HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1978-05-08'"1*,r'5:::; ",'1ic--, "a s4 traz17ry rr= . r- )- :,'": s:K, tr /ezc+Ed /'1/a-Aree-,eei;-;7#ru% ZS/ha/ zUa perc:rt /4 E€c rt re? .? c rNCzre4r€a Fttorue k4L Ee4a*o/,L/-a_lat4 //o ,feZtegf Vhrux- /a-a eTttcre *"€el r([eze*-aa e_ Dtzanr* /< t\ .0 \ (4, 5-tr-zo ORDINANCE No. 3BI4 AN ORDINANCE AI4ENDING THE COI{PREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD_I970, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ZONING RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY I,,,IITHIN THE CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD, LANE C0UNTY, OREGON (Fisher--4370 t4ain St. ), Atrtu DECLARING AN EI,4ERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section l: That the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-.l970, as-amenI-ed, is hereby further amended to provide for the zoning reilassifj- cation of certain property w'ithin the City of Springfield, said property being moreparticularly described as follows: An Area on the t'lorth Side of lr'lain Street Between Srnith Drive and 44th treet Be 0 n tre o rec ASS ust rta 'ts tr ct to R-m e 1t'ip1e Family Residential Di stri ct. Beg at a pt on the North line of the McKenzie Hwy 1235.5 ft South and'1011.12 ft East of the l.ll'l cor of the Thonras D. Edrvards DLC #55, Tl7S, R2l^J ,'rlM; thence East .156 ft; thence North 200 ft; thence lrJest .156 ft; and thence South 200 ft to the place of beginning, contajning + 0.7.I acres. ALS0: Beg at a pt 588.3 ft South and 1167.12 ft East of the N[,] cor of the Thomas D. Edwards DLC #55 in Tl7S, Rzt^J, l,ll.1, th West 622.6 ft to apt in the center of Smith Drive, 647.2 tt N of the l{orth 'line of the IvlcKenzie Hwy; th SEly along the center of Sm'ith Drive to a pt 363 ft North of the North line of the McKenzie Hwy; thence E 326.12 tU thence N 284.2 ft to the place of beginning, contain'ing + 3..I0 acres. ALS0: Beg at a pt 872.5 ft South and 1167.12 ft East of the Ntl corner of the Thomas D. Edwards DLC #55 in Tl7S, R2W, l^114, runn'ing thence South 163.0 ft; thence !^lest .l56.0 ft to the center of Sm'ith Drive; thence Nlilly along the center of Smith Drive to a pt 363 ft North of the North line of l4cKenzie Hwy, thence E 326.12 ft to the place of beginning, conta'in- ing + .l.00 acres. Secti on 2: The Ci ty Engineer of the City of Springfield is hereby directed to cause the map attache d to the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Spring- field-.l970, as amended, to show the foregoing change of classification of area and note thereon the rule with respect to building in the appropriate classification. Section 3: It is hereby determined that matters pertaining to zon'ing reclas- sifications affect the public welfare of the City of Springfield and that an emer- gency exists, and that this ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfiel May, 1978, by a vote of -4- for and -l - aga'inst. APPR0VED by the l,layor of the City of Springfield this 1 r r ana S er Q.tll dav o auf#r S l,l}yr"{j h-ct rY OF IEI.D ,r-.:I Lfr 78i'-_ 1t ATTEST: ty eco t \:-- - < It?a \ . , i , ' </r ,t'\/-,'!,'t , .. , i..Lt .; ' -' (-t l.-. r: , 7I,-,1'/ -// //; L) tt ., t- 4 ./1.,\,t - -" )/ -//,t';r'-,; l / ,t=/i ,) /,.,, , /r,,J -.'' t I a:) :'T)( ' n, t/'vl 1t'1, i- / ', :" ''/ ,,:(- I ,,/ +.,, rt/,,/t /., e/'mr r, /, ,- ,-' ': / ftv r,,'. tl ,.; v L.'l '/-1. 0/, dl fi )'t o/r,rpt l,fr'rr,4q _/' /frr .l ,l '-.-, j-)-' --..., ,_, /-o*k or-rltnqorr- r /+, i;i - .:, /,, - ..t t t *'"t ;. ' / /i.l ' ./ -/t -,/ 'L) ,/, ,'.) / ,, ( -- 2.//.,,^,/ .,1 ,/-'/-: t./ 0t/,/ .7/41./,-/ (l) ,, _,' ) 7r4*-/.(' (''-/; /,,.t , 1_ ) ;l,'-, ,,') " /(,. t ..r'ri,'.'L/'t',-' -: -rr/-.,'i-,' ,////,/, ,,../, :, ' t.',' , , ,7y' .,',/t,,- ,/ 7_t ;1-.-,.1.,/ / / /' //' ' . /4 s' .' ,:1 ),'1. / 1 . ,.,, ,/' ,/' 11. Explain why the request shou be qrant.ed. Show how the cha .: is consistent with and promotes the object'ives of the General Plan and the Zonjng 0,-dinance. Alscprovide infornration show'inq how this rer;uest sunports a rrublic need, convenience,or the en era'l commu n i ty r.re 1 f a re . ,74 ,l (1 ; anc i irei-eby certify tnat: 1) the foregor'ng staternents and other infornation attached herctcare tnue and ac legal interest _flholder of a.n who has the fol 3) the oyrner of curate to the best of my knorviedge and belief; 2) I ha're the followin exclusive option to purchasel duly authorized to act for a person I or.r'i nq 1 egal i nteres t: i s knorvj edgeabl e of this Owner's Name:44 b Tel ephone : __J_4A::73 d i n the property:ollner of record contract purc ha s er;I cssee; aopi i ca A.ddress: Address: Te'l ephcne: tion if I am not the owner^ Appl icant's Si gnatu re : 8y: t L.r ,)') FOR OFFICE USE OI{LY Journal Number:j- 1r- 2cDate Fi led Recej-ved by: Receipt Issued To: -') t /(. {Date Fixed For Planningr Cor'.unission Hearing :/r/ ? t/22/ Action Taken: Resolution of k4) 1n l{urob -4pf,eai Bv Apnlicant: Date Fixed For Comnron Council tlearing: Action Taken: = \i1-t-) |-Ll _ FINDING OF FACT TOP. ACTIOII TAKB{: Ordinance tlumber: 1 TO THE COI.$ION C. UI{CIL AND CITY T,LANNING COI4I.,IISSIOii SPRINGF I EI-D, OREG()N 1. Appl icant's Name A-4/a-) 2. General Locat'ion qf the Property 7o 'E Yn"-,^ TuatoJ'- d-(-n{_rJ Ttta-.*"t APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, COI{DITIONAL USE PERI,1IT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI'IEIIT PERMIT, OR VARIANCE resS S de of street,ocat ?ro t.n cross streets JOURNAL NO. -;.22-2C) t;-- A-t4--<--- ii .,Property as recorcled in Deed Boo[< Clerk's 0ffice. (-r-^recorCed in County Assessor's Map Nurnber /7' 0.?, ); ' 5'l Tax Lot Number(s)/ ?ao 4 Legal Descr-;pt'ion (Attach separate sheet if necessary) J,"- aZ4=4y' 5. Size of parcel:acres and/or square feet. 6. Present use o'r' prcperty: -/az/,-<<- 4=.< e 1 7. Present zoning of property: B P;nposed use o (J ,<2,+----, f property (Explain in detail): ' l-^\-Lz-tzt-t2-,t 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any):Yalu, 10. Appi i cant' s resuest:n_ Zone Change: (Check one) From m-J I'o E-z By Resolution of Intent to rezone L- By Cutright rezoning: Condi t'ional Use Permi t g_P'lanrreil Unit Developnrent Pernrit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL- 1 OVER c CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HERXBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGF]ELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLTC HEARTNG 0N WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1978 AT 7:30 p.M. rN THE.MUNTITPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILTIY BOARD AT 250 NORTH''A' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR REZONING: Diana Fisher (Jounnal No. S-77-70) Assesso::rs Map 77 02 32 3L Tax Lot 1900 Located at 4370 Main Street on the north side of Main between Smith Drive and 44th Street. Applicant requests a change of zone fnom M-2 Light Industrial Distnict to R-2 Limited Multiple Family Residentia-l- District for the purpose of constructing multi-family units. In the event of approval- by the Planning Commission or appeal by the applicant or other interested parties, the City Council will- conduct a public hearing Monday, March 20, 1978 at 7:30 P.m. at the afonementioned place for the punpose of heaning views for or against the above land use request. '-'- -' ! -' iti "" c-4 V,t? Richar"d Johnson, Secretary Springfield Planning Commission 126 North 4th Street, Springfield 7 26-37 59 { s \i, v,l_ s $2--7- <::r SCALE: 1rr : 400r AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM M-2 TO R-2. r ,( -i i- d il1 rl I- ri; L \116,6-itsi "A' --lFri.t;l' -1(-'ti- lr1':- a F!; tllwl ti 'r- ;-rr. =T7Z=T grKE=al- p'i ft L t,''4 YA <-4, .-1 rA A€.T E t-i_l h tli ; G) lii l*l CI:trY OF SPF,I\TGFIEI-D DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 Septenrber 29, 7977 345 MATN STREET i7 r7r4221 i ') '; -.i 7 .19 Di ana F'i s her 2260 Uiew Mount Ave. Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear I'ls. F'isher: l^le are writing to remind you that your publ ic hearing (Journal No. S-77-70) was continued to the 0ctober 5th meeting of the Springfield Plann'ing Com-mission. l,Je are enclosinq a copv 6; the agenda and staff report for the 0ctober 5th meeting. Please remember that the burden of proof a'lways rests wjth the aoplicant. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this ma tter. Sincerely,I . i {,/l-lz t1(,,I;l ii /( t.7 z r' \- Rj chard Johnson,'i Secretary Springfiel d Planning Conrm'i ssion RJ:kj Encl osures lt 1,1. ROBINETTE & CLEVELAND AfioRNEYS AT LAW 975 OAK STREET, SUITE 60O EucENE, OREGoN 974O1 December 2, 7977RICHARD W. CLEVELAND KAYE C. ROBINETTE JOHN H. HEALD DAVID B. WILLIAMS AREA COOE 503 TELEPHONE 4A5-1616 Mr. Dick Johnson City of Springfield Planning Department 346 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Zoning in the Vicini-ty of 42nd and Main Street Dear Mr. Johnson: As I am sure you are aware, Shanco, Inc. continues tobe vitally interested in the zoning and planning ofthe 42nd and Main area. Si-nce the City Council referredMs. Fisher's zone change request back to the elanniqg Commission for further study of the area, we ask that webe placed on a maj-ling list so that we may be fulty in-formed of a1l scheduled proceedings before the planning Commission. I would also like to ask that copies of allrelevant documents which are mad.e available prior to any scheduled meetings be forwarded to us in advance of thosemeetings, if that is possible. I look forward to working with you on this matter. Thankyou for your cooperation. Yours RE ;ilv.l-d illiams DBW: drp cc Shanco, Inc. File 470 CI:trTT OF SPH,I\TG}-IEI,D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS eLANNTNG DEeARTMENT October 10, 1977 '"H?',i=#., ?26.:iZ;9 Mr. Dave Williams Robinette e Cleveland 6OO Citizens Building 975 Oak Street Eugene, OR 974OL Dear Mr. Williams: Enclosed is a copy of the information compiled by Kathy McMahan which went to the Planning commission on the Fisher zone change request. rf Diane Fisher wishes to appeal this request, she must do so within 15 days of the Planning Commission decj-sion of denial,made on October 5, 1977. You wil-l be informed if Ms. Fisher appeals the Planning Cornmission's decision. { Mr. Aclams' suggestion for a Planning Commission policy concerning industrially zoned land on the north side of Main Street between 42nd Street and the Weyerhaeuser Road will be further discussed on October L9, L977 by the Planning Commission. The October 19th Planning Commj-ssion work session will be held at 7:30 p.m- in the Municipal Meeting Room of the Springfield Utility Board Building at 250 North 'A' Street. Please cal-1 if there are any questions regarding tl'ris matter. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dick J Planning DJ: jm Attachments ector CIT T ()}- SPE,I}TGFIEI-,D DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97 477 September 7, 197'l 346 MAIN STREET V'ryFM 7 a5.:i? 59 PLANNING E,EPARTMENT Ms. Diana Fisher 2260 ViewMount Ave. Springfiel-d,0R 97477 Dear Ms. Fisher: You have applied for a zone change which will be heard by the Springfield Planning Commission on September 7, 1977. Enclosed is a copy of the public heaning notice for your application, the agenda and the staff report. Also enclosed is a copy of Section 25.19 of the Springfield Zoning Code which sets forth the criteria which the Planning Commission must consider before reaching its decision on your request. Please remember that the buqden of proof always rests with the applicant. At the hearing, you or your representative wil-l- be penmitted to speak and pnesent material in favor of your nequest. Other^ parties wifl also be penmitted to speak on behalf of your request and then, opponents of the r"equest, if any, will- be heard. You will have an opPortunity to respond to comments made by opponents. Pfease feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Richard Jo ,...Secretary Springfield Planning Commission RJ: jm Enclosures cc: Roge:r Wood L' Nr# i^-] flS '1)4r ) S/6 r\!a) ),'i7-r<7 D.4 l?.-rt ilt'! 49/ T'tO Oc'uFOui- 'rsqj- .r),i 3ppeffiA Su:.+\L+\p SITE PLAN REVIEV DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THI S DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agreement", tgg} (the "Effective Date") by and betveen is entered into this the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, , hereinafterttCi tytt , and in accordance vi th Section 31.090, an day of MaY, hereinafter "App)-icant",d Section 3 070(s), 3.080(3), 3.090(3)' and 3.100(3). RECITALS THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS VHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT,CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOVS: IIHEREAST oD the - day of May, 1992,..the City approved the Pinal site PIan Application submittea UfrEe Applicant for the'purpose of alloving: cITy JOURNAL NUMBER ,r-oofr Type II Site Plan requesting approval to-construct 14 duplexes. it" property is 'iocated along Smith !oop--off of N' 43rd Place (Assessor,s Map* 17-b242-31, Tax Lots 1902, t903, 1904, 1905' 1906, 7907, 1908' 1909, 1910, fgif, 1912, tgtg, 7977 an 1918). These lots are in Fisher Plat subdivision. The property is zoned Medium Density Residential (MDR); the East Main Refinement plan aesignatltn is Medium Density Residential. The proposed use is a permitted use in this District' VHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, th:-issuance of a Building permit, and the issuance of an gccupancy permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply vith a1I the standards of ir," springfield Development ioal' and spiingfield Municipal code vhich mav be applicable to this deveiopment project unllss modified or excepted by the Site Plan Reviev Development Agreement, Pll'nning Director, Planning Commission' Building 0fficiar or their agents, or the Fire Marshal, vhich modifications or exceptions shall be reduced to vriting' VHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the-issuance of a Building permit, and the issuance of an occupancy permii, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, eppfitant agrees to comply vith the folloving "p".ific conditions imposed by the Citi as part of the Site Plan approval: 1. AIl improvements must be constructed/installed as shovn on the Final Site PIan dated MaY 4, 1992. 2. This required fence along the east property line of the development area needs to be in pi""", prior to occuPancy of the first unit' 3. A copy of the recorded joint use/access agreements for the drivevays prior to occupancy. 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The accordance vith Section 31'080 of AGREEMENT applicant has submitted a Final the Springfield Development Code' Site Plan DeveloPment Agreement 1 Site Plan in 2. STANDARDS. The applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the Springfield bevelopment Code and the specific standards listed in niCffAf,S prior to occupancy, unless certain standards have been deferred to a later date in aclordance vith Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3. CgNDITIgNS. The Applicant agrees to futfill all specific conditions of approval required by the City listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain .onaitions have been deferred to a later date in accordance vith Section 31.040(4)(b) of the Springfiefd Development Code. 4. MODIFICATIONS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final Site plan vithout first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan sha1l be revieved in accordance vith Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant agrees to the folloving: (a) The building and site shaLl be maintained in accordance vith the provisions of the Springfield Devel-opment Code in order to continue the use. (b) It sha1l be the continuing obligation of the property ovner to maintain ihe planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield DeveloPment Code in an attractive ,"rr.,"r free of veeds and other invading vegetation. In addition, plantings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 L/2 foot height standard in accordance vith Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. condition i mproved ina be (d) Undeveloped land vithin the development area shal1 be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a moved and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used for Parking. 6. In addition to all other remedies vhich may be provided by l.av or equity (including but not limited to penalties provided by applicable State'Lav or City ordinances), Applicant agrees th;t City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by vithholding Appiicant's Final occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary 0ccupancy iermit vhich may have been granted' 7. Any Final Site PIan approved becomes null and void if construction does not commence vithin one year of the date of this Agreement. rN I.1TTNESS yHERE9F, the Applicant and the city have executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove vritten. APPLICANT BY: BY: Site Plan DeveloPment Agreement 2 (c) parking lots shall be maintained by the Property ovner or tenant'fr-ee of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall to maintain conformance vith these standards' Date srArE 0F OREG,N' coi"lUrll ffi thg above named , vho acknovledged the foregoing instrument to 5e -tEETa volun tary ac t . Before me : Date STATE 0F OREGoN, CountY of , 1992. Notary Public tor Oregon My Commission exPires CITY BY: Development Code Administrator Personally appeared , vho acknovledged the above named the foregoing instrument to be their voluntarY act.Before me: Notary Public for Oregon Mv Commission expires Site PIan Development Agreement 3 4 J[*T'[z &-'-"ao} s,-i.*t^p CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPHENT SER\TICES DEPARTHEI{T 225 PIFTE STREET SPRTNGFTELD, oREGoN 97477 (s03) 726-37s9 ( tsa\t v2fl NOTICE OF DECISION - LIHTTED I.AND USE - SITE PI-AI.I RE\j1tEV DATE OP NOTICE: May 5, 1992. JOIIRNAL NII{BER: 92-04-75 EXPI^ANATION OF Tffi NATT'RB OP TEE APPLICATION: Galen Ohmart of Design Studio, representing Green VaIIey Co. has submitted a Site PIan Application to the City of Springfield for approval of 14 duplexes in the Medium Density Residential District. DECISION Preliminary Site PIan approval, vith conditions as of the date of this letter. OTEER USES TEAT HAY BE AIJTEORIZED BY TEE DECISION None. SITE INFORHATION The property involved in Place (Assessor's Map* 1908, 1909,1910,1911, subdivision. this request is located along Smith Loop off of N' 43rd 17-02-32-31, Tax Lots 7902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906' 1907, 1912, 1913, 1917 an 1918). These lots are in Fisher Plat CRTTERIA 0F APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC). (1) COHpLrAr,rCE lrrTE Tm SUBHTTTAI RBQUIRXHENTS OF SBCTIONS 3.050 AND 31.050 OP TEIS CODE. The application vas accepted as complete by the City on April 20, L992. (2) pRoposED oN-sITE AtrD OFF-SrTE prIBLrC AND PRTVATE IHPRoVEI{EIIIS ARE St FFICTEI{T TO ACCOHHODATE TEE PROPOSED DEVELOPUENT AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31' 32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AND/OR ZONING OVERI-A,Y DISTRICA ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEHEM PI.,AN. UTILITIES The property is served by all utilities required by this proposal. A. l^later The Springfield Utility Board (Vater) has concerns about vater meters. If meters are to be relocated, they must be shovn on the Final Site PIan (Please contact Chuck Darris for additional information. SITE PLAN REVIEW JO. NO Page 2 92-04-t 5 B. Electrici ty The Springfietd Utility Board (EIeetric) has submitted ruritten comments related to the connection to electric pover (see attached). Contact Ray Meduna for additional information. SOLAR STANDARDS Roof pitches have been changed to comply vith solar standards SDC Section 15.0s0(s). (3) II{yENT0RIED NATIIRAL (TNCLIDTNG REGIILA,TED YETI*AI\rDS) Ar.rD ETSTORTC FEATT.TRES OF TEE SITE EAVE BEEN ADBQUATELY CONSIDERED IN TEE PROJECT DBSIGN. There are no inventoried natural or historic features on this site. (4) PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POIITTS EAVE BEEN DBSIGNED SO AS TO PACILITATB 1SAPFTC ATIID PEDESTRIAN SAPETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO HTNIHIZE CI,R3 CI}TS ON aRTERIAL OR CoLIECToR STREETS AS SPECTFIED rN ARTICLES 31, 32, Tm APPROPRTATE ZONING AI{D/OR ZONING OVERI..AY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND AI{Y APPLICABI.,E REFINEUENT PI.,AI{. ACCESS The drivevay approaches straddle property lines in mos t cases. A joint-use/access maintenance agreement vi11 be required to be recorded at Lane County at the property ovner's expen se prior to occupancy of the dvellings. DRIVEVAYS The Springfield Development Code allovs a maximum drivevay vidth of 24 feet in residential districts. The majority of the drivevays straddle property lines; in this case, no portion of a drivevay may be more than 24 feet vide. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Street name signs vil} be required on both loop ends. The City viII take care of this. An assessment by the City viI1 take place at a later date concerning the installation of stop signs. SIDEVALKS Sidevalks must be installed as each lot develops PARKING SDC Section 31.170(6) states: "Parking spaces in a public right-of-vay may be counted as fulfilling a part of the parking requirements for a development as fol-l-ovs: For each available LB feet of on-street parking, there viIl be a L/2 space credit tovard the required amount of off-street parking spaces." This provision vi]l be utilized in this application. SITE PLAN REVIEII JO. NO. Page 3 92-04-15 RESPONSE TO IIRITTEN COHUENTS There vere vritten comments from Cliff and Debbie Hembree, 212 N. 44th Street and Jim and Edith Davis, 190 N. 44th Street. They are requesting the construction of a fence along the east property lines of Lots I to 13 (Fisher Plat). SDC Section 31.070 allovs for conditions of approval. Subsection (2) states: I'InstaIlation of a sight obscuring fence....vhenever a land use conflict is identified." The identified land use is the interface of Medium and Lov Density Residential zoning. This fence must be constructed in its entirety as part of the first phase of development. SEAT NEEDS TO BE DONB BY TEE APPLICAM TO OBTATN FINAL SITE PI,AN APPROVAL? A Final Site Plan dravn to scale is required vithin 90 days of the date of this letter. The folloving information must be shovn: a. The relocation of any public light po1e. b. The relocation of any vater meter. c. The location of the required fenee on the east side of the property as discussed above. 2. The signing and recording of a joint-use/access agreement prior to occupancy of the dvellings. 3. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement viII be prepared by staff to be signed after the appeal period is over. APPEAL 1 If you vish to appeal this Type II Site PLan Reviev deeision, L0 days of the final 1ocaI government action on this application approval of the concurrent Diseretionary Use applieation Jo. No. PREP you must do so vithin (Planning Commission 91-06-82 ) . p Associate Planner -l Dear Contractor/Developer: Springfield utility Board (suB) has recently modified itsConnection to Service poliey as follows: c- AII electricity meters shall be installed on the exterior ofthe structgrg being serrred, unless otherr.rise peraitted bySUB, in writing. Residential electricity neters on site-buiIt homes shall beinstalled on the street-side exterior, or within two feet(twenty-four inches) of the street-side exterior of thestructure receiving sertrice. Iocations for electricity meters that serve ruulti-fanilyunits shall be deterained on a case-by-case basis - The new policy is required to assure safe access to SUBelectricity meters, now and in the future. rt formarizes SUBrsactual practice of requiring meter instalrations in the mostaccessible locations. ?hese reguirements wilr be effective and enforceable on allbuilding permits issued on or after May !, tgg2. Pl-ease contact SUB's senior engineering technician, Ray Meduna,at 726-2395 if-you have any questions about this or any otherdevelopment policy. Sincerely, SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD rtirgil AlonsoDistribution Engineerirrg Supervisor PoLICY. vSA. jg SPRTT{GFIELD UTTLTTY BOARD .,j -.. - ay-{:_nI