HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-03-176"7 TBS,TL l?-O3-33-11 I' r-ot 4Ol Job Location INFORMATION SHEET (x ) Auilding Permit ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites-( )Would like to meet on site. Call (owner, etc.) Acreage or Lot Size- Partitioning #- ( )Completed( ) Pending Test holes will be ready APPLICANT'S NAIVIE AND ADDRESS Bctty Vokacek 582 Rayner Avenue. Euqene. Orcgon 97401 746-9442 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from applicant's Same CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Same Mail permit or results of site (X ) Prefer to pick up. Call feasibility stud 746-9442 yto(')trpplicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor (owner, etc. ) when ready , ;TRUcTURES NOW ON THE PRoPER Restdent to be remodeled Subdivision Lot - Bloc k Phone Phone Phone PROPOSED USE (this permit)Renodollnc of double to slngle gerage wlth Sewlnc. Dlntng & Laundry roona. WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSA t N/A PLUMBING BY N/A 1x ) pnOpERTY lS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( Eusenc. Oregon 1 existing or proposed well, etc. lf public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.l L Address ri.++*oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW THtS LtNE**.********** ( ) New Address Necessary zoN F ( ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS: Front (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ( ) Special Permit Area. [Vlinimum Elevation Side Facing Street lnterior Side Yard Rear - (FROI\4 PHOPERTY LINES) To: Planning/Building lnspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor, This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Response By DEPARTTVIENT OF E NV I RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394c55-12 tvrston PERTVIIT # TRS, TL JOB LOCATION Partitioning # Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Date LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # Comments By ) Completed Subdivision Lot- Block- APPLICANT'S NAI\4E AND ADDRESS Phone- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR Phon tr CONTFACTOR'S NAIVIE AND ADDRESS Phone- Mailpermitto()Applicant()owner()contractor.{)PrelertopickUp.call-(owner,etc.)whenready. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THlsPERMlTlsFoR#BEDRooML#PLUl/]BlNGcoNNEcTloNL \I/ATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL s.l. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUlVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action, I herebv agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid S-Signatu re Date () NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT l SPECIAL PIVIT. AREA. IVIIN. ELEVATION SANITATION BUILDING Type of Construction Group ire Zone c"rr*t, Use classification By Date PLANNING REOUIREIVIENTS SATISFIED. By:Date ZON E SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROtVI C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IVIANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55-13 BLDG. pERMtr - WHtrE; BUtLDtNG - GREEN; pLUMBtNG - GANARy; sANtrATtoN - GoLDENRoD; oFFtcE coptz - wHtrE PHONE: 687-4394 { Date lssued: PERIVIIT # TRS, TL Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE Fee Paid $ JOB LOCATIO Partitioning # LANE COUNTY PERM!T ) Completed Subdivision Lot- Blo ck OWNER,S NAME AND ADDRESS PhON Phone s.t. # CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDBESS Phone- Mail permitto { }Applicant ( }Owner ( ) Contractor. ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready. THIS PERIVIIT IS FO # B ED ROOIVIS-# PLUIVIB I NG CO NNECT IO NS STBUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY .' ' . . SEWAGE DISPOSAI THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF.PLUN/1BlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest jn tl,lgrroperty: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that {i{ lat the owner) l. am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner iF aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply wilh all-rpplic+b,qodes relating to this permit. Signatu re NEW ADDRESS ( ,) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- ( ' ) SPECIAL PMT. AREA. IV]IN. ELEVATIONI - Date SANITATION lVlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet lVlaximum Depth Date: BUILDING Comments: Type of Construction -Group -fire Zone Comments By By Date PLANN ING REOUI REIVIENTS SATISFIED. By Date lssued ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTIVIENT OF ENVIRONN/IENTAL TVIANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILD!NG AT SITE c55-13 BLDG.pERMtT-WHtrE; BUtLDING-GREEN; pLUMBtNG-cANARy; sANtrATtoN-coLoENRoD; oFFtcEcoplz-wHtrE PHONE: 687-4394 ( Date: SITE INsPECTION Apenov e o R euaRx s D r sAPPRovEo Dare I nspecroR Zu,' u 7 FOUNDATION I NSPECTION ApeRoveo /Retlrnxs /A<.-r*t -- Dar e I Nseecron FRAM I NG AppnovED Re uanx s I NSPECT I ON Drslppnovro oort.{- 1a -?-?qr,.ZI NsPEcroR 7 LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Apenov r o D r s aepnoveo I Nspecton a.gv*fRru rnx s FINAL INSPECTION AppRovEo ru DrsrppnovEo Rruanx s I NsprctoR k-,4 2 -7-78*< CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REaov ro lssur RruaRx s D Nor Rrrov ro lssur D Dore_llrspe cron D DrsAPPRovEo V D Dore- !D urrlr;jd-8 //