HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-07Applicat EOR OFEICE USE ON Permi- t )t :UWiiSHIP IT *"'b3 SECTIONZZ,I,Z TAX LO' l--rav./ <: LOT,BI.OCK7 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY (iesiaentiar [-l rndustrj-al I-lcommercial J-l.et,uti" IOCATION c CI ztP SPECIFOF AND OSR orb 4) TELEPHONE NUMBER Proposedisting NAME Ithatandtruef5correctandthatcertifyherebyandPERMITFORAPPLICATlONCOI4PLETEDTHEEXAMINEDCARTFULLYIattachedofauthorievidencewithtyzedagenterownertheof1npropertYinterestofSlatheLeOreqontheandfoItheIegaIlowingofLaneCowtybeshaIIIfur-and work onperfomedthatDiv1anyf:rther of Bui 1di ngthecerti fy wa thethout pemiss j-onstructurebeofmadewi-11OCCUPANCY anythatandNOtnhere forworkthedescribedbasthe exempttainitoIthatefn9xempt701055oRsperffectasbyforceeandrequiredanfu11BuilderBoardrhwatheREADIHAVEthatectrtheregistrationceonthisbeusedrtifyprojI70.055thanceINconpliarewhoedu-bcontractorsthathereonnotedonlyand & THOROUGHLYCHECKED 'rt, Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of Pl-ot Plans tlech,/Plumbing Checklist Legal Interest Document Plan Check Info Sheet YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE TOLLOWING CONDITIONS: READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. Partition *-parcel #ParceI Size l-l plawtNc,/ZoNrNG:Zone D"o, =id.interior t'linimrm front CO}LUENTS rn flooal hazard .t.^, ff*o fl Yes,SEE ATTACHED SHEET. Date: Date rI rr.ooopr,nlN, Lrru SANITATION: S. I. l{B. P. #7 rnstallation Record rssued? [ vt" [ *" rnstallation Gal-Ion Specifications: ---- Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maxinum DePth of Trenches COM}1ENTS: Date:lo EXAMINATION: rYPe Group. COI'I}IENTS: Date TOTAL VALUATION S CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Sq. Ft. Fixed Fed/ Unit CostDescription PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFIC Floodplain Fee ) s $ c Subsurface Fe-es,wt{atrz( I\tech,/PImbg Fee Pr ans Check Fee State Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE s ) s$ J I LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PU BLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION "5<> . rrt-a"f \s-tl- \o- Lane Counry Authorization for' I 1S AND PLANS tr SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHERREMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW WHEN READY FOR rNSPggTrO!{, CALL 587-4065. A MrNr}4UM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE rOR TNSPEC-ffiul-HEvE-TEE-TorIowin9inioimationready:permitnumber,jobaaar.;"l.tip.of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone nunberr'and'any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIRED INSPECT]ONS : 1 Foundation rnsDection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when allmlGTEirEE-fo;-tTE-ou;a"iio"-.r.-Ieliverea "n d; J;;. where concrete from a centrar mixingplant (commonly termed I'transit mixed") is to b;-";;e; materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-Floorservnt, conduj.t, pplace but beior e any concrete To be made after all in-slab or under-floor buildingsories, and other ancil lary equipment i tems are in Inspect.ion:+rpLng accesis poured or floor sheathing ins talled, including the subfloor. 3 5. Final fnspection:To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATTVE SEWAGE DTSPOSAL SYSTEMS 4 Framing & rnsuration rnspections: To be made after the roof, alr framing, fire bilcxing, andbracing are-Tn !IEE6 anti-a1T-plp-_es, tirepia;;r;-;;;eys, arrd vents are complere and ali.roughelectricar and plumbing are "ppio""a. ar:- wari insuiition and vapor barrier are in p1ace. ll5_;H*ffffi #:"sffiflffi . .Ii f i":tS:,ff .i: :ii, i:;'tt3 i::"3ro;i}" tfi "rS;.;";:il:: APPRoVAL REQUf,RED' No work sharl be.done.on any part of.the.buirding or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive i""p".tio" without'fi;;; outaining-$;";p;;""ar of rhe building officiar.::'in:o::;:?1":ii:i :: ii;i:"::]i;':::"*;'Hi"iiil:":iii:"::i:,:i;:"fiIu" o, ""cr, ",,c"""":i" ",.f---.NorE: All buj-lding permits require'inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to:A' Brock warl: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This*f::**,::.'iffi:;t,*: ;*:-*:l':#: #r,"i:ii!.iiir"Il'iI "oo,o,,al untii the prumbins B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is!3S.';-- lil:'i:iiij:4":::ii ff"i:;il:i:F#:.:iil,:l"d;l;i!3i'i".i"n"rir ,;;;iii,ta res,ins c' Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the-mobile home is connected to an approvedSiliitil,'ifli'iriiliff;:H"::ll:;!.'"n"i'",u"t"1-rrocr<ingl-r;"1i";'connection, tie'aiwns, 1' ::::#S.::uoi':il: ;:":?HlLwith state roundation requiremenrs ror mobire homes or as 2' xi:ii'-*:;.il:lt-il.ft1:"" floor elevatj-on shall be certified when required by a flood- 3' Mobile home tiedowns, when reguired, and skirting shatl be installed and-5eady for inspec-;::""X:i::1,31 t"""t 30 davs irt.. ;.;;;.;;;: riedowns i.,a-=xiru.ns sharr be instarred D' #ffiHrT$i""::ii:u:rade when steel i-s in prace and before concrere is poured. Above srade APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURTNG IVORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPTRErF woRK DoES Nor BEGrN wrr'rN igo DAvs, oR rF woni-rs-suspENDED on eiar'roouED FoR M.RE THAN r'o DAys.susPENsroN oR REVocArroN MAY occun-ir rurs prnuir-wa! rssuED oN rue iilis oF rNcoMpLErE oR ERRoNEousINFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST THE POINT OF REOUIRED TNSPECTTONS WILL DO SO AT THETR OWN RISK. 1. 2. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance.upon completing the construction for which.a.permit has been issued, the permit horder sharrnotify the Lane county oeparunent-ot planni"g'i"d-ior*y"]!y Development by submitting theinstalration record f6rm.' rir"-o"pu.t*ent shirl in"pe"t the conltruction to determine if it- comp{ies wish the;rures "o',t.i',"J'r; ili; iiii"riii]"'rr ah; ;;;l;il;;ion does compry with suchrures'l. rhe'Departrnenr shhri-i;;;; a cerrif icut"-oi-."li"i"Itllv-;H;i;;r"" to rhe permiti holder.rf the constructi.on' does'r"t-."*pry ;;U;;;;-iUii.l..r,e oepar.tmer,{-"["r.r norify the permirholder arid sharr 'require satisfactory cqrtrpret:.or,-ueto.e ir;;;G-tib-certitlcate. , Failure to1.,."lni,.E$,.;ff;;; f:,,;i:;;i.:::;i.i$iiiji; iiii,in ; .";;;,,;;r"_ti." cbnstirures a vio_ Setbacks - Subsuff_____-_-__-__.:-_ i .. _ace Sewage Disposal fnterior property lines !dg: gr road right-of-wayBuilding foundationWells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10r 5t 50, c t4-zs From:Drainfield 10 r 10t 10! 100 t 0ctober .I9, .I983 TO I,IHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter is to verify our intent to have Mr. M. p. "Chuck" Fortier, license #4706,fkbuild an addition to our residence Iocated at 3340 Raleighwood, Springfie'ld, 0regon. The residence was formerly I isted as 840 Raleighwood, Eugene. ou i se F. Karther Richard C. Karther Gdl {tPsotg .afGilVtu 0CTZ S l$83p LlitE [0ljlil7 t:li:BtrE 5 ldne county ACTI ITY INFORMATION JHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! '6I !l -I ,fu/ , fr C,/ue/C fozQt z Et,/prr K*nr.1V6o u6e /nreC,?€L i,o '/ZOf,ERS0N MAKING REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER er//-7' C., TMRILING ADDRESS Oa 7 7?as-€-r-*-@--* TCIIY STATE ZIP CODE -----wY-STAF ZIP CODE /?z /'6 tv'z2a^* HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE #HOM_-IELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT D 3 uae a PAFIeEL NUMBEFI ( REQUIRED INFoRI4ATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) /? 3 2L-/2 _{ v 94 TAMSH]tr FANM SMTITN ffi ca*/ AZ",lr' ZON I NG f300 m-11NSHTp mNm gTION ffi ZONING MTNSHTP RANE SEETTOru @ ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSH IP: //d ACRES + SUBOIVISION (if aPPlicable)tn/nD.LOT {BLOCK d*4.*,y&tA,e 49 <>tTtAl lzouJ o( Teao ,€..u.rA t<a L +.2Yt 6 DIRECTIONS TO SiTE: h ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY **NUMBER DATE ZONE/LAND USE: DATE:- TIME IN i - our:- {7lJ't -{ BY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION /I 25 E. Bth AVE. , EUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 9 9z/o 7o*/"t?huooD MAILING ADDRESS 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you p'lan to do) Eeaon ,toucT EX ttTl'vt y'' POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JoB ADDEf,Ss: 840 Ralelghtrood Avenue , Eugene coNsTBUcTtoN pE RM tT # 2379-80{- TRS, ,-L: '-03-22.1,2 TLN 53OO Subdivision: Ra'lelghwood park, 2nd Addition Lot 6, Block 7 I!f",Slrn]] 191.1h" *Jerenced propertv h hereby cancel l ed Setbacks and other cohditions ot approvat must be stricfly observed. viotation canresult ln revocation of this permit, citation under provisionsof Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other rernedies allowed by law. lpql:lYi99*", Iilarianne Nance 90 Silver Lane #2c, Eugene 97404 Tetephone: 689-7294uwner/Acdress: Dlck and XIXXI Loulse Karther 840 Ra'leighwood Avenue, Eugene Tetephone:Contractor/Address: Telephone:Contractor's OS + Total Construction Value: Conqlruction approved by this permit Remodel family room and breezeway enclosure Water Supply:+ Bedrooms +t Plumbing Fixtures + Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: .Partitioning + parcel n Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: For information call 687-4394 Parcel Size ; centerline of road, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: Iineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions /-%-a Septic Tank gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks I ^teiio-r property I i nes ,e of road right-of-way tsuilding foundation Wells, other water sources 10' 10' s', 50' Drainfield -T0,- 10' 10' 1 00' a For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions: Group Fire Zone Use Classification For plans information call For inspections (see back of this between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m By . and 5:00 p.m 6l!' - Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 hne county DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 - 4ztlU St;Allt i .8 fd6 *,n+ rofl PLSr xf sotr i try4 tutr"v:r)tl rrlU- 1)0rtft,1fl tY l-lu'e, 4 *b UruxY"t i. I r iln*rrfF* LI&L $s#*ffi"* 4'ua* 5'*dn OC ?fr{ mLfl ;l )'# l ,'il( 'l: ':' ''t i' !r 'I'i ljlf f r4-,fuq Tlt ffi{ut ffN\\Nft[r tHfblL * J.{ -;lxtO b- r?or'{plf- z&+ fo7 rL{+/4 lJeA?€ta* tl 7o 4"q wrl zx4lltuLus.l \*"_rl, D0uBL€ zx{- fK€Att p PL.A-]ti d[ zx4 ffiVEtE::f ,trmkl:.K* rlLrKntTDRY vort L\W tzAt rye* Y rI n/&ll{:t!tN{fr -/Vw+ J ', t] (t,t I jtbN d-zr _.)[. 41 tD 6VNfi) nE A+7dF TLbrE DouA-E ?r<+ ff<eafep flATE ql u+ W.teteg MkEre- 4*" fl.^ro> lln)NAtt-l^[b Axn FAqEP' I ra EurS 5t-(t oc g0u6t6 ?tr+whvot\9tW tb0c tlArt(?EL ,LL, *t rwr 4xta tururo,r,t *eN>eL$bv )t tr * -"a-/fu*UiNt ffU{t[Lr lffilW rToovL1 7^+w F-4x to 1x4 uetper- *70 a .#*^ frtr' ZxlQullrsl\_+ -1 /-z' 0.) aEw.fi?F}t v0ll zr.4 .8 'l Tt-r tI $ 'ffi : I I( l t-_ < :* l1 IJu i_ _tl l = DAilOO ' g'JqlNQ,@ tAA-Jr 0o $fi5\? t\. /l * .,---...-- -f lP S.\ \ Z (o" N,vg +I $ fr sit+d R t{ er( e Rt-l n\ eS 6p \tl Is o G *Gr,lIisc} tsrt# 'B Ft a rn<frR rt- J* \-o\\u l frF \J\ Br FF F E3s r$H s5F 5r $B s 'm"-) i r \ E-\ Eas $,DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740'I AVa lWfi94o.imUliUinpui;.iffi $r,sl. e-rri*ffi1ffifiiftfi.-.t.I.$i r_ri,ffiffiftr*slli hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property ,:fi mmgr#;:;, lli*ii.iiCIf i'.,ipffi et.'rff iiii, Affidavit: I, t_/ ruA^J(C If this application is for an a cu tura building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and fror no other purpose. I have the following lega1 interest in the propertyof record ; contra to act for the ct purchaser;lessee;holder of an exclusive option to purchase;owner-X-outy S i gna tu relAddres s Te1 ephone When permit is ready noti fy: /-/ Appl j cant 0.rner Con tractor Contractor's 0SR# If Corrnercia'l : Residential SI test holes ready owner,'ls le o sa ication or er l-l Contractor Plumbing by # of employees _ 17 Proposed, SI # :*;ltjit,l,i*Intli:/ :5#$:i.. /fifiri.tjrs, Bp r32./" au thor i z Da te z1 Phone Phone :i:FE$.rl s r-.r.i#t.t......u*,i i'ffiiti :#i:,:0.f;::::r$,li#+E:i :$ii$#.: -'7 SEitil$iurrilii.i Va l uati on Fee Total Valuation: $$ 4% State surcharge PIans check fee Change of 0ccupancy at $- at- $- Su btota'l TOTAL each each $ $/_/ nec ei ved $ $ $ $ Water Supply Proposed Year Instal led Existing _ $ PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Cornments Zone t, fro nt Part. #Parcel #Pa rce 'l ze t, siae int rea r To be typed on permit By Da te Fire Zone Use ClassificationCP& I Type-Grou p. To be typed on permit By Da te PhoneFor plans informati il rea ins Di ons si te Plans to/_/SIFO CP& I l.lPC set(s) set(s) Da te Requ i red Hold Sl ip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC CP& I / P1 anni ng /-/ Pullic Works /7 Elevation /-/ Address /-/ Faci I i ty Permi t ,// Environmental Health c74-L7l I t i 6 7 I NS PECT ION RECORD Approved' Di sapproved' ..: Site Inspection Foundation InsPection Fram'ing Inspecti on Lath or Sheetrock InsPection F'inal Inspection Slab Floor, Plumbing Groundwork Gas Piping Groundwork Date Inspector t-O C) -{ Ho1 2 3 4 5 8. Rough Plumbing 9. Rough Gas Piping 10. Final Plumbing ll.Final Gas Pip"ing Remarks: !mu =-{ rE 1?. Certificate of 0ccupancy: ready to issue; _ not ready;date;i nspector. (e TRS, TL Plot ]rlan Subdivision Lor 53rc Block '( Job Locatlon Permit /l Permit Permit * Pernlt /lFor For For Permit PernLt For For For (\ N Bn ?AL€lA+\Nmp &ve il ('- z-d1 -'? 6o' 7k @v 40' ?7 5b\O 1 u (' v I $ r '7 ^-J-tn'UO Wvu 2{-.) t (({' c74-t50 Vtclnity Map N tf r I Fl^GDfaAAil W a<t5T1 kffi 4-o" 44 ZT-(0" x I gb' du'Apprnc+J LN f Il5 ( E \tl Or tr f*1' 4iq' ,g$ L.a-tr^q\to ISxZQ 6;ewqtr t jo$ Bx12 3 at *xtf "<sb LtvtltQrctl lp r \il a tg) qtrtilF s'* za te. b' WbTtf*JQ r{Une, Ptrutu6 Km q 0i U qLI?IIJq PATb DDoR T '( r k_ ry r Tq 4a-*o ,?,Dr +- -.--[, F ..1q tox lt t v iI + fuo'yot*v- rNfowal l;^ MINIMUM PLAN REQUIREMENTS [-- sets of plans are required to: I the following:] Pl ot Pl an to i ncl ude:(see examp'le )Property boundaries and dimensions and north point. Existing structures and dimensions, distances from boundaries and other structures. - Proposed structures size, location and distance to boundaries and other structures.Location of septic tank, and drainfield or sewage systern hookup. Location of water supply. Location and dimensjon of utility easements (if applicable). Location and dimensions of off street parking and vehicle access to the site. Locatirrn of al1 signs (if appljcable). Townsh.ip, range, section number, tax Iot number (and nretes and bounds description i f not an ent'i re tax lot. ) a b C d ef g h l I Buildin g Plans to inciude: l. Foundation Plan: a . S i ze and I ocat'i on ofb. Size and location of TqtS ! tr"r tri cATrorrr5 fr,NLW ffi?Aeni,., LtcPPgUA b\ ar r foot i nss, r.iH?fr&H*'mlffi-rsall foundation vents vlE..*r%t@)lt oor Plan oI Each Fl00r tn jnc]ude: (and t'rasenent rvherr apllicable) Location and size of all coors, w"inCows and openings Direction of door swing. Use of each space. lnJhere al terat'ions or add'itions to an exi sti ng structure are proposed, showfloor p1a.n of entire building. 3. Elevations of all sides of the bui'ldin FI b. ga. Depth of wall footings, foundations, or piers,b. Finjshed grade at bu'i'ldings. 'if stepped or m orc than one level. Cross Section suffic'ient to show construction materials, rnethods, and heights oftn-f1oors, cei l ings and roofs. Details which clearly show sizes, materials, connect'ions and construction method. a .-FiFepl ace drawi ngs and deta i I s (i f appl i cabl e )b. Details of roof trusses if proposed, including connectjons and stress or testdata. Trusses must be designed jn conformance with Standards Engineering Practi ces .c. Shotr size, direction and spacing of all floor, ceiling and roof framing members, beams, and columns.d. The drawings sha'll sholv all foundation, floor, wall and ceilinq insulation and indicate the R-factor of each (when applicable). 6. lieatin Venti I ati on Pl ans and Deta'i I s to i ncl ude a ocat on, size and materia a p'iping, air ducts, air inlets and a'ir outlets. ocation of all fans, warm-air furnaces, boilers, absorptir:n units, refr"igerant'compressors and condensers and the weight of al1 pieces of such equ.ipnrent weighing 200 pounds or more. Rated input and output capac'ity or hoursepower of a'll boilers, warm-air furnaces, heat exchangers, blower fans, refriqerant compressors and absorption units. Location, size and matei"ial of all cornbust'ion products vents and chimneys. Locatjon and area of all ventilation and combustion a'ir openings and ducts. Location of al.l a'ir dampers and f ire shutters. Details showing actual nrethod of at.tachment of fire dampers to construction as wel'l as size and gauge of material s (if app'licable). At.L PLANS StlALL Si-10'!,J l. Name and address of property owner.2. ltlarne and address of the person who prepared the plans3. The scale on al 1 drawings.4, An'accurate deset"ifiblon of the building use. 4 q. b C d e f g il55-83 a gJcr '' ,!('- ('' HOI,ID SLrP' tL2b7q4) *ffi\rLY lane county APPLICATION # LOCATION NAME ADDRESS The nrinimum requirenrents for "exterior envelope" construction (Re: Section 5303, lSZflState Bldg. C Requirements) require "double glazing" or openings equipped with storm windows having a "U" factor 'i ess when the ratio oi' bui iciing c,penings io extei ior wal I a, s. ,s le,s Lirail i7i.1. al to or exceeds 17% of the vrall area, heat loss calculations are trl gatiet,t W *tE,B^q E The above app'lication is being held for the following reasons: l, Wolt7e frJT1(f- *ovW FLNR-FL.^N wrrtf ?tr\$N5trN5, *aN WtNeoNAZe** WrLbtl-es puao. (foe NATd LAL ;c-rtf I rli:gntntO*) VeQ| V?n AA\YT Ail] D @ L STPttcf tft,xt* ?-e A.ut t Ed'tfl'If) z. ?€o(toe ?oil$DrcfioN PU'N O? N/- ft(pL-11fi{ tNcugg w(flry ftsu,+,rt AcD h.e$T'lo l{lon} ' ' D?axt-'TBlxAllNq @o h fov--fi4€f<r?E^1gaQf,.,Auil^ h qp ar?-.? tgkt@- When the area of openings is equ equations 53-l & 53-2, Section 5 conforms to Chapter 53 of the l9 I nd'i cate type, 'locati on and amou Area of exterior walls - sq. ft. 303 Percentage of openings to exterior walls. Codes, or a statement saying that your build, tstQ State Bldg. B1dg. Codes prepar ed by a registered 0regon architect or engineert{ nts of insulation.------- PILL- of openings - sq. ft ode Minimum of 0.70 or required, per ing H JAa++?.!? to V$acxg,. A.u- WtxrVattt + w6e- 5r* d yruf-flA) ' -x/.If the jnformation required i cati on wi I I be cancel I ed. Irfr5 clppt tgclLtoft 1 il De hetd unti I above has not been furnished by that ate your appl Building fees paid for perm.its cancelled under these circumstances wjll be proratedaccording to the work that has taken place as of the date oi ijnceflation.1 Tffiffuo froVp wttrTzequrReo;-s€e FanbrurL :::;m:l!r::.!:r:iir*i:-1vi f,.iJ ^ c:.:t:r.E.E _!!1:!,r!-i?-----r.r=:!iEE!E:- 4^l"n Iw0ffim S-rc)I -rHE FOLLCWING IN[:ORI\4,A1-!ON !5 REQtJtRED TO '' APPLy FOf.l A 5l0\/E P[:R I'Vlll-: L M .I COPV a 100pY of the nialiufacture!"'s installation instructiorrs. of the floor plan anr.l elcvlltions; :,"i l, I i. I I Ll i t i t t' ll li t li t. H i: lr ,1 ti H li H H fi E B I i. a. lndicato all clcarancos to rvalts uncl vrirrclou/s. b. Nonconlbustible rnaterials to [:e usetl lor the lrearth lor reduced clearanccs to walls. c. The mcdel nanlc or nurnLrer of ttrc stovc. d. The chimney ti'lanufacturer. e. Details ol tlte conlbustion;.rir duct itrrcl clperrirrg. and NO PERMIT WII-L BE PROCESS[:L), UN[.ESS ALL THE REQUIRET] INFORMi\]'ION IS SUI3MITTED. lane county HOLID SLIP m!r\- APPLiCATION #LC23H4) LOCAT I ON L= NAME ADDRESS .NIT* + itl;a /LNltrtl(rrtj Kf cr.t{ ltrfr\,1\tff) ??ovtoe Yod$r;*froN YI-NJ oF Ptw t1t7rrloxl tvru)frry %tX t ry f:ou,nrtAllo nJ A a) AdEAIT-'rO hffi tflAfJ' T)?Ap((- 7 p1xil r ffi tze{tr'o . The minimum requ'lrements for "extepior envelope" construction.(Re: Section 5303, 1975 State n.i"ird*"rir)-Jiqri."'idouble 9lazin9" or openings equipped with storm windows having a "U" tedi wnen ttri "atio of buildin{ openings to exterior wall area is less than li%. Bldg. Code Mlnimurn factor of 0.70 or The above application js bejng held for the follow'ing reasons: llhen the area of equal to or exceeds 17% of the wall area, heat loss calculations are required' per equat ions 53-l &on 5303, .l976 State Bldg. Codes' or a staternent say i ng that your building conf orms 3 of the 1976 Bldg. Codes prepared by a req istered 0regon arc hitect or engineer Indicate on and amounts of insula tion. h r*ak n}+)a openi ngs i s 53-2, Secti to Chapter 5 type,'locati Area of exterior walls - sq. ft Percentage of openings to exterior walls. -frR#a of J. openings - sq. ft. .*xJqo tpo@\v w Nriltuln 1 3@? 3tz?8 dJ Y6llL ld until If the jnformation required cation will be cancelled.above has not been furnished by that a your appl i Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. 4, T,w,ffr, a0vE rep{v\rT vequ(Rr:D-*w mrytfsnrt BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMTNT 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Servjce Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 I I P CUIJE I 1 t2 l4 t6 11 20 22 i* I lro I I I130 L 32 34 io 38 ,t0 i_.:i:rtJti: {:iii.iirlY iliii:,'i I:ii,i HGT l":Ei!.:i:l.i:!r'i ,X, :i}itii+ iiAl'I ,+i:'i:'!.. i ,;iri.lT i.jrilf-l{i , i4*i:i i,liri.li: ,'illiltj ?i.i :i:.i i-.Ut:i:i i-.*iJi:. ?i; , i::L!l:'!:N[ , iii;: T!.r1 {?(:}:1'J"i't:+531}t} :il-jiiirli:v ;;:,r.ri-iii:r;i-!inLii:.:} i::';:tl:Ll''.' :,ii'iii $iJ.:iiTj:'Li!'+ i.-ij'i ::;.",i) ! i (: i:' ii +=1 iJ ii :i 5: rr -r; ii + tri i-l ',-i ,\j i T li '3 i:i ': ht i-l .:i: 'i i] ii :i i: ;T N 'I i:q i- * i, j'l'''i. .! i,'r-,.1/t.l i :: A- ,-ij1 y:-:-' il-'l"tr ;\ti ..1i.*T : i'ir.i 11I'i:r*l:'1 i:,'T"i'l-! ii i"'r r-:' r lli'r'i \t:ir.: Ii'i:'T'l :'1f.: r::i:. ;:rili{ l l. ':' tji.li,j"i r."iil} i:,!iit .}ij . i {i i:qii?ii:j'r!::' i::.:'.ii.:i-ii.::i:i iriil:i:ii:;:1!:il"J+rY ;i;14 i;'" :i+ I I :li] F4 i,.' t.; i" ' l-J : I Y f-r'!'-A ,' l: f i-- s. EI i_: ; 11 i-. . l_. l._ fr .a 47 44 16 48 50 52 51 56 lrBt- LiJ nlt I i3??8S nAAA F LA lt-1t".:8.,! :CT]Ni'iHTTIJES : i.iE.{ll'i$rN I f; AL. F EI :i'Lrtl !:: SURti{*F:$ F- r.LS}.I L:HHCH T:EI: .i i:i j; -7' :. ioiri :--: i ,. | ::, '.lii. !'- !.'i' i- -A- l:i !:t : -n-' : i:- '1'.:ii,.: !:.i1 IY *H .i' F. {.r t. 'l' '.,]l.i i {li-ri4i}!...i:i'I I 1.!f'.i }6r i:. --.*l ll r0 -) ,l {_ 1 6 60 162 64 E 4 lane countyHOLID SIIP APPLICATION # LOCATION NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE The above appl'ication is being held for the follow.ing reasons: Area of exterior walls - sq. ft. tgl Z- Ft Area of openings _ sq. ft at The minimum requirements for "exterjo. unr.l:!:l,construction. (Re:.section 5303, Wfirrur" Bldg. code MinimumRequirements) require-"double otiii'r;;' o.'opunings equipped wiih ston, windovrs norinq a ,,u,,factor of 0.70 orIess when the ratio of buildini .p..i.gr'tJ e*teiio. ,or1-u.ui-i's less than 17"i. When the area of openlequa'li'ns si-r-a ""i.ii,ji,.#J;ffiiiil,:ili,.f.Ji:,':ilr,ii:::ffrj,l;;j::,il:j,J:rr.ruii:iri""'' ,"conforms to Chapter 5iIndicate type, locatic Percenrage of openings to exterior *ullr. Z-7,7 To N:,?Y^Ya bawT+ilwalq wsTtq weNvF,,-Fq. 7q0€a e+au_ (H bb oi exir,,,q"?ww 4atcro?E ffi9zt4__4)\/"4ry. . *,%refnItalq t>oJi,q SIGNATME--DATE OFFICE HOURS PH()NE be held until If the information required n'ished by that-Iate Vour application wjll be cancelled. Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be proratedaccording to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation BUTLDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMTNTAL MANAGTMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 I (503)587-4061 Th'is application will above has not been fur ANCELLATION/REFUND AUTHORI ZATII,.,Permi t # Name (please print) Address Applicant() 0wner() Reason for cancelling permit Contractor ( ) Si gnature Date Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are ordinarily nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portions according to the amount of the permit processed. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS Authorization for possible refund: (0FFrcE usE oNLY) o/ lo ol ol lo o/ Building permit fee Mobile home fee Plumbing permit fee Plan check fee State surcharge fee TOTAL AMOUNT Date $ $ $o/ $ $ $ Septic disposal system Site inspection fee TOTAL AMOUNT Date o/ lo lo $ $ $ Building permit refund $ Septic disp. syst refund $ Site inspection refund TOTAL TO BE REFUNDED $ $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Name 24-08-24 /Acct 46960/Pr"og 021 24-A8-25/Acct 42:I33"/Prog 0l 1 24-08-25 / Acct 42134/ Pi'og 012 Recei pt # Receipt # Recei pt # Address S i gnature Date DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c74-L79 Si gnature WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Authorization for poss'ible refund: Si gnature TO: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE lane countyflOLID SLIP 6t!r--!7 AI'PI ICATION II - -_- I.OCAT I ON NAME ADDRESS F-Lll'a;q rq -----7_-- ZIP CODE The a application is being held for the following reasons: Ctlull-1 w @ kraf 'breezau-tY' e q€,,Ah Et xt^ow) . tf 2o, (PtUtOW EYJq*q AAA sWLTtotJWyav*l/,9Ot,Y" EY\E&tot- u&L P cbrfrt?ucT{aj . n *arce zxeta+ tt)u5' litAT SUNL1- Tp.e loptilapr.) tr WrattW t'l$u$f*Iu0run fcLt#,qt 4AL/y4& 4 fVw@16,u$t1 ,?E \[a",sytan ff Att- Vcota'> 'Ttte wtuwo \tMut[1, *LWr 9*n foa rJtsr Tvzu?1GD P4 ,lE* rt 1 W /V I E DA T E RvRltRguE gy Rppott{tNnlr oNLy (ru0 wRLr=tNs) This application will be held unti ' ll- {i.,.*? . 687-406r ( )R- If the'information required above has not been furnjshed by that date your application will be cancelled. RETURN THIS SLIP t^IITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANiTATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)687-ni5.1 6 4 AI (r' il !. l n t plr Nalne ( "[l*CANCELLATiON/ REFUND AUTHORi ZAT ile Con ctor ( ) Permi t p1 ease pr int ) 4ddress Applicantld Owner ( ) Reason for cancelling permit Si gnature Date Fees pa'id for waste septic tank and drai bu'ilding and Plumbin disposal systems (site'inspec-tions and/or app'lications to install the ;i;tiAj u"6-ordinirily noni^efundable. Some refund may be.made on the g portions according io the amount of the permit processed. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS ONL Bui I di ng perrni t fee Mobile home fee Pl umb'ing permi t fee Plan check fee State surcharge fee OFF I Authorization for Possible refu 1ao?o JbzY n{s* {"t' o/b q -c.:* % too ?a % $ $ $ $ $ B*-r- TOTAL AMOUNT Date $a- S'ignature llIATE R POLLUTION CONTROL Authorizat'ion for poss'ible refund:Septic disposal sYstem Site inspection fee TOTAL AMOUNT Date ol to /o $ $ $ Si gnature TO: DEPARTME NT OF FINANCE 4J/j<( /rr;t ?4-08=24 lAcct 4€96,01H1., Recei Pt"ttffi' ry# (' { /#",' ; {{io7_ #/2'/ # ?4-08-25/Acct 42.l 34/ Pi'og 0l 2 Rece'i pt # - Date Bu'i I d i nq Permi t ref und - i{ {'tl t' t{''{p'.K { t . } 6 {i{{ Site insPection refund TOTAL TO BE REFUNDED $ 67i lL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENI COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I $ $ PLEASE MAKE CHE Y TO: Name Address Si gnature -> c74-L79 -'-- .,,P qlnlso DEPARTIiENT OF ENVIRONI4EI'ITAL IlANAGEI.lENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENT, OREGON 9740I lEt AV€Ci ty a) Appl ication # t+Assigned NumbersJob Address Township, Range, Secti Subdivision RA Appl ication for Structures now k Proposed use of proper Residential /7 Conmercial /_/Industrial /-/ Public Affidavit: I,Nilre -(a+utrree), hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. on the pro pe r ty ty: /-/ If this application is for a Lane County Code Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no other purpose owner of record con trac t pu rc ha ser ; @n agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and ve the following 1ega1 interest in the property: an exclusive option to purchase; .Iha lessee;-lX-durv authori zed to aiT-To'r the owner,'ls le s S i gna ture/Add res s Te1 ephone When pennit is notify: / / Applicant Owner Contrac tor Contractor's OSR# If Commercial: # of stories Residential: ; of bedrooms SI test holes ready or /_/ Contractor P1 umbing by # of employees _# of uni Da te z1 SDS:Existing, BP Phone Phone # Fee Sq. Ft. or # of Sites /_-/ Proposed, SI # Unit Cos t ValuationCodeQescri pt i on Fee /0 Tota I Va l uati on : $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ 471 State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ each each s I /:/Check # Received by Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal I ed Su btotal TOTAL t $ $ $ Existing _ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks, t, Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si ze aL, side rearint Comments To be typed on permit By Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of tqenches: WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal I atjon specif ications gal. tank; To be on permit Di ons site /_/IF0 Pl ans to pl cpat /^7.uec / / Pla^n1nq /_/ Public Works / / Llevatron -/_ / Address /_/ Facl|litj'Permit / / Enutronmental Heallh CP&l set( s )hPC '.---.- set(s) I I I t"r, / t nta Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC ;( (,L (zip))(* I t7o.I )lCt t $ ( Terephone 6.?7- {aZl sy oate 7/J.t/?o Approved Disapproved Date Inspector I 2 3 4 5 Site Inspection Foundation Inspection Framing Inspection Lath or Sheetrock InsPection Final Inspection Slab Floor, Plumbing Groundwork Gas P'iping Groundwork Rough Plumbing Rough Gas Piping Final Plumbing Fi nal Gas Pi p'ing t-OC) -{o = 6. 7. 8. 9. .l0. ll. Remarks: EmF =-{ iE 12. Certificate of 0ccupancy: ready to issue; - not readY; date;i nspector. INSPECTION RECORD TRS#-o DATE ISSUED:PERMIT# MEN C;SIDE I NTERI OR I F T REAR NG approved4lL _D ON ate Correcti on Date Insp ector PLUMBING GRoUNDII0RK I NSP ECTI ON Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspector UNDERSIAT PLBG.fI /UNDE RFLR PLBG. N I NSPECTI ON Approved Da te Correction Date I nsp ector IApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor ROUGFTI-UM-TIIruE ApprovedlQL_) (TOP ouT)INSP ION Correcti onDaZ-Date I nspe ctor FRAMING INSPECTION Approved zqL Date lz-L'87 lCorrection Date I nspe ctor ROUGH MECHANICALApproved Date Comection_l Date i nspec tor INSNTA-IITN / VAPOR BARRI ER INSPECTION Approved 4hK Date lz-9- 81 /Correcti on Date Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSP ECTION Approved-Da te Correcti on Date Inspector FINAL MECHANiCALTApproved Date srovE nCorrection Date=----_InsPe ctor FTNAT-PIUMBINFI N SPECTi Approved_4foL _Da rc /-24-?1/correction Date Ins pecto FINAL INSPECTION BUI ING ETIMOBI LE H0ME n lAG PLACEMENT fI Approved /zz Da te Correcti on Date I nsp IF CCU Ft7 4-t97 Approved l_Date ector Insp.Approved Date-InsP. LANT COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD arfu 4 o l,'r2{'1,4=j t,zr-+: ?n77'n ' Pl'8S cvTi't5 ryryS6-= <32 Zzql-K = tTOo Wt rlQfvrf 8 *a,$= z6 O''l'?-- 1 lprb,bT= i{,ov 5{5 . zs orq o(to_ 5K5-u Z{rq /25 (Ur>o+21 +ao)XE =tt3b r4 rttrS-nE tqz,SJi* -z z3.1s tlsr'7,s 113,15 I t 3# r7,5, 2?w x b b1 ,$'txt, *,4v2 1,11Y4.{=2t117 l7trt3a Q0,d? 11?z 1o i< b" b,b?= 4c,">\-.--___ 17 b,qr -- lZ_€12 -- lG 4 l2--a lA/- fb l.b-l r{ yz ? Zb.l>4*7' t> 1*? 'q /d ,(t'?,4 .-- t+ila 4t- 3 vr-L+ 4*L/ vx44v4lor{ (b46 (/I FT L,' Cr-t {o$t- ^lPZin1 gffi>- zo?,7?- ( &ln I I i CaLV, fiel h L ftootr -.fr$fide' 'lfian* t . 7Y...1 V^ I ;",i ; ?- TC I Cg , ? " C*Q.D €c/i t .t- ,/ '(d-L 1..--3 [l.,:oi< -_-:r'' ai fo f r rN t /t f I r ,{f.r ^ ---_..-----;: ,zl \ i: , I Ll- bD fu,A &o^ *i^il- h- Nff hrrl- rb ilculill,t hM C,rr|% l h,rf t{r, dL( T-TtA, .--.--al \ Qil'n"ni. ii H"ia ini"tila uj, tt,-''"nniiii".i.' ri ""il-t.,.t iI;' i,;;;itIn the back and thc sidcs, a 0. I02-inch-rhi"k ri.,,li L,,iii" ir',it-tached to the heartl.r pan- An ash dtrnrp is p16r,itlt.tl it, ih.t ,i1r1ri"*i- mate centcr of thc hearth rvith an asli y,rri rrrr<l.r th<r ir.,,,.tt"-'ltl,, runit can be supplied rvith threc lcgt or i tlirp,,zoiil,rl ir,*" "i-ij.ojii_inch-thick stccl. Witlr eithcr the lr.gs or tirc Ir:rso, tlui lr<.trtir isI inches above the floor. jlhc ffr.trpluic o1>cnirrg i, iir.,iaa"a iriiii'.trvo-picce mctal rncsh scrccn rvlriclr ricti ,rs ir'sptik ,I,,iiiJ. --" i The minimunr clearance. to coml>trstiblc rurrtcriuls anrl sizc ofthe hcarth cxtcusion arc shourr irr'l'ablc No. Il of tliis rt.port. . 'I'hc overall height of thc fircplace arrd its chirnncy shall riot bc lcss than 12 fcct nor grcttcr tltarr 00 [ct:t. rr.r,rv r\v, / r,_,1/v.r. K. Athcna AFWilt)u: The Atrrr-'na AFw3gu is n sotid-fuer-burn-i,g frcc,st.rrrlirrg. (i.'place stove dcsigrrcd f,rr "urii"i i"stutraiii,lilre ;xff i:l'Xlf.::ui;i,'l;:tltl'i:l;::l:"tt3x,,,ll,Ilf; i.i;:l#i"*f;shicld att.chcrl tr-r thc outer casing o"ioi.- Uu"[, ,po"J- f i."f,away. witlrin .tlrc fire chrrnrber there-is u u.rttte-oi'o.iozi""ri+iii"[stct.l.'l'his balllc is suncnd I inch from ii,"'ori"i.oring. The outerc:rsirrg. a,d balllc are atto..heJ- to- a_'ii.0on-i*i.tii"t-'"ri.;i' h;;lipan which rests Z inc'cs from the !";i;; i-;;il;i";i"i;d:"ti;Ircarth puu is t.vcr.rr rvith -I-inch-trtici higiiic;pcratrrre minerarIibcr i.sulatiorr . rrrl l -irrch- rhic[,"li""to.y'il;t"ri;]. i'h;' ;iil;;nrat('rial is slrippcd in bags for on-sitc iiri"fi"ti., -;Iil:irH"irilltili:,-t;i*:r'il"?,,r,":d:;r,"il:rr,,fi Ffi :,#irT conn('ctor pi1>cs arc frrrnished rvirh each unit. Th;'-i;;i;"il't?-sigrrcd for qsc with a tr,{ajestic-Mo&il:St, 9_;;"hAid;;.'iirL"jI*v-lreut u,pli;rrrcc crrimney. a trtoaci aPs-u irriil,liiir,ii', ilp,iii:.irvitlr tlrr: rmit for att,chment to the chimney'-c6i,rrector. Minimum 9lc1l1qce to combustible rvalls and heaiti "it""-ri* size are shownin 'l'abkr No- II. r,..:;,X;:i['s'i;:"]r'rl]1.$""!::LYL'",'"liixft 1?li,'_,,,ffi l*]tixstallutiorr, i.c., rvitl the h"arth ofi;;i"g;";rli;l ; ll,;.;;Uii.Thc rrnit is similar in corrst.rction ti ii-," p..ri"o,;i; icsci#;Atlrc,u .AIrW3gU firc,lace. .t'hc Nrr,(,sri;- Ai,3-ii ptri" .i,ilia-- iIrr:tluirt'd [o.complt.tc ilrc irrstall,,tion.'iii;;,",;; "lararrcc to com-b.rrstiblc *'rrlls aritl sizc of the h;*rai, "*i;;,;i;;;;ii;;;r" f"tf"No. II. The installed leight of the .ffreplace and chimney shall be arninimum of 12 fcct-arrd o ,nuli*u'ni oi St'i".t."' ^ \l- Jupitcr llf \V3()U: 'this. is a -frcestanding so!id-fucl_burninofire;rl*cc -stove. It h;rs u corrical h.on.tof-o.o5a-;;i.tiriiiiJ""',iiiiliil5tr,t, st.r.l r:rrrrrrr't,t.rl t,r :r,3U.-i,ch-d1,,,,r..,t,"-,i_i,iii;-i;;,;; l,;;;tili;;;[,rlrrir,rtt'tl lltu. ().oi]-irrch-tlrick ""i,i-iiiii"a:typ"'slic"l.'t.r,e ov".rlllr*igli.t of tht: rrrrit is 43'i.inchcs. spac.icr i{"rii"ii"r-"L""r"'ir,"lr.a.rth. pa,.is a 0-().'10-i'ch-thick srecafi;;;ti, ufrt.r;fri;i ;.;;;;";;trritlr l-irclr-(lritk Irirh-rtrnpt..rrurc ;i;.;,,f 'ni;.;',.^lirlirir"ri",ili r'l-irrclr-tlrir.k rc[ritct.r i. ,.atciiirl-l:Lc i.:i.,i"ir.::'riit";iri ;r::;;p;;; tirr l,ugs for o^-sitc i',rt,ril,rtion. Tf,;1,;:;1iii;;i, n,,l,,nt, ro a 0.0lil_i,ch-1hick str:cl brst. 'l'hrcc holc-s nr" rri,i"l.i"J"i; il,;il";;"'i;,attaching t. thc floor. within the rr";4"*i-;i;;Iu".i t""trr" rr""iirtpan is a 0.034-irrch-thick srcel bnlile which l; ";il;i,riii; ;;;;:i: :lalrr cr*rnrcl. 'l'he Iir.rl,,ee opening i. ]"""ri"i ii;h ;"tT",j;i;;;mctal mcslr scr,.v'n wliich r.ti m oipir('il;;. ,,Ii;q;r, ifri:ii: t;{}H fl:;,iul.ilt, ii,i[]i1,,:,:r:,,,,,;h"'., "l,,.ll l*. .,-i^;,.,,",,, iq" T chim- IiWJ tbxtu " 4bd@tu?1 ? M;tA vxze ?r zo44e nE,+ v/t* c;aue = 6724 g 47*? -tTro n&,b VXgfe ft1s w lb4.r1'"3 ffiooL ?,"6b9 Z7 tb9 Z6? 6a' 67 &-l'l\t u{teD u ToVtt- At )t"ll,N wr, fkq,p+*, wDftY flAn4rc,2- ld lL7 1 ?l 9L '!7- lL -$l aLatrup. LG1,8 la l,td^N\q DJg t_ ffg'ffi i : m 1 CCIPY ol tlrc rrtatiuf actrrrer's irrst:rtlirtiorr inslructions. iot the floor ;rlari alrt.! elev;ltions;OOPVxt EIi(NIII ilT-S . '..r;r.. 'l I TIJE FOLI,OWING lN[-ORI\.4ATION tS; i([:(]UtRED TO,:r,:, ' :' : : ; , App1y ;-op. ,{ sl o\/E t,l:Rlvil r: -,,i,i' rZ a. lndicate all clearances tcl v,rnlts and v,lirrclows. b.'Noncombustible tnaterials to be usetJ f<lr the llearllr and for reduced clsarances to walls. c. Tho model tlanlo or rrrur.rhcr ol t!rc stovo. d. Ttre chimnoy ntarrufacturer. e. Details of the conrbustion air rluct iincl operring. ItNO PERMIT WI[.t t]E I'RO(-I-55[-[), IJNI-[.55' ALI- I'HE REQL]IRED II\I--ORN{AI XON I5; SI.JIIIVIX I-ED. :ritrrrr:1:Jrfi-1aCrr-!r;1..-.1ret1r a:J:5lci.!i j.gi,*;tiaary_grry:_g:g-: