HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1975-05-08COMPLETE VENDING LES 24 } -'R SERVICE EVERY DAY &ffiffi co. oF OREGOA Drvtsto N OF AU TOVIABL E SERVI cEs tNc ORPORATED 350 WEST FIFTH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON g74OI PHONE: 686-8893 May 8, 1975 I{r. Jack C. ilayer Superlntendent of Bllldj.ngClty of Sprtngftetd Springfi.eld, Oregon 97 4?7 Dear llr. Hayer: In answer to yo,r letter dated l{ay ?, 19?5, dLrectedto l{cKay rnvestnent conpany, we ulsh to siate the forlowing: we definltely do not pran to park vehlcree inelde ourwarehouse hr:trcllng at -e3e js}_e]!qr-,stree+, sprlngfield, oregon.rn theanent that we er6irl:[ ever change our prans Ln thlsrespect we sharr make the alteraU.ons necessary to conformto the.)sprlngfield hrlldtng code8. Very truly youra, IftIIK KAIE COtjlPA!{Y, A DlvisLon of Autovlable ServLcea Incorporated President Hru/Je CANDYoCIGARETTESoCOFFEE.COLDDRINKSoHOTCHOCOLATEoHOTFOODSoICECREAMoMILK.SOUP ffi