HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-12-066llr-.- &@ I -z-v R PcR <-LY L a'County fort . FOR OF'PICE USE ONLY ApplicatiPermit # IDM;SHIP /,? SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable)I,OTIPAi?.CEL /') BLOCK PROPOSED USE OT PROPERTY ftesiaentiar nrnaustrial I e,ruri-"Commercial CITY ZLP ,ION OF DECI"ARED S VALUE # OF EI'IPf'CryEES,Z/D€I^JA''ER SUPPLY P roposed NAME AND ADDRESS {-T,ELEPHONE NUMBER4ff,-fa/fzI have 1S , and th* }lo OCCUPANCY will be nade of ail str{cture md enployees who are in CHECKED THIS fomati1n hereonon t and correct thatand I agent of Statethe oofLanetheandLawsCowty the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- with the Builder rs Board is in full force and effect done in accordal)ce with the r; 701.055, that if exenpt the basj.s for AND arrd tlo hereLy certify ; f contra.,t. prrrchase be used on this project. I HAVE fl pmrwrxc/ZoNrNG: 77ry t->z* on Record rssued? fl vu" fl u" Maximurn Depth of Trenches Use e/a/*€ re ar b Id COM.NIENTS tDate D @Pl ffro*rrorro*,/ Ll**"B. P Parcel size ?r) caIlon sDecifications: Tank cold\lENTS /2/at?Z.arrb Date: Insta PLANS EXAM]NATION: COMI'IENTS: interior 1f I partition # Parcel * c .-L, srde zonu iQ/7 rront L/O /Minj.murn Setbacks, "", o/< /az ?aF'15 tz BUILDING OFFIC Der ORS 456.805 1))DATE NTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION " *rb SAA| cL4-25 R* Lry- I I vthat only rype- T READ THIS SECTION CAREF'ULLY. SETBNCKS AND OTIIER CCIiDITIO!]S OF APPROVAL:{UST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. \'IOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C.:'?ION OF lllIS PaRMIT, CIT,-{TIO:i UNDsR PROVISIONS OF LAN"E.:(]U\TY':; INFRACTION OBDII;.\NCE, AND,/OR OTIIER REi!]EDIES ALLOWID BY LAW. wHEN RE.\DY FOR Il,lsPICTION, CALL 687-11065. A UINI]1U11 OF AT LEiiST 24 IIOURS ADVAiICE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffir:*.'-la]rrthefoILowinginfornationready:Fcrmitnumber,jobaddres5,type of inspecLion, when it wilt be ready, your name and phonc nunber, and any special. directions to site. BUILDING DMSION r REQUI RE D I:.S PECTI ONS L. Foundation II:!SSE9!, To be made after trenches are excavated and forms et'ected and uhen aII ni;Ee;l;Is for- tire foundation are delivered on the job- I{here concrete flon a central mixing pLant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be used, materials need no! be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or ljnder-aloor InsDecLion: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor bui].ding EEivIre eliJ-rpmmt, cxciLnt, pf[ing rcrcssor1es, and other ancillary equipment items are in place but betore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing lnstaIIed, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspectibns: To be made after thd roof, all framing, fire blocking, and bracing are in p-Iace anci a1I pipes, filepIaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and alI rough e.lectrical and plumbing are approved. Al1 waLl, insulation and vapor barrier are in p]ace. 4. Lath and,/or qllM Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and qypsum board, i.nterior and exaerior, is in place but before any plastering is applied and before gypsm board joints and fasteners a_re taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the buil-ding is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of Lhe building or Structure.beyond the poinL indicated in each successive rnspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official Such approval shaII be. given cnly after an inspection shall have been nade of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NoTE! A11 buifding permj.ts require j.nspections for Lhe qork authorized, such as but noc limitea to; A. Block I"laII: To be made after reinforcing is in pl-ace, but before any grout is poured. This ii'-pecEi6n is required for each bond beam pour. There uil1 be no approval untj,I lhe plmbing and electricaL inspections have been made and approved. B. lJood stove: To be made after completion of masonrv (if applicable) and when installation is @Ielt Installation shalt be in accordance with an approved, natj.onally recognized LesLing agency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. C. I'lobile Home: An j.nspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved EEilrei-Feptic system fo! setback requirements, blocking, footinE Gonnection, tie-downs.skirting, and plwbrng connections. Poot.ings and pj.ers to comply with Stale foundation requrrements for nobile hones or asrecomended by the manufacturer. l,lobile hone mj-nimum finish fl-oor elevation shaLl- be certified when required by a flood-plain management l"etter. tion wiLhin at' Ieast 30 days afLer occupancy. Tiedowns and skir tinq shall be insla ready for inspec-.IIedenclosure APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING !'ORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIREIF T4ORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN lBO DAYS, OR IF VJORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR'FIORE THAN'180 DAYS.susPENsroN oR REVOCATTON I4AY OCCUR rF THrS PERMTT WAS fSSUED ON THE BASTS. OE..INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS -INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR.OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DI S POSAL I 2 3 I. Permits shall be effective for 2. Upon completing the construct complies with the rules c Fron: the Cate of issuance. .uobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and notify the Lane County De installation record form, par tren ln!ules, the Department shatl issue"b.. If the construction does not comply holder and shall require satisfacto meet the requirements for satisfact.o lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage DiSposaL Iiterior propert;, Iines ECge of road rlght-of-way Burl<iinq foundation lie1Is,. other Hater' source.s - t has been issued, Lhe pernit holder shallty Development by submitling theconstruction to determine if it1n h ry completion t 10'I0l 10, t0 gjr truction does comp),y with suchtion to the permi ti holderthe pernit Failure to not i fy f tery completioii'rithis rule - Sept.i.c Taok l0' 10, : t0' , i !' Dra i I :i t *r Above gradeg*-ls-.ili-rir -rrrg a vro- {.t NAME(PLEASE PRI APPLTCANT ( )owNER ( ) REASON FOR CANCELLTNG PERMIT (OR APPLICATION) CANCELLATION/REFUNDAUTHORIZATION PERMIT u CoNTRACTOR( ) ADDRESS SIGNATURE FEES pAtD FOR WASTE DTSPOSAL SYSTEMS (S!TE TNSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLTCATTONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANNING, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. FEES PA]D \ Flood Plain Fee Building Permit Fee Mobile Home Fee Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Fee Septic Disposal Fee Site lnspection Fee DEQ Surcharge Land Use Application Planning Director Recording Fees Partitions Copies & Ordinances Surveyors Minus $25. for Processing Fee $ TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED $ o/o oh % o/o % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SIGNATURE TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: Building Permit Refund $ State Surcharge Refund $ Septic Disposal Refund $ Site lnspection Refund $ Land Use Applications $ Planning Director $ Recording Fees $Partitions $ Copies & Ordinances $Surveyors $ TOTAL AMOUNT REFUNDED $ 2A-1 7-88/Acct. 421201 P rog. 060 Recei pt 1 7-88/Acct. 42124lProg. 060 Rece i pt 1 7-88/Acct. 42133lProg. 060 Rece i pt 1 7-88/Acct. 42134lProg. 060 Rece 1 7-88/Acct. 421 5Ol P rog. 060 Recei pt 1 7-88/Acct. 462021 P rog. 060 Rece i pt tA- -24-1 7-88/Acct. 4621 0/Prog. 060 1 7-88/Acct. 4847 4l P rog. 060 Rece i 17-88/Acct. M4l9lProg. 060 Receipt4A -25-06-74lAcct. 44451 I P rog. 01 0 Rece i PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS LAND MANAGEMENT DIV|S|ON / Public Works Department I 125 E.8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 (503)687-4061 ,/hne cor.rnty AC ^ rVITY INFORMATIOTT SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 6r --o I E RE N ),.L A,p. fZaz/ -cfiY TTATT- -I[ MDEgfumr(/Q?7_ra/r 7 n -r u/ '-'96 - BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE #BIJSIIIE-SS_TETEPEONEI HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( TF DTFFERENT TnO 3 rvrarr Gi PAFIeEL NuMBEn ( REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) tJ, d'"?" b frI" ly _og _a6:1/- TOI'INSH IP RANGE SECTION {ueaTAl torft OR-PARCEIT mNING MuINSE-IP RANGE SEET-IOII TOilNSEIP MNGE SEETI.ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ffi ZON I NG W ZONTNF_ ACRES O ,rrr^ON (if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s:tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** BY: - DATE: TIME IN: OUT: NUMBER DATE -l7 U1 -Jt: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., L-UGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 gkroo /;/D aPz Pote A, l, ,>e . f ZONE/LAND USE: t,20r)I North- +qJ a)s--L(h Is m $\o ( I) srr6tt bs I I I r I 1,/I tr \ 01' L.,t'r\ f{ n 2 I q/ fl dI d 'J t o +-S\1 lx {'aa;+S YuDltp\U ( ,..-- h + co' * ?iTi" lane ccunty ACTIVI-rY INFORMATION SI-,EET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 6Tl' - I PERSON MAKiNG REQUEST PROPERTY OINER MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS DE C iTY STATE Z IP-T-ODE ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # (IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 rvlap 6i rrAFrcEL NIJMBEFI ( REQUTRE! TNFoRMATT0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) TOINSH]F"R;ANGE SEETMN M ZON I NG MINSH-IP RANGE SECTToN ffi ZONING MTNSFTF RANGE SETTMN TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZON I NG 4 SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable) ACRES LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ZONE/LAND USE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** TIME I N OUT:_ NUMBER DATE -+Flr1 -{ DATE:BY: LAND MANAGEMENT DiVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., L-UGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I UOI,D SL:P bne county APPLICATION # LOCAT I ON NAME 3 ? r,r'f,*l;L- r#ADDRESS 7/7 The Lane County Bujlding and Sanjtation Divis'ion cannot proceed w'ith processing your appf icatjon because: tr Incomplete application (items deficient). P sed number of bedrooms appl i in dwe 11ing. Address and/or directions to cation site provable plot plan (see attachment). N ot'i f i cati on of date Verification of existing s Two test holes (2'x4' of existing sewage d'i dra'infields. u Other: ired (see a chment) . x5 ' deep ) req u'i r pansion or repair sposal system in ea of the proposed test hol es i" yste\n requ will be ready 2 3 tr L4 4 i/ 144/ /t , n t'\ ---' lC ,f:11 L S I GNATURE DATE t4 -mrl"u'^ (rffgi- 3 from to PHONE If no response has been received in regards to this matter the appl ication wil I be den'ied. //- r fa BUILDING & SANITATION PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION CourthouEe-Public Servjce Bui.lding / .|25 Eas.t 8th Ave. / Eugene, 0R 9740] / (503)687-4061 ){6rs'ft ,,2-l &l-l-.r- y'r l-l LE, I \ n I I 4- (/ 'rl-r \i/ {4,r;I OFFICE HOURS t Mt^{ORANDUM lane county6l!r-.-7 TO FROM SUBJ ECT DATE /(-rq-ff tr Al /,;/, _zU *ft'irJ, A ,*fu ,*il *r"{ tr @t-t- ;*'7A* ND AUTHORI; ]ON PERMIT #Ly'6 d- y{ NAME (PLEASE PRI ,l n -r^rnro /8 -o2 -o1"./ /. 6 y4tr ADDRESS 3? /C P APPLTCANT ( )owr.ren (4 ooNTRACTOR( ) REASON FOR CANCELLTNG PERMIT(OR APPLICATION) SIGNATURE DATE FEES pAtD FOR WASTE DTSPOSAL SYSTEMS (SITE TNSPECTTONS AND/OR APPLIGATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANN!NG, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. FEES PAID % REFUND Flood Plain Fee Building Permit Fee Mobile Home Fee Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Fee Septic Disposal Fee Site lnspection Fee DEQ Surcharge % o/o % % o/o % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ o/o % o/o Land Use Application Planning Director Recording Fees Partitions Copies & Ordinances Surveyors Minus $25. for Processing Fee $ TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED $ SIGNATURE TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: Building Permit Refund $ State Surcharge Refund $ Septic Disposal Refund $ Site lnspection Refund $ Land Use Applications $ Planning Director $ Recording Fees $Partitions $ Copies & Ordinances $Surveyors $ TOTALAMOUNT REFUNDED $ .A 1 7-88/Acct. 42120lProg. 060 Receipt 1 7-88/Acct. 42124lProg. 060 Receipt#- 1 7-88/Acct. 42133lProg. 060 Recei.A 1 7-88/Acct. 4213/ll P r og. 060 Rece i pt Otl 1 7-88/Acct. 42150lProg. 060 Receipt -24-1 7-88/Acct. 462O21 P r os. 060 Recei 1 7-88/Acct. 4621 0lProg. 060 Receipt#.- 1 7-88/Acct. 4847 4lProg. 060 Receipt#----- 4A 2n- 1 7-88/Acct. 44419/Prog. 060 Recei --25-06-74lAcct. 44451 I P r og. 01 0 Rece i pt PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS LAND MANAGEMENT DtVtStON / Pubtic Works Department I 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 687'4061 /D G-@_ I -z-K L Coun fort PERI4IT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFPICIAL,/DESIGNEE (DeT ORS 456.805(I)) DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 QIatt DE,\/E1pQE' I'np TNTqDFa'rFTOr\I T\IErnpMArlaTnN rlD g PcK t-t' {- POR OFFICE USE ONLY on/Applicati Permit # I]WNSHIP /? **"' /,* S'JBDIVISIDN/PARTITION (if applj.cable)LOT//PAi?.CEL ---) BLOCK FRCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY fte"ia"r,ti"r Irndustrial [-l commerciat n euuric t-r I i'Y ZLP 7./ STRUCTURES CUFI-ENT{,Y c1r-Vd,z,, DECI,ARED S VALUE OF WA?ER _l ProoosedItxisting TELEPHONE NUMBER-;;::-"- "-"--" IELEPHONE NUMBER4fffa/r L pertai,ning to lhe work described herein. and that xO OCCUPANCY will be nade of arri' structure ther certify that registrat.ion with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect I TIAVE CAREFULLY EXAM r'7-fsis rcted hereon, and that ud enployees who are in CHECKED THIS APPLICATION of the Sta te Ore 9onf:rther thehave owner recordof rac t.con t rresinte1nttheprrrchaselegalfollowi.ng Prope !that alland work shal 1d donebe accor da:)ceIN tllw1 Fts.,certify any pe rf or-ire infolTation hereon i and correct, and that I agent of Lane Cowty and the 701.055, that j.f exempt the basj.s for exempti AND COMPLETED APPLICATION !-OR PERMIT, arrd rlo hereLy certify the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- be used on this projec!. I HAVE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION IiAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! I pr,euurnc/zoNrNG: zon aQa{ partition #- ?r)77ry tr->7 -*P Maximum DepthInstallation Speci fications of Trenches Date PLANS EXAMINATION: COM}IENTS: Date rear L colr.[lENTs t tur-- t Record rssued? fl v." I x"SANITATION3 s. I. #P. * ie ld Parcel SizeParcel # Minimum Setbacks: co|!\1ENTS Use GAIION Tank Li: of o/< /tz ?zF4 'L, tuon. Lr'/@ " t", r,u* n/{.l//C,.&A interior -f t; rtsL ^1t. ac OO, -a D {, { v I D