HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-01-09!.. RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICAT-t-il/PERl,[f 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield' )r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SITE INSPECTfON: To be nwde after ez;A;non; but prtar tc set up of ul.] Dgls L A B PLUW!!c,-I!LE7!!! c4f--q SPFIIIvGFIEI..D MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond difiilgrouting or oerticals in aceondurce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ;cnpTetA. Aftez, installation is Wtlgf,,^") ) PA Date: rt ia the nesponsibility oi tle penr|t hoder to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the proPet' time, that eaeh,;ddress is nea4abie front the street, anC that the permit catd ie Located at the fi,ont of the propet'ty.aBuilding Diuicion appro"*ed plan sfu:Ll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. PnocgDUpE FoR rNsPEclI-9lL-BlglE!!-iCaUl 726-3769(recorder,) state Aou" city Cesigrnted job nunber, iob aC&,ess, type of inspeelir?r eadyfot,inspection'Contractot,soia,ners-nc,neandplnnenwtbel,.P.equestsreceixedbefcre7:00cl'sill be made the sane dcy, "equests nade after 7:00 otr vtLL be made the ncxt :,nrking day. Iour City Desigrtzted Job Nutnbet' Is L) i,{ECHtilICAL: To be made before any 6iE-li-iouet ed. fn1 rcorruc & F)UNDATTzN: To be maCe V\ ;|;;;A."cD; a"ezseauated and forns ate ereeted, but ptiot, to pouring ccnc?ete. r,-;:1 T NSULATTON / V APOR BA RR I E R I !|SP\CT IO N :IA - required uapor bon iers a.z'e in place but before cny Lath, gApsurn baarC or unLL couez,ing is applied, and. befone oty insulation is concealed. fi1 DRYHALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade I lU;F;;-AT'Ayu"tfts in ptace, - but pnior to cny taping. floor insulation oz' decking. fi Posr l,uo aeau: To be nade prtoz, to I A I installaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUA| Pr,UrlBntC. Er,EqrRrCAL ,9 ttECIt:_ ANICAL: No uork is to be cotered ffiiTthese inspectior,s haue been made and apploogd. FIPtrPLACE: Prtor to plccirq facingmcterials and before franing inspee- tion. FRAtlItlC: Must be requested aftet, apptoval of rough plwnbi.ng, electri-cal E neclnnicaL. AL! r,oofing bracing & chinmcgs, etc. rrust be cornpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- cecled until thi.s i.nspection lns 'been made anC approoed. UNDSRCROUIID PLUMEINC' S,WP'. LIA?ER' DRAIilAGE: To be maCe prtor to fil-T@-iiinches. UNDEPFLOOR PLUI,E ING & I4EC(IANICAL : of FTilAL PLUI4BITIG PIIIAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & API!949!_EP.0||: After fonnsoi," e;;te{il;Vno" to pouriilg conc"ete. SIDEWALK & DRI\!E'1'|AY: Eot' aLL con- crete paoirry uithin street right- of-te!, to be made after aLL ecca- uating complete & fotn unrk & sub- base nateftat in Place. IENCE: hthen conplete -- Pro'uiCe gates o? mooable sections througli P, U. E. Annexati on Agreement/Consent to Annexation Agreement required for all single family homes in the UGB. B E tr w STREET TREES rrees from a oe installed 4: C street pproved list shall- minimum 6' highat g]itn[!ng. ALL project conditions, such as tlrc i.nstallation of street trees, conpl.etion-of the required. Landsccpirg, cte,, rmtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDINC FI!|AL can be requested- PINAL BAILDINC: The Pinal Building Inspection mtat be nequested aften the Pinal Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechanical fnspections hquc been nade ard apptoueC. Job Locaticn: Assessore uap # f/ 037 Ict lot fl Subdiuision: ce-A^me*: Phone: zip: Address: r Date of appli.oti"n 8'V/-?O Describe h'onk: rac tors C" Ee-s 6V.Va1.ue Add.iticn RenoCeL itobiLe General tlechanic Plurnb i If,ccEiica 1 ! Srtpervcrz;iz-rg Elec Erici,an DEI.IOLITrcil OR !.iOVED BUILDI;]CS Scnilary seuet, capped at properax^ Lir:e ' 1p1,r,,,,,i!61 r;1i4dr,,,,irl l,'t llr,r.,I Septic totk p"urped and filled tith gratel Final - l,lhen abcoe itens are ccnrpleted and uhen Cenoli.tion is cornplete or st?uJ- ture moued and. prewises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking and. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaLte? sd. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ui and plwnbing conr;ections rntst be appncted before z,equesting electrtcal inspectiotl Aecessory* BuilCing Pinal - After pct:ches, skirting, decks, etc. ate eornpleted. Px.lre 1 of 2\l *AT,L I,IANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLI:, AD.IUSTIIEIII TO BE I,I. DE,A.? IIO C)ST TO CITY lleat AccessHouse th DT LotIot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Cotserage I of Stories Total Height Topography LCT TYPE Intericr I corn.* _ Panhandle CuL'de'sac zt4a'?7f ITEM FTG x B?ao*,A:2%- llain e?.70 t 4,tD CarDot't Aceessortt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x /4 2/ fu"e Date Paid:/?.oD .* CHARGE Sigted N0.FEEITEM Fiztures z-/a.,+Resi.dential (* bath) Sanitatg Seuer Wcter /6e.*g.* /6A.- CHARGENO.Enp Res. Sa. ftq. Nart/Eetetd Cincuits Tanpo"arA Selice NC,FEE o-A lro * Mechq nicol PermitCIlARGE Erhanst. Hoo,7 lJcodstote Vent F@1 Permtt fssuanee l'lechanical Pemtt -20 -- ENCROACHMENT ../_-, {t .-(-rt7/?/Sectritu Deposit Storaoe l,laintenance Pcrmit ?aCvtbeu! /a.70Sida,nlk 24 Z' Pence Electrical [a.bel Mobile Hotne B*4xzs alV, v7a JOB NO Euilding Permit State Total Clwges Plunbing Pernit State Total Total SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-\L-CO d Bedroans -- Fees -- Value Building Volue & Permit Tnis perwLt is granted on the eip"ess cond_ition that tlw said construction ;haLL', in aLL r"espects,- ioi,\i*'to the 1rdirnnce ldop-ted tiy the ci'ty gf Spilngyletd, inctlding- the 2oning Crdinanc_e, regulating the ccnsttacticn ,ira ""rZ of build.ings,- and mey be suspended or reookeC dt cn, time upon oic- lntion of any prcuisions of said ordir,ance-s.- " ""' 71;;' i;;;; # 3;b-* h?ra vq' i;i.i, D,Ff.roa y':-e aF 7ea/> fia<a1"zv' Plumbing Permit fio pereon shall construct, install,- altet or change -cny neu-cr ecisting ili^Ll.rrg or drainage systan in utale or in part, unl,ess such person is the iegol p"o"ses"on ol"o rLlid plu^tnr's Lic-ensb, escept that a Pe"son may 1o ptiitl.irg uork to property ihi"t, i" ottned, Leased ot' operated by the appli- cc.nt. Electricol Permit where state La ?equires tl"at the eleetrical uotk be ilone by_an Electrical Conttactor,, the el)etuical pottion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the tabel has been ai,gned by the Electrical Contractot' Eary6r4-c Q z-z-2 5*" @>zn rHAWCAREFULL|SXAMINEDthecompletedapplicationfo-npermit,anddo in'inty iirti.fa that aLL informati'on het,eoi ie true and correct, cnC I ii-"7n2"-Z""tliiy tt"t aiy ard aLL aork pe-nfortred alnll be dote in accor- 'dir.e- vtth thZ" OdinancZs of the City of bpringfield, .ard th-e La;s of the * State of hregon pertaining to the wt'k Cesbribcd herein, cnd tlnt NO 1CCU- pLicy iitt bL ,a1e if ang" structure uithout permiaaion of the Buildingr D.i' oision. I fut,ther cLrttill that otly con_ttactors at;d enplcyees ul':o are irt eazpliance ,'tth cns ?01--05s uiLL be used on thie project /-? /Zfr JI * * ToTtlL AI'IOUNI DUE: a /6/7.ry Sigtt.".d [.\zte ./24?€a Date VoPth *' fnc f ./B ' ,/.) / lest Carace Electrical Per'mit Stcte Suneharqe Clances 47I 7 v 7.noDr* 1taa7 ,'..%'7 .-II,;L'' IN TODAY PR0POSED USE 0F SITE (E.G.r Agartnrntr s REcr rer No. lrcl16,TWP. !, R TAX LOT NO ANGE oT stc.;;--Ig CODE REQUEST FOR SITE INS 10N DarE '--90r- BY tmham John Ma tl truo ADoRe ss 743 Larrnnc. Trl ' @ OwueR or PnopERty shavr Stzr or Pnop. ? ecras Leonl AccEss? Andcrtcn Lanc CoHsenr or Owuen?_-______y..ls pRopenry coNT I Guous ro ANy c I Ty L tt'l tr? Ex r st r Nc StRucruREs oN PnoprRry s0uRcE 0F \^/ATER SUPPLY: PuaL tc -tr_ spn tNe l{rul : Dn t uuro_Dn rvEN_Duo_ DESCRIPTION 0F slrE (Drnecrrorus, LANDMARKs, HousE oR Box No., rr aNv), goo Fcct Southof Centennlal Blvd. No. rl/r-zzqq f,la NUMBER OF DWELLINGS, COMMERCTAL OR TNDUSTRIAL USE, SUEDlVtStON. il UngeNlzlNG AnEa. Spec raL Penra rr ARea. ATl}'c FEE: No. No. or SrrEs_I or Acnrs TOTAL- $-s.lo-- $-s..oo-- RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: lxvecrtcArtor trorcATEg 7x: AoovE 2RoFosEo usg or itrf cAr cE Accolrplt$HED tY A |ACXACE TRIATXITT PLAXT ?O iRf-TnEA? tHS EfrLUf,xT pnlOR TO OEPO3I? INTO A DnAlNtrltlor lt lEr xovEvf,R, nscotailgrogo tltlT ALL Ertron?c cE fxPtxoto ?o uttttzE A tU6LlC $fYfR YXICX COULD tG XADI AyrtLlatE yr?xtr{ ?Hls AREA. a1,!ar,ar\+4 'f /9 -t-Yl*,"r"* .lonx c. g+s,lrlfi*'o* {! & t0 N 04 ,q (, J o@ TnIs IS A PRELIMINABY REPoRT wHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING pERMtr. ANy pLANs oR ExpENDlruREs MADE tN RELTANcE upoN THts REpoRT ARE AT YouR owN ntsxl BEFORE CONSTRUCTION lS STARTED antNc rHts FoRM ro rHE Burr-orNG ANo SrwrrrrroN DrvrsroN AND MAKE APPLIcATtoN FoR A BUtLotNG pERtitr. lr rnr pRopERTy ts A poRTtoN oNLy oF A TAX Lor, A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF THE PARCEL MUST BE FURNISHED. ExIcT sPEcIFIcATIoNs FoR THE SEwAGE DlsPosAL sYsrEM wtLL AppEAR oN THE BUtLDINc pERMtr. Two scrs oF THE BUILDING pLANS AND PLOT PLAN T{ ILL BE REQU IRED. LANE LDING AND SANITATION DIVISI to-2F68 TO Dnr E THIS REPORT IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AND SANITARIAN. JonrBSlLSllgol rusee crt-0tr-07 w4.GtAzuzruu-".-7 h \"5t"t hs.l.'J d yo.r l; K* ,n". *. .( *l;/A ; t ? a I d ) vtw L", T ,+1 &! '/^/rP alno$ nude osze- it? 4b 'so-Jrye oTrtu* / h*r'd v LLYe.e.vne.n { .), c(u\ qqSncer/e -+)*o S, *-a \r r7 fu,-.1P 9f. # { I trtrv I Jr t9@ HAR0LD 0. LI0{AH, H.0'1 Ot*tcror ttt. Tora XGnrr Acllile $gcrttmY Lerc Couxlv Putxxtre Centlltor Ccurrxeurt Euoartp Onaccr Rr t PnoPogs o Relottlllo rio+l AGT ro RG ror IOO Urrr AilrtrErl Connsr I ll ?Ax lx?o A DiAtxrltLo. Ar trvtitteAtlotl or ?ilt 'ro'oiAL or Jo*r D' 6rm$rr YouR tcrttfxcr XC 6B-0r?, lrotcAtf,a ?ilAT sAlD FRoiolAL crx eE recoN"LlSHfg rlYrout rrf, 8nt^rloxor^pusLlclli^Ltn,nolLftl'iovlol}.cA'Acx^ottFt^TxGrl'L^xt li lHttALLfO for tB; tlO?OErL fO ?iG-ltfA? tllt trffl.Stilf ttl0i ?O DCiOSIT l .rAI lrlSrrortYf,Rlifcott'tilofo?}lrtrLLErroR?otEtrt:}{otD?ou?tlllcl tucllG 9fYf,n rillcfi cou|.0 Et r'ro! AYItLAaL( Yl?nlx rnli llcA' .SlSl C. Sroll€ft, R.S.l Dtntcton Sutt"otrg Aro SlxltA?lor Otvtttox JCS tsr t e ,A \/D \,{ 10\ sal, described int B, is hereby Lane County Local Government Boundary Commisston 125 EAST 8th AVENUE, NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 687.4283 December 4, 1990 TO: FROI,I: SUBJECT: Springfie'ld City Recorder Steven C. Gordon, Executive 0fficer ECSP90-30 ANNEXATION OF >c7 (Expedited Procedure) TERRIToRY T0 THE CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD (HAYES) By this comespondence, let it be known that: l. A petition for annexation of territory to the City of Springfield, located in west Springfield, east of I-5, south of Centennial Boulevard, and north of Diamond Street (Tl7S R03U S33 l4ap 14 parcel 901), was filed on 0ctober 15, 1990 with the Lane County Local Government Boundary Comission in accordance with ORS 199.466 and ORS 199.490(l)(c). 2. An analysis was prepared by the boundary cormission staff with a recomendation of approval and sent, on 0ctober 30, 1990 to the Lane boundary comission members, Lane County corunissioners, Lane County Land l.lanagement Division, Lane County Environmental HeaIth Division, City of Springfield, Rainbow tlater District, UiIIamalane Park and RecreationDistrict, and Larry and Janice Hayes. 3. No request for public hearing was received by 5:00 p.r., November 9, 1990. 4. In accordance with ORS 199.466, this annexation pro attached Exhibit A and shown on attached map Exhi approved and effective November 9, 1990 (0RS 199.466) Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence. NOTE: The territory is within the Rainbo* l,later withdrawn through separate proceedings by the City accordance with ORS 222. po bi District and will beof Spri ngf i e'ld i n In accordance with ORS 199.510(2)(c) a part of the Lane County I'letropol 'it service district organized under Spri ngfi el d. Ib Attachmentscc: Rainbow Water District Larry and Janice Hayes , the above described territory is hereby an I'lastewater Servi ce Di stri ct, a county ORS 451, which is a part of the City of NEIL GOLDSCHMIOT MWBNOR a Lot 9, Block 3, second addition to Gardenway Park as platted and recorded'in book 68, page 16, Lane County, Oregon, plat records in Lane County, 0regon. ALSO, Diamond Street in first addition to Gardenway Park as platted and re- corded in book 65, page 12, Lane County, 0regon, plat records in Lane County, 0regon, and in second addition to Gardenway Park as platted and recorded in book 68, page 16, Lane County, 0regon, plat records in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B See Mop 17 05 34fu-pw AartevaIjr,: |CSPQo' 1oC *a1ea) t1-o 5- 33 -,t+ i Otg-O( I I N *veJ4ol ./, c/( a/ ?o.xI ttl#. UJ> ro' 914 913 b , 2 lr.i 16a,o' }t..c' 27 r \)REE t. 5 tol I II h-l E.lrjz E 2, o 9 E,Fa I 'one \- \19 G.t.; glo \ ,.tt'.t2.7. 3 FJo o_ 909 r KIE 16 Jt,+t' u2? t ,1.t1'06'r.' lrt iil15 re.o' 9 lrol roo.o' t-c a I I oJ,:h'bt IIt ba 902 trep 903 + 8 logo'. 5904 r3 5 illo c tJF 9 ilt t2 bn 105.o il04 3r+rr'3?L .; og. 'I, ttrl tf .D,+l' s.t!'olE. r4 o9 lc. ,/.,,, I l09 r.rt'oie. i d I aq a r3 l@4' 1ilg =oE, i..r' .t ? til20i .E t-q I to.ls' f ros906 F lr.J!' ilQ8 ot t60' ll2l t6.or' il06 lro.o'. tr- al', r6 907908 t7 ! l.ll c,t, ,Jta.r1 | +.(:. ch. l ,t3r' CITY tr ffiEtrCn, 225 FTYTII STREET sPRrNGPrgLD, oREGON 97477 INSPECTTON REOUEST: 726_3169 OPPICE: 726-3759 1 OP 3. COHPI.ETE PEE SCEEDT'I.E BELOS A. Nev Resldential_Single orHultl-pamily per avltltng unit.Servlce Includeds SPF,-...;FiELO EIJCTRTCAL PERI{IT APPLICATION City Job Nuuber f tems Cos t s 8s.00 $ 15.00 s 3s.00 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Eaeh Hanufrd Home orHodular Dvellinq Service or Feedlr Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Cireultsine-Iuded). Instatlation, Aii;;";i;."or.Relocation:Electrical Contractor Address D \r ct Q, phone Supervisor License Number 3qi S Expiration Date \o.\,q n o( Explration Date of Supervlslng Electrlclan -{ Ovners Address ci OSNER TNSTALI.ATION Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork is not st.arted vf thin-igO daysof issuance or if vork is. "u"puni"a fo,180 days. 2. COlrtRACf,OR INSTALIATION ONLI The installation is belng made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not tntenaeafor saIe, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: B Sum e5 _\5 a<\)\l 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps - 401 arnps to 600 anps - 601 anps to lOoO amos-Over 1000 amps/volt Reeonnect Only 200 anps or less _L S 35.002ol amps to 4oo amps - S no.ooOver 401 to.600 aover 6oo anps or'lt8o;rr" l"3o;39 $ 3s.00 s 60.00 s 90.00 s130. o0 $300.00 $ 3s.00 Constr Contr. Number E-J Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or-ielocation c "* t,5 Branch Ci reui ts , '$Iteratlon or Extenslon per panel One Circult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten or .--portion thereof Hlscellaneous (Service/feeder not included)-Each lnstallatlon limited energ.y panel_ S 36.00 $ 3s.00 s s0.00 s 1s.00 E 5DATE:SI'BTOTAL OP ABOVE5Z State Surcharge TOTAL cd- Motion: EDP Investments Cont t d. Wysong moved that Ehe request by EDp Investmenrs forrezoning from AGT ro Rp be allowed, subject to (1) 40,dedication from centerline on Country Club Road, (2) recommendations of the Department of Health and Sanitation,(3) archi-tectural control, and (4) applicant peritioning forannexati-on to the city of Eugene. Read seconded, and themotion carried unanimously. -- 2. John D. Graham zc 68-057 This request was for rezoning from AGT to RG, to build a 100 unitapartment complex along r-5 south of centennial, Map r7-03-33-11, 901, Beeause of the freeway locaEion of thrs property, the staff ferr rhatapartment use would be well sui-ted to this Iocale. The problems are,(1) it is close to the main Springfield sewage disposal planr, bur not contiguous (they are not i,n a position to annex), and (2) the condition of the road, which is 18' at this time. To get a minimum of 50! would require a 321 dedieation. There are three or four homes located to the east of the subjecc property which are quite close to the road, making it difficult to ever get a balanced dedication,, The staff of the Department of Public Works reeommends L2t additional rrght-of-way, with certain improvements to the t.raveling surface, Regarding the sanitation problem, the Department of Health and Sanitatj-on has approved a treatment plant" There is a Pacific Power and Light power line easement along l-5, which will not prevent the land being used for drainfields. Staff recommendation was for approval of this u.se. John Graham expressed his willingness to make the required 12r dedication, and to put in the requested improvements. Mr. Kerr asked him if a larger dedication would change the potential of the develop- ment tc the east, and Mr. Graham said it would, s]-nce they have left 101 for Pacific Power to relocate their por^rer lines. Site plans were submitted to the Planning Commission members for their examination, and Mr" Graham explained hrs plans to provide access at che northern end of the property. In opposition: Max Pierce 710 Anderson Lane , who owns property immediately south of the properEy under discussion, stated that one of his big objections is the congestion that would result because of the narro\^/ streets" He also mentioned problems which would result at the bottom of Ehe overpass over the freeway, and said that it is very difficult to get onto Centennial even now, with just a few cars in the area. Mrs. Ball 760 Anderson Lane registered her concern abouE rhe narrow street. She said that as individual taxpayers they haven I t been able to get the county Eo do anything about this street and have had to LCPC Meeting of November L2, L968 Page 7 Jchn D. Graham Conc I d. fix ir up themselves, buc that "when a fellow wiEh lots of money comes along the county ccmes rn and frxes it up for him." She was very much opposed to the rezoning. Mr. Kerr explained to Mrs. Ball ttrat this is not a counEy road, and Ehac the developer wiJ-l have to stand the expense himself. He explained rhe difference between a county road and a Pubhc road. Merle Hood, Douglas Polk, and Robert Taylor also expressed drsapproval" Mr, Graham reiterated his wilhngness Lo eomply with all requi-rements of rhe Departmenc of Public Works, and reminded those Present that the DepartmenL has looked ar this road, and appr,:ved it for the propcsed use after the requirements have been met'' A discussion followed beEween rhe Planning Commission mernbers and Mr" Kerr, duri-ng which they ciarified the problem of aceess on the short secr.ion of feeder road leading to this property on the north,' It was determined that there should be a 32' dedicacion from the NE corner of Garden Way before a buildrng permit rs i'ssued' Bob McKibben, who direcred the planning for rhis projecc, also talked about the road situacron, including the "bottleneck" at Ehe north end. He stated that both pieces of property had dedicated 12t, but !Irs. Charles Bradshaw, owner of one of uhe parcels, disputed this, stating thaf Ehe dedication requested from her by the County was l0', not 12r. Mr. trrlysong asked abouc the actual classifir:ation of Anderson Lane, and Mr. Kerr reporced that rt is his understanding Ehat Ehe 1Br, althcugh public in character, is county-owned through a tax foreclosure" It has never been dedicated and ai-cepted as a public road" Mr. Graham announced that he had just talked to the gentlenan [ac che meeting.l cwning properLy at Anderson and Garden Way; that he was willing to sel1 and Mr. Graham was willing to buy, which would take care of the bottleneck at thaE corner and rhe whole thing could be opened up. Motion: Lemerc moved to table this requesr unci-l an equitable acc.ess arrangement can be worked out" Cameron seconded, and the motion carried unanimously" _--E-. 3" Norval E. Shannon zc 68-060 Requesl: Rezoning from RA to RG, to construct a 4-p1ex on property locaEed easr of River Road, between Sandra Lane and Arbor Driv'e, Map 17-04-24-2L, TL 3800 and 3900" Tfre Departmenf,. of Health and Sanitation recommended approval" The problem is prrmarily one of access" There is an exj-sLing road on the ground i6r i-n widEh, which runs into dedrcatlon of the subdivision Iyrng Eo the norEh, There is a free strip on the east and soucherly boundary, with a stipulation Lhat. thj-s can be hfred when additiona-l dedication can be obtained to make this a full 50t. The needed LCPC Meeting of November 12, 1968 Page B III. MODIFICATION R. Vi;r*or Hamel -18-3-30, TL 1701 This is a triangular parcel located off Fox Hollow. A letter from the owner tothe Planning Commission was read by Mr" Bennett, requesting an 18r modification to the frontage requirement of the Subdivlsion ordinance (60'). A 1963 survey showed this property to have 43r on the exisEing county road, Proposed widening of Fox llollow will give this parcel more frontage. A road is in exi.stence on theeast boundary which has been there for some time, but according to the survey i-t is in the sole ovmership of Tax Lot 3000. Because of exrsting topography and road location, staff recommendatj.on was for approval of this requesE for modification. Dedication is not required, according to Mr. Bennetr, until the owner applies for a building permit" There is no provision for asking for dedication in connection with this requested modifieat.ion. Motion: Cameron moved to approve thi-s frontage modification for R. Vietor Hamel. Butler seconded, and the motion carried unani-mous1y, IV. DEDICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH 1-65 William B" Crow, Executor of the Estate of {1 ert Walker, Deceased, 17-3-22 The Lane County Building Code requires that property rnside the urbanizing area must have frontage on a public road of nct less chan 50r. If it is less than 50rthen additional dedi-cation is needed at Ehe time of applying for a buildingpermit. This particular piece of property is located on Game Farm Road, and theadditional dedication is for 30t from cent.erline, whi-ch makes the road 50t wideat this point. Staff recommendation was that this additional dedication be accepted" Motion: Butler moved to accept this dedication, Lemert seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. V" TABLED ITEMS: 1. John D.Graham, ZC 68-057 Mr. Kerr touched briefly on the history of this applicarion for rezoning from AGT to RG co a1low a 100 unit apartment complex on property si-cuatedsouth of Centennial, along r-5 (17-03-33-11, TL 90r). The primary purpose intabling this bef,ore had been to work out a satisfactory solution Eo the access road problem" At present the road is 18t, with existing houses onthe east side making it difficult to obtain dedicarion. Mr. Kerr indicatedthat enough dedicati-on can be obtained from Mr. Grahamrs side of the road toserve this project, with the dedication on the easterly side being obtainedat a later date" Sanitation has been worked out on a local basis, with the projeet having its own treatment plant. The main trunk of the Spnrngfield sewer system is nearby, and the developer desires to hook up as soon as it becomes feasible. SEaff recommendation was that this rezonrng be granted approval, with thestipulation that addi-tional dedication as specified by the Department of public Works be made. LCPC Meeting of December 10, L96B Page 3 - John D. Graham , Contrd. Mrs. Ba1l, who owns property to the south of rhis acreage (i60 Anderson Lane), contended that the 18! aecess is an easement, not a public road, and that any building must have 50f frontage on a public road. Mr. Kerr said that records in the Assessorts and the Surveycr's offices rndicate Ehat title to this property is held by Lane County, through rax acquisition. Mrs. BalI dld not agree. I,l.ax Pierce, 710 Anderson Lane, said his objections were the same as they were at the last meeting, namely, traffic congesEion, soil contamination and road widening, which could cause him to lose his home. Mr. Kerr lnvited Mr. Pierce and other incerested parties to examine Mr. Grahamrs submirted plan, and questions pertarning to thrs plan were answered by planning commission members. Mr. Kerr stated that additronal dedrcation could be obtalned from the trlangular plece of property located at the "bottleneck" leading to this property, if necessary. Chaj-rman Petersen inquired about the warer supply, and was j-nformed by Mr. Graham that water will be obtained from che Rainbow Water Drstrict, A 6" line will be run from the 10" main on Garden Way. Other items drscussed were the necessary easemenr to have the water line run in, eost of paving, etc. Mr, Kerr informed Mrs. Ball that the cost of road improvement would be borne by Mr. Graham, but that she and other residents woul-d be allowed to dri,ve on it" Motion:Read moved to grant a change of zone from AGT t.o RG for John D. Graham to construct an apartment complex, subject to the specificaLions of the Department of Public Works regarding the road situatj-on. Cameron seconded, and the motion carried unani-mously. 2. Norval E. Shannon. ZC 68-060 17 -l!-, lJ Reques t: Location: Rezoning from AGT to RG, Eo build a 4-plex East of River Road, between Sandra Lane and Arbor Drive One of the reasons for previously Eablrng this request was to study che policy in the River Road area concerning multr-family development. The access problem on the east cannot be resolved completely aL this time because of existi-ng buildings located on a freeze strip, but it has been worked out to open up a half-road by obtaini-ng additional dediaation from Mr. Shannon Eo make a total of 25t " The proposed land area is sufficient for the project" Staff recommendati-on was Ehat approval be contingent upon (1) sanitation probJ-ems being resolved to the satisfact-ion of the Department of llea1th and Sanitation, and (2) the dedication of boch the private parcel and an additional 9' to make a total of 25t out to Arbor Drive, with paving to be in accordanee with the recommendations of the Department of Pubhc Works. Speaking in oppositj-on: Mr. Manuel Krause, 950 E. 23rd, Eugene. quoEed an article from the Re gis ter- Guard perLaining to square footage requirement.s proposed in the new minimum LCPC Meeting of Deceurber 10, 1968 Page 4 tffs cou{rY ?0t{xits Ail[ t$t0 uSE 0Ri)$$rr{cE no. 3e3 l\ ) Tho Sqard of hrflty Cormrlsglcrmrs of Lona Coi,Rrty ordelrrr. cs foitc.rsr Tho follcmlry descrlbod landt B.rglnnlng at-a point Ir3*i,73 fc*t Sou:!.1 of t:rl,ci.t f. *sr,rkll O.L.C. llg. 5, en tjra l"*it bc:rnC;ry l{n* sf; s:?d E.L.i" !lrr, g}; tlsxit?cc l3 folrt trcsg to u*.it rf ght*of-rr.iy "f C<x-nty lt,:r:;;l i;o trir{ntof b*glnn{n;lltlrarc,: n,.rrlir 2" 536 ti;rcr i:!:.!l ic:'t elcx.:r; rl:*t rlgllrt-of-nay Of Ccetnty Slondl th:ii$c n:,:.th i:7" l;a lE5rt r-,i:st, lJ.:.C3 f**[to cast-rtglrt-of-r.r1y of u.s. lit,;1uay_>'1t thrnm .slcn3 s.*f<I rlgl:t* g{.+tgy llr*:-ECI.rrh to 5j! }C', r1i}s,,: Utli,?l fc*et il-r:n,i cslst:?.!7o26r Eastr lr63.t$ foEt to Fclpt oi' h+;innin!; - Ir harcby rs*qr*d fr'ryn r:.6T AEnIC!.["TI tE, t?1r!H* xit? ]?t:liii? Rxtslt{s ox$TitICT to B0 GAR0gtl APARBI:I{T DIS?IICT Ertd t* su}j*rt to rh* r+gulotims pravic!** rherefof ln Long 0Ouney Zonlng and Lsrd Uso lleSrrlat{on OrdiircnEs t.!o. tt, cE ancnr!*d, kn*ar as ths ttforlng Plan of th* Cmtnty of Leney $tuto af, Fegonrrt pui"suant to 0.8-S, Choptor 215. |.. , Ap:'ov:* ;::i.j trc]$)i.'$:nj:ii 'f-r:: s,-.-:,;:':::iL !.ry t3'.1, ;il'i{;i.::." i',j; ',.'i"'r -.r,' :!'ra Lcno CcruritT :tanniiS :lmr:i:s{o;r t;ii: i.i.)1 _.: q;:,*:-_* :.r lij, .. ..),..*.' ._:., .J c'.+ ft):lco of p;."ilc lr:;;'t*;r nhC h*lil:-r3 i:,; ,rc l-.=r"ilig <xi '$le j-1.;.:i.,-;. -.-*-::.**. t (al'lI rAJ. /