HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-05-17. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS:2417 Ranch DrLv6, Spltngfleld, Ot68on CONSTRUCTION pERtV T # LC-808_79 LANE COUNTY DEPARTME}IT.OF ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEI'ENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE- OREGON 97401 TRs, TL: 17-03-24.4.3 # sffi suHivision: tri aa to 8.a6h ra.tl.r. i.t,,g,.rf"of e This permit for the relerenced property is hereby--a8pro!l6d.- Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation oJ this permit, citation under provisions ot Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + 3sf,I'filryauTllt?i'#fitnt8ll+"1"s;lr*ll1.f3l.6l&l"rru9ar7spfa, oregon s7477 same aa applLcant 584 Total Construction Value: g34001.00 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 7 26-057 9 I 7 47 -3Zl T t tcrc II 1 Construction approved by this permit: FantLy room add @ 612 eq f t; and stairs @ 80 sq f t. Structurea no!, on property: resl.dence and garage Suppl-ement 23 for enlargement of SDS Water Supply: citY +rBedrooms: 3 +PlumbingFixtures: 3 *Employees:na PLANNING DlVISION Zoning: Agt-RA setbackePartitioning +r na Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 45 side exterior: rur ; interior property lines: 5r ;rear property line: 5t Special lnstructions: na For information call 687-4394, Roger Hol1ls na Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, B5t x L30.2t WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # na lnstallation specif ications: nana lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Septic Tank Drainfield gal. min. septic tank capacity; Special lnstructions:InstaL} an additlonal 50r of drainline to the exlsting SDS"-----T;aln1ines ls to run parallel wlth the east properry llne of baek yard. Keep drainllnea 10r apart, stay 10r from property lineawlth dralnfleld" Do not drlve over exlstlng drainllnes. Setbacks , ii-e r i o r p rope rty I i n es Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation wells, other water sources 10' 10' s', 50' ---1t-- 10' 10' 100' CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION For information call -3 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 lnstructions: as Jin Lamb I 5:00 p.m. Use Classification: SED/ADD For plans information call 697-3167 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and Directions to Site: Dotm 19th street, sprLnSfLeld to R.nch liarket aDd turn rLght et Rauch Market, left on Ranch 7f. Drlve, (brLcL, gr€eo house) Date rssued: ,r-rrlri'"' \"".' sreeo hou.e) By: r.T. Moffr./ly \ (lI C5613 ELDG.P€RMIT-WHITEjOFFICECOPY-WHITE;BUILOING-GFEEN;PLUMaING CANAFYj SANITATION - GOLDENFOOi A & T - PrN\ - s.B.c. sEc. an(d) ExPlRAtloN Ewrv ermit hfld(h, thdtBrrildlrEoflict.t uaahr rh€ pcovl.loi3llf..rhe Cods sl5ll e,(pire by limitarion and bscome.null and void .if tb6 brilding ofwork .TJ,i[i ;;;f';hil'i.;;i};;;; ffN; rii: iiw r'.r' t"a"t".t ruch permii, or ir the buirdins or wo,k authorized bv such permit is susFnded or ;il;il i;,;;il "r r'zo a"vs at "nv ti#aii*ii. i,Lii'ijJ..""""a. gelds such'work .in be reommenced a new Delmit sharr be rirn obt.in€d to do so, and the lee th€refor shall be onehar rhe amo;;;"q'i..al.' i """ p.''it tor ruchwort, prtviiiitr no'chsnsas have be€n made orwillbs made inths orisinal pri",-i ""i ,p*ir.i"lti.". r"i ,r;h work; and provided, ruither, that ruch ausp€n.ion or abandonment has not oxEeded one Y€ar. s.B.c. SECI 302).1 SUSPEI{$Onl OR RE\OCATION' i,*- r,rati oi;ri.iiiv. in ";itins. *'p.,'d of.*okq { iirmir ir$od undF p.o'dsions.bj ihE.6tli ;hploqr t\ nerrirr; i; iss'red in erdlr or on the basis or inorrect intirrnation suo'oti€d, or in violation otany ordinance or regulation oi any of the p.ovisionsot thrs Lt,de. . , -., ,. . , s.B.c. sEc. m4{dl REouIRED lI{SPECTIONS (CALLED INSPECTIOI{SI The Buitding officiat, upon notification from th6 permit holder or hi! 4enr,. shall make thc lollowing insPections (allow 1 to 3 working daYs). and shall either *r",",-ri*'plrrfl.^ ir ite mnstrucrion as pomfrci:a or noiiry rh6 rrmii,hoHrr or his €gEnt whar€in thE.rms tails to complv with this cod€''iiiio-ulij6Aiici-r'i r-lsi'icrroirr: ro ue ririlJairer renptris iep eictvar4, lorns ereded, and sieel reinn;reeme:al 5' in pr'ce lifrequted) AND BEFoRE ANY CONCRETE IS POURED.' ' ' {2} FRAME tNSpECnoN, i. * r*a" .fter ," ,*t, all franins, fire block ing and brates_are in place and all roush plu mbing, ro!,gh electr ical and fkeplace, ;htil"y,;,rd *m;;;;;;p-il. riolnoHi siAil BE covEBED uNrrL rHts INspEfiloN HAs BEEN MAEE AND aP- pAOVeo. rherewiI be;Jpprovarfor cover untilthe plumbins and electricalinspections hav€ b€€n made and approved. to LAIH AND/oR v{ALLBoaRo {sHEETRriaai iiisiiicnor'I, r; b" ."ds att;r att tathing and/or walltoard, inr,rior and extaior, is in Place: but belor€ anv plrter i3applild or the wallboard iointtard fasten€rs are t'!ed ard finish€d (41 FINAL INSP€CTION: ro de m*e atii tgd tuildins is compkt€ AND PEFORE occUPANcY OTHER tNSPECT|OI{S: tn addirion to ttE catled intFciio s spscified abov€. the Building Official may mak€ot require anv olher rnsp€ction! of anv construc_ tion work to ascerrain comptian.E with the Fovitio;5;iihis C;e and othsr lawswhich are;nforcsd bv the biviiion of Construclion Permic and lr'spections' BLOCK WALL |[{SPECT|ON: To be msde sfig, reinlorcing is in ptace, b'rt hdqE rny:soirt is poured. Thk ir6Pedion is rsquned for each bond b€am pour' Th.r€ will b€ no 6pp.oval until ths Plumbing ard €lectrical insFcrions h3v€ been made and approved' F|REpLACE tt{SPECTtOil: To b. made after rhe damp.r i. install€d, bur b€for€ thc chimnsY construction isrrraned. iroBtLE IIrME tilspEcTtoNs: An insDeqron k r€quiiird-qftsr th€ mqbile holrE is connecied to an spproved s€wfi or septic svstem for: s€tback requirern€nts, bldiiiqi, f@tirE connection; rieddJ*h, il(inihg, ani, dlanEirE connectidi! l ' '.j:i' :i' '. ' '' ' ryiLi. boib AT.Hllmtu flS{. yo, tn.y ,rrie yo.,i r"q,,or f., i;ape"ti.* b"i;" i,oo u.-. -i s,oo p.r. ilon-aiirtriu--g'h r.iaav at tt'e Departmsnt ot Environm€ntal Man.gEment, Public s*ri* d"iiJi"g, 125 dt eth A,,..,1, Erg"n" 6iaii, oi".risgz-aoss. o;ttving ..-i."y "it t th" ro tbwins: F lor€nce, 997-3461 ; oakridqE, 782-2258; cottasa Grov€, 942.4493...: ,,, . |,-:rrr zutLDlila pLRr tr riiJsr-et posreo lilo eppRovED pui S iluiTsE c{ tHE JoB srfE arALLTIMEs ot R|NG REGULAR woRKlls HouR& '- TVATER FOLLT.ITION @NTROL - oAR CHAFTER 34O Divkion 7 S"b6urra6 and Altsrrlatiw sewasc oispo.sl sliMiv ion standafds lor subsurlace and alternativ€ selYage and Nonwata-carried w.rte Di.co6al. 71.015{7)Apcrmitiiarcdpursuanttodl..erul65hallb€€tf.crive'oraperiodolon€y€arfromrhedateofissuahca 71-017 (tl Upon compteiing the .onstrustion for which a pcrmit ha. been ilar€d the p€rmit holder shall notify ths OePartm€nt The-DepartEcnt shall inspec rtu constiuai;n to dei*mi irn comptie wiitr t iri= fit i.* ir ttri.ai,i.lon. lf ituloh.inrction do.6 comply withsuch rule5, ths o€!6nm.nt 3hallilsue a c.rrificate of eti.fectory comptstion io rho permii hold6r. lf rt* con*uction do6 mt comply with $ich tules, ihe D6p6rtmem shsllnotilY the permit holder ;J.1.1 ..di&;.f""t";icor|iprtion uerodisuirB rtri ce.titi"rt". ruit,r.c to meet ths nquiremenG for s.tisfactory completion wilhin a r€alonabl€ time con- stitutes.a violatiqn 9f ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rqle'(" ( T A {" NEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL NANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property /4ffi*fiflffiffi,{i /-/ Affidavi t: I , If this application is for an ag cu ldi Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no o ng th LC :iql ii l_-l 1i* siiitf$s.t:iir./_ hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. 'it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and er purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: .) i*iur r ^ - or.rner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase;---F-Outy authorize{. tolct-Tor the.owneq, who is knowT-edgeable of-This-application,ffi;;;.;,;- ip; --'r- t 1.,5 " 0;;" i;:"i"e^, rr,.t o-io",t :01 f!71 7v7 -3277 it is ready noti /-7 Appl icant / / Utner /!,l4ontractor !X z1 Contractor's osRl. Sfq Plumbing by When Owner Contrac tor ** ,i- 7-7 /_/ nail l!{phone Phone Phone 7z C -o >-V If Commercial Residential: SI test holes ready r:iFgQ, tod€fid$lri:li**un: :$' ;,:,ftiriiii .: t#rtit,:#:::lg-fi::i$r!fgg;:: .f;{$, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE : i#-ifi#ii:ft i*t i------z-- # or employees - i#i#,#;|i&fit*.iir-- iil:iibtii:i:ffiiffii 17= *ll$liriir z_r Existins, Bp # /Z2^ff:17ry/ /_/ Proposed, SI # Ys.1-cslr-e!.Fee 2 E'. Total Va'l uati on : $$ $;{=-.each i,-< =$ each $ I u btcta 1 at at/5e7 ved lJater Supply Proposed _ Year Installed €M a€23/^ tc>4 t?a a. - 1 State surqh6pgs ans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ ( $ti ng TOTAL $e 37, /6 PERMIT PR0CESSING 7o Minimum setbacks: t, Comments To be typed on permit 'r #Parcel Size'; int _€:_i rear--1f-/- Bv oate __ CP& I up" 5N eroup-k ?-Fire To be typed on permi t: (:Sil,,.';lIr,tri ,Ft> By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) *Directions to site 4, L / ilro Pl ans to: ,il rra,ff ,,rc /7 PIanning /-/ Publ ic Works / I Elevation ffitu ,/-/ Add res s i-/ lacility Permil /_/ t-nvtronmental Hea'l th Cl)&l / set r^lPC _]1_ r"t Da t,e Hold Sl ip ta PCC tlcrrpl eterJ '.:rt -,(,oat€ to PCr FOR INFORI'IATI0N about progress of your application call C74-L7L Permi t Conl,rol Cenlt- 687-HELp (687-4357) Dkerl( ht^ tti/s'* Pz,r/ , s jtl PARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I{ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address w/r Ci ty Appl icati.on # Assigned Numbers property: to purchase; Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Affidavit: I, If this applic AA^} Lot Bl ock Appl ication for Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: /,.7 Residential 17 Commercial 17 Industrial // Puutic hereby certify that this information is true and accurate pl ea se ation is for an agricultu ral bu tdi ng the it vrill be used for purposes allowed by the State Buildir purpose. I have the following I egal interest in the ng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no o owner of record;con trac t pu rcha ser ;I es see holder of an exclusive o ptionduly authorized to act or the owner, who is knowGage able of this application. S i gna ture,/Add res s Te1 ephone or Da te When permit is ready notify: /] Applicant /_/ Owner 17 Contractor !y: /-/ nail /-/ phone 0wner z1 Phone Phone z1 Con trac tor z1 Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by i DO NOT WRITE BELOt,i THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories # of employees _ # of units Residential: # of bedrooms SDS: , Existing, BP # l/ Proposed, SI #SI test holes Feady Fee Code *Sq. Ft. or # of SitesDescri pti on Fee $ $ Total Val uation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn, at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $$ $each $ each $/-/ casn /-/ Check # Received by Water Supply $ Proposed --Year Instal led Exi sting _ Subtotal TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks, t , front Part. #Parcei #Parcel Si ze t, side int rea r Comments To be typed on permit By Da te ft. of drainfield; rnax. depth of trenches I^IATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation specifications ga1. tank; To be typed on permit Te1 ephone By Directions to site / / sIF1 Pl ans to Da te Requ i red Hcld Slip to PCC ila t-e Comp I eted CP&I WPC set set s S Date to PCC /_/ /*/ /_/ /_/ /_/ CP&I I"lPC Planning Publ ic Works /l Elevation /-/ n/a /_/ Address /-/ Faci I ity Perm j t Environmental Health FOR iNFORI,!\TI0N about progress of your application cal1 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) nl,v ,{- Un it /^nc +Vai uati on lane county HOLD SI.IP APPLTcATToN # LC fof-l 7 6l!'r- Name Address 7p The Lane County Water Pollution Control Div'ision cannot proceed with processing your application because: l. Incomplete appl ication ( items deficient). Address and/or directions to application site. Proposed Number of bedrooms in dwelling. Approvable p'lot plan (see attachment). Notjfication of date test holes will be ready. 2. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). 3. Two test holes (2'X4' X5'deep) requ'ired for expansion or repair of existing sev',age disposal system 'in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. other, /- Ailtu&*# ,rb"* )7T- 1''174 - 181 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / ENVIRONMENIAL MANAGEMENTtzs EAsr Bth AVENUE / puarrc sERVrcE BUTLDTNG / EueeNE, .REGoN e740r"'tBll[8[l r-c Appl icatl-on # Assigned Numbers : permit is ready notify: /_/ Applicant /-/ Owner /7 Contractor E Ci ty tot ? Bl ock 7' ea se .#fi, !"' AEPA ) m ) c n Comme rc ngi ther kn'owlE?geab ?1 or v al cation is for an agricul tural bu ldi t vrill be used for purposes allowed b.y the State Buildi nq Code and Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no o I have the following 1ega1 inr.erest in the ppu rpos e .roperty: con trac t purchaser;les see;holder of an exclusive option to purchase;to ac[-To'r the own er, who is 1e of tfris application. ?/ 77z1 Te1 ephone hereby certify that th.is infornration is true and accurate. Job Address Tovrnshi p, Range, Secti on , Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for Structures now on the property 17 Industrial Contractor's 0SR#P1 umbing by itJite RTIlENT OF EIIViRONi4Ei,JTAL IIANAGEI"]ENT PSB, I25 TAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740] Affidavit: I If this appl i Proposed use of property: /l Resjdential /-/ Pub l^lhen Owner & phone Phane 7f 7- q6/6!y: /-/ nail Date q-? - 77 If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes # of employees _ # of units SDS: /_/ Exi sti n9 , AP # /_/ Proposed, SI #rea Fee Code Descri oti ont- Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cos t Val uati on Fee l3 Total Valuation: $$ + Plumbing fixtures ai 5_ ._.__ each $- /-/ casn /_/ Cnect Rece i ved /€a7 Sewer/water conn. at $each $ k#Subtotal tsy'. lliater Supply Propos ed +/a PI State surcharge ans check fee Change of Occupancy Year Instal led TOTAL PERIVIIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Z .5 Parce I I Parcel Sig'CL,t t, i{0. tt'1.&; rear /-_7_ Comments To be typed on permit By Da te WATER POLLUT]ON CONTROL Instal lation speci fications gal . tank;ft. of drain ield; max of trenches: To be Te1 ephone By {Di rections to si te / t SlrO ptans to /. / cP&I /_-/ vPC 17 Planning CP&I l,JPC S S Da te Requi red Ho S1i p Da te Da te toto PCC Compl eted PCC /-/ Public Works / / Llevatton -/_/ Address /_/ n/a /-/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t /- / Env i ronmen ta I Hea I th FOR INFORi.1ATION about progress of your application ca)1: Permit Control Ce'rrter' 687-HELP (687'4357) Da te I I // +1lil le J /, of record; au thori zed 0wne r=-1u1y S i gna tu relAdd res s '12 L -3) -i ru Con trac tor $ Exi sti ng -- ( ( Part, # 0n t Job Address owner of record;----V-a,ly authorized.act I Signature/Address Te1 ephone tJhen pe 0wner rmit is ready noti U Appti. Con trac Contractor's 0SR# .QEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE fUGENE, OREGON 9740I 3)fia-r-u- be used for purposee. I have the fol l contrac t purchaser;'I es see ;hoof this applwho is tnow-T-edgeaUl e lilif,#ii:$lii&ki 2- grP"PA- oL5 ir $ir+ffiii|l Appl ication for Structures now on the rty l#,m"me#iru#ri.i$f,iiprqppnt$rXri /f,B*r;t'f,#a t :lir.l /_/:l*ilS'1i:l:e::::: Arridavit: I, (-hr.tf I I 1fX5fiAI _, hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If this application is for an -,(fiil:EEsTEfrfr.fr*-f agricultural building it will s allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other purpos owing 1ega1 interest in the property:'lder of an exclusive option to purchase; ication. ?1 or /'t I '4 Da te t--t Contractor !y: f/ nail //ohone z1 Phonc Phone nt /_/ Owner Plumbing by DO NOT WRITE BELOW IHIS LINL If Comrnerc'ial Residential: i i#iiiu#iii$#r##i- .#i.:.ro#i:rriirtiliiil*imi:i # of emp'loyees _*; g;;$$if-t*:f, i$$.$jliii /_/ Existins, BP # /] ProPosed, SI #SI test holes ready :r:::::: ,tee sodp Se$Br*:FftUE.: , iiiir,tiiliiur: im,!t: #j:i:f,f::i:i$.l.t{E r ,i,$S$ti Val uat i on Fee $ o23 Tota l Va,] uati on: $ $at at $ Subtota l TOTAL each each $_Cr Recei ved Water Supply 4% State surcharge .Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy Proposed _ Year Instal led Exi sti ng _ PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Part. #Parcel #_-- Parcel Siz 'intMinimum setbacks , front t, side rea r Cornments To be typed on permit By Da te Group Fire Zone Use Cl assificationCP& I By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area insPector) Directions to site /_/ srF0 Pl ans to r-/ CP&l /-/ l,i'Pc /7 Planning /-/ Public Works , Elevation /-/ nla /]/ Address /-/ Facil ity Permit ! Environmental Health FOR INF0RI'IATI0N about progress of your application call c74-17L Hold Slip to PCC Da te Comp l eted CP&I I,IPC set set Da te Requ i red Date to PCC ( $ $-.-- $ b"o() To be typed on permit Permit Control center 687-HELP G87-435' lane county APPLTcATToN * [-c KoK -7? Name Address Zip Code The above application is being held by the Permit Processing sect'ion for the followingreasons : HOtD SLIP {/c ulnaflt*L W ?o t/,13 ,{oT MPE, Division: Si gnature: Division: Si gnature: f,T, rn ,^r" y'/fl/z/ This^application will be held until _ If the informatjonrequiredabovehasnotbeenfurn.ishedcaiionwillbecancelled. Fees paid for waste dispos,al-systems (site_ inspecti"oni unbTor-.pplicatjons to installthe-septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Sone retunJ',nuy be made on thebuilding and plumbing portion of your application if .un..ilution -is necessary. In the event a Planni!9 or sorne other.long-term problem exists over which you haveno control we will hold the permit untit lrre oroblem is iri;i;"; and we receive wordfrom you as to whether to prb-eeo-witri perrit-irr,un.. or process a cancellatjon. Date c74-t39 PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 f lane county HOTID SLIP GAPPLICATION # Name Address Zip Code The Lane County Water Pollution Control Divjsion cannot proceed with processing your application because: l. Incomp'lete appl ication ( items deficient). Address and/or directions to app'lication site. Proposed Number of bedrooms in dwel1ing. Approvable plot plan (see attachment). Notification of date test holes will be ready. Verification of existing system required (memorandum exp'laining th'is procedure attached). Two test holes (2'X4'X5'deep) requ'ired for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed dra'inf iel ds. 4 Other: 2 3 fr M74 - 181 WATER P0LLUTi0N C0NTR0L DIVISION ^/. ENViRoNI'4ENTAL I,TANAGEMENT DEpARTMENT125 EAST Bth AVENUE / -- p[eLrc SEnvicE BUILDING / EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 687-406r - nt oNs. (---l lt l._ _l .4 JO n) Nq r<er-, 5E4O*O Pl f 1aF{ .if --Wu .(% '\ P*cfo4ToiY -.L-__ &- RANC F_{Dretva pL-ot* pL_Nel 4C KAH,Ct-r UaRJ<ET E-|RaT Apr7,PKIVE LOT q 24t1 pLt<.? r<.AF,.ICLJ I --*f E.x t c trl4 'alxtlD ox Xo. toootr cl-a^npttxa 4. CONCRETE 1. PROVINE f I 2 t AS EXCAVATI9I]-PI96'TESSES, COI,JDITIONS I"IAY DEVELOP REQUIRINGCHANGES.IN,?IiE rIEVArrOIr,Or. TOOTINGS" SUCH CIJANGES S}IALI., Br}.IADE ONLY AS DIRECTED BY TIJE AIiC}.IITECT. PSI CONCRETE.c ALL coNcRETE SHALL BE RETNFoRCED, uNLEss spEcrpicAl,I.y MARKED ( a POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDBESS: CONSTRUCTION PEBMIT # LANE COUNTY DEPAFTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TRS, TL: SuHivision: This permit for the refurerrced property is hereby- Sotbacks and other conditions ol approrral mult be strictly oblend' Violation can reiult in rgrocation of thk p€rmit citation under provisions of lrne Countyt lnfrrtion Ordinance, and/or other romedic. allolr€d by law Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS * Construetion approved by this permit: Total Construction Value: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Water Supply:+ Bedrooms:* Plumbing Fixtures:+ Employees: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning +r Parcel n Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection +r lnstallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special Instructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; ( ietbacks Septic Tank Drainfield--10-- 10' 10' 100' r property lines -tT,'- 10' 5', 50' Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: lnstructions: Fire Zone: between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Use Classification:Group For plans information call For inspections see back of this permit)ll 687-4065 between 8:0O a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: Date lssued:By: BLDG.PERMIT-WHITE;OFFICECOPY-WHITE;BUILDING-GREEN;PLUMBING-CANARY;SANITATION-GOLDENROD;A&T-PINKc55-1 3 0!'-- ( SLAB FLOOR PLUMB ING GROUNN^/ORK Ap phov E o RrMaRxs Dr sappnovro I NSPEcToR GAS P lP I NG GROUNU^/ORK Ap pRov r o ReMaRx s D DrsrppRovm D Dar e I xspecron ROUGH PLUMBING Appnoveo ru DrsappRovro D oorr S-&6-J6 Rrxanrs SPECTOR ROUGH GAS PIPING Apenoveo D Drsappnovro D ReuaRx s Dare I rusrccton FI NAL PLUMBI NG D r sappnoveo t-/ /or-7 ?,*r"..ro^ fPlAPPRovED Reuanx s M Darr FINAL GAS PIPING APPRovEo D DrsAPPRovEo D Rrurnx s Dare I Ns pe cron CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rerov ro lssue ReManx s D Nor Rraov ro tssuE D Dare I NsPEcroR D Dore- POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB AODRESS: CONSTRUCTION PERI4IT # LANE COUNTY DEPARTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TRS, TL: Subdivision: Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation canThis permit for the referenced property is hereby result in revocation of this permit, citation under Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS +r Construction approved by this permit provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value +r Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures:+r EmployeesWater Supply: PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: , Partitioning +* Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIV]SION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; ^etbacks .riteiior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield---1Tr- 10' 10' 100'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/lNSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: lnstructions: Group:Fire Zone Use Classification: For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m Directions to Site: Date lssued:By c55-1 3 BLDG,PERMIT_WHITE;OFFICECOPY-WHITE;BUILDING-GREEN;PLUMBING-CANARY;SANITATION-GOLDENBOD;A&T-PINK 6l!'-- rb.-/ 1 .9 ,'..,',.,' /rS EXCAVATION PROGRESSES, gO!?rTrONS HAy DtrVELop.REr_ ^tRINGSIIIGI:- L*, Tf iu elrvArioI' i-;;;'i;iI.'"'iu.Ir cHANGES sHaLL ee}-IADE ONLY:AS DIRECTED NYYIIT ARCIIITECT. ,l .ICRETE PROVIDE f'PSI CONCRETE...., ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE RETNFORCED, UNLESS SPECTFTCALLY I"IARI(ED, CONCRETE FORMS, MTXTNG, PLACI}]G, AI.ID CURING SHALLACI I'TANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACT]CE,5 EDITION AND 9O fPttgni te r"ilo ..1 sz, )Yt Nci Fes COI.JFORI'I TO S P}jC l FI CAT]ONS ) 6ft<, rrwf w* 1 _)L 1b 4_ RANCH Dr2IVE PL-(]T PL-Ar-{ e l"= 40 LOT q 24t1 ?L*.2 RAFiCil r<ANCtJ PKIVE VA r-KET' FI?+T AJr, -'-1 EX I € ,nrxrio ox Xo. I ooox cLtalimtxT x .*lts ?? '(*. \\ FR.o3o eW suoNoaTokY AP prTsar( \ ''L---_--*\ a l, ,./jOA eObneSS,r4l, tr.L Drtv.. Sprr,a8lt ldr Orrsoc CONSTBUCTION pERMtT # LO-eE-rg LANE COUNTY DEPABTMENT OF ENVIRONI\4ENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON S7401 TRS, TL. 17-O:F26.4.3 SuMivision: 1.t .dd c. tDcL llrt t. Lt 9, Aloel, 2 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 3ffir*hF*ylmP**ffiusll;,s'rtt*lllffi 'fiHl&'t${rr*d' n otcsoc e7 rn 7 Total Construction Value: e ? This permit for the referenced property is hereby- Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can resuli in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + I Construction approved by this permit: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 72ffi5791r47-3t77** iII fH,l, rtil rdrl S 6til fi ft3 rnd :trtr € ffi re ft" Eu*Fl,q-.ot t3 fcr Gllclr.st of tD$Strwfficr Er eo proplr'ttt rarldrlll od grnp Water Supply:+ Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: + Employees n{t PLANI\IING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel +t lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size: 85t r L30"rr ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # na lnstallation specifications: $dl gal. min. septic tank capacity; frl lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions:lnst^€ll an add*tdrrrs.I stlt of draLs.Llns to ehs {*itfotJ.*g S$ff.lr te tu pnllil rrttL thc cret propcrty Linr of Septic Tank Drainfield br.k yrrd+ E6p drelnlr,rrr l0t eprrtr rtrl 1Os frm proprtt llsce rf,t& drrtdi,ald. Do rct drtnr ors Grr.etlag &rlnlbrr.ietbacks r nteiio-r property I i nes Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources 10' 10' 5', 50' 10' 10' 100' -=-] For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., l CONSTRUCTION PE RMITSIINSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: I nstructions: Group: Fire Zone:Use Classif ication: For plans in For inspecti formation call 68?*3?6? between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jtn Le*h ons (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: Date lssued: BY: css-l3 aLDG. PERtulrT - wHtTE; OFFTCE COPY - WHlTEj BUILOING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARYj SANITATION _GOLDENBOD)A&T- PINK 6l!'-- - ( SITE INSPECTION Ap pnov E o Reuanxs D o^r, {-231?rDrsappnoveo N5 PE C TOR FOUNDATION INSPE toN Appnov go D ,orrL,-L(,_2f_Dr SAPPRovED I Hspecton REua Rx s FRAMING INSPECTI A PPRov E o Rruanx s Dr slppnovro L-zLll I NSPEcToRDar e LATH OR SHEETROCK AepnovEo Rrxanx s I NSPECT I ON Dt sapPRovEo D o^r, 1-lo-7?BDoI Hspecron r FINAL INSPECTI Ap pnov e o" Rruanxs f-Z/-?? rNSpEcroRDarr CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssue Reuanx s '; D a,t# D Nor Re aov ro lssue D Dore_lxseecron_ PROGRESSES, -^OI,IDITIONS FTAY DEVELOP REL.tr^ rIINGELEVATIOTI L. FooTIl'JGs. sUCIi CHAN CES SIIALL BERECTED BY T}IE AITC}IITECT. NC IDE T 2@Q . pst coNCRE?r. ALL CONC RETE SHALL BE REINFORCED . UNLESS. SPECIFICALLY }1.\RXED."NOT I REI NFORCED" CONCRETE ORFlS FlIXING; PLACITJG, AND CURING SHALL CONFOR}I ?oACI I'TANUAL; OF C ONCRETE PRACTICE, I976 EDITION AND SPECIFIC ATIONS. -N >o .6 -.w<, rtl Hq FEe, fRcFo4To*Y --l 1 _)t* r'-1rtF 5€coNO A 12lTtat..t ,.L--* a RANC F1 c>rzlve PL-OT lf)Taa4n PL-AN td'4 BLK,7 Fp-ANCH RA I+C- t+-JKIVE MARJ<E-].. rtR$T Apr2, t-\ Evt-.*/\t J tr ;nrxTtD ox !ao. lo@lt cLl.rt?atr(, r L*e/,*.,,f nt, t\ I d 1l-o HY, 4,3TRS, TL J /t4b"Job Location (mile po. Lot e,7 B lockYICINITY MAP Subdivision FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ON LY: ff SVra., Approved fJ System Disapproved fl Needs Correction $aor- old. l*rrio ulenre- Yo ln"t D* sx COMMENTS I il1", +-3?N3J x- FOR INSTALLE E: Trench Depth T Tank Capacity {rr Y\nufacturer VI ured distance to well from tank -J-U €islrnl u F,e t,,t Si u re: o Filler Depth Below Tile from drainfield Date L /o frnc Ub-.r {- f t3' -t- I lrt/ \s- cd \s v\tq q, q., {- o @q) L'lC ! g) E'(o o E C'z, !P C(o .9oo- UJ cc ft- z(, co SI L o) GP @C uJF o fi,,151,n5 -lz,^k f b"ltDrrO fhr.,.-,1h. ol& lrncs \ tt^c.+ t*)e5,t , nb nge 5\!*ol,:g llorx€J* \ tl \ N\l\I \c 0\ N I $.\ , S +o-m et b J Sca Rancb. Dr. o INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY ON of sat-When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental lVlanagement, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 974O1 \ c55-1 1 -.runitr-d^frb 031 t" L-. DT CORRECTION NOTICE v IANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT co nsrrucrion ffffi[, -"llT:Ii"" Division This building or struclure does not conform to Lone County building regulotions, ordinonces or codes os noted below: M L-Zr-e,ea-) /* * qaae,<-q , t RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAT lnspector5-7 3 r Building Permit # ry SUPP LEMENT NO.3 BUILDING PERMIT LC-?OB --TO 3.4 t'IOI^lNER CONTRACTOR PROPERTY ADDRESS (Building Va'luation) add t* ror'"rc4-/ t{ame Rev'ised ( []addi ti on [ ]correcti on B1 dg. l^laste Pl umb. an R. sur. \-Lr ) Prior () lcas h ENT til,af,- aue []refund -T)tr rES S ress p p- p ne Date ) f Signature of App I i cant Fee Received LANE COUNTY PI "*% ToTAL =I5mramt. pai amt. duel\ [ ]chec k c74-LL9 Date )t a\lt ft (\^ t/ =la '' oo s)IOflr,tnO() x(}l I? '-rlta