HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2000-12-05CITY OF ONEGON SPFI]{GF!ELO r L t' r - L O r' it t t/ ( / J! n v i C ; :: u &blQ,f,qllgwrAS proiect as suhmitted has the zoning arro does noi f€Quirt spvclllc land use fiy, Services or Feedersfnstallatioa, Alterations or Relocalion: 200 amps or Less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect Only -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lighting- Limi ted Energy/Rer --i _Limited Energy/Comm approval Zontng Date LD{U 225 FIFTH STREE I SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX ,541) 726-3689 IJGAL DESCRIPTIONtl0AQbrZ ro/"oA JOB DBSCRTPTTON(u,-u: ,*., ,1 7 ."-r zt', / Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CO}IIBACTOR INSTALI.A:TION ONLY Electrica] Contractor ADT Securi-ty Services Address 4660 Main Srreer, Bldq A, /1100 City Springfield Phone 736-4973 Superv isor License Number 853 JLE Expirat'ion Date 10/0I/02 Constr Contr. Number 262O9CLE Exp iration Date l0/01/0L Signature of Supervising Electrician L.\ Ovners Name 6;;1 $*Aol*^t Address 69 SA")v La? )p"q, F,'2t) pnoneJl-)Ab -3oD t -fr PERHTT APPLICd,TION ty Job Nunber rb-0nq1 -o 3. COHPTJTB FEE SCEEDUI.B BELOTI A Nev Residential-Sing1e or Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Serviee fncluded: I tems Cos t s 8s.00 Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or -Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder s 1s.00 $ 40.00 SPRINGPIEIJD, OREGON 9!*17 aurO*rzed SisnatureTNSPECTI0N RBQUESTz 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 225 FTFTE STREET I 0N oP nr T B s s0.00 s 60.00 s100. 00 $130.00 $300.00s 40.00 C. Temporary Services or Feedersfnstallation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or }ess $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.00 over 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 voTts see uBu affi cit OSNER INSTALI,ATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended IS$;ffiH'] Iease or rent. : f,qilF.lti'1 001{BS SitsliBltrlH$: c00I E0 ]lfl:lluCI Fi {rl-nn'i-Tfl : THNHH I DATE: D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) s 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 5 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAIRECFIVEN 7T I 7) t(ucElru *: IJY: ic t0 9664031 B h)aa2 -rc I rt?Eil -,'ct : hpile €DS€c65 5tn>7 ta o6'' S/r,: us 5 r/ato, 62 e.'/ztz7 .i.U " UU RESTRICTIVE COVENANT BEING THE RECORD OWNER of all of the following described real property located in the City of Springfield, or its urban growth area, in the County of I-ane, State of Oregon: See Exhibit "A" attached; AND IN CONSIDERATION FOR the issuance of a Building Permit by the City of Springfield which will allow Owner to construct a garage addition to her existing home located on Parcel 1 which extends onto the westerly portion of Parcel 2, Owner does hereby make the following covenants (for the good and safety of the public, in compliance with the Springfield Development Code and the building regulations of the City of Springfield), covering the above described real property, specifying that this restrictive covenant shall constitute a limitation to run with the land and shall be binding on all persons claiming under them, and that the covenants contained herein shall be a burden upon all present and future owners of said described real propertv' i:=iil.jii:i;$r,FFil*o BE IT HEREAFTER KNOWN and agreed that: 1. The real property described in Exhibit "A", which includes two separate lots (Parcels 1 and 2), must hereafter be sold together without the separation of the lots or portions thereof as a single unit of land so long as the above-described garage addition to Owner's existing house on Parcel 1 extends onto the westerly portion of Parcel 2; or 2. Prior to the sale of the two lots individually, the Owner shall record a lot line adjustment which redefines the eastern boundary of Parcel 1 to include the land underlying the garage addition thereto and which otherwise satisfies all of the applicable zoning and building regulations of the City of Springfield. IN on WHEREOF, the undersigned Owner has caused this instrument to be executed day of fonna M.Edsel, Owner STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. )County of Lane On this I , day of September, 1996, Donna M. Shaw-Edsel did personally appear before me and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon /r&, oFFrctAL sEALtw, $5 ?IBr,TGtTSS-?I['5I\EE ,/ ,,. coMMtSStON NO.035979 MY COMMISSION EXPIFES JUNE 3C, lOgI (My commission expires , 1996. 9664G31 Parcel 1 Lot 11, SHADYLANE, as platted and recorded in Book 69, Page 8 of Lane County Plat Records, ALSO: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 11, SHADYLANE, as platted and recorded in Book 69, Page 8 of Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, said point being North 89o 45' 45" west, 600 feet and South 0' 14' 15" west, 416.73 feet from Monument IV, said Monument IV being North 89' 49' West, 1584.48 feet and North 0o 13' 25" East, 1568.55 from the Southeast corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation I-and Claim No. 47, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North0o 14'15"East, 106.73 feet; thenceSouth89'45'45"East, L2feet;thenceSouth 0o 14' 15" west, 104.55 feet; thence South 79' 57' west, 12.2 feet to the place of beginning, all being in Lane County, Oregon. Parcel 2 Beginning at a point being North 89' 45' 45" West 588.00 feet and South 0o 14' 15' West 290.00 feet from Monumenf IV, said Monument IV being North 89' 49' West 1584.48 feet and North 0o 13' 25" East 1568.55 feet from the Southeast corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 89" 45' 45" East 78.00 feet; thence South 0o 14' 15" West 110.39 feet; thence'79" 57'West 79.27 feet; thence North 0o 14' 15" East I24.55 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. State of Oregon County of [-ane - ss. l, the County Clerk, in and for the said -u-oun!, do hereby certify that the withinrnstrument was received for record at ?0 Siir 95 t; Cl 2217RReel Lane County OFFICIAL Records [-ane County Clerk .n / /,{,..J -4oBy, County Clerk ,/J EXHIBIT "A" 966158* DEID A LrJz = FoJ o UJ F 5 o_ TAXLOT 609 rXH ilBIT ),)) A SHADY LOOP DR,IVE ( ruor To scALE ) EXISTING EAS EIVI ENT S HAD ED)( RII\IAINING PORTION OF EASEMENT o tr 5 Q--o(,sETPI =.?a!!6d'Ib'€o =6-5 a +€:-€;.'O : &PE'EH:.+d IE'H; t ' a9[8 eEo 8 +ia-o 6*'ifr" rr- 5oo atH ii il OC) thge N '+:5 lY a G-:11 - =*'d (,l H TTJ: I + CE N \ \\\$\ e REN/AINING PdRTION OF IASEMENT DTED B 7.00 rr. tdz =FoJ o trJFa:)-)o 7.00 FT. RELOCATION TAXLOI 1 007 EASEM ENT ATTER () l0 s661584 T.L. t7 03 26 23 609 & looT EASEMENT RELOCATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ls 19 relocate a portionof an existing easement on two adjoining parcels, ownedby Donna M' shaw-E-dsel' fonnerly L,rJ*n as Donna M. sliaw, hereinafter referr'.d to as the Grantor, f#jffit:|fi"CHIr:F. SPRINGFIELD, a ntunicipal corporation, i, Lane a;r;t, oregon, rrereinarter WIJEREAS it is the intent of the Grantor to move the easemerrt to a location along their Easterlyproperty Iine to ailow buirding in the existing easement ui"inity. Now ttrerefore the parties asree as fotrows: iiEIIE[,:ii;;ffiBfFF[_,l') El,ter H' Shaw attd Dottna M. shaw, husband and wife, were the owners of the two adjoiningparcels as rnentiolred above as evidenced by the rorto*ing deeds: DEED A: A warranty Deed frorn Floyd Konold to Ehner H. Shaw and Donna M. Shaw,husband and wife, dated July 27,lg76,filed for record on Reel g05R, Reception No. 7637961,Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. DEIID B: A warranty Deed from Floyd Konold to Elmer H. Shaw and Donna M. Shaw,husband and wife, dated July 19, 1977, filed for record as Instrument No.770g654, Deed Recordsof Lane County, Oregon Elmer H' slrawtinterest ilt said parcels passed to his wife, Donna M. Shaw-Edsel, formerlyknorvn as Donna M' shaw, when he died in 1992. Donna M. Slraw-Edsel is now the sole ownerof the adjoining parcels. 2') Tlre existing easci:rent owned by the city of Springfield is a sanitary sewer and srornrdrainage easement filed for record April I 5, l976,"onReel 790R, Reception No. 761 7630,Records of Lane County, Oregon. r' ' v' v. r\ 3') The parties wish to relocate the followirrg-described portion of said easement recorded April 15,1976, on Reer 790R, Reception No. 76r7630, Recoris of Lane county, o."go,r. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot I l, shadylane, as platted and recorded in Book 6g,Page8,LanecountyPlatRecords;thencesouthS-9" 45,45,Eastl2.00feet; thenceSouth0, l4,15" west 5'00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 0" l41 15,, west92.44feet to apoi,t which is-7,00 l'eet perpendicular to tlie souiiierrf lin" of above saicl DEED A; tlrence South79'57' westT'11feetparallel tosaidSoutherlylir.;ilr",r..North0. 14, l5,,East93.7l feettoa point whiclr is 5'00 feet perpendicular to the Northerly line of above saicl DEED Al thencesouth 89" 45' 45" East 7.00 feet parallel to tlre said Northerly line to t6e True-iJ,,t or"'""" r Begin,ilrg. ruv I vrrrL ur 4') The portion of that existing easement describecl in paragraph 3), shall be relocated to the Easterly7'00 feet of above said DEED B, said DEED B uring rir" prii"rl"rrv a"r"riu"a as follows: Beginrring at a point being North 89' 45' 45" west 5gg.00 feet and South 0. 14, 15,, west 2g0.00feet from Monument IV, said Monument IV being North gg' 49' west l5g4.4g feet and North 0.13' 25" East 1568'55 feet from the southeast conir of Jacob Halstead Donation Land claim No.' 47'inTownshiplTSouth,Range3WestofthewilliametteMeridian;thencesouthg9.4s,45,, East 78.00 feet; thence South 06 l4' 15" west ll0.3g feet; tlrence south 7g. 57,west 7g.27 feet;tltettce North 0o l4' 15" East 124.55 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane county, oregon. 5') The GRANTEE shall relinquish all claims to tlrat portion of the existing easement described inparagraph 3.) 6') The Grantor does hereby give and grant unto the city of Springfield the relocated sanitary andstorln drainage easement as described in paragrapn a.; to have and to hold the relocated sanitarysewer and storm drainage easelnent to the saiJ Grantee, its successo;. ;;J n.rig,r. forever. 15.00 .0010 REftleV Tc>t CttY og SpRt^tcrFt€LD. Pu6trc tcloa.e$De?r- zzf FtFr't 5r. -5pE'N6FtcLt) ,oe€doN ql477 a IN WI day of TNESS WHEREOF , the Grantor GU3T STATE OF OREGON) SS couNTY OF LANE) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD MichaelA. Kelly City Manager s661584 above named have hereunto set her hand and seals this 3O 1996 Donna M. Shaw- Notary Public for Oregon My Corrrrrrissiorr Expires Apru c ZC, bcn BEITREMEMBERED,thatontlris3oduyof@,lgg6,beforeme,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said ctunty *a sffi"rsonally appeared the within namedDortrta M' Slraw-Edsel knowtr to trte to be the iderrtical irrdivirlual described in and who executed thervillrirl ittstrtlrttettt ancl ackrtowleclgecl to nre that slre executed tlre sarne freely and volurrtarily. IN TESTIMoNY WHEREOF, I have ltereunto set my lrand and affixed my official seal the day and yearIast above rvritten. @ reffis,,,*,*l*,t'#n r. i '. l t: CrFi:lCE C[:(]ITY ATTOTINEY ;lii:ii:)ir:?l li r,r/it.\ \ STATE OF OREGON) SS couNTY OF LANE) BE IT REMEMBERED , 1996, before m'e,the undersigned, a N otary Public in and for said Cou nty State, personally appearea ihe within namedMiclrael A. Kelly,arrd ackrrowledged to nre that he is the Manager of the City of Springfield,City Oregon, and that the foregoing instrument was executed by hi m voluntarily for and on behalf of the Cityof Springfield for the uses and purposes therein named. (,m\$#/ OFFIOIAISEAL STIARO}I L HIGGINS NOTAI1Y PUBLIC . OREGON coMMtsstoN N0, 026000 irY c0MMr$sroN Public for Oregon My Comrnission F.xpires r/1 RETURN TO: t h"-.' , THAT on this Wday of a CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPzuNGFIELD, OREGON 97477 fu,( t