrosion and should be checked and/or repaired if needed. The operation of all heaters should be checked when power is reconnected. The exterior wood window trim is separating due to exposure to rain and sun. A11 open joints should be resealed and painted. 10. The existing dryer vent should be provided with a backdraft damper, or removed and the opening into the structure sealed to prevent rodent infestation. It should be noted that the electrical power was not in service at the time of in-spection. The electrical service has been recently replaced, but it could not be tested because of disconnection. 9 Don Moore Structural Inspector Denny Bo Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector /OrryA*a-'u /Janes Matteson Electrical Inspector cc DM/lh George Dicks, Maintenance Division *'Pl^I- 6-375 lYIRIIIG INSTALLER AclORESS AOORESs (,F I HSTALL.AYION I 6 ,.--)tl w TY OR TOWN)ay LAAEL NO - TY'E OF STRUCTURE USEO xErcHT - o^r. h-4-8O- wlR.HG METHoo: xoN-llETALLtc 'HEATHED .ABLE D ^"^ro"ao .AELE D ao*o.r,, E -- powER co OWNER e z€ ,l/ Electrical Inspecrion Heport (Re 72 ,13J.7B) 3 t aAOORESS CHAHGES OF'OEREO lcr OR TOWN (/oa <"1{ 2 11 A o-. t.-t * t 4) .'t€ L 6<-1- 9 o 1L e4 e -<J n-/*.t c<*( I (t 1-L \4a_ a a // fl T;-,, *.rS r --1,'h/* t ;,el- covfR rxsrEcToR FTNAL ACCOMPANIEO AY ,'fohn ryl mflEmfi@mANDUmf,CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO January 10, 1980 Ron Clark Superintendent of Building FROIU Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector RE: Housing Inspection at 4206 Smith Drive On January 8, 1980, the Building Division inspected the house at 4206 Snith Drive, owned by the City of Springfield. The Building Division found the house to be in accordance with the Uniform Housing Code with the following exceptions: 1) If the house were moved, the electrical wiring would need to be brought up to current electrical code standards; however, the service panel is correct. 2) The water heater has no pressure relief valve. 3) A drum oil tank which is stored in the attic over the garage must be removed. The house appears to be structurally sound and neets structural Housing Code standards. Therefore, it probably would be financially feasible to move the house to another 1ot. If the house were to remain on the original 1ot, struc- tural remodling would have to be done in order to conform to required yard setbacks, or the necessary yard setback variances would have to be granted. rj 5t' 6r,1*Y Lqrmf,@RAm!DUmf,CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO Ron Clark Superintendent of Building January 10, 1980 Y FROI'I RE:Housing Inspection at 4206 Smith Drive 0n January 8, 1980, the Building Division inspected the house at 4206 Smith Drive, owned by the City of Springfield' The Building Division found the house to be in accordance with the Uniforn Housing Code with the following exceptions: 1) A11 wire splices must be installed in junction boxes with covers' 2) Existing junction boxes without covers must be covered. 3) Remove all rubber cord wire and replace it with permanent wiring' 4) A11 grounded circuitry must be ground"g ,I-utilizati'on points' Any lights ' or e{uipment S' horizbnally or 6' vertically from grounded circuitry must be grounded. 5) The water heater must have a pan underneath it and an approved pressure relief valve PiPed to the outside' 6) A drum oi1 tank which is stored in the attic over the garage must be removed. The house appears to be structurally sound and meets structural Housing Code standards. Therefore, it probably would be financially feasible to nove the house to another 1ot. rf ihe house were to remain on the original lot, struc- tural remodling would have to be done in order to conform to required yard setbacks, or the necessary yard setback variances would have to be granted' ij ,) A/L@ S4-ez<4 5/bu t rt(6 AA/D NLZ'U hlr Ditvzezrls/c)^/S 42 d Errl 7fl-,<//t16, ,/r frlr.v- oN /Of (r' SL7zncKs) /^ ti -9o M<- Sally Johnson Environmental InsPector ^?op nf,E MAM!DUtM CITY OF SPRINGFIELDtJ,t 0 January L0, 1980 TO Ron Clark Superintendent of Building FRO}'{: Sa1ly Johnson Environmental InsPector RE: Housing Inspection al 4206 Smith Drive 0n January g, 1980, the Building Division inspected the house at 4206 Smith Drive, owned by the City of Springfield. The Building Division found the house to be in accordance with the Uniform Housing Code with the following exceptions: 1) A1I wire splices must be installed in junction boxes with covers' 2) Existing junction boxes without covers must be covered. 3) Remove all rubber cord wire and replace it with permanent wiring' 4) A11 grounded circuitry must be ground"+ ul-utilization points' Any lights or e[uipment 5' horizbnally or 8' vertically frorn grounded circuitry must be grounded. 5) The water heater must have a pan underneath it and an approved pressure relief valve PiPed to the outside. 6) A drun oil tank which is stored in the attic over the garage must be removed. The house appears to be structurally sound and meets structural Housing Code standards. Therefore, it probably would be financially feasible to move the house to another lot. ff the house were to remain on the original lot' struc- tural remodling would have to be done in order to conform to required yard setbacks, or the ,r"""rrrry yard setback variances would have to be granted' 1j ") v 7-'--- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Public Works BUILDING DEPART},IENT PI^i- 11 Inspectorrs l"lbmo c)J TO DATE NOTE: 0 -A-r-t+< .< ./tt ) -r,L u 4 7s J/ Phone 747-4227 INSPECTOR ( /-/D- F' tuth I Ao I Ltqt/€ er,al A,Ud w /ue e I AV 10n6. u-vLir n t:t -eL-.., - < ltffis*f ( -^f- 'e-/tct t/4+5 @yr-. I Ju -o ro Y 10't-105 exceed the areas and heights specified in this Code. (e) Nonstructural Alterations and Repairs: 25 Percent or Less. Alterations or repairs, not exceeding 25 percent of the value of an existing building or structure, which are nonstructural and do not affect any member or part of the building or structure having required fire resistance, may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure is constructed. EXCEPTION: The installation or replacement of glass in hazardous loca- tions, asspecified in Section 5406, shall beas required for new installations. (O Repairs: Roof Covering. Not more tharr 25 percent of the roof covering of any building or structure shall be replaced in any 12-month period unless the new roof covering is made to conform to the requirements of this Code for new buildings or strrrcbures. See Sec. 301(a) Exception. (g) Existing Occupancy. Buildings in existence at the time of the passage of this Code may have their existing use or occupancy continued, if such use or occupancy was legal at the time of the passage of this Code, provid- ed such continued use is not dangerous to life. Any change in the use or occupancy oI any existing building or structure shall comply with the provisions of Sections 306 and 502. (h) Maintenance. All buildings or structures both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by this Code in a building or structure when erected, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner or his designated agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures. (i) Unsafe Building Appendages. Parapet walls, cornices, spires, towers, tanks, statuary and other appendages or structural members which are supported by, attached to, or a part of a building and which are in a deteriorated condition or are otherwise unable to sustain the design loads which are specified in this Code, are hereby designated as unsafe building appendages. All such unsafe building appendages are public nuisances and shatl be abated in accordance with Section 203 of this Code.() Architectural Barriers. See Chapter 31. (k) Historical Buildings. For historical buildings see See. 4104. Moved Bulldings Sec. lO5. (a) Buildings or structures moved shall comply with the provisions of this code for new buildings or structures. See Sec. 1601(c) for requirements in fire zones. 'EXCEPTION: 1. Existing buildings or structures which are used, or designed, or intended to be used for dwelling purposes and which are removed from their foundation and moved to another loca- tion within this state shall be in substantial compliance. Substantial rT . ' ._:. : , ( ( ( 24 l (r { .:jii;i;ilri:::::l:il r*::'.' a,:rr-1; *ii::::::a{:.;r 1i: t::i{',.1i1:'ri'.11.1^nil=t:*t.::;.ii.:t'r:i;i|rrr.-:J;;,cb (i ( 10$106 compliance means compliance with local housing code requirements, or where there is no housing code, with basic health and safety stan- dards, as described in the Uniform Housing Code, as published by the International conference of Building officials. It shau not mean that all heating, plumbing and electrical eystems be replaced with systems meeting cutrent standards for new construction, notwithstanding that th! cost of rehabilitation may exceed 5O percent of the value of the structure before rehabilitation. "2. Buildings or structures designated historical buildings' as defined under Sec. 409 and moved aB a means for their preservation' "i"fi."a be required to comply with the requirements of this section for those items approved to be exempted by the Historical Building Review Committee. "(b) Nothing in this section is intended to permit any person to move a structuie unless he first consults the appropriate building i."l"tiot authority and obtains all required permits'" AlGrnate Materlals and Methods ol Constructlon Sec. 1O6. (a) The provisions of this Code are not intended to pre- vent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this Code, provided any such alternate has been approved.-ir,. nuitolng official may approve any such alternate provided he finds thut ih; p.opo-teA design is'saiisfactory and complies with- the.provisions "i itr"pt.. i:, ana thit the material, method, or work offered is' for the ;;rpdi;,;dea, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in thi-s Code in 'qr"iirv, strength, effectiveness, iire resistance, durability' and safety' ttresuitoingofficialshallrequirethatsufficientevidenceorproofbe r"Urni,*O to sribstantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use' -,. ,:,r-;5;..1- .ii-:;a.:-<r"?i*i*j. 'r*,:-i .ir:.. ;,-r. 1 =r-r- *-;*;.trt'r.::'.' :1 .:- :+ .. v; .1 ( ( ( r I trl Anv oerson who desires to use or furnish any material' I a""i# ."--i"Jtt"a of construction or installation in the state, I ;;;il u"uaite-"iti.i"l, -"v request the director to issue a ruling I i"rtii'"r'"t*"t-to- tt" acclptau,iti of anv material' design or meth- I ;-;i*"-;;t.;"tiot "uort whiCh there is a question under.anv ( | ;";i"i;ii'ur"'ttrt"-u,ritai"g code' Requests shall be in writing LI ;;d. if roade uv u"vo"" othir than a building official' shall be I il;";;-iri" Jrr*i l;"d prior to the use or attempted use of t ;;; ouestioned malerial, design or method' | - i"l' In making rulings, the director shall obtadn the approval I "t tir,l ;;;;;i"A "aria"iv board- as. to technical and scientific I ;;.1"-;;d-Jirr "o"ria"" tti" standards and interpretations pub- I iftiia-iii ;i;;;;-fi; promulsated anv nationallv recognized ( I ;;J "6a" "aopt"a as a ipecialtv code of this state' L I ral A copy of the ruling issued by rthe director shall be I ""rtiiiua'1" -ti[ p"*.n rnaking the request. Additional copies | ;;;li';; it"n.^ift"a to all buildins officials in the st'ate' The 25 mflEmfl CITY OF SPR'NGFIELO January 70, l9g0 TO Ron Clark Superintendent of Building FRONI: Sal1y Johnson Environmental Inspector RE: Housing Inspection at 4206 Smith Drive 0n January 8' 199,0, the Building Division inspected the house at 4206 snithDrive, owned by the City of Sprlngfield. : - The Building Division found the house to be in accordance with the UniformHousing Code with the following exceptions: 2) The water heater has no pressure relief valve. 5) A drum oi1 tank which is stored in the attic over the garage must berernoved. ' The house appears to be structurally sound and meets structural Housing Codestandards. Therefore, it probably would be financially feasible to move thehouse to another lot. If lhe house were to remain o, ih" original 1ot, struc-tural remodling would have to be done in order to confom to i"qrired yardsetbacks, or the necessary yard setback variances would have to be grarrt"d. ,) j l-T-fuc{ Lt/n I up to current electricalcorrect. 1) code standards;1S n o however, the service panel If the fo t/ k tl