HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1980-10-15I CIETf OF SPELII{IGS-IEIJD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 0ctober 15, 1980DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. J. Douglas McKay c/o McKay Investment Company 0akmont Office Building Suite 214 2300 0akmont Way Eugene, Oregon 9740L SUBJECT: Building Permit Application Number 800148 For Construction 0f A Ware- house At 1042 Shel Iy Street Dear Mr. McKay: With regard to your request for a ninety day extension of the above referenced application, we will glad1y retain the app'lication and plans for the requested ninety day time period. However, because the p'lans were originally checked udner the 1976 State Building Code and the State of Oregon has since adopted the 1979 State Building Code, a new plan review will be necessary. Please contact this office in sufficient time for the plan review to be updated as required. Since no plan check fee has been paid toward this building permit,aIl of the appropriate fees, including the fees for the two plan reviews, will be due at the time of permit issuance. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Si ncerely, JnuJArfrtlt- Tom Sheirbon Permit Coordinator cc: Ronald B. CIark, Superintendent of Building Fi I es ; 6001. 1 TS/cp , McKAY INVESTMENT CO. OAKMONT OFFICE BUILDING SUITE 2T4 23OO OAKMONT WAY EUGENE, OREGON 9740I TELEPHON E 1503) 445- 4711 October 2, 1980 Ivlr. Tom Sheirbon, Permit Coordinator CITY OF SPRINGFIILD 3l+6 Mai:l Street Springfield, Oregon 971+77 Dear Tom: Confirming our telephone conversation of yesterday. We request a ninety (90) day exbension on our permit applicati-on aL 7OlQ. SheJ.ley Street. Fi-nancing has been a problem which we hope to resolve by year end. Very truly yours, McKAY INVESTIIEIfI C0. J adj f + CIltrY OE-' SPH,I}TGFIEIJI) PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 September 29, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 McKay Investments 2300 0akmont Way Eugene,Oregon 97401 Dear Sirs: In going through the f.iles v/e came across a bujiding perm'it appl'ication for: a warehouse at 1042 S helly St reet that lvas subrri tted on Januarv 31, 1980 'The 1g76 Uniform Bu jlding code states in sect'ion 303 (c) that any appi'icatjon for rvhich no purnii ir jisued wjthin iBO days shall expire by limitation. If _ conditjons UeVonJ rori control have prevented you from proceeding on this pro- ject please submit a letter stating trre c'ircumstances and'if condit'ions warrant the Building 0fficjal rnay extend y6ur appl'ication for a specified period.of time. If this appl jcat.ion has or vihen ii does'exp'ire it will need to be resubmitted and a nevr pian check fee wjll be due' If l,re do not hear from you rvith'in the next five days-we will assume that you have canceleo tiris p.oject and clear the files of all related material. If you have uny qr.itions ioncerning this matter call the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. S incerelY, Tom Sheirbon Permit Coordinator a'r- TS/ cp lD-, b-?o q|uncUd qD do1p I?L elp P*,4 i.-31-Bl ( r" Q,.-{I\LtA-Ub-,