HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-26I POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT * Subdivision: 2nd addltloa to lleolo Park Ipt 18 Block 8 I This permit for the referenced property is hereby aDDroned. Setbacks and 6ther conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation of this permit, citation under prov'rii6ns of Line County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Jof ADDRESS: 110o Sequola TRS, TL: L743-27, 3, J Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS +t Construction approved by this permit: nr2, loo ABC Bullders, 281 Srrnshlne Acree Drlve, Eugene, Oregoa 91401 Ilarry and Margee lloward, 1100 Sequloa, Bugeae, Oregon 974OL aarDe aa 11406 3114-78 485-8s47 746-1100 I Violation can Telephone: Telephone: Telephone:aopllcant Total Construction Value: tmknown Addltlon at. 286 eq.ft3 13 x 22r fonlly roou, remodel 10 x17 of garage for utLllty room Structurea now on property: aingle fq-lly dwelllng, no denolishlng er(cept nall for addltloa. ,ater Sup + Bedrooms + Plumbin Fixtures E PLANNING DIVISION Zoninq: o^ Partitioning # Parcel # Parcelsize: 75 r 91.15 Minimum r?6uired structural setback, from: ceritErline of road, front: 45-; centerline of road, side exterior: tL ; interior property lines: 5t ;rear property line: 5l Special lnstructions NONE I For information call 687-4394, I}onna Lee Melge WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + na lnstallation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: a Septic Tank Special lnstructions: Keep new addltion 10r fron all parts of the oclatlng @o bedroous aae to be added. I II Setbacks Inteiior property I ines Edge of road right-of-way ( rilding foundation vUells, other water sources 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield -T0-- 10' 10' 100'For information call 687496hetween 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,Greq Grav- R.S^ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification srD lnstructions See reverse slde of pernit for requtred calIed lnepectloas. III For plans information call 687-3767 For inspections (see back of this permit) between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jtn Laob call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-13 : NONE I Lb26-78 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: Jln Lanb/Ly lane Name 1gc g-.,odr.^rPhone ?+L-llO o App lication il 3 tt 4 - 79 for Hrra^^, a.--l %l*t-t,nt alar-DJ-_----_--v- I.IORK SHEBf, ConstrucLion Permits & Inspectlon -,41. Type of Construcrion P-.?Group _-$ _ Fire Zone 5 FO use Classlfication -T Date /o 7 4-t64 - L6 -?8 Signature App licatlon * \31t r- 28 for ,4o e WORK SHEET Water Pollution Control SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT Site meets State standards; fJ does not neet Stete standards. SDS INSTALLATION Minimum Septic Tank Capaclty (Gallons) Ilrainfield Requlred Maximum Depth of Trenches Equal SeriaI tf 0ther Dlstrlburion Systern Setback Requirements From: Interior Property Lines Centerllne of Road (front) Centerllne of Road (Stae Exterior) Building Foundatlon Wells, other domestic water supptles except puQllc Stream, 1ake, ponds Septlc Tank Drainfleld t,f .{' lC - rf.t ( M74-L65 Date Sani APPLTCATIc,N cttr. ,}LI aDrrt E s t oailr ilr DtrrLrlxl) ll,lrtltl (IrXTl.ACIOl ^D}Rf,5 S €n llt(rt{ t ?tl()[! .coliTtAcTot,I ott,. sTAlI t. e _-_ Clry t? E!,F I E ! To I t!a E:I 6l!'\_7 II : E Tt ;ilr : lt Il. colul.tTt0 ?r.rnIT ro l,r!rc: llT/oyNl:r rrclr (rlir)D( Prrrl:r ro il(.t ut Uta O, ttOtt:r?t (r..ld.ntl.li trF of t.rtntl coE .l.l or lnat{t rl.l: v.(.ntal 2. Dtscrrrl sTtt,cTutts xor ot fif,PtoPrirY iloIf AliI sTl{t,cTLr[[S TO rI Dur()t.IsIt:D. n }. I'OCD ?trA:\S t!01 Tll (Tht5 APPTtCATtolt) AlEr C-o. a. r['Tutl PLANS: ]. ?t f PLA,I. Strrch (r) rll rord. (b) hornJirl.r o, p IOI!. e a o 4 T() X \F1 rty (f) .ttt!ln!/0ro1,orcd b,rlldtnl. (<t) rrtrt lnj/ 5 4 ':;^7^" ss s proFtad rnrjr dttporrl trcrt (r) crlrr(t) terrtntr (h) drrlnrlweyr, ir rrrr. lntl PrnPoar d vcllt (l) trtrr ln1/proporad drl f,Yaracrcala,rny uthar p.rtlnelt frrturrr. tf coe rc 1r Ior lndutrlrl. rhc (rocrtendtnj rl 8nt , p.rhlnS .r... IXDIC.AT? Dl!{f,NSt(,NS _l t-r E F^ o ll slI o,EI I A6 I f .- - -i- __r t -- -I,t I..1 I -_.1 I I I'i I-1 I.i I I lrl.tt 'tl a, il I l0 ll ll r) l0iAL l.OI SIZt ()l AcRl-A(;t: xr.lltDo 0I sh*Act 0lSloslL ,rotosl.u UATrR srtPl.Y fl,t/lttclIY ru$il5ilt:D tY xATIrAL (iAS !Y rr[[ DISTRtCt S(,lxx)L trttTt ICT PLr,tt! Isc /,.'. stTt tr-sItcTtOx tIsI lr):-f.s nrtDy (r]rrr.) TanK- 1a* yELL_ sPn €ooF Itac b-'-sT rL\ll __ - TUIL e €'cs 177- aaaaa lt.rotf, Yout APP .4......................... rx) Nor rnlTt l|:l.oU Tl Ltc^rro,i c^x rr ?rocEssrD you H*sr rurL\rsr: -:tffi';{ri4;'flZii;ir.:( lr l rc,xt lo\r:D) I ?T tOr hrr carty OA 7 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I IY 4l.r-k;4 7 n E7401 :,1l I l't. I I i l. I I ,,11..rl'l,l 'r'l,t.l.,.t ,,t.'rl LANE COU"TY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTqL MANAGEMENT 125 dAST 8TH AVEN EUG E, OREGU,v 97401 PIANNINC DMSION Current Zoning Partltlonlng t_ lnending f-lCompleted Parccl No. H,tTEn POLLU?ION CONTROL I of Sltee UGU Si.t. fnBp€ctlon (rl_ 6DS Conrtructton [-l New ! nepatr Humb€r of Bedroonar Conmarclal,/I o! Employeea e- CONSTRUCIION PERMITS AND FEE(Se€ abov6 for I of bedroons,/l of enployeee) D :{obil. ttotoa D permanent n TemDorarv I FT uat L(." Vr]s s -_. Plunbing fixtures at _ Sewer /\tldt-er Conn. at AVERACE PROCESSING- 6 fl Avt, ,aF 6l!r'-7 ah tt 'dEr!Ho }, Hoz s {l St6to Surchargc Plana Check Fee Cha e of Occupancy \{_ mun ttructural setbacks: From centerlina o! atreet: Front Froru u Cora!to appllcant F Each S [ach 3 BUILDING PERHIT TEE de s--s-- Subtota I ru, c) tr, ot, .s s s s inr€rlor lor rines, :l::t:<'*I. K- -./ Curb cut to a1:p PUBLIC PUBLIC WORXS E}IV I RONHENTAL Carh-- Chrcl l_ AfFIDAVII !will be used for no other S,^r^.* E!.evation 1 lcant TOTAI, S I hereby declare that thiB bulldtng and/or the State Building Code, and thls ProFtertY:to purcha resS ility If thls permlt lsfor agricultural I furt and tz am no t db for an agricultural build purposes as aLlosed by zoning ; or that the r of cord is owner further ag comp y wit her certify that the 6tatements and other information submltted on accurate, and that I have the following legal interrat in the conLract purchaser; lesseei holder of an exclurlve oPtlon eif-Eo act for a person wE6-has the f6lflowing legal lnterest!brre coLrnty knowledgeable of thia applicable codes relating to Applicant'a Signatu rHIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD tOR TNFORITATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, I I I 1 1 r+ L Address I s qa +- Ba s s s \ t inum Elevation c74-t70 68?-{157 (587-HELP) f tl t_lfl <.} 'I I tt% I.IORK SHEET Water Pollutloo Control SITE FEASIBILITY REPORI slte f] meets srare standards; [J does nor roeet state standards. SDS INSTALLATION Minlmtrm Septlc Tank Capacity (GaIlons), Dralnfleld Requlred Dralnfleld Interior Property Lines Centerllne of Road (Front) Centerline of Road (Stae Exrerlor) Buildlng Foundatloa Wells, other domestlc watcr supplles except pulllc Stream, lake, poads 5 / M74-L65 Da te Saoi @ Apprtcatt oo * €'/, -' '- 2f ,o, l,laxLmum Depth of Trcnches LJ Equal ! Serlal fJ other Dletrlburiou sysrem S_e tbac.k RSq u.l remen t s From: Septlc Tank - - {n-.fF q: -" 5LQt",I OIA AVr , a,gg"57'V 74; b (} Jn1 bblv* 3.A,, L- tE .J \ -i,7.ii '?C *t il,}'..'3.t1-r3_ Ctl cl^, l!_ b ."1,$ Jn l(\otii 7 r$ s l ,/rrNis*euFLt)r:K.* l, \ 0 I fO'*.,(Flrl\ t .) ) I GRAE€ + (e" Er".-o s i l/-A,Lr I - ?J, f Lu o'i: $$" 51'r,, cth.tTri\\j iAL *';-\tl Dl*o\ I $"'e LA}Jf: &?c;r-s1-';", ,6)t&aC$"j sTKt.*:r A, Ela),4(- 8,, 4;i'i-.,f,i.][ tj:t;;,ljF.{ lI-, .; I i rll Il.\I \-, Iu'' Iu ls _Iolz I I ' ,! (l \. Il^ / I r- o'o I ) -i-) JOB AODRESS TRS, TI: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + Subdivision lbNb PP .' This perhft for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions ol approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result inrevocation of this pemit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicat/Address: Telephone:Owner/&dress: Telephone:contracbr/Address: Telephone: Contracbr's OS # Total Construction Value: Construqion approved by this permit Water S PLANN|lrtc DtV;SION + Bedrooms Zcning: Partitioning + Parcel + JVinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: siCe exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: +r Plumbin Fixtures # EmP ees Parcel Size ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, WATEFI POLLUTTON CONTROL DtVtstON Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks nter tor Edge of Building Property lines road right-of-way foundation Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield=lo- 10' 10' 1 00'othgr \rur,ar sources D, VI,''eTloN 'oEcTtoN For information call Group: between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Type of Construction: lnstructions: Fire Zone between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Use Classification D Date , c55-r3 irectioDs to Site: plans information call \ections (see back of this Pe rmit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. lane countyssued f!1flflfflt^r oF ENV' RoN M ENrAL MANAG EM ENr ;'r:"fl d+%'#i;.',r.,!f P,ilYlf.:BHLto&onro, By:6l!' - f lNspe cron'. SITE INSPECTION Ap pnov r o Rrurnxs Drsappnoveo D Dare FOUNDATION INSPE APPRovED Re ttr Rx s FRAMING INSPECTION Appnovro Rruanx s Dar e '7 d '1 c--L- /.- / 7 TNSPECTOR Oe Dr sapeRoveo ry li"1-'1^- \fI 2'tl -, to,. -.J.tbt L-.-.tl7---..- 77 I uspEcton (E Dar e , LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPTCTION Appaovro Rrxanx s DrsappnovEo V -/e-7Dar r I Hsprcron FINAL INSPECTION Ap PRov r o Reulnxs D t srPpRoveo Dare rNspecron f74 /447 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssue Reuanx s D Nor Reaov ro lssue D Dore_llrspe cron l- t q7 DrsappnovEo D D posr rHrs pERMrr oN MA,N BUTLDTNG o, "t , ffif{fr,-J , 7- ,.t JOB ADDBESS: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: ,aS/r-;tOo Subdivision: This permit ror the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Gne County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Construction approved by this permit: Total Construction Value: Telephone Telephone Telephone Water Supply + Bedrooms + Plumbinq Fixtures + Employees TTANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning +r Parcel r* Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centilrline of road, front: side exterior: ' ; interior property lines: ' ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel SizeB ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # lnstallation specif ications: . lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructions: (r{.: i gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks SepticTank 'i nte-n'or property lines ----lO-- Edge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Drainfield--lo- 10' 10' 1 00' ) CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions: lls, other water sources 50'For information call Group between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Fire Zone:Use Classification For plans information call between B:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site Date lssued: c55-1 3 lane county DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By:6l!'__ I Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS * SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNO/ORK Ap pnov ro ReManxs E Dr slppnoveo D oate / J- /!f-zl I NSPEcToR Rt+ GAS P IP I NG GROUNU,{ORK AP PRov E o Re urnx s D r slppaoveo Dare I rsprcron ROUGH PLUMBING APPRovED E Rex anx s Drsrepnoveo D oor. 4 'B'Zf I rusprcron trl '?)O-14 .* ROU&{ GAS PIPING Appnoveo D DrsrepRoveo D ReuaRx s Drr E I Hspecron F I NAL PLUMB I NG / APPRovED m DrsappRovEo D Rr MaRx s oort/0-22'9'l I Nspecron /r-Rb FINAL GAS PIPING AP PRov E D RrulRx s D r sappnoveo Date I Nspecron CTRTI F I CATE OF OCCUPANCY Reeov ro lssue RrMaRx s D Nor Rerov ro lssue D Dare I NspecroR