HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1997-12-17-\KqU SPFlINGFIELO CITY OF OFEGO'V DEV ELOP MENT S ERVI C ES DE PART M E NT Date of Lctter: December 17,1997 Owner: McKay Investnent Company 2350 Oakmont Way, Ste.204 Eugene, OR 97402 Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Site Plan Review 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OB 97477 (541 ) 726-3753 FAX (s41) 726-368s Journal Number: 97-10-218 Applicant: Kip Amend/ Schaudt, Stemm & Wild 1205 Oak Steet Eugene, OR 97401 Nature of Application: The applicant is requesting site plan approval in accordance with Springfield Development Code (SDC) Article 3l to construct two new industrial storage buildings, with accessory office use and parking, on a 149,000 square foot vacant portion of property at ll25 Shelly Stree! in Springfield. Decision: Tentative Site Plan Approval , with conditions, as of the date of this letter Other Uses That May Be Authorizrd By The Decision: None. The proposed industrial warehouse storage use is permitted in accordance with SDC 20.020(6Xc). Future development occupancy modifications, expansion of accessora uses or uses not approved must be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and all applicable permit procedures. Site Information: The subject site is identified as Tax Lot902 on Lane County Tax and Assessor's Map #17-03-27. The 3.4 acre vacant development area slopes approximately 2 feet to the south and west, is covered with grass and has no physical barriers to development in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). The property is designated Light / Medium Industrial (LMI) on the Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram. The parcel is accessed by a private drive from the west end of Shelley Steet. The subject site is loosely bounded by the Pacific Power & Light Company overhead powerlines, SCS Ditch #6 and the Oregon Departnent of Transportation (ODOQ I-105 right of way to the south and west; developed property desigrrated LMI to the to the east, and developed property designated Low Density Residential to the north. Written Comments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject prope(y allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application. One letter was received: 'Thank you for advising us about the McKay development site application, your job number 97- 10-218...(the) cause for answering is not the general constmction on their property. It is the possibility of ingress and egress to the property coming from Dornoch Street. When Miles McKay applied to the City of Springfield to construct an ingress and egress road into the residential Beverly Park area from his property our neighborhood was totally against it ... Now, ...we are faced with another opening of Dornoch Street through a residential area to Mckay's property. The narow Dornoch Sfreet ...is a terrible place to permit transportation of highway and private vehicles... 2 McKay Site Plan 97-10Yl8 I suggest that the ...landscape area at the border ofthe property be extended across the end of Dornoch Street or a protective barrier be constructed across the end ofDornoch Steet. I have been a resident of Beverly Park since 1954 and really hate to see our beautiful residential neighborhood succumb to industrial use. Yours Truly, Herbert W. Woods 2232 Beverly Steet Springfield, OR 97 47 7 - 190 5" StaffResponse: City Planning, Transportation, Engineering and Fire and Life Safety oficials hove reviewed the proposal to construct a gated emergency access at the southern terminus of Dornoch Street based upon current andfuture conditions. The Planning Director has approved the proposal wilh addilional conditions to guarantee emergency vehicle use only and provide construction in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, City Standord Construction Specifications and all applicable state andfederal regulations. (See Criteria of Apprwal #2a, 2c. and 4 of this document.) These are the Criteria of Approval (1- 4): Criteria of Site Plan Approval: Section 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, of the Springfietd Development Code (SDC) states: "The Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Application upon determining that criteria (l) through (4) of this section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot reasonably be attached to satisff the criteriq the Director shall deny the application." (1)COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEI{TS OF SECTIONS 3.050 AIYD 31.050 OF THIS CODE. The site plan application was accepted as complete on October 9, 1997 and contained all information required to iniliate TJtpe II Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with SDC Articles 3 and 31. Compliance with the submittal requirements however, does not necessarily mean that all SDC standards have been met and/or all refinement plan policies have been addressed This decision is issuedwilhin the required 120 calendar day review period Ftndtng: Crllerlo I has been mel because the appllcant has complled wllh sll submlfral requlremcnb and the declslon was lssued wlthln the requlred 120 days, (2)PROPOSED ON-SITE AI\D OFF.SITE PUBLIC AI\ID PRTVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUF'FICIEI{T TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVEI,OPMENT AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31,32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AND/OR OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AI\D AI\IY APPLICABLE REFIIYEMENT PLAI{. Subcriteria a. Conformance with Article 32 (Public end Private Improvements) \ilater end Electric Service. The Springfield Utility Board (SLJB) currently provides water and electrical service to the site. The development provides a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines in accordance with sDC 32.120. Additional water services will be installed Shelley Street has been and should be the only avenue of in and out traffic from the McKay property. The end of Dornoch Steet should be barred from any entrance or exit to this subdivision for the safety of all... 3 McKay Site Plan 97-10-218 by SUB upon the collection of development fees. Please refer to the November 5 correspondence from SUB or contact the SUB Water Departnent at726-2395 for more information. A SUB electrical transformer located east of the proposed development is available to serve the proposed buildings. The extension of underground electrical service from existing facilities to Buildings A & B requires a Public Utility Easement (PUE) in accordance with SDC 32.120. Springfield Utility Board requests a l0' wide PUE from the existing transformer east of Building B to the west side of Dornoch Steet to serve the development and surrounding area. (See attached SUB memo. Ed Head of SUB Electric (726-2395) is the contact person.) The easement must be submitted for review by the City Surveyor with a fee to cover the cost of filing at the Lane County Deeds and Records Office. The Final Site Plan must be revised to show the easement. The easement must be filed prior to the sigrring of a Development Agreement. Finding: A Public Utility Easement is neededfrom a SUB Electric transformer to the development areafor the prwision of public utilities. The transformer is located east of the proposed Brilding B, on property under the same ownership as the subject site. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull compliarrce with SDC 32.120: 1) The Final Site Plan must be raised to provide a 10 foot wide public utility easement atendingfrom the uisting transformer east of Building B to north property line, then west to the west side Dornoch Street right of wqy. The easement must be submittedfor review andfiling by the City with a check to cover /iling costs. Sanitary Sewer. There is a private sanitary sewer main on site to serve the proposed new buildings in accordance with SDC 32.100. An Improvement Agreement and Sewer Hookup Application from the Public Works Deparfinent is required before additional services are connected to the private main and discharged to the public system. The agreement must be filed prior to the issuance of a building permit. Connection fees and In Lieu of Assessment charges are set by adopted Crty Council policy and are attached as a courtesy to the developer. (See attached Public Works estimates.) Systems Development Charges and In Lieu of Assessment Fees are not a part of this land use decision. Ken Vogeney of the Public Works Departrnent (726-3688) is the contact person for more information. FINDING: A private sanitary sewer main uists on site to serve the proposed buildings in accordarue wilh SDC i 2. I 00. The following condition of approval is applied for full compliance: 2) An Improvement Agreement and Sewer Hookup Application must be submitted with/ilingfees to the Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Storm Sewer. The tentative site plan submiffed proposes a system of downspouts, oil - water separator catch basins and storm sewer lines to carry roof and parking lot storm water southeast to an existing private system. The private system is piped to SCS Drainage Channel #6, a public stormwater ditch adjacent to the I-105 right of way. In accordance with the "Drainage Best Management Practices" required by SDC 32.110(4), the stormwater system must integrate pre- treatrnent and reduction methods to enhance stormwater qualrty and minimize the volume of discharge. Subsequently, the applicant must provide the City Engineer with evidence that the increased volume discharging to the existing system will not result in increased erosion at the outfall location. Drywells with overflows are recommended to reduce roof runoffand bio-swales in landscaped areas are recommended to enhance stormwater quality. The revised drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer. Ken Vogeney of the Public Works Deparhnent (726- 3688) is the contact person for more information. Finding: The City Engineer has determined thot adequate provisions to enhance stormwater quality and reduce storm water run-of to the City storm drainage system hante not been employed 4 McKay Site Plan 97-l0rl8 inaccordancewithSDC32.ll0(4). Thetentativesiteplansubmitteddischargesroofrunof directly to the storm system; two chamber oiUwater separator catch basins do not provide adequate pre-treatment of parking lot run off. fhe increased erosional impacts to the outfall location harc not been documentedfor review and approval by the City Engineer. Thefollowing Conditions of Approval are appliedforfull compliance with the provisions of this Code: 2) ru Final Site Drainage and Grading Plan must be revised to include a combinotion of stormwater pre-treatment and reduction methods approved by the City Engineer in accordance with SDC 32.1l0(4). Anolysis shall include all surfaceflows onto the subject area and the effects of increased dischorge volumes at the outfall location in the public stormwater system. j) OiUwater separator catch basins and other drainage systems are required to be cleaned and maintained at least once q year, normally in September. All waste material must be disposed of in a lawJul manner. The owner/developer must document the activities with receipts olmaintenance service costs kept by the applicantfor the City of Springfield to inspect and reyiew. Street Improvements: Two access points from public right of way to the development are proposed. Primary access to the site is from an existing private drive connected to the cul-de-sac at the terminus of Shelley Street. Shelley Steet is a fully improved local street that requires no further improvement to accommodate the proposed development. A secondary 36'wide gated emergency access to Dornoch Steet is also proposed. Domoch Street is a fully improved local sfeet that extends south from Harlow Road to the north property line of the subject site. No extension of Dornoch Steet is shown on the City's Conceptual Road Network. The use of Dornoch Street as an access is specifically restricted by Policy 3.0 of the Gateway Refinement Plan (GWRP) Industrial Element. In accordance with SDC 32.0S0(l) and SDC 31.070(3), the proposed emergency access to Dornoch Sfeet must be desigrred to provide a clear delineation between the end of public right of way and the beginning of private property. The Fire Marshall has requested a locking gate with a Public Works keyed entry, standard emergency sigrrage and limited visual screening. The access must car4r "Do Not Block Driveway By Order of the Fire Marshall" signs on both sides of the gate. The applicant must submit a design of the access for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Fire Marshall. Finding: The applicant proposes emergency access to the industrial site via o dead end local street and SDC 32.080 and SDC 31.070(3) provide the Director, City Engineer and Fire Marshall with the authority to place conditions on the design of the accessfor safety. The following condition of approval is appliedforfull compliance with this Code: 4) An engineered design showing the end treatment of a public street and emergency access must be submittedfor rqiew and apprwal by the City Engineer and Fire Morsholl prior to Finol Site Plan Approval. The approved design must be shown on the Final Site Plan. The construction of the desigtt must be completed prior to any occupancy at the doelopment site. Subcriteria b) Conformance with standards of SDC Article 31- Site Plan Review and Article 18- Commercial Zoning Districts. Setbacks: The submitted site plan complies with the setback and solar provisions of SDC 20.050 end SDC 20.060 because the 24' tall structures proposed are setback 28 feet from property line where the site abuts an Low Density Residential (LDR) zoning district and the code requires 10 feet; proposed parking is setback 5 feet from all property lines in accordance with the provisions ofthe Code. Lsndscaping. Screening end Lighting. The location, number and specie of plantings submitted onSheetLl ofthetentativesiteplancomplywiththeprovisionsofSDC3l.l40forrequired 5 McKay Site Plan 97-10-ZlE landscaping. However, the proposed development area abuts a residential district and requires special freatnent of audio and visual impacts in accordance with SDC 31.160(1)(a & b). Accordingly, the landscape plantings shown along north property line must be upgraded to 5 gallon size to provide a continuous hedge supplementing the chain link fencing proposed on Sheet 2 of the site plan. In accordance with SDC 31.160(b), any outdoor electical or rooftop ventilation equipment must be enclosed with acoustical screening and located as far to the south as practicable to buffer the adjacent residential use from the industrial development. FINDING: The proposed development area abuts a developed LDR district and the applicant proposes an 8' tall slatted chain linkfence and j gallon size shrubbery to screen thevisual impacts created by the proposed industrial usefrom the abutting LDR District. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull compliance with the Code: 5) The Final Landscape Plan must be revised to provide 5 gallon size shrubbery that grows to a continuous hedge along north property line in accordance with SDC 31.16091)(a) A Q)@). FINDING: The proposed development area abuts a developed LDR distrtct and the site plan submitted does not include the location of outdoor electrical or ventilation equipment. The following Condition of Approval is appliedforfull compliance with the Code: q fhe Final Site Plan must be revised to provide the location of any outdoor electrical equipment and detailed drawings of acoustical screening required in accordance with SDC 3t.t600). In accordance with SDC 31.160(3), the final landscape plans must demonstrate that glare is not cast on the adjacent residential distict. The lighting plan must show the area illuminated by exterior lighting along north property line and include the size, type and intensity of lights to be mounted at 16 feet above finished floor elevation, as proposed on the site plan. FINDING: Sheet Ll of the submitted site plan does not address the visual impacts of uterior lighting . Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull compliance with this Code: 7) Tle Final Landscape Plan must be revised to include a lighting plan demonstrating compliance with sDC 3 l. I 60(i). Parking. SDC Section 20.070(3) requires one parking space for each 1000 square feet ofgross floor area (gfa) dedicated to industrial warehousing. SDC 20.070(0 requires one parking space per 300 gfa dedicated to acc€ssory office use. The number ofparking spaces required for the 37,000 square feet ofwarehouse space proposed is 37; the number ofparking spaces required for the2625 square feet ofaccessory office space proposed is 8. The total number ofspaces required for the proposed development is 45. In accordance with SDC 31.190, the total number of parking spaces that must be ADA accessible when less than 50 spaces are required is 2. The site plan submitted provides 94 parking spaces, five of which are handicapped accessible. Parking lot design may exceed the amount of vehicle parking spaces required by this Code, provided that all other provisions of this Code and applicable state and federal statutes are met. The City Engineer has found that the parking lot design submitted lacks adequate methods of reduction and pre-teatnent to enhance stormwater qualrty in accordance with SDC 32.1l0(4). Condition of Approval 2,Cnteia2a. of this document requires that Drainage best Management Practices such as bio-swales, drywells and other natural pre-teatment methods be utilized to enhance stormwater quality. A parking lot desigr that incorporates "softscape" alternatives can reduce the area and cost of paving. The Final Site Plan must be revised to reduce paving and parking areas where necessary to meet the requirements of SDC 32.110(4), as determined by the City Engineer. The Planning Director will approve parking lot design. 6 McKay Site Plan 97-l0Yl8 Finding: The tentative parking lot design cannot be approved because the Director finds that the provisions of SDC 32. I l0(4) for stormwqter reduction and pre-treatment have not been met . In accordance with SDC 31.070, thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedfor full compliance with this Code: 8) The Finol Site Plan must be revised in accordsrue with SDC 31.070 to provide a parking lot design meettng the prwisions of SDC 20.070 and SDC 32.1l0(4). Subcriteria c) Proposed on-site and olf-site public and private improvements are sufficient to accommodate the proposed development es specified in any appliceble refinement plan. Conformance with Applicable Gateway Relinement Plan Industrial Policies: (As adopted by the City of Springfield, October 19,1992, Lane County, September 1,1992, and the City of Eugene, November 9, 1992) The subject site is located within the Shelley Street subarea of the Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram and is zoned Light/tledium Industrial. Gateway Refinement Plan tndustrial lmplementation Policies 1.0, 2.0 & 4.0 require an applicant to improve appearances, protect natural areas and buffer residential uses from audio and visual impacts when developing in the area. (ref: GWRP, pgs.26-27 ) Development Approval of this site plan has been conditioned to upgrade perimeter landscape screening in accordance with SDC 31.160(1)(a); a lighting plan and sound attenuating screening ofoutdoor electrical equipment have been required in accordance with SDC 31.160(1Xb) to meet the intent of Policies l&4. The applicant's site design orients openings to face away from the residential distict and trash enclosures have been screened and located as far to the south as practicable. In order to meet the intent of GWRP Policy #2, the grading and drainage facilities of the site plan have been conditioned to enhance stormwater quality by employing Drainage Best Management Practices ofSDC 32.110(4) and protect natural areas (SCS Channel #6) by reducing discharge volumes at the outfall location.. Stafffinds the site plan, as conditioned, meets the intent of GRP Industrial Element Policies l- 4 because audio visual impacts hqve been reduced with sight obscuring screening and sound attenuating designs, water qualtty and natural areas hqve been protected with stormwater pre- treatment and reduction methods. Conflicts between industrial uses and surrounding residential and natural areas have been mitigated wherever practicable. AAbruE Ft rdhg of Fact 2: Thls ulterlon b md becaase Sabcrlterb a), b) and c), as condilloned, lully conform lo lhe requhemen$ of thb Code pertalntng to suffrctent publlc and pfivote lmprovefiEn$ to accottunodate the proposed development ia accordance wlth SDC Arllcl* 20,31,32 and the Gataooy Refnement PlorL (3) rryvEr{ToRrED NATTTRAL (TNCLTJDTNG REGULATED WETLAT\DS) AND HISTORIC FEATIJRES OF THE SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN. The site is defined as Ta:r Lot902 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-27. The MeEo Plan, Gateway Refinement Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the National Wetlands lnventory, the draft Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, Wellhead Protection Areas Map, and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. The subject site is located on property adjacent to the SCS Channel #6. The development plans propose to discharge stormwater to SCS Channel #6. The approved stormwater facility(SCS Channel #6) has been listed in the Draft Natural Resources Special Study as a wetland appearing on the National Wetlands tnventory. The 7 McKay Site Plan 97-10-218 development desigrr submitted provides sufficient setback from the top of bank to protect the wetland from constuction activity. No new discharge points to the ditch are proposed. However, the site plan has been conditioned to enhance water quality and reduce stormwater discharge volumes and the applicant must demonstrate that the existing stormwater collection system and outfall can support the proposed development without increasing erosion within SCS Channel #6. In addition to required Drainage and Grading Plan revisions, a City of Springfield Land Alteration and Fill Permit must be submitted in accordance with City Code Chapter X, prior to the issuance of building permits for constmction at the site. The LAFP will include a constmction barrier to identiff the constmction area boundary. No other natural, archeological or cultural resources have been identified on the site. If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction it is a Class 'C' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. Finding: The proposed development site is adjacent to SCS Chonnel #6 and proposes to increase stormwater discharge to the irwentoried wetland through an aisting pipe system. The site plan has been conditioned under Criteria 2 of this document to prwide water quality enhancement and run offreduction methods prior to discharge. The following Condition of Apprwal is appliedfor full compliance with this Code: 9) A Innd Alteration and Fill Permit is required by City Code and must be obtained prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development site. The LIIFP grading plan must include a construction barrier at the south boundary ofthe development area. (4)PARKING AREAS AI\D INGRES$EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAX'FIC AI\ID PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CI'RB CUTS ON ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREETS AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31,32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AI\[D/OR ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANTY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. Perking Areas. The submitted parking lot design has been reviewed by the Director and Transportation Engineer and conditioned to provide parking in accordance with SDC 2O.O7O, 32.110(4),31.170 and ADA accessibility in accordance with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act. rngress end Egress Points. The Director, Fire Marshall and Transportation Engineering Section . have reviewed the proposed emergency only access to Dornoch Street and approved the use, wit6 conditions, in accordance with Articles 3l and 32 of the Springfield Development Code and Gateway Refinement Plan Industrial Policy fl4. (See Criteria 2 of this document.) Ulttmate Fkdlng of Foct: Stolffinds Crlterla 1 ls met because lhe proposed slte plan,s parking ond access have been rcvlewed and approved h accordance wUn SOi,qrtUles iO, St ina SZ,- ond applicable pollclu of the Gatewoy Reftnemenl plon Whrt N""d. to O" Doo" Ry ,hu Appli""ot to Obhio *iorl Sit" ,l"o App.orrl? Three copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional required plans, documents or information must be compiled for one submittal to the Planning Division within 90 days of the date of this letter. The Final Site Plans must be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan submitted, showing compliance with SDC Article 3l Criteria of Approval 14, as conditioned: 8 McKay Site Plan 97-10-218 I) The Final Site Plan must be rqised to provide a I0 foot wide public utility easement extendingfrom the uisting transformer east of Building B to north property line, thenwest to the west side Dornoch Street right ofwcy.The easement must be submittedfor review andfiling by the City with a check to coverfiling costs. 2) fhe Final Site Drainage and Grading Plan must be ratised to include a combination of stormwater pre-treatment qnd reduction methods approved by the City Engineer in accordance with SDC 32. I 10(4). Analysis shall include all surface flows onto the subject area and the effects of increased dischargevolumes at the outfall location in the public stormwater system. 3) OiUwater separator cqtch basins and other drainoge {ystems are required to be cleaned and maintained at least once ayear, normally in September. All waste material must be disposed of in a lawful manner. The owner/developer must document the activities with receipts of maintenance service costs kept by the applicant for the City of Springfield to inspect and review. 4) An engineered design showing the end treatment of a public street and emergency access must be submittedfor review and approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshall prior to Finol Sile Plan Approval- The apprwed design must be shown on the Final Site Plan. The construction of the design must be completed prior to any occupancy at the development site. 5) The Final Landscape Plan must be revised to provide 5 gallon size shrubbery that grows to a continuous hedge along north property line in accordance with SDC 3 1.16091) (a) A @@) 6) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide the location of any outdoor electrical equipment and detailed drowings of acoustical screening required in accordance with SDC 31. t 60(b). 7) The Final Landscape Plan must be revised to include a lighting plan demonstrating compliance with sDC 3 l. I 60(3). 8) The Final Site Plan must be revised in accordance with SDC 31.070 to provide a parking lot design meeting the prwisions of SDC 20.070 and SDC 32.1 l0(4). 9) A Land Alteration and Fill Permit is required by City Code and must be obtained prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development site. The I-tlFP grading plan must include a construction barrier at the south boundary ofthe development area . FINAL SITE PLANS NOT IN SUBSTANTTAL CONFORMITY WITH THE APPROVED TENTATIVE SITE PLAN, AS CONDITIONED, REQUIRE ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND PUBLIC NOTICE PROCEDURES WHICH DELAY FINAL APPROVAL AND BUILDING PERMITS. SUBSTANTIAL MODTFICATTONS REQUTRE A NEW 120 DAY PROCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 31.100. TI{E APPLICANT MAY SI]BMIT CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING PLANS TO OTI{ER CITY DEPARTMENTS FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 3I.O8O AT TIIEIR OWN RISK. ALL CONCI.]RRENT SI.JBMITTALS ARE SI.JBJECT TO REVISION FOR COMPLTANCE WITH TTIE FINAL SITE PLAN. A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 3I.O9O WILL NOT BB ISSUED UNTIL ALL PLANS SUBMITTED BY TIIE APPLICANT HAVE BEEN REVISED. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS. 9 McKay Site Plan 97-10-218 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: [n order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of a completed Final Site Plan Review are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be sigred by the property owner, prior to the issuance of a building permit, in accordance with SDC 31.090. SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7. The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The locations of signs on a site plan do not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. A separate sigrr permit is required. Lisa Hopper ('126-3790) is the contact person. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria ofapproval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Deparfinent, 225 Fifth Steet, Springfield, Oregon. Appeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Site Plan Review Approval decision, you must do so within l0 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with SDC' Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Questions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Services Deparfinent at (541) 726-3660 ifyou have any questions regarding this