HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-12-12v POST THIS PERMIT ON MA!N BUILDING AT SITE UqB GR.>) JOB ADDRESS: Construction approved by this permit .ater Supply: Spf,dl tlrogm CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +* TRS, TL:18,0$€6.4.2 # 12o Su bd ivision : This permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Viotation canresult in revocation oI this permit, citation under provisions of Lane county's lnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Total Construction Value: 976.02 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 4844S8S** 746-1,820 Structutta'[Grr ca paopcrtyt Bffita * Bedrooms +r Plumbing Fixtures + Empl PLANNING DIVISION oyees: Zoning: , Partitioning+ , parcel + lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, side exterior: Special lnstructions: ET E ta plcnt t!'e{u{rcd par ttrErur, lecc thm $}OO"00 aild BI rtll chrek otts. For information call 687-4394,(=r*rn1 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of arainfielO required; max. depth of trenches gal. min. septic tank capacity;Ire naSpecial lnstructions Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way f Jing foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainf ield--lT-- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIV]SION Type of Construction: I nstructions: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classif ication: otj Beplaced natarlsl For plans information call For inspections (see bact of thid' between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., permit) call 687-4065 between B:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. lane countyDirections to Site Date lssued: c55-'t 3 ilt il!' - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 L2-L2-7) By: i I Nseecron /z - /z-7i X<r< SITE INSPECTION AppnovEo D Dr sappnovro Darr Dlr e Reuanx s FOUNDATION INSPICTI AP PRov E o RE MARK S /* I ruspecroa - FRAMI NG A ppnov e o Remanx s I NSPECT I Drslppnoveo /7 ,orrilZ- ZE-??,'rnr"rrr*-5,.&- LATH OR SHTETROCK INSPECTION Appnovro m Drsrppnovro Rruanx s Dare | (.l)ou 8q- lrspEcronAll r I I'IAL INSPECT ICN DrsAPPRovEo fJ oo'r_lb J-Qv Ea_lNsprcron %J ,rr& AppRo v r o Re ttanx s CERTITICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rerov ro lssue Rrurnx s D Nor Rraov to lssue D Drre I NSPEcToR D DrsrppRove o F-7 *\ J('-: ADDRESS POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 3859 Xttchland St, Spfd, Oregon CONSTRUCTTON pERMIT + LC-3629-79 18-0F06.4.2 # L2O Subdivision. 3rd add to wlllamette Manor, I.ot 2) Block 5TRS, TL: This permit for the reterenced property is hereby ePPtoYed. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane county's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Excel Constructlon C0. 26L0 W. 5th Eugene, Oregon Owner/Address: Charles and Connle Smith, 2365 G St Spfd Contractor/Addresssaue as appllcaot Contractor's OS +r L0242 Total Construction Value:$200.00 Construction approved by this permit 97402 Teleohone: 484-9888rt* Telephone: 746-L820 Telephone: Fire Darnage repalrs Structures now on property: house i ,Vater Supply: 11a #Bedrooms: na +Plumbinq Fixtures: na + Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: na Partitioning + na Parcel + na Parcel Size: Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na ;centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na;rear property line: na Special lnstructions: No plans requlred per Eane, leea than $200.00 and BI will check slte. na For information call 687-4394, CaroL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # na lnstallation specif ications: oe na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions: noae Septic Tank 10' 10' s', 50' gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks InteiioF property I ines Edge of road right-of-way Suilding foundation y'Vells, other water sources Drainfield--1T'-- 10' 10' 100'For information call na between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RIVIITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: Str'D lnstructions: Contact bulldlng inspecfor w}lrer. OLD materials are removed and re-conatructLon beglns. Replaced materials C{eal to or better than orlglnal constructlon naterials For plans information call 687-3161 between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m., Jln Laub For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 c55-1 3 L2=12-79 By: Jss/Lky p.m Flane county DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Directions to Site: na Date lssued:/ ---"-a0 bYr"t\rO DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I'IANAGEME PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job naa.3&59 Richland St.,Sprlogfield , Ore. 97477 r,CrIt,y:l: #5667L92-O6-42-t20 *'ir$,|ti 5 Appl ication for ,r Structures now on the ProPertY House r:rii1sffiffii&$r.iffiirffi*rtifiii & rffip$:a**fffi, /--l i$" /--l ]ili$nd#r$$rjit:: /-/ri#lb*ir,i[ii Te1 ephone Date L2l7l79 Affidav.it: I. F,:rcel ConstructLon Co. , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate.:. If this application .is for an agiii[i[[iii 6uitaing it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Bui]ding Code and Lane Counti Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ow-ner of recbrd; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase;----auty authorized to actFor the owner, who is knowT-edgeab1e ofJhis app'l ication. Signature/Adoress Ercel Construction Co. 2610 W. 5th, Eugene (zip) 97402 o When permit is readY owner Charles & icant /] Ornernoti fy: /_/ Appl Connle Snlth lil Contractor rfrerrera !yr /-& Pnone p1.,oni-746-1820 l/ nail 97 4772365 G Sr.s Con trac tor E:<cel Constructlon .,(z io)Phone 484-9888t Contractor's OSR# 70242 Plumbing by DO NOT WRiTE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial Residential: # of employees - #;#"#:.. t ir-- l,$fl$...1!l' l-l Existins, BP # SI test holes ready 17 Proposed, SI # :!r:::.::::.::: .:f.SQ.!,sffi ,$f$.$rtr:siti0fi.j ;g,griii;F+ir:iil*i ffitrti:#,,liifj,:,g,itl*.r.::, :Sd+t::Vai uati on Vlrvvrnctt .-i( $ Tota l Va.l uati on : $ itll tifi$i,.if{,!l8ur,',,s3.i ,.ffi,ffi,t[r,,,soilu,r,,' at at $each $ each $t_/1za Received by Water Supply Proposed _ Year InstaI Ied 4% State surcharge P'lans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ Su btotal TOTAL $ $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone N. Minimum setbacks , front Part. #Parcel #Parcel Sizett, side_-; int rea r 4Comments To be typed on permit CP& I Type To be on permit By Da te 0ate PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site ilpe Classif trott By /_/ /:/ /_t /:/ FOR INFORI'IATI0N about progress of your application call o74-L7L Hold Slip to PCc {iomp I eledSIFOPIans to P&I HPC Planning Publ ic Works /-/ Elevation /-/ nla /_ / AdOress /-/ Facility Permit Environmental Health CP&] l,iPC Da te Requ t red [.la',e Date to PCC permit Control Cente. 687-HELP (687-4357) aR4-S*88 Fee $ Existing _ set(s) s-ells)