HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1987-08-12I Gq d-{ FOR OI.FICE USE ONLY iwqiL/-97Applica Permi t FANGE -r-)5 ISI PA:tCE!app BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ,^ft"tu"ntial f, rndustrial f, ruuricConLnerc iaI CITY ZTPINCAT J:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED/WORK - BI] SPECIFIC , SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIE.I^' DECLI"RED S VALUE f =OF OF EI.,IP I.'A?ER SUPPLYOF Proposed sting'ffiffi?W-7tz %s,%-Wffi)Ht De TELEPHONE.NT'MBER%-zzzrWF' % 77<qt,TELEPHONE NT]!,IBER I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATIOI.I POR PEIRMIT, dr,d do h.rcl), certify that aII Infoiration hereon is true and correct, and that f have the following legal interest in the property, !ornn. of record; I c<,ntra,,'- p,rt"h"""tffiuthorized agent. I f:rther certify that any and aLl work perfomed shalL be done in accotdait. ,, hitll the ordrDancee of Lane Comty and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to Ehe work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wiLI be nadc'of alr sr':rrcture without the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as recuired by oRs 701;055. that if exempt the basis for exemption NAI,IE (please print ) B/3/87 DATE Centennial Mtg. Co., Inc. ad emol-ovees uho areI conplianceis noted hereon. and that only subcontractors CHECXED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. 70I.055 will be used on this project- I HAVE READ AND Lane County Aut za,tion for' SEPTiC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEl,.l READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR I pLaNuruc,zzoNrNG: ltinimum Setbacks r cL,front ZATION UAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ! Partition #ParceL #ParceL Si ,"4% "r, "id"interror rear COM}1ENTS Date: [6eurtetron, ,,rf t"*"rt"at.tY I specifications s. r. *B. P. *rnstallation necord Issued? ! Y"" f, N" Maximum Depth of Trenches GaIIon : Tank - Lineal Feet of t)rainfield COM}lENTS Q I pr,mls EXAMTNATToN: t vf .1rc t .ft aLC -27eDate: *-t lZ- GrouD Use COM}IENTS: ct4-25 R* Date 4 - / r* --Y7 APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFIC r oRS 456.DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687'4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION V Linda S SETBaTCKS AND OTIILR CCtr-DITIO\S OF APPROVAL !1UST BE STRIC?LY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RISULT IN REVO- C;TION OF TIIIS PEnIIIT, CITATIO:i UNDER PI1OVISIONS Oi LAI-E :OU\-TY'.1 INFRACTION ORDI:-ANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RETIEDIES ALLOHED B}' LAW. VIHEN RE.\DY POR lNSPECTION, CALL 687-{065. A MINITIUi1 OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVAI;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC. @EN.iIaV6--[Iefo]lowin9infornationready:Permitnumber,jobaddress,tyPeof inspecEi.on, when it uill be ready, your name and.honc nunber, and any special Cirections to site'. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: l. Foundation Inspection: To be nade after tlenches are excavated and forms erected and when a1l mITA;I=Ts fu-tIE--E6;ndatj,on are.lelivered on the job. Irhere concrete from a central mixing p].ant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete SIab or Under-:l-oor InsoecLion: To be maie after aII in-slab or under-floor building sEinTrelEp-nmt,-cwiut, plpii{ ressortes, and other ancill-ary equipment items are in place but beiore any concreLe i"s poured or floor sheathing installed, incl,udinq the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the rcof, all framing, fire bl.ocking, and bracing are 1n p.Lace and aLl pipes, fireplaces, cninneys, and vents are conpl.ete and al). rough elecCrical and plumbing are approved. A11 wall. rnsulation anC vapor barrler are in pLace. 4- Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathi.ng and qypsum board, interi-or aililexterl5r,ls-inl1rce-EuElceto-e any plastering j-s appl,ied and befor;gypsm board joints and fasteners are laped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made afte! the buildj.ng is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or Structure beyond the pointj.ndicaLed in each successive i.spection wiLhout first obtainrng the approvaL of the building official. Such approval shal.I bs given cnly after an lnspectj.on shall have been naCe of each successive step in the construct.ion as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: all building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not linited to: A. Block waIL: To be nade aft.er reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This InspectTm is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. tl'ood Stove: To be made after complet.ion of masonr-v (if appLicable) and when instalLation iscmpletn InstaIlaLlon shall be in accordance with an appiovea, nationaLly recognized tesCingagency and the manufacturer's installaLion j-nstructions. c. Mobile Home: An inspection is requi.red after the mobile home is connected to an approved *-w oreptic system for seLback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiebowns, sk-irting, and plublng connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requj.rements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the nanufacturer. 2. Mobile home mininum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood-plain management letter. 3. Itobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirLing shall be j.nstalled and ready for inspec- tion uithin at Least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be j.nstalled per encLosure. D. Swimj"ng Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade r-Een prcI-l s-ins ta] Ied. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING !,JORKING T]OURS. TI]IS PERI.,ITT WILL EXPIREIF ',iOR( DOES NOl BEGIN }]ITHIN lBO DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }1ORE THAN ]80 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i4AY OCCUR IF TIIIS PERMIT I.JAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORI.IATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST TI1E POIii? OI REQUIRED INSPECTIO)S IIILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNAT]VE SEITAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Pernits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit hotder shatlnotify lhe Lane County Departrent of Plannj.ng and Cotrsunity Development by submitting thei.nstallation record forn. The Departsent shaIl inspect Ehe constructj.on to determine if itconplies with the rules contained in Lhis division. If the constructi.on does conply with suchrules, Lhe Department. sha1l issue a certificate of saLisfactory completion to the permiti holderIf the construction does not compl-y with such rules, the Department shall notify the permitholder and shall require sati!ifactory completion before issuing the certificate. nailure tomeet the reduirements for satisfactory compLetion wlthin a rcasonable time constj.tutes a vj.o-lation of oRS 154.605 ro 454-'t45 and this rul.c. Setbacks - Subsurface 9:!ggg Lsposal Interior property lines Edge oi- road rrqi)t-of-uay Buildinq loundation HeIIs, other uatcr sources Septic Tank 10' 10' Drainfield I0 'l0 | 10, 100 ' .\> =i (L,,*, ACT|VITY /INFORMATTON SHEET Please complete all ltems above dotted line ' *3j',I*f;f ,H,y. ",Il:3- FTLLTNG our * LTNES wrLL GET you tNFoBMATtoN oNLy * * DATE__8_i_:__l _y__ Centennial Mortgage Co.,- ACTUALINC . PROPERTY 899 Willamette, P.O. Box L02 2 Larry & Judith Turner ADDBESS 783 Rowan Ave. CITY S field PERSON MAKING REOUEST ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE Eugene 7 26-27 68 rrE oR zP 97 440 OR ' 97478 TELEPHONE (B 7 47 -1573 e 783 ROWAN AVENUE, SPRTNGFTELD, OR 97478*pnopeRTY ADDBES OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) STAFF WILL DETERMINE -77 03 34 22-00908 Townshlp Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY lN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES *REQUESTlaescribe what you want ro do SEPTIC INSPECTION ON THE ABOVE PROPERTY DireCtiOnS tO Site CENTENNIAL, SOUTH ON ANDERSON, VEER LEFT ON KELLOGG, SOUTH ON RAYNOR LEFT ON ROWAN TO 783. .f . rr rrrrrrar.raarts staff use onlytttf arruarrf .urtaar a Com ments: PIT Land Management Division, Public Works Department 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 6g74061 l N$$ NN ,\ \ Nt N tJ ,\ A a $ & I F ( 6 r/ a \ \\ (h /'t 0 \ t.as ,aaE /o4. tjr a, azvr\ \ - r '-' ,,w a\,,y89 'c2^58 .fr6./o' ./f 7a4' 30'30'L..-(.'aOZo" af'tr -tuut ar'- I tn s t\ --- N hi t u \ r\qtN \ \ Ni E I I ({ t\ I N N \t l. hrt \\ril $ 1r )L. r( \ -- ,m ,l tt '39'^<47y \ q i 4/. lg' . f- lz-l>'{i,#r,* Win<lut) b ,h- I a a I tt N r! \ lu \ I t N ! N t *t N i Fuo u 6 0 \ \ ,,aSE /a8. DLa \ al r-' t e ,N *- a a.-,-..-- Y .f,,syi-7a:fi€.wy 4/. lgt . L I I o I z -l>'+ \ ...{$,r;;r,, vtJitrdut) \\-\'F,'" , I U-oc --.--t I i --,;lc''FI (. UA*=lo-' , t