HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-10-16La,ne Cor'rntY Authorization for' PLU\\BlNg Application/ Perrnit t 330 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ilw}is H I P 17 03 RANCE 27,, 3 ,j SECTION TAX LOT.l0,3 LJour oF 00 S'JBDIVISION/PARTITION (if l4att-o P*er- apolicable ) ?.JD AD i,OTlPARCEL I 5lULI7 PRCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY [f] nesidential [--l rnaustrial Commercial I erur:." l,ccATIoN ADDRESS fl ..DTmFt 1684 Sequoial." ' i Springfield 9t4ll C]ITY ZTP STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY SFD E on Cottonwood, S on Sequoia UI,RIJUI'IONS TO SITE E on Centennial,N on Anderson, - BE SPECIFICP?ION OF PROPOSED ate wa = OF BEDR.OOMS # OF SToRIES # OF EI'IPLOYEI]S WA?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exist. OiINER'S NAME AND ADDRESS WARE, Dick same TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER iErE n6nf4i*;1q76" IS NAME AND OSR t /'l I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMTNED THE COMPLETED APPLICATToN !-oR PERMTT, ar,d rlo here)ry certify that all infomati.on hereon is true and correct, and that I I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed pertaining to the work described herein, and that ther certify that registration with the BuiLderts is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ad CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. ,Iorn". of record; I c<,ritrar:t lrrrchaser; Iauthorized agent. shal1 be done in accofdaircir qilh thc OrdlDances of Lane Cowty and the Laws of the State ofNo oCCUPANCY will be nade of 3i] strilcture without the pem.ission of the Building Division.Board is in full force and effect as required by oRS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for eenployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I IIAVE READ z the following legal interest in the property.: Oregon f fur- AND READ TH]S SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: l'linim\m setbacks, cL, frort C", "id. of Trenches I er,eus EXAMTNATToN COMTIENTS: Date: No COM}lENTS Date D NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION RIQUIRED interior I saurratrou, s. r. *B. P. i+ T'ype_ c.orp_ I 0- I 4-86 rear col'!\1ENTs fl pr,axrlrrqc/ zoNr NG :parcel #ParceI Size Lineal Peet of l)rainfield lnstallation Record Issued? n V"" Maximum Depth Zone Partition # PERMIT AP,PROVED BY OFP 80LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WOBKS LAND MANA728 EAATD}U Atr>-+€€\ g(r!rE$tE,aREGON97401 GEMENIDI y,s,oN- DATE Bgf_t@1. SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION IN!'ORMATION ttl, AF A^. 'ar ! Date Installation Gallon Specifications: Tank s::3iaxs AXD o-.r=o ^^.._:;:Ic:r oi ::rri'.ii,,ii''j::9:i oF ippRoyAl r4u.sr aFni.l:EDrEs eir.on.r-uij-i.i,!1rdrrc:J Usosp pRovrsrori"or'i,i.:i.-].,ii;il.l'i;._,\Jpll.Tr?J^9ar Fssulr rN REV._11UN oRDITAT.Cf,, nND/oR OTHER :ffi;'93*.#]#9...oi,,*,l,yl^9:ATLEAST.24IioURsADVAI,CENoTICeFoRrNsPEC-of irs;Jcrron, ;;;,";.";iii ,",3Jior.i.rjS],;l;:r"i!':;l:J,:x.;::li;,.;i;lrj,l:lr.i,j::.1:ii:j;=lr:: BUILDING DIVISIOIi: I:allr:an TIcDcarr^\ra./\!Jet/\,! a ,""*a*" aaa"-aa*: To be made after trenches ale exca!'ated and forms erected and uhen a1I r.atElfETs :u-TI!- tondatlon are delivered on the job. i{here conclcte from a central mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be useal, materials need noL be on the job. 2, Concrete Slab or Under-a1oor Inspection: To be made after aII i-n-slab or under-floor buildj'ng svire,fu1pmmt,-EonEuit,--piplng-ressoraes, and other ancillary equipnent items are-in place but betore any concretl is pout.a or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor- 3. Franlnq & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire bl-ocking, and iffi ir;-:. ;:* mit-tr pipes, f irepraces, chimneys, and vents are complete and aJ"1 rough electrical and plunbing are appioved. Ail- wafl insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4.Lathand/orGypsunBoardlnspectiontTobemadeafteralLlathingandgypsunboard,lnterior' "1u- r;;-rf-tE-inlf.rce-Eut-fefm any prastering is appL.ied and before gypsu board joints anC fastene!s are taped and finished. 5.Finallnspection:TobemadeafterthebuildingiSconPleteandbeforeoccupancy. AppRovAL REQUIRED. )-o work shall be done on any part of the building,or slructure beyond the poinl j.ndicated in each successlve rnspection ilithout first obtaining the aPProval of the building off:cial such approval shall be given only after an inspection shal-l have been maCe of each successive step i.n the-construction as indicared by each of the insPections required' A. AII building Dermj-ts require inspections for the wolk authorized, such as but not linited to: Block I{aLI: To be maCe after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured- This fnt-prct]Ei is required fo! each bond bean pour. There wiII be no approval until the Pluhbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved' glood stove: To be made after completion of masonrl, (if applicable) and when tnstallatton is *pr;ff rnsaaLLation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationalLy recognized testinq agency and the manufacturer's installat.ion instructions' Mobile Home: An inspecti-on.is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sEfr* oi-reptic systlm for setbac)a lequirements, blockrng, footing connection, tiedowns, skirt.ing, and plwbang ccnnections. 1. Eootings and piers to comply wj-th state foundation requirements fo! nobile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home mrnimun finish floor elevation shaIl be certj-fied when required by a flood- plain management Ietter. 3. Mobile home Liedowns, when.required, and skirting shaLl be instalLed and ready for inspec- taon within at least 30 days ifL"r occupu."y. Tiedowns and skirting shalI be installed per enclosure. Swj,ming pool: Below grade when steel i.s in ptace and before concrete is poured. Above grade ;Ien p@I-ls installed. c. D APPRoVED PI,ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I^IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILI, EXPIRE rE woRK DOES NOT BEGrN WTTHIN I8O DAYS, OR rF WOR( rS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR t"lORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I.IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. S:BSUREACE A\D ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon compieting the constructlon for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shalL notify the Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by submitti.ng the installation record form. The Department shalt inspect the construction to determj.ne if it complies with the rules contained in this Civision. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permiti holder If the construcLion does not comply uith such rules, the Departsent shaIl notify the permit holder and shall requrre satisficlory conpletion before j.ssuing the certificate. Faj.Iure to meet the requiremenis for satisfactoty ao^pI"tron ulthrn a reasonable ti-me conslitutes a v1o- Ialion of ORS 454.605 to 454.145 and this rule' Setbacks - Subsurface Se?age Disposal Septic Tank Draj'nfieLd l0 ' 10'to, r0' 101 50 ' r00 r F!om: lnterior ProPertY lines ' Edge oi road rlgilt-of_way BuiI.jrng tcJnCat:on * !'iell-s, .other uater sources 3 33o AC-IVITY INFORMATIC*. SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^IILL BE REJECTED!@ 1 Rainbow Water District Dick Ware P. 0.Box 8 PERSON MAKING REQUEST 1684 SequoiJ ERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS MAI LING ADDRE Springfield, 0r.97 477 Springfield, 0r. 97477 CITY STAT ZIP CODE IP 7 a,6 1676 sus lNrs-s-fELEmoxE-T HOME TELEPNONEI ffi HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 rvlap e PAFTeEL NUMBEFI ( REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) #mErPttNm sE#m ffi ZON I NG MINSHTP MNGE SrETI_ON TAx LoT(s) 0R PnRrELl ZONING MilNSEIP MNGE SECTMN ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if appticabte) 2na Addition to Menlo Loop LOT 7 BLOCK I 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to dolRelocate water meter to front yard and install new water service line from meter to house 6 DIRECTISNS T0 SITE. E on Centennial, N on Anderson, E on Cottonwood, S on Sequoia ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: 14-33 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I UITY -LUMBING AND MECHANICAL PL-.,I,|IT CHECK LIST OWNER Dick L,lare p PLUMBING BY: ContractorE *urlr. n€ L ND MN NACEMT N7 OIVISION O.o,rrtlr'^l ol Publlc Wo.kt ERMIT # OSR #20=162P8Owner tr Owner tr PLUMBINQ D RESIDENTIAL (Single Family Dwelling/Duplex) E NON-nESIDENTIAL fl New Building no. of fixtures no. of bathrooms 6 Alteration, Addition, Remodel no. of new fixtures no. of existing fixtures Dishwasher Disposer (garbage grinder) Washing Machine Water Heater Floor Drain Sewage and Sump Pump (ejector) Other (specify) MECHANICAL lPut Number of Fixtures in Blankl Sink (kitchen, laundry, etc.) Lavatory (wash basin) Tub (with or without shower) Shower (separate) rilater Closet (toilet or urinal) Special \Yaste Connection Drinking Fountain Number Fee BASE FEE: All Permits $10.00 Furnace/Boiler/ComPressor uP to 100000 Btu/h 6'00 Furnace over 100000 Btu/h 7'50 Heat Pump 6'00 Air Conditioner 6'00 Suspended or Unit Heater 6'00 Range Hood with Mechanical Exhaust 4'50 Exhaust Fans (other than range hood) 3'00 Gas Piping System 2'00 g", pipitg outlets (more than 4) '50 Wood Stove with New Vent 9'00 Wood Stove with Existing Yent 6'00 Fireplace Insert 6'00 SUBTOTAL (Does not include State Surcharge or PIan Review) no. of fixtures Underground Water and Sewer Lines no. of feet in building sewer no. of 6o feet in water service no. of feet in rain/storm sewer Total $10.00 I.,lgB-246 Land Management Division 125 E 8th Ave Eugene, Oregon 97401 TRS#DATE ISSUED: 10-77-86 PERMI T# 0i^/NEii.S NAME PHONE NUMB SE C1 T REQ ENTS C1 SIDEFRONT PHO LUMB i ER XTURES 7 46-767 6 KAU RE rt I NTER i OR REAR SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED East on Centennial - north on Anderson - east on Cottonwood (-i ITDBYP south on Sequoia D q 0iI App rove d Date Correction Date F EH ill\PECTION I n specto r p rove Date UND PLB UND App roved Date Correcti on Da te Inspector LBG.NS PE Correcti on Da te i nsp ector OTI{ER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Da te I n s pector ROUGH Appro PLUMBTNG (r0P 0u T) INS PECTIONved Date Correc ti on Da te Ins pector FRAi,l ING INSPECIION- App roved Date /Correction Da te I nspector I't E App roved CAL Date Correcti on_Date Inspector INSULATI0N / VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC TI ON App roved Date Correc tj on Da te Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSU M BOARD INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Da te Inspector N LM App roved ICAL /r.J00D Date Etl Correcti on Da te Inspector te -s+Co rrec ti on Da te Inspector FINAL INS App ro ved PECTIOII BUILDIN /MOB I L E n /AG PLACEMEN Da te Correcti on Da te Inspector CER CA Approved (^ t174-t97 Da te Insp.Ap p roved.---.--Da te Ins p. Anp ro ve D D