HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-03-04t0r16 NocSEo 'lNf cn3 '1119 1sv3 9er 'xtNNV f snoHlunoS lNlt^l3cvNVtl "lvlNSWNOUtANt JO tdlC 'AINnO3 lNVt (rJ-ls IV 'DOlg NrVN NO rilAUld SrHt rSOd (aprS as.ra^au uo s[elao aas) 'pardncco 0ulaq arolaq ^cuedncaolo alecllluac P arlnba.i soulpllnq llv epoc 0urqun16 alels aql pue lesodsrp aoeMas acelnsqns /ol spJEpuEls O :l'O 'apoC 0ullprng alels aq1 q1rm,(lduoc lleqs uorlrnilsuoc llV suolloadsur uals^s crldas parlnbal lle alnpeqcs ol !9ot-1.89 llEc suorteadsur uorlcnrlsuo3 parnber lle alnpaqcs ol 990t-1.89 llec INVIUOdl il € l'gs3 oouN3a]oc - NollvrlNVSNllue - cNlollnS AUVNVC - 9Nl8nn-ld vNtd - xv-t AINnOC 31tHM - Adoc 3clllol|HM - llt/!ufd eo]8 ]l.VC ]SNVNSSI ls/ S]UNI-VN9IS C]ZIUOH]NV ]NOZ UVSU J.NI]CIS lNt-1 'doud t oul 'll IX] ]CIS l-NOUJ A/Vr lO'U1C l OUl 'l-l "S>f,V8IlS r rssv-r3 lsn l NOZ ]UIJ dnou 9 NOrrSnursNos lo rd^l. s-ttlA/1 -ttv r oul ,00[ VJ.S S] HCN I HI-d]C HCN]UI 'XVIA l_l'Nt-t C''I]IJNIVUC 'NItA SIV9 ,A.]-tCVdV3 >NVI 3L_dlS'N rt sNorrvSrJrc3ds lourNoc Norrn-r-rod uf rv/\ oNV sNorrc3dsNr a suNu3d NollcnursNoc Al t3f ds ul Hro-llfA fIVnlud ]IAJVN AIINNWNOS 3n8nd t I cNtrstxl t I crsodoud :Arddns ulJ-vA tvl-ot_ /1frnfuNVtd -IVSOdSIO ]ISVAA It oH l-11801 l9uvHSuns %t 9Nt8nn-ld 9NlCl lnB J rvN []urH10 []ulN/1o :AB Cf-l-lvl-sNt 9Nt8l^nrd [ ] ulH10 [ ] >ruvrcrrdls [ ] crrena :IVSOdSIC ]9VAA]S NOtl-VntVn 1l 'os (snoouols #) runrcnul.S ssarppv - Alredor6 o1 suortoarC :Apado16 uo sornlcnJls 6urlsrxj Ul.da6 qlp!M aDealcy )301 I ]ol xel_=___=-uorlcas -a6ueg (aLueN peoU) A1:ador6 o] ssacrv uorsr^rpqns MI # 'oau 'S'O f IAVN ]3erf snsuac 3COC drZ epoS ]NOHd f t3 SS3 U CCV rolJerluoS n ]NOHd 3COC drZ l-l 3 SS]UCCV 3IAVN [ ],r.cmvanooo ro rcNVHc t I nn:r^ru NVrd [ ] :nou srsor t I NolrcnursNoc JAU^ O tr oN lilAuld I Iil luld AINnOC lNVt \w/qur!Lor{€ s lrE lyaLu4l_!_q[ (BUtLDING PERr,llT APPL lCAT|ON N0 . 34 ( ) slrE lNsPEcrloN PLANNING DIVISION CK|DBYTF n'e^-na 6. Setbacksf rqi c/l of road: Front {a R s TAX LOT -22 BDIVISION: APPL ! CANT OTL BLOCK: Not Iicable I 2 3 4 5 Zoning 0rdinance. Cornpl iance:Zone Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance No 1-l() () () () Yes fll Requi red Accessguitaing Site (Area, width, Frontage) Other (see cornments ) () () () Side Exterior -r Setbacks frorn interior I ines: S ide E_ Rear COI{MENTS: ? PLANNING DlVlslON ACTION PENDING: YES( ) N0(APPL I CAT ION#) BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Plans Submitted Soil Stabil ity (footings) Flood Plain Other (see conments) Not App!rse!-!-e 7 8 9 0 () ili No 1-)() Yest() () () ()CKID BY ZI COI'IHENTS: ITATER PoLUT ION CONTROL Not I l. l{eets Oepartment of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. 12 . Other (see cornments ) Aool icable- No Yes -(T r) rT () ()() CK'DBY:L DATE COHHENTS: TO APPLICANT: Your r{: Building / Site lnsPection: an be approved. annot be approved at this t ime as indicated on item I through N0- above. 6 contact the LANE-3*1t(Que stions and further information on t NTY PLAN D IV IS ION rough 2 contact t Will be held in this ce unti u rned . s rther information on i tems 7 S ION.SAN TATION D you can reso vet e prob Quest i on NE COUNTY i tems and fu ILDING ) )ls being ret Your bui ldin rmi t a lication fee is b 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 'H'NE. 597-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DlVlSl0N PH0NE: t 97401 687-41 85 c55-28 ems nd i cat ed. OATE PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] n Owner NAIVIE ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE E Contractor Ranqe- Sectio Tax Lot- Code B lock Acreage ZIP CODE PHONE Census Tract Width Depth NAIVIE ADD R ESS CITY O.S. Reg. +r Tw Subdivision Lot Access to Property (Road Name) Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDBOOIVIS}SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY OWNER I ] OTHERTI NAIVI E BUILDING WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED I ] EXISTING t] PUB LIC COIVITVIUN ITY . NAIVIE PLUIVIBING 3% SURCHARGE IVIOBILE HOIVIE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL PRIVATE WELL OTHER . SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICA TIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS IVIIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT IVIAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCH ES STAY 1OO' FRON4 ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS FT. FROIM CTR. OF rAff FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINEr SIDE INT. - REAR ZON E AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ISSUANCE DATE BLDG, PEBMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANABY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENFOD IMPORTANT POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Call 687-4065 to schedule all required conslruction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.O. standards foi sub6urlace sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a, certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) LANE COUNTY PERMIT F( StTE INSPECTION AppRovEo Rruanx s D r srppRoveD Dare I ruspecron FOUNDATION I NSPECTION APPROVED Dr sappRoveo Dar e Ir.rspEcron Reuanx s €u tft44.-74'' 7 -' FRAM I NG Appnoveo Rg ttaRx s I NSPECT I ON D Drsrppnove, D Darr .llrsprcron LATH OR SHEETROCK Appnov r o Rrulnx s I NSPECT I ON D r s rppRoveo Dar e I NSPEcToR FINAL INSPECTION AppnovEo & Drsrppnovro REuaRr s Dnr e I NSPEcro CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssuE REuaRx s D Nor Rrrov ro lssuE D Dore- ?ot-fb l-/ t I Hspecron D ! u E 4 I D ?