HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-11-09city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A.LocATroN 0F srcN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION ) O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS OIJNER OF SIGI{ CIF OTHER THAII PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION /o FO RMATTON : 726-37s3 INSiiECTrONS: 726-3769 rA.YLor'* O o ji d PHONE ZTP tl : INGFIET h PHONE NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. VENDORS, SIGN . .}.DDPJSS L CITY LICENSE TII,I"IBER I SIGN I.{ANUFACTURER CIT OTHER TI1AN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS TYPE OT BUSIIIESS USE ATID CHARACTER OF SIGN:w.,4. IDEIiTITY -*arrr** V DOUBLE TACE-- -SINGLE FACE ATLTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD rP -cl ) ''l 'l P . DATE I D Ll E <- PTIONE \ G. J CAI. H' ,-"" srcN HA,E ELEcrp.rcAL wrnrucz LA!*o ELECTRICAL VIGN-lF YES, rHrcrl }t. ILLU{INATED,- EXISTI}IG SIGNS AIJ THERE ANY EXISTI}IG SIG}IS? }]IJ}{BEP. ALL EXISTI}IG SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. APPLY? LIGHTED) ,,, X NO SELEC:rRI ADDRESS LISC. . SITE INFOF}IATIOII (LAND USE) -- EXISTING USE OT BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR IAST USE IF VACAIIT) 3-r(-)Ot,/ 9ru /4 /--r 4 ft r'^ 4 INDOOR BL'SINESS OUTDOOS, T,'ERCHAI{DISING ED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND 'trl o rorq LJ*Z- GF**f-?-)r)< F- 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI.IINED Ehe completed applicacion for nrmit and do hereby certify EhaE alllnformation is true and correct, and I further certify','..rc all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by Ehe City of Sorinqfield and all other-Ordinances of the Cicy of SprinqfieLd and the laws of the Scate of oercaini.ng to t:'re worl: <lescr:-bed ne!crn. I further certJ.-fy that rqv S15:r Contractor I-1-iLh Ehe Cicy of Sprinefield is in full force and effect as reauired by Springfield Codes ) and 9-7-20(2), I will request all required sign inspeccions listed on Ehe approved NAI1E ( Cregon cense v, 8-2-6(3 permic. TYPE OF WORK: A rnnct AITER B. RELOCATE OTHER STP.UCTURAL fiPE OF SIGN: ,A. IIALL FREESTANDITIG ROOT . .. PROJE,CTING MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE O:rHER C. DII,TE}ISIONS, I}ISTALLATIOI{ & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE OD VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN <].7 HoRrzoNrAL wrDrlr oF srcN -$g--- ffiTFlli'SX FR.M GRADE ro ) 3 )J -I4J4;-DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND . , PROPERTY LrNE? _YES [*OIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECIIOII IS TIORE TIIAN 12" OVEE rusr.rc pRopEp.ry rpx srcN EREcroR I'IUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IACE I}ISUP,AI.ICE POLICIES. E l. DEscRTBE TrpE oR yATERrArs srcN rs K ;H,/t. VALUE OF SIGN: t/*t-t'g- 72 - N€E? oP. SIGNATURE INT) TE ---_ - - rrr-7 . PLEASTREAD- .- 1)ffffi:Aseparateapp1icactonlsrequlredforeachseparatesignasdefined 2) Electricar: Any p-erult issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure,EE-e ;uPpE wirei io. "J""".tio.,-.,r"c ue "or!ieJ-or, "r, electrical p-erroit. Electrical connecrionmusc'be made onry by a state Licensed rrectricar contracror. iiri",r""c..d;!;;'iilin incernallyand exEernarrv) must conform to secrion" i:7:i-i+) a <s> ana g-7Irii of rhe Springfield sign or-dlnance. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) Plans Reouired: Ttris-application ls to be submitted wlth two complere sets of plans showing di-:-Tl:: :l"I:iqhI .r-!'iil;-;li"'Ii"i.,g ,,.ei;;;-;;-"i;;; i;;";i;5^;i="rg., on properry v,irh di-lDensLons to property lines, structural detalls-of suppiri r.".i"gl ui."i.f,g anci'fobrin'gs; macerialsot construction for sign and sign strucEure; etectitlal_equipmenE and lighting; size and locaEionof existing signs,on pioperty f5r the-same b-usienssl alr as required to deterninq comollance withthe Springfield Sign. brdinante (lrircte 7 "f-i[; a;;ingfield ciEy code)."-Ai;;::.;h;;",1f,;.fotlow-ing informacion on-che ploc pra; (pl;;-"t""i"i-'prliliri rine"-ani ii""iio. of signs): a) Show the location of arl exlsring slgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(s).b) show the length of the street frontage taken up by Ehe business or building. For wallsigns, show rhe length of the buildi;; i;;;;";!.- c) show the locatron of entrances open to the public and dri.veways. when required, because of design,-slze, etc., englneered drawings and_calculations trust be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi shall iontoil ;;'a;;ign scandarEs or,-rir" ar rhe Building Divi-sion Office. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or det,ail will be returned to the applicant wlth no permit beingts sued. Signs must Eeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No sign oay be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horizontally or verticalry from overheadereccrLcal conducEors in excess of 750 volis;;; i;"; than 5 teet in'any direction fron overheadelectrical lines which are energiz.i ar re"s'd""-7!6 vortsrf a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of lssue of this perait, the permit sharlbe void. Inspections : a) site rnsoection - to be node before the sign ls placed. usually, the Footinq rnspectionc=EF]iEa-oT;I,"yue-."aeatthesarret:.f,eastheSiteInspe;ti";.-ffigInspec-tion is to be made-afrer hole(s) rs excavii*al-a"il-pii;; ;;'ffi";i;;#;; ii"iiltr"...b) Final rnspecrion,- to be made upon conplecion of all work.c) Lilectricar - all elecErical.signs Eust be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signIs eiecEed and before-i[.-"ign=i; il.i"e-oil-t="=' rer Eresq'rl CAIJ. FOR TIIE REQUIRID INSPECTIONS ON TIIE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRilCr -,'.- 't ,','-'l ZONE DrsrRrcr l*-{-,.:-- - TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 7c _SITE/LoCATIOIi - FOOIING 0R ME_TIiOD OF ATTACHMENT 1 uucrnrcer. - FrNAL _oTIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORX ERECTION OF SIGN: Cr*,,UNo r- {S S u € 7,-'{t' C r r f L r ,EL}=S:E/S ADDITIONAL IMORMAIION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY u'L/ ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: ./ '.^ 1 -^ D7g .-1)0 ,*t)TOTAI RECEIPT CLERK JoB # 4Z STATE SURCHARGE; /SIGN PERMII FEEc-" -, ,/ --arc' :t- ,rf' SECTION: q*,,/m PRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE 40