HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-03"tob Locaticn I'cr Lot llAssessot,J tt'lap fl Phone Ci Otmer Adrbess iicae!tllh..RESIDF4TIAL.. SPHINGFIELD ,APPLi(',\l L,/i'llRMIr Notth Sth SLreet Springfield, Ot'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Date Additicn f-) r,^,4u1 Date of Applicaticn Ho r o nC\ P Iuutb it'tg (it:ner:r1 n ica.l-I'lec Ii lec E. r l,: a IrlrlStrpervI t irltr It ia the respons ibility of thc permit Ld.er bo see tlnt aLL inspeetions ole nade at the proper time, that eceh addvees is reaCabie Jron the street, anC that th t \ut lding D.i ui :: ior approc* erl :e petmit card is Located at th_e f?ont of the_propetty. pt'.tn slu:t.Z remLLin ,,sn blp Buildtng Stt: at aLL times. PnoCEDUpE FOR INT1ECTION I1IQUEST:CALL726-3769(z.ccorclet) state yout, City Cesigna-ted iob nunbet" iob aCdvess, type-of inspeclicn nady|or,tnspcction,co,7tractcl,so-nas,n"s-,,c,,eindphonenutnbct,.Requestsreceit;edbefcre7:00c:ttiLL be nade the satne dcy, r.equests rnt;de after ?:00 an aiLL be nade the ncat'aorking day. fcur City Desigrated Job Nurnbar Is SI?E INSPL'C'II,)N: To be nade after eacauano", b"t pricr tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLL'!'|BINC. ELECTRICAL & MECH!.IIICAL: To be nctde before any r,Pt,k is eoUcred. PAOTINC & FOUIIDATICN: To be naCe Af; e r'6enci e " ;;;, caua te d. aru7 forns an e erected, but pr.ior to pour.ing ccncrete, PLUMzI SXWIiPprior to fi trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PT,U!.!RING,N I,IEClIAN tCAt,rot@-1 floor insulat'ion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior toiGiaTti deeking. tiort of fl.oor La ANIt:,4.L: ,Vr.r Gllt-th,'u,: i nspec 4ade arul apprl:.nted FTzEI'I,ACE: mateti;C Prioy. to plccir4 fccinqorul before frantng insf,ec- FRAAIiC: Must be requested after approval of rough plunbing, eLec:.tri- cal & necluznical. ALI roofittg btaeing & chinmcys, etc. rrust be cotnpleted. llo ucrk .is to be aon- cecled unt'tl this inspection Las been nnde unC approt-ed. FTilAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAI, FII,IAI, ELECT:IICAL r Nsut A'|'!ON / vAPoR ItARRrER rlLSPFC',t'r0N : To be made after aLL insulaticn avd requ'ired uapot, l:awie?s ave in place but before any lath, gApsun boarC or unLL couer'tng is applted, and before oty insulatton is concealed. DRYHAL., INSPEC?ION: Tc be nade after oLL CryuaLL is in place, bul; yrisy to any taping. MAS1NR!: Steel Loeation, bond be<uns, grouting or uerticcls in acc:ordance u/ith U,B,C, Section WOOI.I:)'IotlE: ccrnrrT;rt. After installation'ts q,URE $ 4PPlC4q! APR)N: After fortns ,1a,e ;;nc t eC ilrV;lot, to pouring conc?ete. DEllAt,K ,9 DRfYEI,/AI: Fot, all con- crete pauing uithin stneet right- of-uvA, to be naCe after aLL exca- oating cornplete & forn tnrk & sub- base matertal in place. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gctte:; on notsable sections througl", P. U. E. DEI.IOLITIO!1 OR Sanitaty seuer eapped ct ptoperty Lire Septic tank punped and filled nith gta:sel Final - h1ten abcue itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cemolition is complete o? stta3- ture noued and preniaes cleaneC up. e llcnee and Set-up connections -- sa)er. @td, Dater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-us and plwnbing connections nust be apprcted before requesting eleclrical inspectiotz Accessory Buildnng I'o be T h;nte becn etc L - After pcrekes o.te conpleted. skirting, decks m L Stagsr TRr6 tlll y;ro,jeaL aondttions, suak as tlp i.nstallataon of s!;yeet trees, conpletion of the requtretl Lutulsccping, etc., mtst be satlsfied before the BUILDIT'\C FINAL ean be nequested. IINAL BU.|LDLNC: The I'inal Building fnspeatiort mtst be requested aftez: the Pinal Plutnbing [ilectt'tcal, and Mechanical Inspeetions ltqtte been nade and approoeC. M xAr,L ilA,\;i!t.;.ti:; AND CLEANOU?' MUST RE ACCESSIBLT, ADJUST\\Eiry TO BE MADE /.? NO C1Sr T0 CI?y Pelte 1 of 2 E Wsrz \ SO LAR ACCESS REQ,-L-co G" Lot Faces -l: ! t.:t'4 lia:t r,:"." JOB NO, )u./-<rf-{1 lZone: Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cotserage # of StorLes Total Height TopographY LCT TYPE _ Intet'icn _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Se- P. t,.Housc Crt c ('" :i:;I th llo l,le st -- Fces -- ITEM r1u X Valu,:Building Volue & Permit Thispetmi,tisgranterlonLlteextpr'rscond.itiottLlntttrc:;'tid-consLtltcLion sLwLL, in all respccts,- "o'''-lo*''Lo l'l r' \rdtnttite zdop'teJ i::11 the c'ity of lp"i"b.f;.."ta, 7nctlu,1in17' tt,L'::oui'"' ''r'l:tlilrc.e, r':'1ulctL,t1t .:li'- ac,Y.stnt:!:-":..^ ;iA "';n of Lui.Ltli-t41,;, ,:url rn:'t bc- t;u.:1:''ndei1 or rcttckec '11 ':tit; LLme upon DLc- Lation of any ltroutcioits of :i'ti'd )r'li'tanaes' TOTAL VALUE DC ()O is Duildi-ngt PernrLt l'LruL t',tt;' I-airj State li,:,',"i.pl: ll 5 Total Chn"ges Si.11t'"ed ITEM NO FEE CIIAlJ(;I;:Plumbing Perrnit No pereott sha-|7. -r:onsttnu:t, i-nsl;al!,. 't!t'er. of chan'1': 'e,tlt1 nel').cr existing plumbing ot'dPaltxaqe ,.,l','nitl" L"-l"no'l'': ''r in pa'rt''urzless st;ah per:son is Lhe Legal possessor or " ''"'iil"t'7''*i''ii'" tt"n""'e' etcept Lhai 't 1ict'son nav do plutbing uot'k to prop"""t'1'*'iii'Ji'i"" n'''"''l'' Lelsed' ;r opcrateri bg the applt)- cant. Ftuw-- Residential (1 batlz) Seuer oo Sani o Plwnbi,ng Pemit State L t'Electriccrl Permit hlhet,e State Ld,) t equ'Lr'(.s tl':nt tlte cl'z':l;t'i'cal utot'i': be donc l;'t an Electrical contrdctor, th" nt'n,:t*i;')t"i-;;'t;;" ol this -permit shall noL be taliC untt)L ii,.'i""t"t'to" Lnn" eigned' 1iy the lile'':trical (otlLractor' U) Nas/Ertend Cit'cuits Seruice o State Total s I?9M NC FI- F CIIARCE Mechonic<ll Permit Eohanst Hoo,1 Vent Fot tlcodstote PermLt Issuance Mechanica L Penrtt ENCROACHMENT -- Permit 1.-Total Cutbcut ( Si.da,talk trMobile tlone L fo,J D< , and do and r i.n aecot'- La;e of tha hat N0 1CC!]- Buildi,ng Di.- Or / ,-' TOTAL AMOIJNT DUE:. Signed Dhs qt's itt il,. -!7.61trts : \ \ .5() nA B(Y I -qn ( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North 5th Street Building Division Job No. 31131"1 JoB ADDRESS 3/ A $.WXs CL*-" Date '2- TO:fr", .1 4feos / ca R41 INSPECTORCALL FOR REINSPECTION ****CALL FOR: - INSPECTION 726-3769 - INFORMATION: 726-3759.... I CITY OF OFEGOA' ?T SPRINGFIELD DEyELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PI.ANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAG EM EN T February 14, 1990 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Gene Parmentdi' 1397 Rainbow Drive Spri ngf i e'ld, 0regon 97 477 RE: Temporary 0ccupancy Dear Mr. Parmenter: 0n February 12, 1990,. a Temporary 0ccupancy was granted to you to occupy the manufactured home at 316 Scotts Glen Drive, Springfield,Oregon._ As g. condjtion of the Temporary 0ccupancy, you are requir6dto comp'l ete the fol I owi ng i tems no- I atei than' ttarlh i z , 1990 . l. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed at bothdoors to the home. 2. The skirting with the required vent'ilation needs to be installed. 3. The storm sewer connection must be completed. 4. Street address numbers must be placed on the home. 5. The.required street trees as noted on your plot plan must bei nstal I ed . An inspection_will be conducted on March 13, r990 to ensurecomp'liance. If the items are not compidtei'ilr6-iempr;;;y'6..up.n.ywill_expire and Iegar action-miv uJ-[i[;;-in-oiu., to ensurecomp'l i ance. If you have any questions, prease phone me at 726-3790. Si ncerely, 225 FIFTH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-375s L B aHo ppe uildi ngT r echnician O 3a"t;3T, Colnrplete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prev€nt this card froni being returned to you. The return receipt {ee will provide v9!lhefe!!9-gllX9 rson delivered to and the date df deliverv. Foi aod and check box(es) for additional service(s) requested.1. tr Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. E Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) (Extra charge) Registered n lnsured Certifisd n coo Express Mair L] f."rt't\i:,:f;:fiH:" hat fiunu*er iOrl fn*^ttrt"o tn)vu 9gv*y#-Lil M q1411 3. Article Addressed to: Always obtain signature of addressee or adlNaand DATE DELIVERED re - Add5. x 6. x 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS Form 381 1,1989 r U.S.G.PO. I 989-238-815 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 4. Article Number- P"i),)'I"'tolo1lr4 ''ff'"IL, siWre- I '2A PM tr EI a,, (o 990 SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, addresa and ZIP Code ln the space below.. Complete ltemr 1, 2, 3, and4onthe roYo130.. Attach to front of article il spaco permhs, othorwbe affix to back of articlo.. Endorso article "Roturn Recoipt Roquo8tod" adiacent to number. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS RETURN Y' lllt J S. POSIAL SEBVICE OFFrcI 1992 0 B S PENALry FOR PRIVATE usE. 9300 TO r> -o Atn, ftoqtru Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in th€ space below. Lffil'tFleftrr:r;rrlj'r:Tffi l,---1r+ilro-olf ".1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES