HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-09-19city ot springfield 225 n.5th street SPRINGFIELE' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I N FO RMATTON z 726-3753 tNsPectroruS: 726-3769 ra.r lor T ag o PHONE A. ,oaorroN oF srcN (ADDRESS) fttc* DEscRrprroN U ,)I O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS ZTP oI.INER OF SIGr,l CIF OTHER THAIr pROpERTy owNER) ADDRESS ,f? NAI'18 OF BUSINESS, T'IRM, ETC. . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: 72d-?4.r> TYPE Or .BUSII]ESS P?srzd4 l.L_ D.USE AI{D CIJJ,RACTER OF SIGI{:,// IDENTITY INCIDENTAL - \,{ooustl ttcl -SINGLE FACE I{TILTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD C E . TyPE Of WORK:,// {ew.cr ALTER RELOCATE B OTH}iR STP.I.'CTURAL TYPE OT SIGN:,/IIALL L/rnresraNDrtrc ROOF PROJE,CTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE OTHER c. DII,IE}ISIONS, UISTALIATIOII & CONSTP.UCTI,O}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGII HORIZONTAL WIDTII OF SIGN DII.IE}iSION FROM GBADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NoTE: IF PRoJEcTIoll IS TIORE ,ffiF- OVEE pusl"rc pRopEpJy rplE srcN EREcroR I'ruST TILE WITIT THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF I{IS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PROP.ERTY DAHAGE I}ISUP"AIICE POLICIES, E - AYES b/z/ 4t' TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? &/< DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIATS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. lzOa .j-ca-nL : . VALUE OF SIGN: {ZC Z t. K . SITE INFOF.IIATIOII (LATID IISE) .- EXISTING USEoF BUILDID]G OR LAND (OR I"A,ST USE rF VACANT) _INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCHAT{DISING PB.OPOSED L'SE OF BUILDINC OR I,AND: J SIGN . .ADDP..ESS CITY LICENSE TITJ]'IBER SIGN I,IANUTACTURER (IF OT}ER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS -{grq<-- G H . I HAVE CAREFULLY D(A}TINED the completed application for . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIGI]S?YES Xno I11]IIBEP,FTC AIL EXISTI}IG SIGNS I'OR. EUSINESS, ETC. . I'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.ICAL IIIRTIIG? /TA, IF YES, IfiICII APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLTJ}{INATED (INDIP*ECTIN LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS LISC. NTJMBER PIlO}IE lnformation is Erue and correc t, and I further certify 11 work gerformed sha be done inpermi that a E and do hereby cerci f.y 11 that all Sorinqfield and all o pring ther accordance with the S 0rdinances of the City of Springfielfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sj.gn Code as adopted by the Cicyd and the laws of the State of ot Cregon oercaining cense with the Ci certlfy that rqv ll1gn Contractor I-1-ty of.Sprinefield is in fu1l force and eff ect as required by Springfield Codes8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2).I will request all required sign inspecEions listed on Ehe aporovedpermic. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Eo t:1e worll rlescr:-bed ilerern I further SI /7 4/6 r€? DATE -fr' i *l,t// 0,rlffu.1-r/f I I a P L EAS E R E A D 1)Seoarate Sisn Aoolicat.ion: A separate applicaElon ls requlred for each separate slgn as definedr+]-n Ene Srgn uode, 2)*:.91i:+1, ,lil ?:*,18 issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign srrucrure,Ehe suPPry wires tor connecEion must. be covered on an electrical iepruit.- Electrical fonnectionmusc'be made-only by a sEate Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illlrninaced signs iu"iir-i"i"rnallyand externally) urust conform co Secrions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-It;a-cte -fiii"iii.ra-3-ig" o.-dinance. f!$+-lgSg+g: . Thls -applicatLon ls to be submitted wlth two complere sers of plans showing dl-mensions and height of.sign; advertising message on sign; locaEion of slgn on pioperty wlth-di- 19n1ion; to Properry Lines, _structural details--of supp6ri framing, braciig and'fobrings; r.rarerialsot construction for sign and sign structure; electritil equipmenl'and lig[ting; slze lnd location ?.f-.I_i:!_i19,:+q":.on pioperty fil Ehe-saIre busi.enss, all ds i"q"i."a to ieteriline comollance wirhthe springfierd Sign. ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,, dhow the follow-ing inforuraEion on che plot pran (plan showing proiert! lines-ani i;a;ii.J.i-iig"ij,---- a) show the rocatLon of all exisring sign(s) as well as proposed slsn(s). b) Show the. length of the street flontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show rhe length of the building frontagl. c) show the locacion of entrances open to the publtc and drLveways. Wren.required, because of design,-size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Erust be pre-pared-b-y a licensed engi.neer oi shatl conforro to-design standaris on file at the Buildin! Divi-sion Office. Plans of l-nsufficient clarity or detai.l will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingissued. !ig." must lreet corner vLsion clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NoTE: No sisn nav be erected whl-ch is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadeleccrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feeE in any direcEion- frorr overheadelectrical ll-nes which are energized ar less'than 750 ".ii".If a sign is not Lnstalled lrithin 60 days after the date of issue of this penoit, the permit sha1l.be void. Inspections : a) Sice Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinq Insoection - (ifappriciEIilu.rayb-emadeatthesametiieas.theSitero"p"",tioi:-ffi]nsPec.tion is .to be -ade after hole(s) is e:icavaEeci, but prior to th" pticenenc oi-"or,l.ut..b) Finar rnspectLon:- to be made upon coryletion of aL1 work. c) tilectricat - qII electrical.signs Eust be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signiE-recteil and before rhe sign"i" tur.a-o;.-'--- CAI.L FOR TITE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON T-IIE 24 HOTIR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 srcN DrsrRrcr w zo* DrsrRrcr /q_b TOTAL SQUARX FOOTAGE OF SIGN 72_ 3) 4) s) 5) 7) 8) e) REQUIRED INSPECTIONS T ,,,'),_-, srrE/LocATrorr I i roorruc.,bR ,.#_ELECTRICAL '- FINAL OIITER METHOD OF ATTACHMENT SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL IMORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSTIED: APPROVED BY DATE lo6 SIGN PERMIT FEE:,{la-oa ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURCTIARGE: TOTAI.: -G-.- t- DATE JoB #. f ro - oA SECTION:/0 SIGN ORDINANCE ?-to -sJ