HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-31tlt .. RE".DENTIAL.. " APPDiCATON/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Sprtngfteld, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPEINGFIEI.D sisr!4 AUG0 B 19Bg* 7' Job location: Tc,r tot ll1- 0s'33'tAeaeeoore Map ll A.met: Phone:Address: Deacribe h'ot'k VaLueDate of \ L 3\ 5q e'D id.u,nRcr.-J/art,edditian Ceneral P lurnb ing a1l.lec arl ctricit cianlilec I rSurrervrtlin OR Sani1ory aetter capped at propetty Line Septtc tank p.otped atd filled uith gra:tel Final - h4ten abooe itetns ate eanpleted and uhan danolition ie canplete or struc- ture atoued and pnenriaee cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Sat-:tP Pl.unbittg connectione -- aaref and, utalen Electrical Connection - Bloekirtg, aet-up and, olunbinq coanectiono rrust be appror;ed befine requLating eleclrtcal inspeclio:t Accessorg Builditq Pinal - Aften pcrchee' ekirting, decks, etc. are canPleted. ,to ller to that a L L inapec tions ale nade a t the Pro?er tine that acch cddrees LS readab teaee catd 1A Located dt the ftont of the ptopertyall tines.L femaan on the Bui Lding tc at PR1C1DUPE FoR IN\PECTI1N ,!I9.Q||EST:CALL 7 ;equesi;AA;A-$;n you aiLL be ready fo,r' 'siLL be rmde the eone dcy, requeeta nade 2 6 37 6 I 'recorder g tate aour'city Ceaigrnted J'ob nmber,iob a&ir.ees, tYPe Pequeots receited of nspec!ictr inepection,Cort tractoro or Otmers ncme and phone nwbcn.befcre 7 00 cl aftet 7 00 CDN tlL L be nade the nert wrkitq daY. Nwtberr,- ,KOl\n[,Iour ci ty Deaigr,ated Job SNE INSPECTION: e.ccauation, but ?o be after uP of INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIO\: To be nade afber aLL ineulsticn atd, tcquined oapon ban'iera are in pllce bui belore qnA tath, gyplurn b-oard or uLL couerinii is applied, and before ory inaulation is concealed. prior tc ae! forma. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & UtCALntCef,: To be nnde before anY .ffi'f,i-iloened. FO2TING ,9 FOITNDATICN: lo be rmCe ;f;; trffie dt. ercauated and forme are erected, but Prior to Wuring ccncrete. uNpgRcRouND PLUM? rNG? SSt!.t:R, w.4T3l. DRAIIIAGE: 1'o be rnde Pnor to !LL-T6liinchee. UT'DERFI.OON PLUI'IB ING E MECIIANIQIL: 7s S6 nad.e ppiot to inatalLatlon oI floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot to ffitGiG{of ftoor tneulation or deckittg. R1ucil PLA$I\\C. E|,ECTRT?AL e MECH; ANICAL: No rmrk io to bc coocred .GllT-these iwpectians haue been nnd.e aru[ appnoued. FIPEPLACE: Wtor to Plccini tacing,,at;;l;t; and before froning inePec- tion. FRAIIIN?: I"tust be nequeoted after @o,tat of rough plwr,bing, .electi-cal & meclanical, ALL roofing bracing A ehimncye, etc. traet be ; conpletcd. No t'tork io to be con- ' ceCled until thia inapectton lae 'been nade and approoed. D\YHALL INSPECIION: Tc be nade ;7;"" "V@uatTia in ptace, but pri.or to cnY taPittg. MASONRY: Steel location' bond 6ffi{-groutitt4 ot verti.cale tn accordance tiith U,B,c. Section 2415. TTOODSTOVE: After inatallation ia ampleted. CURB & APPRCAC\| AP!?ON: Aftet forns A,e eG;t;{6t p;lot' to pourirtg cotDrete. SIDEI,IALX & DR|WIAI: For all con- ;;"te wyirrg ui;ifr atreet right' of-txy-, to be nade after aLL etca- oating sqnPlete E fora utork & sub- base naterial in Place- ?ENCE: h4ten conPlete -- Prouid,e fi6 on novable aectiona thnough P.U.E. K s+*+^t^""'"- FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ttLL projebt conditiono, such aa bhe i.nstal-lation of atreet.t!a_c-1.,- co:vPlation.of the';;;"i';2-1;"7",oopirg,'Lti.,'-71,tt te aatisfiid telire the B1TLDTNG FriAL can be tequested' FrNAL BurLDr,c: rhe Final Buildi.ng rnepection raat be requeated alter the Fitnl Plwnbing niit"7."-t,''"i uiit " l,izi 1iipiLii.i," hcun been nnde atd'approoed- AAI,L I4ANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD.IUSTIIETII TO DE TL4DE AT NO COST IO CI?Y Date Page I of 2 /- n lJr",,, tr D I n tr JO B NO. fotal OLAR ACCES REQ.. TNT ?YPE _ fnterion _ Corne? _ Panluttdle Cul-de-aac L-CO cl' Be.drooma: w-PLan Exantner I ttiE CAREFULLy EXMINED tle conpleted application fo-r Permit' and do \n-ieUy iertify ttut aLL infornntin hereoi_ ia true atd co*ect, ani I i"li"nn "nrtlify that any ard aLL Dork pe-rfomed alnll be done in aecor' a""iii*tti, thL'Ordinanc"es of the ci.ty of bpringfield,'td Lh-e Lc,e of tha state of oregcn pertdining'to the l.jrik ceacribcd hereln, end that N0 0ccu- ilnCy ,7tt b"e oaie of any" etruetune uitlout permisaion of the guilding N- vieion, f furthar "nri{1y that o:rty con1rac'tors ad etplcyeeo uho dte irt cdltplaance uith 2RS ?01.-0SS uiLL be'uaed on thia proiect Sov.rce.o !teat fat Facea - P, t,.llouse Can age Accega. Nof tlt East F, South l,leat -- Feee -- rTEN sQ.nG x Building Vqlue & Permit Thia permit ia granted on the eapfess cotd.ition ttnt the eaid consLrucLion alull, in all reapecti,-'"oii']oi't"- the ordinance edopted,.Iiy Lhe Ctty o.f Snninafield. inctudini' tie 6"i"g Crdinancc, regulaL-tng tlrc ccnsLm;Licrt :*t'';\'"-;;L,,;:i;l;;;:;i,rv t''"o"opended or rbvokec aL cttll Lime upon oic' lation o1 ony prciisiona ol oaid Ordinancea' TOTAL VAWE s. D. c.I.5 a Building Permit Fee. Date Paid: Stdte Rece fl: ?otal, Clargea I Sigted: N0.CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pereon alall consttttct, inatall,- alter or cpnOe.clu y\,":-:inti"o olwnbirn or drainaqe ,tiil*, in uhoie or in part, inless euch peraon is the 117"i-i,Z'",;;";;;;Ll;e i,,,b;,n'i Li'ono'', er:ePt Ltnt,a pe:son nn'g do pti^tiirg uork to bropirly-int'ch is ooned, Leczaed o-r operated by tha appli- cant. Fisturee Reeilential (1 bdth) Sani Seuer Plwbing Pemit State I tteu/htetd Cincuite Electricol Permit Ithere state tan fequires ttat the electrical uork be done by.an Electrical ciitr"-"Lir, the alic*7cal iirtio" .of this _pcrmit stull not be ualic utttil the label -lue been aigned by the Electri'cal Contractor' Sentica Stdte Totat l NC.EE'CIIARGE Mechqnicol Permit blnnot llad V€nC Fot tlcodetooa Permit Iseudwa l,leclanical Penfit a -- EilCnaACEt'tEM -- Securitu Dewsit Storag6 thintanance Permib Cvrbcu!' sida;alk Fenco Etectrical tabel llobile ltane ',r,'"' n*u* ,,,,' a Sri onzd I\t ta Iot Sq. Ptg. I of Lot Cooerage_ t of Storiee Tot;al Height Topography F\nnao Ylll'S