HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-02-26t ueu/sP/LPOST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +JOB ADDRESS TRS, TL Subdivision \, This permit Ior the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions ol approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation oI this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law' Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit Total Construction Value *S$.ro, + Plumbing Fixtures Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: -.ater Supply:+ Bedrooms:+ Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel +r lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, ;/ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection +t lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks nte nor p roperty lines Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield--1C-- 10' 10' 100'For information call \.. Edge of road right-of-way 1 ilding foundation ;vvells, other water sources between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERTVIITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions: Group:Fire Zone Use Classification For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SEBVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OBEGON 97401 lane countyil!' - SITE INSPECTION Appnoveo Reurnx s Dr sAPPRovEo Dart 2- tJ:27 INsprcroR FOUNDATION INSPECTION APPRovED Dore 3- tL Ac/Rfr.rl RKS FRAMING INSPECTION AppRov e o Drsappnoveo o/Jt J-/c-?7 I nsprcron Re uanx s _28_7" X< LATH OR SHEETROCK AppRovro Rel.raRx s I NSPECT I ON Dr sAPPRovEo Drr e a4 ottr 6?I Nsercton %t,t" FINAL INSPECTION APPRovEo N DtsrppRovso Rexanr s Drrr 2'l d?r'f fr lrspecron O1r0 ;L CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssue Reuanx s D Nor Rraov ro lssuE D DorE-lHsercron- D DrsappRovc o f-7 rNs"rctoa_pa?aA Z{ TO PERI.IIT PROCESSING PLAi'IN ING PUBLiC t^IORKS FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Publ'ic Works I 25 East Bth Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-41 95 PERI4IT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTAI{TIAL IMPROVEMENT. SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES YES NO NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUiLDING SITE l^llLL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L. ) REQUIRED MINII4UM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L. ) REQUIRED. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOI4E WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED I^IITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: I 2 3 =-o -{ >< t-O{ DATE c99-2L BY a POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITEJOB ADDRESS:50 Seyard Avenue,Sprlngfield ,OR CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT +* rC-319-79TRS, TL: tl-Ot-ZZ4ol u, loo Subdivision; Buena VistaThis permit for the Lot 5, Block 2, shopresult in revocation referenced p of this perm roperty it, citat ion under provisions of Lane is hereby approved. County's lnf Setbacks an raction Ordinance, a d other conditions of nd/or other must be strictly observed. Violation can remedies allowed by law approval Appli cant/Add ressOwner/Address:Randall R. Bennett, saDe 50 Senard Avenue, Sprlngfleld, OR gl4ll Telephone: 747-0053 ,tContractor,/Address rmknorn TelephoneContractor's OS +*n8 Telephone: Con struction roved this it: Ns TotalConstructionValue: $4665.0O Garage and shop at 516 eg fr.stnretures now oD propertys house, elngle garageWater Su PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA + Bedrooms 3 * Plumbi Fixtures: na # E loyees: ttg Partitioning +na ParcelMinimum required structu ral setbacks, from centerline of road, frontside exterior:na ; interior property lines:lQt;rear property lineSpecial lnstructions:none # na Parcel Size:50t ; centerline of road,5t eaeeuent 13o:(120r For information cal r68 7-4394, 3'6[r'S"'."5i,y,llBN Site lnspection + nana lrneal feet of drainf . lnstallation specif ications: oxlsts gal. min. septic tank capacity;ield required; max. depth of trenches: naspecial lnstructions: Keep aer Btnrcture at lea't r,0r frou the exratlngaerage dlsposal area and deslgnated replaeeuent areaoDo not drtve oyer or park on the se,ragi,-ii"il".r systemat any tLae. Setbacks Septic Tank Drainfield"lo' -T0,-10' 10' 5',10' 100' f.,Hti#,"*"'3#,,o* 50' Type of Const I nstructions: For plans informat ion call between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. ruction: 5N Group: *, Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: Mlsee back of permlt for required raspectron rnforpatr.ono For i ons (see back ot,f[7otlH?r call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and dIEU Lanb mDirections to Site: Date lssued c55-13 Off Wayalde lane off of Eayden Brldge Roado02-2&79 pFlAtllliry19J.F_ltylRoNMENrAL MANAGEMENTcoufl rJ+osursHEi,iJ-'.lf SrT!i?:BHL!6#.,*;"' lane county By Roger McGuckln/Uf 63 FLOOD PLAiN MANAGEMENT Departrnent of Publ jc Works.l25 East Bth Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-41 95 .\ l. TO PERI'lIT PROCESS iNG PLAI'IN ING PUBLiC WORKS PER}4IT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT.YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES N0 ,/-- SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE t/llLL BE REAS0NABLY SAFE FR0l4 FL00DING. MoBILE HOME TIE DOI^'NS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS I^IITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. I. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 2. MiNIMUI4 FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (t{.S.1. ) REQUIRED. (M.s.L. ) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOI,JNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOI4E WILL BE PLACE. ON iS BELTJI^I THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FiRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED I^IITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED' RECOMMENDAT IONS : =.E --{ x r-O-{ ; -) DATE 4- - -1") c99-21 BY lane county __l SLLID PIH w PLICATION # I 6D!'-- tion is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the follow'ing N ame Address p The above app reasons: ,.p .- \ ,t# Di vi si Si gnat ure D'ivi si on: Si gnature: D Date Date This appljcation will be held until . If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application wfll be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfiel d) ar€ nonrefundable. SorB refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation. Cc74-t39 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687.4394 +r rG! /_/phone \afu Appl ication * DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL Receipt # PSB, I 25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I uJob Address Ci ty Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Z r L/ /.9 -rrq Lot -- Block _ Appl icatron ior a"'rr'l t)1 o11 A e+ Structures now on the property u It).l /r Proposed use of property:identia'l 17 Conrnercial /_/ Industrial /-/ Public Affidavit: I,, here by certify that this information is true purposes a the folIowi Assigned Numbers q77 and accurate. property: to purchase; If this appl Lane County\ owne--duly lease print ication is for an cul tural bu t will be used for Code Chapter I0 (zoning) and for no purpose. i haver of record;tract purchaser;lessee; authori zed 'I e o 11owed by the State Building Code and ng legal interest 'i n the opt i onholder of an exclusive Se-ut Da te zz- il 7_ao-f,3 Phone (p agri ding i other s I ication. Si gnature/Address If Commercial Residential: Fee # of stories # of bedrooms _Existing, BP #b0 a (qSL{ ) Tel 0r /_t Owner /7 Contractor e h ,1 Plumbing by # of employees _ # of SDS: Ilhen permit is ready noti fy Owner Con trac tor r Contractor's 0SR# ts SI test holes ready /_/, sI # Ft. or I- ct \A) Proposed Unit Cos t Va nt cs $ Total Valuation: $) Plumbing fixtures at $ each $ Sewer/water conn. at each $ $Su btota l Received by.$_ $_ F+1 $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $ TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks, t,fron t .Pa rt. #Parcel #t ' side-; int 45rni --q_ Commen ts To be typed on permit gal. tank (ro{'ft. of drain Da te el d;de By LIATER P0LLUT ION CONTROL Instal iation specifications :hes To tlped on rmi t 'I ephone By D ti ons sl , slro I Pl ans to CP&l / set(s ) wPc -7- set(s i Hold Sl ip to PCC Da te Compl eted =>\ Da te Date to PCC/-/ cP&t /-/ vtPc /_7 Pl ann i ng /-/ Public Works , Elevation /_/ n/a l7 Address /-/ Fact lity Permit /-/ Environmental Heal th Da te (\ brt .l who is (zin) . N,r'a Descri ption UU NUI WRIIL BELUI^/ IH15 LINL Fee $ t-/ wh- t4cn""i \ re{r \ DE OF ENV I RONI,IENTAL I'IANAGEMENT \r--qJ ing Code and property: ylp;D:ii/laa *ror,tpt # Job Address Lot Appl ication for Structures now on the property $:rrlop+rra uss alf' propErtyi Affidavi t: I, If this application is for an agr PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I City tot 5- -Elock ,1 use e l7 Cmert*al L-l,In{tl.t,tr*rl,:U I nrU:tlc hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. ease cultural bu 'tdi t wil'l be used for purposes allowed by the State Buildngi ,ther'10 (zoning) and for no o purpose. I have the following legal interest in the'lessee; lrolder of an exclusive option /2t,Appl i q phone tract purchaser;gr, wh le o s I ication perm it is ready notify or /-l &tner l7 Contractor 7a Plumbing by # of employees _ldf S0Sr Je-re Date zz- 7 il Phone Existing, BP # l7 Proposed, SI # vQ.Si gna ture/Address When I Ovner Contractor Contractor's OSR# Tel -aos3 If Conmercial: I of storie- xesroenrrai : roinoffi-rq 5,D SI test holes ready Va eo $ $ Tota'l Val uati on: Plrstng fixtutel at $- each Saer/mttr sonn. at $- eacn Subtotal ( /_t Rece i ved $ $ W ATER S UPPLY; PROPOSED EXISTI NG 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy TOTAL ssYE PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks:!-, f"on Part.Parcel # , side int aSr rn Corrnents To be typed on permit By Date up" AJ ororp--@.--Fire Zone 4 Use Classification MICP& I For plans informa D recti ons sl Lt srco Plans to:cP&l / set(s) I.JPC -l set(s) Hold 51ip to PCC Da te Date Compl eted By on area i s pec tor ) Da te Date to PCC m /-/ Planning /-/ Puil)Aorks -,l9{Elevation / / n/a l/ Address /-/ facility Permit /]/ Environmental Heal th c74-17 | ?a( fgxrtship, Rangre Subdtvision Arstgn$ unl tr Frr . Ft. or lhlr OescrlptloL {-a, & #t r- To be typed on permit I TRS, TL Subdivision .JLot 3 TL /06 Job Locatlon Permlt /l Pernlt Permit For Permlt /l Perml t# PermLt li-For op< For ForPlcrt PIan For For u 1L Block /30' t-l 5?' J i PPPP"S* '- 6oeac' t- ( $ \ v d\ \N NrF\ bl' o .0s\')\,\ /"8'z ,---- I7I, I I I II ,t '--), I zt e k)6il /s \f \ r.oat V 9(' { l{ou && [GU I Ir Ir, Li _l geS eLt)ftRD ft u6r.ue .$ ?3t/ -L-t-e?t1 ( $s \\) 3{'.6 \, \ \3 + 37 loeo4(A c74 - 150 td MaP N .;,@te / "= za , Sew AU LvEt{.uE / 'L t I I . L, _ I I I I I I T