HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-03-21JOB ADDRESS TRS, TL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 750 Royal- Del Lane, Spfd, Oregon CONSTRUCTION pERMIT + L7-O3-23 lt 900 Subdivision. na This permit for the referenced property is hereby aPProved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permil, citation under provisions ol Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedie6 allowed by law. LC-561-80 Applicant/Address9reg Shaver, 570 Lawrence /l 2L4, Eugene, Oregon 974OL Owner/Address: Paul Nell, same as Job address. Contractor/Addresilew Llfe Const.l ssln€ as appllcant address Contractor's OS + 30528 Total Construction Value: $2090.00 nstruction approved bythis permit: Addltlon of carport G 440 sq ft; Structures now on property: house and garage. Tet eohone : 653-33 44 I 7 26-L4LO Teleohone: 7 46-2438 Telephone: 683-334 4*** Water Supply: city #Bedrooms: na +rPlumbing Fixtures: na *Employees: na PL ANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning tt na Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5t ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: none na Parcel Size:L A 50fcenterline of road, 5t WATER POLLUTION CCNTROL DIVISION For information call 687-4394,Candi Site lnspection + no record. lnstallation specif ications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions: MaLntaln all setbacks. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Type of Construction: 5-N Grouir: M-l Fire Zone: 3 Lrse Classification: lnstructions' See reverse slde of permlt for requtred called inspections. '.tbacks . tEiior-p roperty I i n es Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield -T0--- 10' 10' 100'For inforniation call na between 8:00 9:00 a.m., Corllss Kos ty_ Carport(single story)CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Fcr plans information call687-3767 between B;00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jln Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5;00 p.m. Directions to Site: Harlow to Hayden Brldge, lef t on Roya]- Del Lane, Sp. (gravel road) Date lssued: 03-21-80 Bv: T.T. I'lorris/lky 35'.4?llff tl 7 F,'JLY8S|S', i'Jtb M A N A G E M E N r C55-13 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county6llr- - I 2 3 4 5 l6 I 6 I IO t2 l4 le 20 22 24 26 28 niirir.-r uAi,{r' :ir-i*ur:h', N[,.,'u,'Ct'n*' ' L.,k-i'I r-ffr ,iiin*"tL,h'irl,roi- uill'il[i. , ,tn,'iiiirl,Ir,Yili.uT"o,'* L] ,.) i.i ii f {* * f; l.J [: ii i: u l.- {-] 'i E: l- li'' tl-.'f I i1-/r.).';'Jlria/1/VJii'rj Lrt.rU&'I.+ l.-'.-'i32 tii::.ht ilit...Fi;'l"yi:]il: l.J;jJ[:: fi tii] tJIinHS *+ i.,til LJi..tI'IS i.],]j i{ti;i:Tlr$il:il;i: i.lij IJt..IiSji i}til i.j[]IiH r:\i:,F,i_. i.iij ,ti:T'If-]N Irt:;ji.]i;:j:Irl':tfii,j 5{l F:'T' i:i.{I'i {lt.i,li1 vrit...LJf+1'j.utj r'[.i:: Iif:\y:i34 r.rF' r:AFil]LlIi'r q4i] 4 " ?:i :,1(]1]t1 36 r! r'1 iir38 .-_ -.. ii iil40 T, r:i r d-. xt .{. .{ {:r i.', i:} [:'t:] i:i :] /.\ {1 ,:i 'li .r1 r'.i fi tri Lrt L-L--. ..JL.r I r_-r.Lr tilt ii Lrt attI L I v IIlLrLv lt l,{r.rL.t 'i i lt;, 14, E, rr !-i ,i .t. r'i.t i.,F'.i. l'AH[iN r']Y f,t.l ldF I l-'L-Al.i r' fi t{ hl t-' l'' 'r' fi il' r,' . Hf:fiFIP'NIf,AL Ff;:U: 5'f fii'E,iLlftIHAF:{;fr tli-.fiFi i::H!::ilH l- [iI H|...|IV itilDFl Ff'' r:itiHFli-[iTEI] r{1' r_tr v rl 1't]1'AL FEE x'x' 16 4t 50 52 rjq 56 58 1 _. t.t r.t I t.t !'t I I..J t.t 12 il l0 j 9 = = E.-_J 60 62 64 zN"r\N DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, 'I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property s.ffi & r&,*;i$xnt.$'ii'ii i_-/ is.i* urrru*'*"{,* /_/i*$t Affidavit: I,Greo. Shaver , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If this application is foa^Wagricultural building it wi'll be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and oning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property:Lane County Code Chapter 10 (z owner V,z Ouiy au thor i of record;tract purchaser;lessee;ho1der of an exclusive option to purchase; to owner, who is [nowledGable of ttrls appl ication. Si gnature/Address rb z1 Te1 ephone 0r Date ,fifris$iKi When pe Owner rmit .i s ready noti Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR# 4S 7P, /_-/ Appl jcant /-/ 0ytner /x,!x mai lContractor Plumbing by /x ohone iqo.24'36^663'331*\Phone Phone DO NOT WRITE THIS LINE If Commercial Residentia'l : i #i:.:uf+irffi ..- .!#::i:idf rri!:ffiiliti0ffi :' # of employees ,*,,i,o#iuuilffiir --*$Sii: tr"n, to 17 Proposed, SISI test holes ready : EFe, Iode Sqsmtr:pEifirr:l , *it.igt.iii1.Unfr ffiffii #:i fri,itiri.ttgl: iffi$ti Val uati on Fee $ Total Va,luation: $$ at at $ $ each each $/-/|:fr*i.ff:::::,.,, rfi#iti,,:':{ Received by Water Supply Proposed _ Year InstalIed PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Conrnents To be typed on permit Existing _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccuPancY Parcel # Su btota l TOTAL Parcel Si ze Da te Zonet, fron Part. #t,side i nt.rear r By Itgt ,rr. 6N Gro u p.Fire Zone ? Use Classification To be typed on permit By For plans information (a nspec tor ) Di s to si /7 Planning /-/ Public Works /7 Elevation /7 Address /-/ Facil i tY Permi t /-/ Environmental Heal th FOR INFORT'IATI0N about progress of your application call c74-L7L Hol d ip Da te Comp.l etedto PCC Pl ans to &I l^lPC -. set Da te Requ i red (s) (s) Date to PCC Date Permit control Center 687-HELP rc87-4357) $-- $ /_t )1 ,r( a \,s -DE PARTI,]ENT OF ENV i ROIii4EiiTAL IIANAGEI,lENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVTNUE EUGE]'iE, OREGON 9740I Ci Appl icatiqn #it,. ;.: Assigned Numbeys Job Address Township, Range, Section, Subdivis ion rvl dx Lot Lot _- Block _ o Appl ication for w Structures now on the property 14 Proposed use of property: /l Residential /7 Commercial Aff davi t GtI, If this appl ication is Lane County Code Chapte =_ owner of record*..^," duly authorized 5i gnature,/Address ease pr nt fo na gr cul tu ral bu lding it wjll be used for pu rpose s allowed by the State Buildi ng Code andr l0 (zoning) and for n o other purpose. I have the fol I owing 1ega1 interest in the property: to purchase;con tra c t purchaser;I essee holder of an exclusive o pti onto act for owner, who is t<nowT6dgeanle I ication, p 'i ?o e4c L t AoDa te z1 I Te1 ephone or When Owner it i ready noti /l Appl icantfy 0wner Con i*"1 P) umbing by # of employees _-- # o SDS Sq. Ft. or # of Sites !y: /-/ mail /_/pho ne 77 tor {z1 z1Con trac to r Phone Phone Conlractor's 0SR# Fee ?* If Commercial: # of stories Residential: ; of bedrooms SI test holes ready Code f units / / Proposed, SI # Unit Cost Existing, BP Valuation Fee $ Total Val uation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each each $ $/-/ casf tVtnrrr. Received by Water Supply Proposed -- Year Instai led Y Exi sting _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Parcel # Subtota I TOTAL Parcel S i ze t $ $ V $ $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks t, front Part. #r--;t side i nt.; rear Comments To be typed on permit By Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches: WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation specifications :ga1. tank; To be typed on permit Tel U1 to si t/' Lt srco Pl ans to CP& I l,,lPC Da te Hol d ip Da te Date to PCCsetSRequ i red to PCC Compl eted /-/ CP&I /-/ ly{Pc /_/ Planning /-/ Public l.iorks , Elevation /-/ Address /-/ Faci I ity Permi t / / Environmental Health FOR INF0RI,1ATI0N about progress of your app'l ication ca1 1 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687'4357) n/a i14.4 /l Industrial /-/ public hereby certify that this informat.ion is true and accurate. Descri pt i on $ , PlGrt Plan Block ( tt\Plo/ TRS, IL i flTF Subdivision Lot Job Locatlon (Add Pernlt /l For 3a df.i2ocdg Pemlr tt-For Permit For ffioffiaD cAlq,glRr t so Ilt C74-tSO Vlclnlty Map N ForPernlt /l Permlt. Permi t#For For 125 - 1 JI ?? & & I in I1 ( I -1lt,.n{) tf DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND )ANITATION LANE COUNry COURTHOUSE EUGENE, OREGON Hrv ?tr t9$9 rlAR0LO D. LlflAllr M.0.r Urnccron ll.S0 CHASI & SONl7-o1 -21 -g0o.gol - lh, Ton l(fln, Actrxc litcnftrnv Lrxr Coprrv Fterurrc Conlsctor Courtnousr Eutrrr, Orteor Rei Cxrgc & 50r{ Hrron :utDtYrstofl Tttt rlovg DtgcrrtGo ,ropGtrr nlr lfGr rrv?i?rcl?tg ly rBrE otprntttrr? AtaE l! Htrrtt glvElr rltiovAl. 70i Lo? Dtyrrtor. oH,r. J$lll C. flT0l[R, R.i., 0tnecton Eult orxe mo 5mr?^trorr Drvtlror &P"-n-"4 G. P. xxost{ r6.s. $rtttrtrm I I CPK:oc tOPY Re cErpr- No.5t52t-- BYI clo (Lrlncr 3 !rltton OwHEn or PnopeRrv 2nd Add Royel Dcllo L TIim3l-31*+35hoOor, *=WREQUEST FOR SITE INSPECTION Ml tr- t Ne AooREss @ S tze or PRoe. ,. a ^atto LEe ll Accrss? DESCRtPTIoN oF slTE (Drnecrrons, Gast of 5th and llanrf lcld, .f_ LANDMARKS, HOUSE OR BOX NO., I F Spr lngf iol d. TEl. No. 3AS_ISrrq Dntven Duo aNv) : end of llonrf lcld - CoNsenr or OwNEn ExrsrrNe Srnucru ls PRoP E RTY courJbto-J3-ft-ANY CITY LIUIT?nes orurPRopERTy SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY: pualrc SpR r nc !{rrl: Dnrulro PR0POSED USE 0f S ITE ( E . G.., NUI,IBER oF DI/ELL I NGS, Subd iv lr lon col,rMERC I AL OR TNDUSTR I AL USE, SUBO M s rON) : UneaHlztNG Anea. Spectet PEnurr Anea. FEE: No. No. or S t rrs. - or Acnrs.'a-- TOTAL'*ag.ne€l-_+*i).es--B8lkc RESULTS OF INV ESTIGATION: 4,L #/? t'-- a ffi (> -.ZL2--Aa -/4< 'an- Tnts ts A pRELTMTNABy REpoRT wHrcH DoEs Nor TNSURE THE rssuANcE oF A FUTURE BUILDtNc PERMlr. ANY PLAfiS oR ExPENDlruREs MADE tN RELTANcE upoN THts REpoRT ARE AT youR owN nrsx! BEF0RE C0NSTRUCTION lS STARTED BRTNG THts FoRM ro rHE BuruorNc AND SaNrrarron DrvrsroN ANoMAKE APPLIcATIoN FoR A BUILoING PERMlr. lr rxr pRopERTy rs A poRTroN oNLy or A TAx LoT, AMETES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PARCEL MUST BE FURNISHED. EXICT SPECIFICATIONS TOR THESEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WILL APPEAR ON THE EUILDING PERMIT. TWO SETS OF THE BUILDING PLANSAND PLOT PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED. LANE COUNTY"BU'/ 'r. lLqJ.!)tc /fiq sAN r rAil0N Dtv rs t0N : ).d rLolNG lHsprcron Saru TAR I AN Dlr e THIS REPORT IS NOT COMPLETE \dITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AND SANITARIAN. <rr-091-O1 */.-u- L- p-Z9 T- t-- A t1 IDll'i IEEIEtl[/ E MAY 15 1969 LANE COU}ITY HEALTH DEM. D '0t1 31r,6 "t Itt I I----+- r 7zr /al ,/aoO t l- \ tr\ $ t\ i \\ b! { tr\ q I ^r' t-Nlr'--\ ^\\ a\\' /o?4,83 6:or ,{l,ll.5*ctan51+LrTt13rEZN,W4 C,4araman Subdtttston /%tnar fuldtnszan /ar Chase / fon 7at /z/ ?aa,?alv%a2 ,/d. -/7-a3- zJ ./aza 4aza/ , 4reVarz i0 \ cr)\\ \I II f*) !.) -.a DLC *+ *\N n \[\ll tllt ,(oac/ t \ D.rl\r\t N \ h I .fea/c dlPrd.r,' /! 2 O OO'/ltnly freZ \n \ ?a i" h NN\Farc/3 o 'D."1 lor roalwoY ai' J ,Zarca/ / 10 'r 4oo qot REGISTEREDOREGOTT LAND 5UI.I!'EYOR JULY 9, 1065 DONN E. STEMM 7L5 cr) ?rtt -2t; tAay /?nr; Jal ,(a. SZLO WESTER NI ENIES I NI EER.g N T3 ETf EVSLJ LT.ANTS 1445 WILLAMETTE ST. ,/ ETJGENE. EREG;EN 974tf,1 ,/ 5rJ3,/342-2141 .a I I u\ DEPARTMENT OF HEATIH AND )ANIIATION I.AAIE @.JNTY @IJRTFOUSE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 nlur-v ?6, 1966 Mn. Fnrxx Hnutrrr Secntrrev Lrxt Courtr ft.axxrxe Connrslrox Rtt Rtcueat ron Texponlrv PEnrrT - lrlii, Crttttn Cutt - Jounr* }{o. 66-10? - !7 A3-839QQ,-- - , lrvtsrroAtroil or ?HE Atoyr oEicnrBto pnopEe?" RrvtAlio ?xr? ?lrE OUELL tN6 AlrO ?HE ?RAlLf R Anf, U?lL lllHO StpAiA?C teYaeE ottps$lL syc?Etrt. Txeneroncr Trf of,itt?xf,t? xlt ro gllt€- TrOt ?o pAiltlre ?Hl YRATLER lr cofl.ruHq?lox Ylt]r txf *eLLlxg utrDta pRaEfrt corotrtont. Flot*EvEnr tr r tuot tg rf,lt.?H HAITPD r! citATro ?Hra AF?R0YAL YILL tg Yrtrlo*Atll. HAROTD 0. Lll.lAl{, H,D.r Ornecron Rrcxrno A. Krncr, R.S. $rtltrrRrat I I RAfi I rc (e) t0Pyc5{-0{i-0t