HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-01ffi!'-- COMPLETE THIS BLOCK.PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. I pr,auurucrzzoNrNG:Zone fronLMinj-mum setbacks: '", Partition #Parcel #ry larcer size fu'X /2' -, - A.rear-:-L--l. L, slde uQstinteriorI Coments: FLOODPLAIN:In flood hazard area? tr RURAL ADDRESSING:cRrD CooRDINATE N S}JiITATION: F ^,o I ves, see attacji]ed sheer .Y E Date: Date: Date: B. P. #lnstallatiori Record rssucd? f] v"t I ll" Maximum Depth of I'rericheslnstall"ation Specifications: Gal Ion Tank 1,1 nea I f'eet of DrainfieLd FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HI ,ARTI ].OTSECTION /- OFzlPTREET \wbt3-8?- re,Z./ Plan Check fnfo Sheet fu4siaential f| commercial flrndustrial ---I tPur)Ir-c Applica Permit f]two Copies of Plans fltro Copies of Plot Plans f[ t,techanical Checklist f elo*t :-t',g ChecP.list * OF EMPLOYEES#oF Aftd SUPPLY ! nroposed Wisting Z4A-rnz> TELEPHOiIE aCONTRACTOR S OSR APPLICATION ,TUBI9I q - /3-&L NAME (PIease Print) uetr correand and.t ur taln forna ti heonPERMITdoand(rOrFORhc r(: hy f-,,APPLICATIONICAREFULLIIAVEE XAI4INED,Y CO!,TPLETEDTHE t,eSta oof :)t1 ureqIr.nqofrhthcandthw1ordinancestheoLaCountybeINdonerdaccoanceaandworkdr fo rme shal Ipethatanycerti fy certiur tir4 rI voBuitherdiDi vi s ionsLructurethoutngtheofw1OCCUPANCYmadebeanype rml ss 1 onhe'ibed re n thaCand NOde scrtheworkto lon no t.r difbasistheforthatexEimPte xemI,10oRs 055fuforceandasffectbyBuithelderBoardlnrequiredthatthregistration THISCIIECrcDANDHA\/E READIcE10ORSow1beonusedthiawhoreancethprojewicomp.Iandhereonthatandonemployeessubcontractorsly DATE ffin., I Conrracto]: i-l aeo.t Coments: Date: @pr,aus EXAMTNATToN:,"r.4N "'.", Ml Use Comnents : ,u.", b.] CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Sq. Ft F ixed Fee,/ Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface I'ees - -nullu r -Ld ano I ee ,r ./ /-- ;";".;:.; ^=K{/,(,",Plumbj-ng Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY: By: Date: ) $ $ $ s $ $ $ Description TOT TION $ / S€ d/37.$ (l (o-l -t{> PERMIT APPROVED BY BUfLDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per 456.DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I c74-r94 SEE REVERSE e {7 1"3 * /4 F{7 CONSTRUC] ^CN/PLACEM ENT PERM IT {,u %: Tl IIts i's 1an tr SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOI,JED BY LAH. WHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 H0UR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit numberr job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready,your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: ETQUIRED IIISPECTIONS 1) FoUNDATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation @ob.Whereconcretefromacentra.|mixingp1ant(corunon1ytermed..transitmiied,,)istobeused,materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FL0oR INSPECTIoN: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipnent, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are'in place but before any concrete is pouredor floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3)FRAMING & INSULATI0N INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof , all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in p'lace anda1l pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. A11wall insulation and vapor barrfer are in pIace. 4) LATH AND/0R GYPSUM B0ARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathi ng and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place fasteners are taped and finished.but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shal'l beafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of requ i red , NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: in each given only the inspections A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and e'lectrical inspections have been made and approved. B. l,l00D ST0VE: To be made after cunpletion of masonry (if 6pplicable) and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions. C. i4OBILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requlrements, blocking, footlng connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. (l)'Foolings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements.for mobile homes or as recommended by tne manufacturer(2) NilUite home minimum finish floor e1evation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter.(3) tloUiTe home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall'be insta'lled and ready for inspection withjn.at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirt,ing shall be installed per enc'los.qre. D. SWIMMING P00Ll Below grade when steel is in place and befbrre concrete is poured. Above grade when pool. is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I.IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF I,IORK DOES NOT B{GIN HITHIN ]8O DAYS, OR IF I.IORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT [.IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OI,IN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE OISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permi! has been issued the permit holder shall notify the Dbpartmeirt by iubmitting.the installation recbrd fotm. The Departmprit shall inspect the construction to determine ifit compltei with the rules contained ih tnis division.i If the construction does comply vt'ith such rules, the Dephrtment shall issue a certificate of satisfactgry completion to the permit holder. If the construction does hot comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the perm'it holder and sha1l require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion.withih a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. (r ) (2) Setbacks - Sub'su ce Sewaqe Disoosal From Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation l.lel ls, other water sources Septic Tank Drai nfi el d -T0-'-'I 0' l0' 5' 50' '10' l0' 'I 00' tr"# -* HOLID StIP lane county LOCAT I ON APPLICATIoN # 61'l-/. NAME ADDRESS )Ett) a 1 57 ft "Y ,"-. ra{t-rrl h Tir lt'.F:fltrAi a\i T'€ Ai-i^r E The above application is being held for the following reasons: L=l Wrxtw, Qz"\:::Hr @t;yyryy: (bl t4 tw)uul,)A 4 IN 1)i f'4lxttltlL.ii.l [1A,r rg^rf 4t**t l* u' t ,4 / 4 S IGNATURE DATE Z, PHONE This application will be held until :24::f-A.__. If the information required above has not been furnished by that-date vour application wjll be cancell'ed. Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated according to the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENViRONMTNTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMTNT.t25 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 I {503)687-4061 v Ifl" OFFICE HOURS f ,X lr'+( 1,b,{*A$ t \ .^* a/ -+k t#t TRS, TL Job Locatlon Permit /l Permlt Permit For Permlt ,l For Permlt ti-For Pennlt lt ForIrl Grt frlan For For Subdivision Lot Block c74-t50 Vlclnlty Map ( t N f UC! ,t 5.0t) E:Af;t-t :: ilTH I S-t .5 Tfi.rAL. Irr.[ir(.x. {n qrl 1: Ei C' 14 ":i0 C!1 :5$:i DA'[E: 041 iti^ AFPI..If,ANT Iif;HLJHAN, HAITVE:Y ADI}F: 1'i:'E}:i ITAIIEII..:TN'; D}t " , .SFRINI;F]:[iL.D, ORE -t,L* 1?03?5?10?300 stjIrDrv |'{AHr.{LIN[ AUI{HS:IN$ AI]t] L-0r 3 tsLl( 5 NE|J FLIIG 1'yF'tr LJSE E [TDRHS:1 tJNI'r,l 0O1 "riTfiRIH,l *tlLt]t;,S O0l l]HilNE ?46 l??5 CODH AI}f}l. HT} AT]TITIN DI!.STHIT}TINN JiI.I I-'T' L'I{:t'T L:ilS'T VALUATION F'EE SAY* cilvHR r-'0lt sl{F-rl r54 4^5?i t c)BF. fiP lrF' trF FP lr F' HF F.L HE[: ,t utt F {:l{ !.1 \ tt r. _ur:' t;r1'Ifji : fii::'lr' - st':t;lr.I: il 1'Al( H:l'{ ltT l'ti...H L-t-: C'{ 3[]:l l;:i\,]'A l{ll " f::tX'f UFrH;f : ,tfrH: Nt) " tluu$t_[: FE:ti tlL')i'tHt-ilTults : I'rHtHANl.CAr._ F [iE: ;i'i'{:}l'H 'ILJtt {::lJ,:\l;l I E l-'t..i.if.l t...1-ll::.1,F. l' t:f:. l:l}tt 1... L! I i ;il\l,' s I l:'f:H lil r:ilHrr[_H:'r :i ilN nATli +:is:5t]:1 I r\ r-l 3$'"tli r]r J (Appt i cant ) (Address ) (tlap & Tax Lot) 7,V 8I*96 Ilarvey Schuman 1785 Rambling Drive, Spfld, OR 97477 L7 -03-25-2L/ 2300 The above referenced appljcation to construct an o en-sided shelter for wood storage between the west end of the house and the west Property line in an RA zone which requires a 5'side yard serback.has been: xx approved vrj th the stipulations and conditions stated be'lovt. denied. ndi ng s of this offjce (copy enclosed) jn accordanceThe decision was based on the fi with the provisirJns of Lane Code 4/27/SLunless aPPealed to the (tlearings 0fficial )on representat'ive, or any prov'isjons of [-ane Cod and must state hovr the aijacent property owne before the appellate b The decision will become final on appe ate body {Soa{4 of- {,o+i{rt3l 4osnd €sr'+ns{€J or before that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your other intenested or affected person 'in accordance with the e 15.900(8) . * The appeal j s to be fj I ed wj th thj s offj ce decisld-lsln error. If an appeal is fi1ed, you and the rs will be adv'ised of the date, t"ime and place of the hearing ody. 2 IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED a notice owners to acivise them of their appeal rights. please contact thjs office. is be'ing sent to adjacent oroperty For any questi ons on this matter Pete lrtratson,Planner * your appeal pust be accompanied by $140.00 fi1ing fee. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 'L, That the east sideyard be kepr free of structul?i, trees and all other obstructions, for fire access Purposes LANE (;OUl{TY PLANI'JING DIVISION i CClUtt illOUSE PUBl,lC SEnVlCti BUILDING / 125E. BTH AVENUE / EUGENE. OR 97401 / (5C}3) 6tJ7 418{, AS ..3#rJ -4"'1 Y tw I I,r t r! 0 April 17, 1981 lane ccurty Re: Variance ApPl ic ation No. ZV 8l-96 (Appl i cant)Harvey Schuman (Address )1785 Rambling Drive, Spfld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot)tt -03-25-2L/ 2300 The above referenced appf ication to construct an open -sided shelter for wood storage between the west end of the house and the \"7est property line in an RA zone which req uires a 5'side yard setback.has been xx approved wjth the st'ipulatjons and conditions stated below denied. The decjsion was based on the finding s of this offjce (copy enclosed) in accordance wi th the p rovi s i,-lns of Lane Code 15 . 9oq(2l_.The decision will become final on 4127 /8t unless appealed to the appellate body {Boanil +f- Aotxrtf r- €onT cd €sj+n€{€l Geafiirsi officjal )on or before that date. An aPPe a1 may be filed bY You, Your representat i,re, or anY other interested or affected Pe rson i n accordance wi th the pro v'isions cf [-ane Code 15.900 8 *The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state hovr the d on ls n error. If an aP peal js filed, You and theCClS adjacent proPertY owners wi I before the aPPel'late bodY. I be advised of the date, t'ime and place of the hearing iF THIS APPLiCATION HAS BEEN APPROVED A NOt'iCE JS bciNg SCNI.tO AdJACCNI PTOPCTTY owners to aciv'ise them of their appeal rights. For any questions on this matter pl ease contact th'is of f i ce. PeEe Watson, * Yc'rur appeal i;rust be accompanied by $140'00 filing fee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. That the east sideyard be kept free of structures' trees and all other obstructj-ons, for fire access purposes' LANE COUT{TY PLANI.JING DIVISION i COUR I IIOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 125E, BTH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / (503) 687 4186 Appllcant: Harvey Schuman Journal Number z Z\l 81-96 REPORT Oi' TINDINGS Prepared By: Pete Watson Date: APril 17, l9B1 @NDITIONS 1 A}TD 2 BELOW }ruST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. Compliance uith any one of the folloutng criterta: fu) Ilwt a striet or Li,teral interpretation and enforcement of the specified reqwirenent uould nesult in ptuetical diffiatltA o" unneeeasatg hatdship and uould be ineonsistent utith tle objectiues of this Chaptet'. There r^ras some uncertainty as to where the septic tank and drai-nfield hTeret so applicant began construction in a place he was sure the drainfield was not. To move the structure now would result in practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship; present location appears to harm no-one. (b)That there are etceptional ot ertraordirwy circumstarlces or condittons applicable to the property inuolued ot to the tntended use of the property uhtch do not aoply generuLLy to other properties in the sone zoning dtstrict. (d That stt,''ct or Liteyul interpretation and. enforcement of the specified regulation uorid depriue the applicant of prLuiLeges LegaLLy enjoyed by the ounetls of othez' properties elassified in the sone zoning district. 2 Ihat the g'tanting of th-e uat Lance uiLL not be dett"tnental to the public heal-th, -safety or uelfane olr ta.tey:tally injur-ious to pt opet,ties or. tmprouetnents tn the neax uieinity , As long as the east end of the property is kept open for fire dept. access' granring the variance would appear to have a negligible effect on nearby properties or the public welfare. April 17, 1981 Re: Variance App lication No. Zv 81-96 (Appl i cant )Harvey Schuman (Address )1785 Rambling Drive, Spfld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot)L7 -03-2s-21/ 2300 The above referenced applicat'ion to construct an open-sided shelter for wood storage between the west end of the house and the west property line in an RA zone which requires a 5r side yard setback. has been approved for the property'indicated above, subject to the conditions and stipulations listed below. Thjs decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance w'ith the provisio ns of Lane Code 15.900(2) Accordjng to our records, your property abuts the subject property. If,'in your opin'ion, the granting of this variance adversely affects your property, you have ti.re rigf,t to ippeal ihis act'ion to the appellatl body (Beard-ef-€eunty-Gemmissieners) (Hearings flfficial). If not appealed on or before -412114-the approval will become final lane counly An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other interested or affected perion'in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code --1-lr-9-g-glg)-.* The appeal .is to be filed with this offjce and must state how the decision is'in error. If'an appeal js filed, you and other adiacent property owners w'ill be advised of the <late, tjme, and plate of the hearing before the appellate body. If you have any quest'ions on this nratter p'lease contact this office. Pete Watson, Planner *Your a peal must be accompan'ied by a $140.00fi'l'ing fee. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL That the east sideyard be kept free of structures, trees and all other obstructions, for fire access purposes. 1 T,ANECOUNTYPLANNINGDIVISION / COURTHOUSE PUBLICSERVICEBUILDING Il25E.BTHAVENUE / EUGENE,OB97401 / (5O3) 687418TJ lrr* courtylilllcAllol lilr srlilrl,l! L^ru coDE c8 9lll 15, ||lxo8" t*#*tlLag fcc, unlees s ffittlmlng is involvedl $*ffactc (front), 1.:t.070 -Frontage, 15.115 12f;etback (lnterlor)r 15.080 Access7 Setback frou 1}pe D road, 15.075 Publlc Roads, L5.045_ _Dedlcatlon and Inprovement Prlvate Roads, 15.050_ -Requlreuents, l-5.105 -Prl,vate Accees saselae;6,-15 APPROVAT OF BUILDING SITE _Property abuttlng end of road, 15.120 Exlatlng lot or parcel, 1.3.030(4) Fec I It ty Porntt /l Butldlng Pcnnlt IT Bulldtng Pemlt }ODIFICATION OF IAI.IE CODE CHAPTER 13, ,'LA}ID .055 Roads, 13.055(15. _Uttllty & I{atercourse Easements, _PedestrLan & 81cyc1e l{ays, L3.065 Parcels 0 Lots (unzoned areaa), 1 DIVISIONII Dangerous Areas, 13.085 _Gradlng, Etcavatlon & Clearlng, L3.090 Plan, !,lap & Plat Speclflcatlons, 13.105 !1lnor ?artltloo Procedure, L3. 125_ -l,IaJor Partltlon' Procedure, L3. 130-_ _}laJor Partltlon ldap Procedure, 13.135 _Subdlvtslon Tentatlve Plan Procedure, 13. 140_ _Water Supply, L3.080 13.060 3.070 _Zoned area, LC 10._ PreparatLon, Survey & Monrnentation of, Dlvlslons, 13.100 Sewerage Facllltles, 13.075_ 7L PROPOSAL: The provlslon(a) checked above, lf etrlctly or unnecessary hardship or practical difflcultles Ttre property, or the intended use ,is condltlons not generally applicable to other p o orced, would unlque and \g q-LL tional circumstanc"r o.tL)Vf'<!Lk_Se{-in the same vici-nity, namely C-axrt{- of subJect to ropertles ( ) Attached are_copies of a slte p14o ;{lpepsions' points of ingress and egres of qse, and road or easement locations.exlstlng and proposed buildings and lndicatlptr €s ><rts(( ) Legal.description of the subject property. S, a\ ASSESSORIS MAP AND PRESENT USE OF PRO PROPOSED USE Appllcantrs Signa Address:2 Legal Interest ln this ProPertY: Ownerrs Name, 1f different from above: Mdress: phone 7q6" zffd*ryW*?1f77 TAX LOTS //l>44)t Dete Flled Actlon Taken: Rec t d.By ION Appeal Flled,1i.; I Actlon Taken clty ZIP C0DE: : tlearlng Date: i.i EffectLve Date: Actfon Taken By: ross Reference: ., Addrese ective: €s emtdrn AVE, / EucENE, oR 9740r / pHoNE (so3) 687.4186 r '." :. : OIVISION / ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT / U\\llJ-jl- \ m NOTICE NAt'lE ADDRESS sht Your attenti on is called 'items bel ow: Failur buildi 0ther Remarks: e to have ng perml t v'i ol ati on or disPlaY ' 1L/e Reso 1ve abov e w'ithin daYs from date of this not'ice ' LANE COUNTY DEPT OT ENV IRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Conslruction PermiB &lnrPectio 0rego nt n 687-4065 Divilion 125 E.Bth Avenue 'Eugene 'j4e=Z-lDATE DY - ,rr-r4 I =J.\ TRS, TL Subdivision Lot Irlot PIAFSCC Job Location Permlt ,l Permlt Pernlt For Permlt ,l Permlt Pemit For For For For For Block ( ( I $ \$ / Y J t)'vA\., N "$ 1*{s=c,ell- (*)c..l-'"-'*<.q- (/ xv 8l'F ( c74-Ls\ t I I Vlclnl Applicantfu-Planner Map & Tax Lot Addres s on adjacent properties if pertinent (setirack variance) (rId,, h-O-1*-s-9-=' L) {".0," ,L,*^- W !elcript'!on of property: Structures, terrain etc. Also slrovr strLlctures Fi te numb e, ZV-?-( - 1 6 /l-,Oa^J M^+ Conuuen ls Fi el cl Check ate v ,'a ",{', l,/+r C-t+'nl-^-r_) tj \ i.:....,, : r:.a"., I )F ll r-' 6 e t7 o.9e'90 r 4 I J =l ,, b TUU 9. ca'ra'e 3.6qo14'zo'w AVENU J B+r'b o N. tt''r'w +42.2cr' a oz650r ta oq II ie. ot.3 ?L)(7 (,q o x "a' zr 6 ar /.1 ori 0 s r)al roo t o-o = c) (Da t\{ 0 qi 0 o taJ? ,r./7'-f", -l- F-(roz, , a pl,)1-U) D \I \ \CARRIAGE H_. \ o-po {\ I .l!r \l I $ r0400 i 5\r i, 600^,qala u9ho 4 .$o o n .l22700 6 o {-- ''5i'-'".-ro"8 2800 ar't 7900 moo )c' ll 1-22' 48OO .; B r3 + tI 4900 t2 4705000 t5 -t "f"";*;..,.t 4300 il ] ao' 4200 gro 4roo 9 4000 I 3900 c I 650 2 b '; dJl-n ,1oo 6400 <r'.6 a E oo .-.51'10 z 900 600 o 'lqt.;,{ 3 6004 "'E 4500 rr oo o 1200 3 2 ot ri s 300 t'b a800'o s I ( 4400 Fo E, E,mz UJttl E,(9 U 3s o 0 o ql'rer'oe' DRIVE g 'o s Fa -c,+- Q EC'rqr'oq' Lo, "8" 22OO 'o 0 t900 3t2d 2 a 7 j39"" 2 44'ts 500 2a' 2 400 5 ."1 \olal I 2300r t2.71' | 500 r 600 .8+ trt rt I ui I I ) 3 .s a o 700 rBoo 2000 LHnaL n Nf o o 5A5 ro500 7 ,l tr {i **'ol t|5 I I oa 4 g\i I 7700 Stoo l2 ro30t ofiam BRCEL,A.. too 3 '.It4o I 2t?d I CERTIFICATION OF MAILING IHIS 1S T0 CERTIFV that I, Jana Johnson served noti.ce of the administ.rative decision made in the matter of a Zone Variance lnitiated Harvey Schuman z ZV 81-96 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to each of the persons listed in the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property that are within 300 feet of the subject property in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter, and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthouse on this 17th of April ,19 81 SUBSCRIBED AND Sft/ORN to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon,rhis 17th d ay of April t9 81 .wf I-* i MY ExPIRES I Ll2L84 SCHUMAN.. ZV 81-96 Patricia Northup 1757 Rambling Drive'Spfld, 0R 97477 Tom & Leila Johnson 1725 Rambling Drive Spf1d, oR 97477 JAck & Janice BesseL 1695 Rambling Drive Spfld,0R 97477 John & Cathy Bergquam Box 7373 Eugene, OR 97440 John & T;M. Davidson 1710 Rambling Drive Spfld, OR 97477 David & Patricia Gault 2232 Nemberly WaY Spf1d, OR 97477 J. & Kathleen Cowen 1697 Lawnridge Spfld, 0R 97477 Clyde & Dora Suttle 2280 Wemberly WaY Spf1d,0R 97477 George & E. McAdam 2275 llemberlY WaY Spfld, oR 97477 Pleasant & MariIYn Trotter 2231 Wemberly WaY Spf1d, oR 97477 Leah Huckins 1789 Lavrnridge Ave. Spf1d, OR 91471 Thomas & Alice Hooton 2250 Greenbri-ar Spf1d, OR 97477 Donald & Beth Meakins 2232 GreenbriarSpfld, OR 97477 Lenard & Nidg Cockburn 414 l^later Street Spf1d,0R 97477 James & Doris Bellmore 2255 Greenbriar Spfld, 0R 97477 Lyle & Helen Schulz 1868 Rambling Drive Spfld, OR 97417 Rex & Alta McCreadY lBBl Rambling Drive Spfld, OR 97477 R. & M.L. CourtneY 1859 Rambling Drive Spfld, oR 97477 Gladys Cochran 1815 Rambling Drive Spfld, 0R 97417 Melvin & Denise Woodman L742 Carriage Place Spfld, OR 97471 Harold & ShirleY CarIY 1416 Pleasant Street Spfl-d, OR 97477 W.L. Jr. & Carol Redick 1708 Carriage Place Spf1d, OR 97477 Marvin & Jerene Hankins L743 Carriage Place Spfld, 0R 97477 Daniel & Julie Hilts L746 "T" street Spfld, OR 97477 James & 01ive Arthurs L725 Carriage Place Spfld, 0R 97477 Patrick & Dianne Rush L732 "T" Street Spfld, OR 97477 Dale & Janice Wilson L720 "T" street Spfld, OR 97477 Lester & DorothY Farris 2113 N. 17th Street Spfld, 0R 97477 Richard Hickam 1816 Yenta Spf1d,0R 97477 Michael & Janet Briggs 2148 No. lTth Street Spf1d, OR 97477 Frederick & M.J. Hazel 2164 No. I7th Street Spfld, OR 97477 lst Assembly of God Church 2080 No. 19th Street Spfld, OR 97477 Harvey Schuman 1785 Ranbling Drive Spfld, 0R 97477 IN RE MATTER OF: lh,ever SmrHA^) [-1' o 3'25' 2' 1$ Zzo o JoURNAL No. Z V 3t-eb Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers F o o boo o z b o oo o 450c, boo o 0 o6 o o o I ) =J ,n,n,.^hn^6 Ml 4-01 1 A o. KqJ*.\ o o r*. t IN RE MATTER OF: + JOURNAL NO. {+erEUEq Sarr,tu Aill 11,o 5.zs ,Z. l lez3o o Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers 0060 oo o 1 I o ,2*32 o6 -ff\o.ulru*'r.r Qo xon^n &Ynn^\}r*,.\\, ** S-^-Ar-rGL q o Sf, \Ar IY\r\n "^r\\f g= 'R \ Ml 4-01 zv bt-?b IIt \ \ t N;"LF:n*,.,. "n n.q.A,S,e\\4, aoc , .--LANE COUNTY, OREGOI - P L{EPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CCIFIFIECTIGIN NtrlTICE JOB ADDRESS TO. NOTE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV' 2l l-o/o-DATE BLDG. PERN/IT t 2 FIE.INSPECTIG,N FIEOUIFIEE, Fhone ciBT-4OCiEi FoFl AppFtovAL |NSPECTOR I ) LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEPT. Ci ENVIRONIVIENTAL MAN :MENT INEiFECTGIFI'S MEMC! CONSTRUCTION PERMITS E INSPECTION DIV. JOB ADDRESS TO: NOTE DATE # a cli"-184 Phone EiAT-4OEi5 INSPECTOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEPr' oF ENVIR.NI'TENTAL MANA.aH*=GTl.,N NorlcE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. JOB ADDRESS TO NOT (DATE BLDG. PERN/lIT .t /(. c55-73 FTE.INEiPECTTG,N FIEOIJIFIEE,Phone 6El7-4oEi5 FoFt APtrFtovAL I NS PECTOR 'l I t